Chapter 19 – a little crow, or it is a raven?
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Which games do you want to appear on the pcs?(Please Choose at least 2)
  • Stardew valley Votes: 7 46.7%
  • Minecraft Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Dark Souls Votes: 11 73.3%
  • Call of cthulhu Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Fallout Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Fortnight Votes: 0 0.0%
  • bioshock Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Cultist simulator Votes: 3 20.0%
Total voters: 15

Finally a new chapter, i know right? some of you might thought that i died or something, but rest assured! i will post the chapter 20 on this year at least! Spoilers:


Chapter 20 will be Raven's POV


I would appreciate if you guys voted on the games that will be on the pcs, they arent going to be that plot relevant, buuut, it will be a nice detail for the story, like showing the taste of certain characters or how they react to such "Games".

If a game you think would be interesting to put on the pc did not appear on the poll, give a comment talking about the game and i will take it into consideration

I will add the games 2 more voted and soon afterwards i will add the third most voted, but remember that the games have to fit into the story, so dont recommend ero games like "I stop time to look at panties: the prequel by Todd Howard"

{A little discussion}


After her encounter with the woman called Inanis TAO finally returned to her office on her base, or sanctum as some call it


She just seated herself behind her desk full of documents and strange artefacts, the moment she was about to touch her warm cup of tea on her lips, a portal was suddenly opened inside her room, and just so you know, its a fact that her room was one of the most secure ones in the entire world, in the mystical area of things at least, but instead of worrying about who was the possible owner capable of entering her room without worry her reaction was only to sigh in defeat as she recognized the golden portal that was before her.


Out of the portal came a man wearing a white suit with golden details along a long golden cape on his back, but the most notable feature he possess was that he was wearing a golden helmet that covered his entire head leaving only his golden eyes visible.


The man took a seat in front of TAO as if she invited him to do so, but such invite was unnecessary as whatever he came for it meant serious business, as aways, and she knew this fact and knew the man very well.   


The man spoke in a deep and noble voice that carried a untold amount of wisdom, but with zero arrogance that often comes with such wisdom.


"Sorry for not being there, i even detected her arrival here the moment it happened, but there was a not so small chance that she would simply erase me the moment she saw me and i am not willing to bet on these odds, i couldn't even contact you as i was quite occupied with other matters"


With a raised eyebrow answered "From what i know about you, you wouldn't need to worry about such things at all, even champions of chaos wouldn't have such extreme reactions when facing you"


The man simply shrugged and asked "What you could observe from your visit 'there'? I could only watch a little from a distance."


"When i arrived there i immediately encountered her, and you might already know but she looked like a normal human woman, but what i saw while looking deeper shocked me, normally when one of "them" enter a dimension such as our it simply is destroyed and obliterated by their presence alone, but i don't know if we are lucky or unlucky because she seemed to be a "young" one, and even more surprisingly, she seemed to be right in the head!" TAO was explaining while drinking from her tea.


"She somehow knew about me, which also means she knew about this world, i asked her a few standard questions as she did not show any hostility and the reason she gave for coming here was "My wife ended here, so i am came to here to see her"” ”she told me her wife was a human, but i doubt they are a "simple" human, have you detected any special human recently? "


The man shook his head and answered without a shred of mockery, only stating facts.


"I did not detect anything outside of the "Normal", and from the looks of it neither did you. Proceed"

“For now, ‘she’ only opened a stable portal to a “empty” dimension where ‘she’ set up some kind of hotel, from what we explored there was a huge dinning hall where there was a self serving buffet, we examined the food and it was normal and without anomalies”

“on said hotel there was also many recreational areas, from football fields to a room with the like of billiard tables”

”and obviously there was what we assume to be bedrooms for the customers, I say “assume” because despite no magical force or mechanical device being detected, my apprentices couldn't open the door to such rooms under any circumstances, they tried quite a few magical means, tried brute force and even tried picking the lock, but all their attempts failed, they couldn't even damage the door or walls at all, and obviously, all of those giant spaces were put together in a impossible manner, without any spacial anomaly being detected”

Both of them remained silent for a few seconds, with the silence being broken by TAO speaking again after a sip from her tea.

“It seems like you won't be approaching ‘her’ anytime soon, but rest assured, we will not only keep an eye on ‘her’ and those that visits ‘her’ hotel, but I will send two of my disciples to this hotel to see if there is any abnormalities”

“You probably saw it but, ‘she’ gave me something that ‘she’ calls a “smartphone”, but I found no mechanical component or pieces, it is only made of a few pieces of a unknown material, and i really mean unknow, I even dabble a little with alchemy and I don't recognize this material a all”

It was obvious that this "dabble a little" was a lie, because if someone knew more about alchemy than her then it means such person was there when alchemy was invented, or such person was the best such arcane subject had to offer on the last 10000 years, humbleness aside, she took out the device from her pocket and put on the table in front of the man.

The man simply took the orange device and started to examine it, on the outside he was simply looking at it, but under his ancient gaze he was doing far more than simply looking at it. After “looking” at it for some time he simply released the device, but instead of falling it simply stayed floating in the air, then the man made a hand gesture, obviously some kind of magic spell, but to his surprise, nothing happened, he tried another gesture but got the same result. After trying the same thing two more times and nothing happening, he took the device from midair and returned it to TAO.

"I did not detect any magical force or energy but it seems to be fortified against theft or copying"

TAO questioned the man about one small detail the woman gave away, seemingly on purpose.

"When 'she' gave me this thing 'she' said 'her' number was on the contact list under the name of "Inanis", does this name ring any bells to you?"

The man thought for a few moments but he showed that he did not know by shanking his head and speaking "No god, demon or angel i know has such name, however i recognize it as latim, might be a possible origin for 'her', or it might not, probably is a fake name or a mortal name she favors, hard to discern, and if she is what you claim them i highly suspect it the latter"

The man got up and said "I will be going, but i will try to keep a eye on this "hotel" through safe means, i would appreciate if you keep me updated on what your disciples uncover, goodbye" he opened a golden portal in the room and simply walked through it to do whatever mysterious people do on their free time, leaving TAO alone with her tea, some might think otherwise but she did not take offence on his behavior that most deem rude, she knew the man was simply misunderstood and awkward with other beings, mostly choosing to stay inside his little tower doing his stuff and when he rarely goes out, he is objective and direct with others, "he is such a introvert" was TAO thoughts while the man was leaving.


{Inanis side of things}

The clone Inanis sent out was sticking the posters on light poles, bus stops, and on alleyways across a good portion of the city, but something interesting happened when she put the last poster on a discrete alleyway on the south part of the city, it was quite a distance from her hotel but she sprinkled her posters in many areas of the city in hopes of finding nice people.

Getting back on her interesting discovery, the moment she put the poster up she couldn't not notice a person sleeping behind a dumpster, despite not needing she came closer to the sleeping person, the person was in fact a young adolescent at best, probably 13 or 14 years old, it was a girl with a pale white skin and a dark purple almost black hair, she had a red gem or tatoo on her forehead that probably indicated that she was of Indian origin, she was wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans, no shoes and a black purplish cloak.

The moment Inanis stopped in front of the girl, she suddenly started to wake up, she had a pair of purple eyes that were quite beautiful and fitted perfectly on her overall appearance. The moment the girl laid eyes on Inanis she widened her eyes just a tiny bit but otherwise did not show any emotion or expression, but she did ask Inanis about what she wanted with her.

"Can i help you with anything?"

Inanis stopped to think for a moment before answering "Actually, yes you can, do you currently have any place to stay?"

The girl answered "No" So Inanis continued.

"Then i have a proposition for you, i can provide you a place to stay with free food, in exchange i want you to work for me"

The girl this time showed a face that displayed clear suspicion, she was about to run away from such suspicious woman, but before she could, Inanis started clarifying what she meant.

"Wait wait, let me explain!" The girl hesitantly gestured for her to continue. "I opened a hotel and i have computers on the customers rooms, i will give you a room and all i want is that you play and test the games i put on the computer, the principal objective for such games is for the customers to have fun, so while you play them i want you to write down you opinion on the games and what could be improved while still having fun while playing, does 1200 dollars a month sound good? All i want is that at the end of the week you give me a resume of what you thought of the game, if it was too easy, too hard, if a part was too boring, etc..."

The girl started to think this over, this proposal was too good to be true, but the girl could detect lies and found none on what the woman said, so she wanted to at least give the woman a chance, she accepted the proposal.

"I accept, but where is the hotel?"

Inanis responded by taking a card from inside her suit and giving to the girl that picked the card and started examining it.

"Here, i just finished putting advertising posters and was about to return to the hotel, do you want to come with me?"

The girl nodded and got up, she removed some dust from her cloak and started following Inanis to the hotel, but when they were out of the alley inanis turned to the girl and asked her name.

"Sorry but i forgot to ask, what's your name?"

The girl simply said "Raven" which in return received a "Nice name" from Inanis as both of them started to walk again