Chapter 21 – new peculiar clients arrive
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Tchaa daa! New surprise chapter! It is a freshly baked 5555 words. Hope you enjoy!

On this chapter I kinda boasted about The Revna family a bit but is kinda necessary because;


if I didn't outright say it, it would be harder to show their status as legends, mainly because others would at most treat them like close friends(by their request) and not like the legends they are


I kind of introduced a type of guest earlier but it won't impact that much on the story progress.

True to her word, two of TAO's disciples arrived on Inanis hotel not that long after she and Raven had their breakfast talk, just a hour or two in fact, they were a man and a woman with both of them wearing those combat robes that you can only think that they would be specially made for monks, they also brought their weapons and other normal baggage to spend some time here. 

While the two new guests were calm on the outside, on the inside they came here both prepared and even expecting to die here by the most crazy ways possible, as from their point of view, they were sent on a suicidal mission to interact and explore the hotel that was on a realm ruled by a entity that was very strong and had basically unknow goals and alignments, they were thinking that at first glance this was a "normal" hotel but once you sleep on the beds you vanish to never be seen again, or that when you go take a shower instead of water what comes out is acidic blood that melts flesh or that once you pay for a room you would be basically giving your soul to this mysterious entity, in general they were thinking something along those lines while making crazy theories on their heads.

Obviously all of TAO's apprentices where informed of the contents of the quick interview TAO had with Inanis along other things she observed, such information was given and explained especially to those that would keep watch over the hotel and those that were going to interact with Inanis on the future, but because of the huge lack of information about Inanis, they could only make assumptions based on what they knew of her, and the only thing they could and were already investigating was the name "Revna" and "Inanis" as the first name was seen by TAO on a card on a pile of cards atop the hotel reception desk and the latter was given by the mysterious entity herself.

But because both names seemingly had two completely different origins, they had almost no progress on their investigation, so this two apprentices who volunteered to do this definitely suicidal mission were fundamental on uncovering anything they could about "Inanis".

Both disciples came to the reception desk where Inanis's clone was waiting behind and gave a respectful bow to Inanis, the male disciple was the first to speak.

"Greeting Ms. Inanis, if possible we would like to buy a single room for the period of a month“

Inanis answered with a humble tone “No need for such formalities, at the moment I am only a humble hotel owner.” 

Inanis continued but with more of a professional way.

“It will be a total of 240 dollars, the food and the recreational activities are free, as long as you are a guest of the hotel that is. And because we are still pretty early, the food at the dining hall is more appropriate for breakfasts, but we will change then at 12:35 to lunch things and will change them again at 18:35 for food fitting of a dinner”

The female disciple took out the exact amount of money and put on a money tray at the desk. Inanis simply took the money and disappeared with it.

Inanis took out a key with the number 3 on it and put it on top of the desk giving it to them, she then said “ I think you two know where the room is. And there is two things you need to know before you go”

The two disciples tensed up while fearing the worst, but they were paying a huge attention to whatever she was about to say in case it was what they were thinking.

“I currently only have one other guest at the hotel, and I couldn't help but notice the difficulty they had to use the computer on their room, so I made a small manual/guide on how to use it along the controllers and put it by the computer's side, there is no missing it, it's the red thin book on the table. And the second thing… is that we currently do not have a room service operational, in the future we will have it, but I hope what we currently offer is enough for the guests”

Of course the couple wasn't all that relieved by hearing it, both were thinking that this so called “manual” was something like the darkhold, a grimoire that has many evil spells and corrupts those who read it, also turning them evil, and they couldn't even start to imagine what evil things a “room service” coming from such being would entail, maybe deliver the fresh heart of a virgin to your room? Sacrifice an infant in a ritual in your name? The two were sharing such similar silly thoughts, and Inanis in fact was aware of such thoughts! She didn't correct their misconceptions just because she found it rather amusing and somewhat cute.

The couple took their key and with the courage of a warrior ready to march for their death, they went to the dreaded room 3, they knew that whatever was inside those doors would inevitably surprise them, and they were indeed right, but obviously for the wrong reasons.

And Inanis only watched them leaving for their room in silence, with a warm smile on her face, which was felt by the couple, making them even more fearful for what they were going to encounter in room 3.

{POV change}

Both me and my husband were quite well prepared for whatever we could encounter in this hotel, but based on what we saw when our master showed us a small glimpse of what was beneath ‘her’ simple human appearance, there could be anything in that room, and it was very likely to be something bad. 

But despite the fact that me and my husband chose to go on this mission by ourselves, it's another completely different thing to actually do it, and until this point there was nothing out of the normal, the only thing we noted was that the hotel had no care for the laws of physics or even magic for that matter as the spaces the hotel had were giant and we couldn't detect any spatial anomaly or deformity whatsoever.

As both of us were on the first team that explored the hotel we already knew it's rather simple layout and we soon arrived at our designated room, we looked at each other's eyes and opened the door.

Okey, it strangely looks like a normal room, but we noticed that instead of a bedroom like a normal hotel, it was instead a living room, a kitchen and a hallway that leads somewhere, both being quite luxurious and expensive looking.

With cautious steps we entered and closed the door, we put our baggage close to the big sofa but kept our weapons in hand.

We scanned the entire kitchen and living room, but strangely didn't find anything unusual, so we proceeded to the hallway.

It had five wooden doors, four to the sides and one at the end, and again, there could be anything inside them, but we trained to deal with horrors beyond humans capabilities, we trained and studied to deal with the most strange and unexpected, and a little fear wouldn't be able to hold us back, so we opened the four doors to the sides first.


They only looked like luxurious, big and identical bedrooms, but otherwise were normal looking, but we won't be fooled so easily. We scanned each bedroom for any abnormalities, but… we found… nothing???

My husband and I had completely incredulous faces while looking at each other, but an idea came to my mind and I told my husband about it.

I said with certainty “The last room! Must there she keep the evil rituals, sacrifices and the like! We need to be cautious!”

My husband obviously has the same thoughts as me, so we nodded to each other and stopped in front of the last door on the hallway. My husband volunteered to go first, I didn't like this idea, but he convinced me to go through with it.

We both prepared our weapons and our spells.

He opened the door in one quick swing!

But… but… Where are the chained slaves!? The evil ritual circles!? Not even a single dead body!?

It is just a laundry room!? It can't be!

Both of us searched every corner of the room looking for any incriminating evidence, we even used all the magical and physical means available and found…nothing.

The word “nothing?” was floating at the front of my head like it was the only word I knew, and I knew it was also on my husband's head.

It can't be just a normal hotel, right?

{POV change}

Inanis was laughing a bit while she had a abnormally large grim on her face upon watching the silly couple and their shenanigans, she even was holding her sides to not laugh her lung outs, ‘For Sure they will be making up more silly things on their heads as to why they found nothing” was Inanis first thought upon seeing the couple do their silly investigation.

But looking at the side of thing on Inanis’s main body, at the moment the couple was doing their “investigation”, she was on a homeless shelter close to the city center on the west region of the city, it was the shelter that Bruce had meet Inanis and was the one he most frequented.

Inanis was laughing a bit which seems weird from the perspective of the homeless people around her, but for them, having one or two crazy people visit the shelter was common so they didn't even bat an eye at her seemingly crazy behavior.

Inanis was waiting, seeing if Bruce would visit the shelter, which after some waiting he indeed did. But Bruce got on the food line and got himself some of it, after he exited the line she waved to the old man and he saw it.

Bruce sat across from Inanis on the old table and immediately started worrying for the young girl across from him.

He pointed his wooden spoon to Inanis and said “Girl, you've been acting somewhat suspicious these last few days, are you by any chance involved in something Illegal?”

Inanis answered with an amused tone.

“Illegal? I did something not so legal recently, but nothing bad or evil, and I came bringing good news related to that”

She then took out the hotel business card from her pocket and gave it to the old man. He took it with suspicion but examined the card anyway.

The name “Revna’s hotel” found itself on Bruce's lips, but more the form of a question than that of an affirmation.

“What's this about? It's the front to a money laundering operation? Girl, I didn't think you would work on something like that” He asked

Still with an amused tone, Inanis answered with honesty.

“Nothing even close, it is just a “normal” hotel, and I came here to invite you. It has free food of high quality, nice and big rooms, recreational areas, and an affordable room price! And it is extremely safe, even if you got shot in the head while inside the hotel, you wouldn't die!”

Bruce was somewhat curious so he asked “How much is a room for a day?” Inanis answered with “8 dollars”, and the follow up question from Bruce was “Do you have any idea about how suspicious that sounds? If I didn't knew you, I would be thinking you are doing a poorly thought out attempt to lure me somewhere to steal my organs”

Inanis answered as if she was called dumb by someone who is dumb.

“It's not free, it costs 8 whole dollars”

She then took more of a pleading tone and asked “Can you at least take a look? I even can take you there if you don't know where it is”

Bruce gave a sigh and said “Fine, but the food there must be good for real! Just let me finish this plate”

Inanis only nodded and waited for him to finish.

You might have noticed it, but wouldn't it become a problem to talk about this kind of thing in public with multiple people around? 

The answer would be yes, however, Inanis put up a magical anti-eavesdropping barrier around her and Bruce, to her it is essentially a party trick not worth mentioning, and in fact, she could do far more than “party tricks” with her magic, but rarely does so.

An example of why she doesn't use it often is that she has no reason to create a black hole using magic just to throw it on a weak mortal bandit that she could kill with a single glance, it would be the equivalent of bending the universe and its fundamental laws just to kill an ant you could just have stepped on top, doesn't it sound like it would be very unnecessary and a obvious overkill? 

Before you ask, she didn't get such abilities by doing nothing, one of the things Inanis and her family did during their travels was to study, they had both the time and the money to study with the best teachers on the best universities and schools, Freya herself had a dozen degrees on different magical fields each earned on the most prestigious institutions around her world, and while she was behind Inanis and Hnossa in regards to intelect, she was by no means dumb, she was even considered by many, a genius that appears only once every 500000 years, and this was one of the reason that her death was felt by many as an huge tragedy, it was felt even more specially by the scholars across the globe.

And it might shock you, but the Revna family(Inanis, Freya, Hnossa) were legendary figures in their world, both because they were incredibly powerful mercenaries with feats that will leave a good mark on history books, and as legendary scholars.

Freya was a genius magician and had a unique talent with alchemy and light and “holy” magic, Hnossa was a genius mathematician and a specialist on the field of spell matrices and a genius in the field of magical artifacts and mechanics, but Inanis… Inanis was simply on her own level, she had a degree in almost every subject, her magical capabilities if compared to your above average mage, reached the level of the divine or godly, her invention also reached similar levels, even if you gave their blueprint and manual on how to construct them to the scholars of Yondor the most renowned university of the mage continent, they would take at least 350 years to understand the blueprint and manual, that is if a genius was among them, otherwise they would take even longer.

Many nations considered Inanis some type of godly being and some even outright considered her a real god, but not one of them worshiped her as their god, Freya was considered a Saint by almost every nation, both because of her affinity for light and “holy” magic and also because of the good deeds she did along her travels, their daughter couldn't be less incredible, she was considered a demigoddess that got the best from both parents, not lagging behind either of the two.

But something that was well known by everyone was the level of humbleness the Revna family had, it was inhumanely high considering who and what they were, Inanis herself refused to be treated like a legendary being or as someone of high status, and that was the reason no one (publicly) worshiped her, and despite the Revna family being friends with many kings, queens and the most important of figures in a diversity of fields, they never did act arrogantly or in a overall bad manner, which earned the respect of many from the lowest commoner to the highest emperor, and out of respect everyone chose to comply with the Revna family wishes and treated them like normal people or like close friends.

But if I was to tell every incredible thing about the Revna family then I would be speaking here for a decade, so let's get back to the present.

After Bruce finished his food, he told Inanis “I know where it is, but I want you to show me this so-called “hotel” in person” Bruce still had suspicion about this “too good to be true” hotel, but he followed Inanis through streets and alleyways he knew like the back of his hand.

When they arrived at the alleyway where the hotel door was, Bruce couldn't help but find it suspicious as he passed here before not long ago and he was sure that there wasn't any hotel here, but he chose to trust Inanis on the matter, after all, what reason she would have to trick a weak and poor old man? Maybe they just opened the hotel and she discovered it by chance?

After arriving at the door Inanis turned to the old man and said “Just as a precaution, don't tell anybody about his hotel, only tell to those you trust without a drop of doubt” the old man understood why she was telling him this, because if this hotel was half as good she told him then the entice city would be trying to come here in mass, so he only nodded and they entered through the doors.

The old man was not surprised by the reception room, as it was a normal one, it lacked grand and expensive decorations but was still of a considerable quality, he was half expecting this because of the humble welcome mat and plant vases at the entrance. But what he wasn't expecting was to discover Inanis “twin sister” behind the reception counter, so he couldn't help but ask.

“You never told me you had a twin, nor that she was doing so well in life! So you two finally got in touch or something?”

Both Inanis and her “twin” looked at Bruce and spoke together at the same time “I do not have a twin”

Bruce was weirded out by this but did not comment on it. The twin pair again spoke in unison to Bruce with a warm smile that only made it more creepy “For security reasons you can only use our services if you are a paying customer, so why not pay for a single day to test what we have to offer? It's only 8 dollars per day” 

Bruce gulped from nervousness but accepted the offer anyways, he just picked 8 dollars from his pocket and put it on the money tray at the counter, Inanis “twin” picked it and disappeared with it just to give keys to room 4 to Bruce in return.

He was finding this situation quite creepy but he only took the keys in silence, and while he found it somewhat creepy, Inanis was just having fun while teasing Bruce, so they spoke in unison again, informing him of the services.

“We currently are serving breakfast at the dining hall and just like the rooms, it is very easy to find, it's just around that corridor there” both of them pointed to the corridor on the side of the room. 

They continued “ We will have lunch at 12:35 and dinner at 18:35, and the food will be changed to fit with the time, you can eat as much as you like, and we even have biodegradable lunch boxes if you want to eat the food elsewhere, i recommend you go eat something before you go to your room”

They made a small pause before continuing with a fake lamenting tone

“While we have the essential services available at the hotel, we unfortunately do not have room services at the moment, but the rooms have all the essentials for a nice and comfortable stay at the hotel!”

Bruce was a little skeptical at first but chose to go in search of the dining hall to see if the food there was at least better than the one at the homeless shelter, and despite not needing to, Inanis followed behing him, just for the fun of it.

Bruce arrived at the intersection of the corridor and he first saw the area with the rooms, then another hallway with doorways to unknown rooms, and lastly, the dining hall, he could directly see the dining hall itself from where he was standing but at first he thought he was seeing things, he thought it was just a perspective illusion, but he approached the hall to see if he was seeing things right.

Once he entered the hall he again thought that he was seeing things as the dining hall was simply massive and quite luxurious in comparison to the reception room. 

Once he noticed that it wasn't a illusion he had a face that was The face of disbelief, and Inanis was just behind him laughing to herself silently.

After a brief shock he recomposed himself and immediately turned to face Inanis and asked with a serious tone “Who are you?” an normal question for such a situation.

Inanis however, stopped laughing and responded with fake surprise.

“Me? We have been talking for some time, Bruce, you already know who I am, I might have left out an irrelevant detail here and there but you probably still have a good picture of who I am”

‘IRRELEVANT? THIS?I knew she had one or two loose screws, but I didn't knew it was on such degree. If this is irrelevant I can only imagine whatever she consider “relevant” ’ Were Bruce thought, but before he could bombard her with questions, she immediately scolded him in the same way a mother would do to their children.

“Look at how skinny you are! Humph! Let's get you some food, when was the last time you ate something decent!? Hurry hurry, the food is warm and fresh! You can't even use the excuse that the food has bad taste, so no whining”

Bruce felt that he somehow couldn't refute or refuse what she was saying, he felt just like when he was a child and his mom would scold him for not cleaning his room, so he let himself be taken by Inanis to the food counters.

Inanis put Bruce to sit on a table close to counters and she started to fill a large plate and tray with various foods and drinks, and only when Inanis was distracted by picking food for Bruce did he notice the couple that was sitting on the table in front and facing him, they had a raised eyebrow for a few moments but both of them quickly started to look at him with a serious expression that honestly was making him a little nervous, but they didn't say anything to him.

And before Bruce could interact with them he noticed a heavenly smell coming from his side, he looked at that direction and saw Inanis holding a unnecessarily large food tray with a huge plate with a lot of food and some other items on top of the tray. Inanis put the plate in front of him and his stomach growled as if he hadn't eaten in the entire year, he was embarrassed of course, but the the couple only kept staring while silent and Inanis only said “The food isn't going to eat itself you know?” And sat by his side.

Bruce could tell from the smell alone that this food was very very delicious, so without hesitation he started eating, at first he thought he wouldn't be able to eat so much food and only ate a little here and there, but soon found himself eating more and more, and after half an hour the tray was empty and Bruce was satisfied.

He looked at the tray and noticed it was empty, he even ignored the couple and Inanis during this whole process, but they only let him eat in peace, specially the couple, they were only observing to see if anything would happen after Bruce ate the food from the hotel, after Bruce finished they were both thinking “No bleeding from the eyes, no visible poisoning, no turning into a monster, the food must be safe for the moment”

The couple got up and put some food for themselves, not a ridiculous amount like Inanis put for Bruce, but still a considerable amount. The couple sat down and after some examination and testing they started eating. 

Soon after that, Raven entered the hall, everyone saw her and Inanis waved to her.

Raven approached Inanis and took a good look at the man sitting close to her, and an involuntary question escaped her mouth.


Bruce was surprised and asked “Raven? What you are doing here?”

Raven: “I came to get some juice, what You are doing here?”

Bruce: “Inanis invited me to this hotel, I came to take a look because she insisted, did she also invite you?”

Raven: “Yes, she even gave me a job, but it seems like you knew her?”

Bruce: “ It's been some days I meet her at my usual shelter, how you two meet?”

Raven looked at Inanis and as she said nothing so she told what happened.

“I was sleeping on a alleyway and woke up with her standing in front of me, she then offered me a place to stay and the job, it pays well, but I didn't receive my salary for the moment as I just started”

Inanis spoke before Bruce could inquiry further.

“ I was putting some posters up around the city, and I put my last poster coincidentally on that very same alleyway, I met her there by chance. And I was in need of someone young for the job”

“What job?” Bruce asked with suspicions.

Inanis chuckled as she found his reaction somewhat cute, she answered “Game tester, she only tests a few computer games I made and tells me about what she thought of them”

Bruce was still a little suspicious so he asked “Only that? And you offered a such a nice place to stay and a good salary?”

Inanis asked again faking surprise

“What? It is a honest and real job, I needed someone young because they have a easier time when playing games and it's not “only that”, she have to report a few other things in regards to the games back to me”

Bruce suddenly remembered something, it was what Inanis said to him at the dining hall entrance.

“Wait a minute, why you talked to me like that, as if I was a child? I am triple you age!”

Inanis answered with a raised eyebrow and a amused tone.

“It took that long for you to notice? And let me correct you, from what I can see, you have 61 year” Bruce was curious as to how she knew it, because he didn't told her that, she continued “ And that's not even a tenth of my age, you are barely a adolescent!”

Both Raven and Bruce were strangely not surprised by that, and somehow both believed it, even if they have no actual reason to do so, and the couple outright believed her as they knew she wasn't your ordinary woman, or even human for that matter, but the couple made sure to make a mental note of such valuable information.

With the introductions out the way, Raven got her juice and went back to her room, Inanis offered to take Bruce to his room, he accepted, it was a short and straightforward walk, just across the dining hall, the couple stayed behind to eat some more food as they discovered that it was in fact very delicious,while eating they even forgot that they were on the lair of a supposed evil and mysterious goddess.

Inanis left Bruce alone in front of his room, she could have followed him inside, but she could see everything inside her dimensions no matter where she was anyways, so she chose to give him some false privacy and she herself went to room 1, leaving Bruce alone and her clone at the reception counter.

Raven was drinking juice and playing some games, Bruce was getting surprised by his room while exploring it and the disciples couple was eating food at the dining hall, and Inanis was watching everything with a warm smile on her face.

But after a hour of this, someone entered through the hotel doors and stopped in front of the reception counter.

It was a young adult, he was wearing a black hoodie, black jeans and black sneakers, the man spoke to Inanis with the voice of a mature adolescent.

“It's true that you have any type of food here?”

Inanis said “yes, as long it is a well know food, and if we don't serve it at the moment, then I will arrange for the food in question to be available as soon as possible, why do you ask? There's a specific food you have in mind?”

The young man said with a bit of hesitation “Ev-even if it was… hu-human blood?”

He was tense and expecting to be kicked out from the hotel from asking such strange question, but instead he froze in confusion upon hearing Inanis answer.

“What blood type?”

After 10 seconds frozen he finally gathered his wits and spoke half unsure of his own answer.

“Uuuhhh… Uhh, B, B-?”

Inanis looked at the dining hall’s direction for a moment and returned her gaze to the boy and said “We do have that, but it's available for guests of the hotel, a room is 8 dollars per day”

Upon hearing the first part the young man was almost jumping up and down from happiness, but immediately became quite sad upon hearing the latter part, he then asked “I don't have any money. Do you perhaps accept other forms of payment? I will do anything! I can give you anything!” As if his life depended on it.

Inanis looked the boy from top to bottom and said in a teasing way “You said anything?”

The young man almost regretted saying that, but his life indeed depended on that, so he gathered his little courage and said “Yes! Anything! Except my life of course!” 

Inanis launghed a bit, but only for a moment, and responded with a suggestive tone “As you said that you would give almost anything, I have a proposal, in exchange for you staying here as a guest for a month, I want your…” Inanis made a dramatic pause and the young man couldn't help but start imagining the worst outcomes, but Inanis didn't let him suffer for long and continued by speaking in a overly dramatic and even cartoonish villain voice.

“I want..Your blood! Muahahaha!” Just to return to normal as if nothing happened, the young man that was quite pale became even paler, but Inanis spoke to him in a normal tone, not villainous, nor suggestive 

“200 ml for a month, is that good for you?”

The young man sighed in relief, ‘a measly 200 ml? For an entire month? Sign me right up!’ He thought, but in fact didn't think that much, he didn't ask himself why someone who seemingly had plenty of bood available would want a measly 200 ml from him.

He said “Sounds perfect, but how will you extract it? Do you even have a needle laying around?”

Inanis answer was just to put a small glass bottle on top of the reception desk, and before the young man could ask what that was for, how she was going to use it or even where she got it from, to the surprise of young man the bottle started to fill itself from the bottom to the top without apparent source, the young man noticed that it was filling itself with a red liquid and after a moment or two the realization dawned on him.

It was his blood!

After it filled with exactly 200 ml it stopped filling itself and Inanis put a cork on it, she then took the bottle and disappeared with it outside the young man's view.

She gave him some keys with the number 5 and said “The blood is on the dining hall, there is cold and warm, pick whatever you want, there is also some thermic bottles for your use, you can fill them to drink something elsewhere, like your room for example. If you have any more food requests them just tell me and I will see what can be done about it. Both the dining hall and your room are very easy to find, so I won't guide you”

Inanis barely finished talking as the young man took the room keys and went to the corridor in search of the dining hall, but just after he turned his back on her, he suddenly stopped moving, frozen mid step, as if he was stopped in time, Inanis just spoke to him as if she expecting such outcome.

“Do NOT eat or devour other guests without their clear and unadulterated consent, otherwise you will be banned for a month, and if you repeat it three times, you will be banned permanently, or worse. I have a few rules here, but as long you have basic dencency and education then you won't need to worry about breaking any of them”

After Inanis finished speaking the frozen young man that was filled with fear and panic suddenly started moving again, and his immediate reaction was to run away trying to reach the dining hall and to get away from Inanis.

Inanis thought after leaving the young man alone ‘It's too soon, I was thinking I would be needing to worry about that only after some time, but I was wrong I guess’