Chapter 5 – The shop
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Hiii, i was planning to also put her POV in this chapter but it got big(this chapter) and decided to put it at the start of the next chapter instead, this chapter was


more of a excuse to introduce she to the story & mc, and it is obvious that she will be a relevant character in the story, but if you want more info leave a comment that i will answer


'It's been around 10 days since i arrived here and i even got my own house, like i had planned, i should start working on the clothes store. Outside of the clothes, i think i will need a thing or two?'

I made a small list of thing i would be needing:

  • Tools:
  1.  Mannequin to showcase the clothes.
  2. Something to store the clothes
  3. Measuring tools.
  4. A color pallet to the customers choose from.
  • Clothes i will be selling:
  1. T-shirts, turtle neck, with both having short and long sleeves version, each with a custom amount of pockets.
  2. Normal pants, sleeping pants(More fluffy and comfortable), rus pants and baggy pants, again each having a custom amount of pockets.
  3. Simple underwear and maybe backpacks.

Still in the morning and with the list in hands i went downstairs to the second room and started working on a few racks to hold my stock first, it was just two simple racks made of [Silk], the planks and frame on it were thin but very strong and firm, each segment of the racks had a small white plaque with their designed clothes written in blackish letters, like "T-shirt long sleeves", "normal pants".

My next step was to make the mannequins, i made them hollow and less dense to economize [Silk], i call them mannequin because i will use them to showcase my clothes but they are more like featureless dwarve sized dolls because of their movable and flexible joints, if you are wondering where i got the proportions for the mannequins, since i arrived in this city i kept a close eye on the people around me and from what i saw, they did the same to me, so i got a pretty good grasp on their sized. I made four adult mannequins, 2 male and 2 female, and i made 2 genderless children ones. and to hold them upright i made a small platform with a upright rod that reaches the hips area(On the mannequin) with a ring that can open and close to hold them 

The measuring tools were rather easy, just a strip of [Silk] with markings both lines and numbers to show size, the color pallet was even easier as it is just a plaque with different colors and their names. 

 I made grey clothes for the mannequins to use and clothed them, then proceeded to put them close to the windows facing the plaza, with two adults "dolls" and a child "doll" in the middle, after that i just stocked the racks with a a reasonable amount of pairs for each clothe piece and put one of each grey underwear one the glass display counter to showcase them, using the rest of [Energy] and some of the [Stamina] i had, i made a simple sign similar to those wet-floor ones that had a few drawings and simple had written:

"Clothe store open on the 3º and the 5º day of the week, from 14:00 to 18:30", "We currently only sell simple premade clothes, 25 copper coins for each clothe and 15 copper coins for the underwear" and put it outside right in front of my door, then went inside and closed it, but as it was 06:58 of the the third day of the week, i had some free time before the store opens.

As the plaza was full of stands and shops of many types i chose to buy a few ingredients to make some cupcakes for later, after buying the ingredients from a few stands, the only noteworthy thing was that the ferment was made from a type of mushroom, and i also brought a simple whisk, a few slightly wider metal cups and a bowl to prepare the mass into. After the shopping spree i was getting closer to my house and noticed that a few people stopped to read the sign and after reading went on their ways, but as the traffic was concentrated closer to the center of the plaza where most stands where, i simply walked to my house and entered without giving much importance to it, it was obvious that on the first day i would get basically zero customers anyway.

 After entering my house i immediately went to the kitchen and made the cupcakes using all my ingredients, and as a matter of fact, it took some time because i had to keep reutilizing the cups to make each batch of 5 cupcakes, and as i was making it i was tired of waiting while standing so i made a chair to sit and watch the process using some of my [Stamina]. I ended with 38 cupcakes, but also ate ten to recover my energy and put the rest in my inventory while they're warm, put the chair behind the counter, opened the curtains and sat on the chair waiting the time to open the store, while looking at the time using the [Calendar]. 


While waiting i remembered that the customers would need something to put the clothes when leaving, so i quickly went on my storage room and made some simple cloth bags out of a little of [Silk], took it and put it inside the display counter on the corner. After some more waiting it was just 10 minutes before the opening time and i decided to open it earlier, so i opened the double doors and went back to my chair. At first it was as i expected it would be, but after only 25 minutes a woman wearing a leather armor and holding a staff entered the store and when they saw me they paused for a moment then proceeded to the front of the counter and say:

"Hi, i am Freya Revna and also a mercenary from the Guild and coincidentally was siting close to you when you brought this store, and i was wondering what you would be selling as you seemed to not have anything on you, but when i heard you opened a clothe store, i was walking close by and had to see it for myself."

I said to her "There is nothing much to see here actually, the types of clothes i am selling are those you saw the 'dolls' wearing, and those underwear for males and females on display. But in the future i maybe will also sell backpacks and later leather armor, and maybe some tools if others were to buy them"

She asked "Can you show me one of these shirts with a long neck and arms, so i can see it better?"

I answered "Yes just a moment." and took one from the storage room to show to her, when i gave it to her she examined it and also stared at it for some time, but when she finished with whatever she was doing, she had a eyebrow raised and asked me:

"I don't mean to sound rude or meddle in your affairs, but are you a rare variation of a Arachne by any chance?"

I responded with a hint of curiosity "Well, the Arachnes i know are a type of spider people, and if we are talking of the same kind of Arachne, then i am not one, but what made you think that?"

Freya said gesturing towards the shirt: "Is that after examining this clothe and finding it to be very soft and it looking like it is of high quality i ended up using [Appraisal] on it, and the result except by a small detail it was as i expected. It says: '[ Grey Long sleeved turtle neck shirt]. A shirt of high quality produced by' then where i suppose was you name only had written some nonsense but it continued normally after this: ' produced by... using silk. It is extremely soft and comfortable to wear, however it is also very durable and resistant to damage, which end up giving a small amount of protection to it's wearer.' "

"And as i said before, you did look to having nothing with you at the time i saw you, so i assumed that you produced these clothes using you 'Arachne silk', as their kind is very famous for their fabrics and clothes, but if you aren't one then i am out of guesses"

I thought 'Appraisal huh, so they indeed have those classic fantasy stuff', i wonder what more surprises they have in store'

Freya returned the shirt and pointed at the color wine red on the pallet on top of the counter "Here's the shirt, i will buy one shirt of the same type but in this color if you have one, and a set of underwear of the same color if please, however do you you have a bigger sized underwear? Those are a little bit small for me."

 I went in the back and changed the requested clothes color using one tenth of the [Energy] required to create [Silk], and then brought the requested items to her and said: "Here is the items, you do not need to worry about the underwear size as they are very elastic and stick to you body very well while keeping the comfort, are you satisfied with this color? If you are satisfied, it will be 55 copper coins"

Freya gave me 2 iron coins and 15 copper coins from one of her pockets and after receiving the money i put it on top of the counter and put the clothes on a bag, but before giving it to her, while holding the bag on one hand i put the other behind my back and bringing out a cupcake and presenting it to her before also putting it in the bag along the clothes and giving the bag to her:

"This cupcake is a gift for being one of my first customers, and the paper around it is edible and tasteless so no need to worry. And something i forgot to mention earlier is that if you want to, you can buy my clothes that have pockets in them, or add pockets the clothes you already brought, but both cases will have an additional cost varying from 5 to 15 copper coins as they are dependent on the amount and size of the pockets"

Freya took the bag and said "Thank you, i will definitely tell my friends about your store. But before i go, what is your name? So that i can tell my friends"

I answered "You can call me Inanis" After saying our goodbyes she leaved the store and went on her way.

And like she promised a few other mercenaries visited my store some time later, the women brought more shirts and underwear of different color than pants, while the men brought more pants than shirts. Sometimes they came in pairs or but most of the time they came alone and each time they brought at least one piece of clothing from me. At the end of the day i only had 1 cupcake remaining(i also ate some) and a few of each clothe remaining so i closed the store but kept the front curtains open, i ended up gaining something around 235 copper coins, after closing i worked on restocking with the rest of my [Energy] and [Stamina] before going to bed and falling asleep.