Chapter 8 – Hunting and the parents
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There are a few plot holes, but nothing that would break the whole story

Today was the 21 day since i arrived here and also the 1º day of the week and it was the day that i would be making my first hunting mission for the Guild, it was simply a mission to kill 20 of these horned rabbits as they reproduce fast and have a huge population, and i was told that if i killed and brought their bodies back i would gain a extra amount of coins as a reward but i was a also told to do not kill the baby rabbits i find, so with the mission accepted i left the Guild with a huge backpack towards the forest close by they said the rabbits would be.

It was rather easy to approach pick a rabbit up and break it's neck as i used [Hidden fog] to made myself unnoticeable so the rabbits only felt themselves be picked up from nowhere then immediately after, everything was over. I ended up killing 51 of these rabbits at the end of the day and  each time i killed one i got two system notification that says [10 exp acquired] and [2 shop points acquired]. I also also got leveled up to level  with [Experience: 245/272] and i asked the system to show how much [Experience] i gained until now and it was 510, because because of the rabbits. I put each rabbit and put them on my backpack and returned to the Guild to give the rabbits and take my rewards.

When i received my reward it counted as if i had completed the mission 2.5 times, and i asked if there was a problem in killing so many rabbits, and they said it was no problems as they were considered pests because of how many of them live on the forests, i was relieved to know that, so in the next  4 days i left two clones taking care of the store and also doing my usual routine and used my main body to hunt 40 rabbits per day on these days.

I gained 1600 exp and became level 6 with 380/1223 exp remaining and a total of 2110 exp acquired along 30 attribute points. And upon completing the equivalent of 10 missions of hunting rabbits, i was promoted to rank 5 where i would start hunting bigger and more dangerous animals but i choose to leave for the next day to start hunting the bigger animals.

While i was hunting animals i was also talking with Freya about her culture, and one of the first things i clarified to her about what we talked day 12º was that what i knew about people was that they lived up to around 120 years old but my kind would live far more than that, and she also explained to me, that despite most people having centuries of life expectancy, they were considered adults around 22 to 32 because it is not that rare to day young and also because of the low amount of child births, the young people are encouraged to find a couple and try to have kids early, and upon having a child or two they would stop trying, she told me that in the past the age to have children was around 550 years old but it was noticed that the population was basically not growing so it became a part of their culture to try to have kids early soon after the discovery. She also told me about some customs that were quite similar to earth's customs but they were mostly about society "rules" for certain mundane things.

 I return home after finishing my business with the Guild and used my main body to relax on my bed and used the extra minds with the clones to take care of my daily business such as the store and training. And at the end of the day i decided to put 20 attribute points on [Strength] and 10 on [Resistance] to do the missions more easily.


Day 26, 6º day of the week:

I took my big backpack and went to the Guild and took 2 mission to hunt a type of deer and 2 missions to hunt 20 rabbits each, on a forest close by, before going do said missions in the morning. I was told to not hunt the deer if it had a baby deer close by or hunt the baby themselves, and soon after entering the forest and looking around while "invisible" i found a lone deer without any baby close by and without it noticing, i made a very sharp knife using [Silk] and upon entering it's personal space i simply pierced the deer's skull and brain killing it instantaneously, and after killing it i put it in my inventory and proceeded to search for another lone deer...

I found another one, but it had a few babies following it so i left it alone and searched some more away from this one... I finally found a lone deer eating some plants close to a river and did the same i had done to the first deer, it died easily and each deer gave me 40 exp and 4 shop points each.

Before going back to the Guild i hunted the 40 rabbits and put them in my backpack and took out the deer and placed each one on top of one of my shoulders, and went back to the Guild. I was told to put the deer and the rabbits on a counter in a specific room at the Guild and after putting it down i was recompensed afterwards but was also told to take a few days to rest and stop hunting, and i did as i was recommended, but before going back home i went to a bookshop in the city and brought a few books to read on my free time, and only then did i finally went home at around 14:40 to relax my minds and read some books, and eat something while dinking tea.

And at the end of the day i earned 480 exp and since i started hunting i earned a total of 470 shop points from both the rabbits and deer and became level 6 with 680/1223 experience.

On day 30º on the next 3º day of the week Freya came again to my store but this time she came to invite me to  dinner with her parents two days later and after she told me the address and i promised to be there i asked what hours it would happen because i could close the store on that day(plot hole detected), it was at 15:00, and after i accepted the invite she said goodbye and leaved.


The day of the dinner came.

I arrived at the address and used the doorbell, a few seconds later Freya opened the door and greeted me told me to come in, she was wearing a dark blue dress and i was wearing a suit i made for myself. I was waiting in their living room while Freya was calling her parents, after some time Freya was back with a young looking couple and both come to me and shook my hand, and following behind them there was a young man.

They were almost smiling ear to ear when the one i assume to be Freya mother shook my hand and said:

"Hello, i am Freya's mother, Frida Revna and this is my husband Njord Revna," She said while gesturing to the man that looked to be around 30 years old, and she said while gesturing to the young man that looked to be in his 20: "This is Freyr Revna, our son and Freya's twin", and after introducing both of them she returned her attention to me and said: "and you must be the famous Inanis, Freya talks a lot about you to us."

Freya said with pink cheeks "Mom!! She doesn't need to know any of that! Let's prepare the dinner before gets to late!" And as she was talking she dragged her parents to the kitchen and her brother followed behind, soon after i heard some whispers from where they were but i ignored it and just sat on the the sofa while waiting for them to call me. And soon after Freya called me to the kitchen:

"The dinner is ready!"

I entered the kitchen and saw the table full of food and drinks and when i entered they told me to sit on a chair and soon after they themselves sat down, i ended up sitting across Freya and she kept giving a few glances towards me but as she said nothing i choose not to suddenly talk to her. They started putting food on the plates and before i could say that i would put my after they put theirs, they took a plate, put food on it, and placed it in front of me for me to eat along a cup of juice as i said "thank you", and each of them was eating a generous plate themselves.

Frida started conversation by smiling and saying while we were eating "Soo, Inanis is a rather uncommon name around here, your name is from which region?"

I answered with "To tell the truth, i do not know, but something i might have forgotten to mentions is that Inanis is my last name, my full name is "Scarlet Umbra Inanis", i do not know if people from this city have any cultural aspect related to names but you can call me Inanis or Scarlet, you can use the one you are most comfortable " 

Frida said smiling and giggling: "Actually, Freya talks a lot about you to us, but she only gave vague details about a nice friend she's been often meeting with, can you tell us a little about yourself?"

I told to her "I don't have a long history, it starts with me arriving in the city, i got some money and brought a store & house and soon after opened a clothe store there, that's when i met Freya as she was my first customer and after that we started having some talks over tea, but we only talked about some local customs and mercenary businesses, if you were wondering."

Frida inquired more about the store: "This store, do you think it can be a stable job and pay somewhat well as you seems to be running it alone?"

I said to her in response to her strange question that seemed to have some worry mixed within "I think it is a nice job, because despite selling the clothes with a quite cheap price, i gain around 500 copper coins per week but as i produce the clothes myself and do not need to eat or drink anything i have zero expenses"

Frida said with a voice laced with curiosity "Don't need to? But you are eating the food normally?"

In response i said "I do not need, but i can eat and drink just fine, i mostly do so because i like the taste of the things, that is the why i often make baked foods and sweets to eat with Freya during our talks"

She made another question, but his one seemed not to be that related to the others "I don't know if it is something normal for your species or if it is just you, but i was wondering if this fog that seems to stick to you is indeed a part of you or is like a accessory your kind wears? But if you don't want to talk about it we will understand"

I said with a chuckle "Oh, as a matter of fact, i produce this fog at will, but... when i arrived in the city for the first time i got rather shy and covered myself with the fog, and i continued doing so because it is good for practicing control and i also got accustomed with it, but i can uncover myself at any time, like this." 

I demonstrated this fact by parting the [Fog] covering my face and looked at each of them, but to my surprise, they froze in place until i asked a few seconds later "Whats the problem? I don't recall being that ugly" and proceeded to cover my face with the [Fog] again .

After i covered myself Frida responded with "No no no, you are not ugly! it's just... that you are... more beautiful than what we thought, most of those that told humors about you thought it was something natural of your race or that you used some magical item for some reason" 

For some reason Frida and Njord nodded to each other and continued to have small talk with me, mostly about when Freya was "young" and related subjects to which she was somewhat embarrassed about, but chose not to interfere.

And after a hour or two the dinner when i was helping them with the dinner cleanup they insisted that spend the rest of the day here and even that i sleep here today, i reluctantly accepted and i spent the rest of the day talking with Freya on her room talking about the books she has on her collection and things alike. 

When the night arrived they offered to give me a spare mattress to sleep on, but i told them i would prefer to make one myself along with the sheets and pillow and they accepted it, but under the condition that i sleep on Freya's room with, i found it somewhat strange but i accepted nonetheless.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened the rest of the day and i slept like i always did.