Chapter 30
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In the tranquil embrace of the night, a figure dashed among the towering trees, moving swiftly and purposefully. Each step left a soft silver glow trailing beneath his feet, illuminated by the gentle moonlight filtering through the canopy above.

Upon closer inspection, it became evident that the figure was a young boy, dressed in a flowing black hanfu, gripping a wooden sword firmly in his right hand. Anxiety etched his features as he navigated the forest, his senses alert to the echoing explosions resonating through the air.

Despite his concern, determination marked his every stride as he employed a technique to hasten his pace toward the source of the tumultuous blasts.


Amidst the chaos within Jiandan Village, on the west side, two individuals stood facing each other in opposite directions, surrounded by five lifeless bodies clad in black garments. One of the two figures was a lady, her stance slightly unsteady due to the wounds and exhaustion she had endured from the battle. The other was a man in a black hanfu, sporting a wolf tattoo on his neck, standing tall as he faced the injured lady.

The lady's body bore the marks of battle, with blood and sweat mingling, causing her clothes to cling tightly and accentuating the curves of her form. Unbeknownst to her, this unintentional exposure stirred a hidden desire within the man dressed in black.

As they observed each other, Xiao Yun couldn't shake off the thought of how she hadn't sensed the presence of the man facing her while she battled his companion. Lost in her thoughts, she was startled when the man eventually addressed her.

"Miss, if I were you, I'd surrender now," the man suggested.

Xiao Yun paid him no mind, her grip on the sword tightening reflexively. Noticing her reaction, the man persisted, "Don't try to play the hero and save your fellow villagers."

Undeterred, she surged forward, her sword infused with sword intent. She executed the Wind Whisper Slash technique, guiding her blade downward to the right. But just as her strike appeared imminent, the man agilely sidestepped to evade it. Sensing his movement, Xiao Yun swiftly followed up with a horizontal slash. Reacting quickly, the man stepped back to dodge her incoming attack.

While the man observed, he commented, "I didn't expect you to be merely at the middle stage of Qi condensation." Judging from the potent spiritual energy emanating from your sword, I believe you've already grasped the basics of sword intent, am I right? "

She offered no response. Instead, she swiftly lunged and thrust directly towards the man's left chest. Anticipating her move, he evaded by stepping back. Undeterred, Xiao Yun continued her assault, employing the basic combinations of sword skills and footwork she knew. However, she couldn't land a hit or even graze the man's clothes.

Remaining composed and agile, the man effortlessly dodged each of Xiao Yun's attacks. He spoke again, his tone casual: "Seems like you have no intention of surrendering, huh? Well then, take this."

With these words, he swiftly circled to her left and released a technique from his right fist. He exclaimed, "Tectonic Tremor Fist."

----Tectonic Tremor Fist: With this technique, practitioners can channel seismic energy into their fists, unleashing devastating shockwaves upon impact. Each strike sends ripples through the earth, fracturing the ground and incapacitating opponents with its concussive force.----

Upon hearing it, Xiao Yun found herself swiftly assuming a guard position, her gaze instinctively shifting to the left. It was the only action she managed to take in response to the incoming punch from the man. As their respective techniques collided, a resounding crack reverberated through the air, with debris scattering around them. In that intense moment, the white qi from Xiao Yun's sword (sword intent) clashed with the brown qi emanating from the man's fist technique, resulting in a dynamic exchange of energies.

In the midst of their clash, cracks began to form on her sword, catching her attention. Upon noticing this, she found herself murmuring inwardly, "Apart from the middle-stage Qi Condensation opponents I faced earlier, I haven't..."

Before Xiao Yun could elaborate further, her sword shattered completely. Simultaneously, the man's fist squarely struck her chest. The impact made her cough up blood and forcefully propelled her from her position. Consequently, the technique employed by the man hurled her into nearby structures.


When the young boy finally arrived at the source of the explosion he had heard while running, he froze in disbelief at the sight before him. The sound had indeed emanated from their village. Upon entering the southern part of the village, he witnessed a stark transformation: chaos and fear now gripped the once serene atmosphere, evident on the faces of those fleeing in all directions. Figures dressed in black pursued them, adding to the turmoil that engulfed their once-peaceful community.

In the unfolding chaos, he bore witness to the tragic demise of their old chief at the hands of the ominous figures clad in black. Meanwhile, on another front, men valiantly battled against the companions of these dark-clad individuals, driven by the sole desire to rescue their loved ones, even if it meant risking their own lives in the process.

Amidst the turmoil, his surprise turned to alarm as he observed a lady relentlessly hurling herself against the houses with formidable force. When the lady ceased her onslaught in front of one of the homes, her features gradually became recognizable through her hanfu attire. Without hesitation, realizing it was his dear sister Xiao Yun, he swiftly employed his body flicker technique to reach her side.


When Xiao Yun's advance completely halted one of the houses, the only thought echoing in her mind was, "He's strong."

Her attention shifted abruptly as a sound caught her ear from the left. Gradually, she blinked, opened her eyes, and turned towards the source of the voice. It emanated from a young boy who seemed to dart and reappear in different directions with each stride. As he drew closer, tears welled up in her eyes, for the young boy was none other than Madara.


As he approached his Sister Xiao Yun, tears welled up in his eyes as he beheld her condition. She bore wounds across her body, her left ear still bleeding, but it was the two deep gashes on her chest that seized his attention.

Overwhelmed, Madara stuttered through his explanation of how he had acquired the technique. 'Sister Yun, becau—becau—'

From where she lay amidst the rubble of the collapsed house, Xiao Yun interrupted softly, 'I understand. You're not an ordinary child; that's why...'"

She was about to speak when she suddenly coughed, blood trickling from her lips. Seeing this, Madara wasted no time in supporting his sister, despite her towering over him, just to flee the village. As he carried her on his back, their progress slowed, prompting Xiao Yun to speak.

"Madara, we... don't have... much time," she managed to say amidst her struggle, sensing the powerful qi is rapidly approaching.

Sensing the same energy, he was on the verge of asking when he felt it too.

"Madara, just... leave me... here," she weakly uttered.

"Sister Yun, I can't. We'll leave together," he insisted.

"No... leave me... here... and that man... has a higher cultivation realm than us. So... if you encounter him... you won't... be able to defeat him," Xiao Yun explained.

As she spoke to him, she released her hold on his back. Madara turned to look at his kneeling sister, noticing her strained smile as she addressed him.

"Madara, take this... storage ring. I know it will help you more," she said haltingly, removing it from her left finger.

Seeing Madara's evident confusion as he stood, Xiao Yun reached out, taking his hand and placing the storage ring in it. When Madara received it, all he could utter was, "But..."

When she heard those words, she exerted effort to stand up from her kneeling position. Rising to her feet, she tenderly planted a kiss on Madara's forehead. Sensing her gesture, he closed his eyes, tears still streaming down his face.

After she noticed Madara shedding tears following the kiss on his forehead, his sister gently wiped her bleeding thumb across his cheek, hoping to halt his tears. As he felt her touch, his eyes slowly opened, meeting his sister's reassuring smile, despite the evident pain in her wounds.

Realizing he had finally awakened, Xiao Yun spoke softly. "Don't... cry."

Madara's voice trembled as he replied, "I can't help it, sister."

Xiao Yun's words were firm yet comforting. "Remember, I promised to protect you."

Upon hearing this, his resolve strengthened. "I should be the one..."

Madara was about to speak again, but his sister's urgent interruption halted him. "I know, but... we don't have... time," Xiao Yun murmured, her eyes flicking to the mysterious line slowly materializing before them.

With a gentle caress, Xiao Yun continued speaking to Madara, her words imbued with both love and sadness. "Madara, remember... I will always... love... you."

Tears welled in Madara's eyes at her heartfelt declaration, but Xiao Yun stopped him with a firm yet tender gesture. "Madara, go... away from here... quickly."

Without a word of protest, Madara swiftly activated his body flicker technique, disappearing from their village in an instant. As he vanished, the mysterious line completed its formation, transforming into a massive square barrier that encased their village.

As she watched his departure, a menacing voice to her right caught her attention. "Even if your brother manages to escape, my men will catch him eventually."

Turning towards the source of the voice, Xiao Yun found herself on the receiving end of a powerful blow to her face. The impact shattered her jaw on the right side, sending her tumbling through the air from the force. As she crashed to the ground, the momentum kept her rolling.

With her injuries preventing her from standing, Xiao Yun could only move her eyes, shifting her gaze to the left, where the man was advancing towards her. Each step he took seemed to slow time, triggering a memory of her father's words from her childhood.


"Papa, why did Mama choose you?" Xiao Yun asked, her eyes fixed on her father as he practiced swordsmanship.

Her father paused his training, placing his sword aside, and approached her. Taking a seat beside her, he spoke gently. "Xiao Yun, my child, your mother didn't choose me. I chose her," her father said gently as he sat beside her.

She furrowed her brow in confusion. Sensing her puzzlement, her father continued. "From the moment I met her, her quiet nature and her knowledge of various things drew me to her," he explained.

"You'll understand what I mean when you meet someone with traits similar to your mother's," he added, sharing wisdom with his daughter.


As she recalled, tears streamed down her cheeks. Her attention abruptly returned when someone spoke, saying, "I told you, miss, not to act like a hero." The man didn't hesitate before unleashing his "thunderous fist."

----Thunderous Fist technique: channels the practitioner's inner lightning energy into their fists, imbuing them with electrifying power.----

As the move was executed, his fists crackling with blue-white lightning struck her chest, delivering devastating blows. The impact left her wide-eyed, with blood spewing from her mouth. In her last moments, Madara's face was the only thing on her mind.

Afterwards, the man glanced at the white square barrier that had formed around the village and uttered, "The Prison Formation Array is finally complete."

----Prison Formation Array: refers to a complex arrangement of energy formations, runes, symbols, and spiritual patterns created by cultivators to confine or trap individuals within a designated space. ----