Chapter 8
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In the dense and misty forest on that morning, a shadow was observed standing on one of the branches of a tree. With the help of the rising sun, the gradually dissipating mist revealed the silhouette, and as a result, the figure was gradually touched by the sunlight.

In the distance, a young teenage girl could be seen. She was dressed in a loose-fitting ankle-length robe made of lightweight fabric in earthy tones. The robe was cinched with a sash and adorned with subtle embroidery or simple patterns, adding a touch of traditional style. This design prioritized comfort and practicality for her daily activities.

With the assistance of the morning sun, her face slowly became discernible. Her black hair was arranged in practical styles like loose ponytails, suitable for everyday tasks, and her countenance reflected a youthful and innocent demeanor.

And noticeably, she cradles a baby while gazing at the small wooden pendant in her right hand; then, she speaks.

"Uchiha Madara?" She furrows her brow upon reading it, as the name seems unfamiliar to her. "Is this your name?" she asks, looking at the sleeping baby in her arms.

She looks again at the fan-shaped symbol in red and white. "Hmmm? Maybe this is his clan symbol, and judging by its appearance, I've only seen this now," she remarks while looking back at the baby.

"I don't know why your parents left you here in this dense and dangerous forest, especially considering the close call you had with that red fox."

She said this while scanning her surroundings to the right and left: "Looks like I need to wait here; maybe your parents will come back," she added after a while. After waiting for hours, no one came to retrieve the baby.

"It seems you'll be coming with me. Do you want to come with me?" she asked the sleeping baby as if conversing with it.

She decided to take the baby with her because it would be dangerous to leave the child alone. Thus, she returned to her village with the baby, and after a few hours of walking, the woman reached the village where she lived.

A peaceful and rustic place with traditional wooden houses, winding pathways, and a close connection to nature. Residents lead simple lives, engaging in ancient customs and cultivating the land, creating a harmonious and serene atmosphere. At the entrance, where she is about to enter, a large sign is drawn on the post above, and it reads 'Jiandan Village.' (Simple Village).

She immediately headed to her house and promptly placed the baby on her bed. She then went to her kitchen to prepare the milk to feed the baby because she knew the child must be hungry. When the girl exited her room, the baby had already woken up from its sleep.


Mike = Uchiha Madara


Madara scanned his surroundings and realized he was in a room. The bedroom was modest, furnished with wooden furniture, basic lighting, and minimal decorations. Afterward, he lowered his gaze to his own body.

"I'm in a baby's body; that's why my hands and feet are small," he thought to himself as he examined it.

After a few minutes, he found himself staring at the ceiling of the room.

"So, this is what it's like when you have consciousness and you're in a baby's body. You can't be at ease lying down," he mused. While contemplating this, he suddenly felt hunger, causing his stomach to make noise.

After that, the door to the room suddenly opened, and a teenage girl entered, carrying a bottle of milk. He immediately looked at her because the girl had mentioned Madara to him, but in the subsequent words of the girl, he couldn't understand anymore. The girl went straight to him and promptly fed him the milk.

While drinking the milk, he gradually pondered, "This girl looks different compared to last night. Did something bad happen to her?" he wondered in his thoughts.

"And she calls me Madara, which means I am now in the body of Uchiha Madara. I need to get used to being called by that name."

"I'll miss you, my old name," Mike added while he had his eyes closed, sipping the milk from the bottle in his mouth.

When the girl saw that Madara was drinking and seemed to enjoy the milk she had prepared, she felt delighted.

From then on, she consistently provided nutritious and age-appropriate feeding. She maintained proper hygiene by regularly bathing and changing the baby's diaper. She attended to the baby's comfort needs and engaged in age-appropriate activities to stimulate the baby's senses and encourage cognitive and motor development. This continued for a week, a month, and turned into a year.


After 7 years...


There is a seven-year-old boy writing and studying characters resembling Chinese characters. He is seated near the window of a room in one of the houses in the village. He has a youthful face with dark, intense eyes, fair skin, and well-defined eyebrows. His hair is short, spiky, and black, and his body is that of a typical child, with a slender and agile physique.

"Nice, I've finished what Sister Xiao Yun has been teaching me," he said while holding the book. The book contains instructions on how to pronounce and write characters. As he straightened his back, he paused.

"Madara, dinner is ready," Xiao Yun said to him. Upon hearing this, he stood up and headed to the dining area.

After finishing their prayer of thanks for the meal, the two of them began to eat. While eating, Xiao Yun asked, "Madara, you're always in your room. Aren't you getting bored because all you see are the four corners of your room?" she inquired with concern.

"Sorry, sister. I'm just finishing the book you gave me. Don't worry; I'll go out tomorrow," he reassured his sister.

Upon hearing this, she responded, "You could read it any time; just promise me that you'll go out." He promptly agreed.

After that, they resumed their dinner, and after it was finished, he went to his room to sleep. As he lay down, he recalled what his sister, Xiao Yun, told him two years ago. When he turned five, she admitted to him that she wasn't his biological parent. Despite that revelation, he didn't mind it that day.

Over the years, Xiao Yun remained unaware, but Madara had come to know that he wasn't her biological child. Nevertheless, he was grateful because she never abandoned him and continued to treat him as her sibling.

So, for his birthday gift on that day, she took him to the place where she found him, and because of that, he remembered the face of the woman he saw.

For some unknown reason, he whispered "Mom..." and as he said this, he immediately fell asleep.

In the early morning, he woke up, had breakfast, and bid farewell to his older sister before leaving the house. Not far away, there were children around his age playing, and one of them, a little girl, caught sight of him.

The little girl embodied innocence with rosy cheeks and bright eyes. Her black, long hair was kept simple and practical, emphasizing comfort. A healthy and petite physique reflected an active village lifestyle. Modest, loose-fitting clothing allowed unrestricted movement, symbolizing simplicity in her enchanting surroundings.

As she approached, the little girl waved, and when she got closer, she said, "Madara, let's play." Upon hearing this, he didn't respond. Instead, he walked away from the little girl and towards the hill. During his first outing from home, his sister introduced her as Li Lu, and accompanying them was her mother, Li Mei.

When she saw that he was moving away, she followed him.

When he reached the hill, he found the scenery enchanting. From afar, a village appears nestled in nature's embrace. Traditional wooden houses with curved roofs dot the landscape, surrounded by lush greenery. Narrow pathways wind through the village, leading to small market stalls and communal areas.

Mountains or rivers often provide a picturesque backdrop. The overall scene exudes tranquility, simplicity, and a harmonious connection to the natural surroundings.

As he gazed at the scenery, someone spoke behind him. 'Wow, it's really beautiful here,' Li Lu said while admiring the view. He was about to respond when they heard the swish of a sword behind them. Startled, they both turned to see where the sound was coming from.

Upon seeing it, they were amazed because the light was emanating from Xiao Yun's sword. When she felt that someone was watching, she stopped.

'I know you're there, so come out of your hiding place,' she said while staring at the bush. When the two heard this, they came out, and Madara immediately asked with curiosity, 'Sister Xiao Yun, what's the light coming out of your sword? '

Xiao Yun promptly showed it. 'Ah, is this? ' she said while revealing it from her sword.

'This is called sword intent, cool, right? ' she said to the two children, whose only response was admiration.

"What is sword intent?" asked Li Lu.

"Sword intent is the mental state that allows a person to use a sword with skill, precision, and effectiveness. It involves concentration, awareness, and a clear purpose in every movement, creating a synergy between the person and the sword for optimal performance in martial arts or combat situations."

"Once you've mastered sword intent, is there anything that comes next?" was Madara's follow-up question.

"Are you referring to the levels of sword intent? As far as I know, these are the levels: Basic Sword Intent, Intermediate Sword Intent, Sword Will, Sword Aura, and Transcendent Sword Mind."

"Before we continue, do you both want to become cultivators?" she asked the two children.