Chapter 13
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That morning, three people could be seen near the waterfall. Upon closer inspection, it could be observed that two of them were sitting cross-legged on the rocks near the waterfall, while the other one was standing as if she were saying something to the two seated individuals.

"Sit or stand in a relaxed yet upright posture, with your spine straight and your body aligned. This allows for optimal energy flow throughout your body."

"Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Clear your mind of distractions and focus your attention inward, preparing to connect with the surrounding qi."

"Ground yourself by connecting with the natural world around you. Feel the earth beneath you, the breeze against your skin, and the sounds of the environment. Establish a sense of harmony and oneness with your surroundings."

"Cultivate awareness of the subtle energy currents in your surroundings. Visualize the flow of qi as shimmering threads of light, pulsating with vitality and potential."

"Scan your body for any areas of tension or blockages that may hinder the free flow of qi. Use gentle movements, stretches, or massage to release tension and promote openness within your energy channels."

"Visualize the energy gates in your body opening wide to receive the influx of qi from your surroundings. Imagine them as radiant orbs of light, expanding to welcome the incoming energy."

"With focused intention, begin to draw in the qi from your environment. Inhale deeply, envisioning the qi entering your body with each breath. Feel it permeate every cell, revitalizing and nourishing you from within."

"Allow the absorbed qi to circulate freely throughout your body, harmonizing and balancing your energy centers. Visualize any impurities or stagnation being purged from your system, leaving you purified and invigorated."

"Anchor the absorbed qi within yourself by visualizing it as a glowing sphere of light at your core. Feel its warmth and vitality radiate throughout your entire being, serving as a source of strength and resilience."

"Slowly return your awareness to the present moment, gently opening your eyes and reconnecting with your physical surroundings. Take a few moments to ground yourself before concluding your practice."

After the two did what the woman told them, they were asked,

"Madara, Li Lu, what does it feel like to absorb qi for the first time?"

"I likely feel exhilarated, like a surge of power awakening within myself," Li Lu answered while looking at her palms.

"It's a transformative experience, both physically and spiritually, bringing heightened senses and newfound abilities."

"But Sister Yun, after absorbing the qi, where does it go in the body?" Madara asked her.

"Absorbed qi typically resides in the dantian, which is an energy center located in the lower abdomen. The dantian is believed to be the focal point for cultivating and storing qi, and it's often depicted as a crucial element in martial arts cultivation."

"As cultivators progress in their cultivation journey, they may refine and expand their dantian to hold greater amounts of qi, thereby increasing their strength and abilities."

"If it serves as a storage of qi, what if it gets damaged or broken for any reason? Can you still cultivate?" he asked next.

"If your lower Dantian is shattered, there's still hope for continuing cultivation. Rare medicines, divine artifacts, special techniques, profound insights, or sheer determination might offer solutions to repair or work around the damage."

"If you have no more additional questions, I will now teach both of you how to release qi in your body."

Upon hearing this, the two children immediately followed suit.

"Choose a peaceful and quiet environment where you can focus without distractions. This could be a secluded room, a serene garden, or any place where you feel comfortable and relaxed."

They immediately went to their usual spot.

"Sit or stand in a comfortable position with your spine straight and your body relaxed. You can sit cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. The key is to maintain a posture that allows for easy circulation of energy."

"Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Let go of any tension or stress, and bring your awareness to the present moment."

"Focus on your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Notice the sensation of air entering and leaving your nostrils and the rise and fall of your chest and abdomen with each breath."

"Bring your attention to your dantian, the energy center located in the lower abdomen. Visualize it as a glowing sphere of light, radiating warmth and vitality."

"Set your intention to release the qi stored within your body. Visualize the energy gathering at your dantian, like a reservoir of power waiting to be unleashed."

"Slowly begin to move your body in gentle, flowing motions. You can start with simple stretches or qigong exercises to stimulate the flow of qi and loosen any areas of tension or stagnation."

"Pay attention to any sensations or changes you may feel as you move. Notice the tingling or warmth that may arise as the qi begins to circulate more freely throughout your body."

"As you continue to move, consciously release any blockages or obstacles that may be hindering the flow of qi. Let go of any resistance or holding patterns, allowing the energy to move effortlessly through your meridians."

"Surrender to the natural rhythm of the qi as it flows through you. Allow yourself to be carried by the currents of energy, trusting in your body's innate wisdom to guide the process."

"As you release more deeply into the practice, you may experience a sense of expansion, lightness, or euphoria. Embrace these sensations as signs that your qi is flowing freely and harmoniously."

"When you feel ready, gradually bring your movement to a close and return to a seated or standing position. Take a moment to bask in the afterglow of the release, appreciating the newfound sense of vitality and aliveness within you."

After a few hours of following Xiao Yun's instructions.

"How was the first Qi release?"

"I likely feel empowered, with a surge of energy flowing outward," Li Lu answered.

"I feel a rush of energy flowing out of my body," Madara added to her response.

"Can I ask a question, Sister Yun?" he asked her.

"Of course, little brother, what is it?"

"Sister Yun, aside from the life energy we absorb, is there another alternative energy?"

Upon hearing this, she immediately responded.

"Yes, certainly, like spiritual energy and nature energy."

"Spiritual energy, often referred to as "qi" or "chi," is a fundamental concept. It's a form of energy that exists within all living beings and the universe itself. Spiritual energy can be cultivated and refined through various methods such as meditation, martial arts training, or absorbing it from the environment."

"It is often depicted as a tangible force that practitioners can sense and manipulate. It's typically depicted as flowing through meridians or energy channels within the body, and skilled cultivators can harness this energy to enhance our physical abilities, perform mystical techniques, or even achieve immortality."

"Nature energy refers to the raw, primal energy that exists within the natural world. It is the essence of the elements—earth, water, fire, air, and sometimes additional elements like wood or metal. Nature energy is abundant in places of natural beauty and power, such as deep forests, roaring waterfalls, volcanic mountains, or serene lakes."

"By harmonizing with and absorbing this energy, cultivators can strengthen their abilities, refine their techniques, and advance on their path to enlightenment and power. Nature energy is also often utilized in various mystical techniques and spells, amplifying their potency and scope." 


Life Energy: Personal life force that sustains the body, cultivated internally for health and longevity.

Spiritual Energy: Universal force permeating all living beings and the environment, cultivated externally for enhancing abilities and mystical feats.

Nature Energy: Primal energy found in natural elements, external and abundant in the environment, utilized for enhancing abilities and mystical techniques.

"To be honest, the three energies I mentioned have already been absorbed and released by both of you because our world contains these three energies."

Madara was about to speak when his stomach growled loudly. When they heard this, the two immediately turned to him.

"Time flies; it's already getting late. Alright, let's end it here so we can go home early."

Upon hearing this, the two children quickly packed up their belongings to go home. And when they reached the edge of the forest, Li Lu bid farewell to them and went to her own home.

The two did the same, and when they arrived home, his sister cooked dinner. After they finished eating, she reminded him to go to sleep early. And as he lay down, he pondered over what his sister had said to them earlier.

"What I remember from the last fanfiction I read about Naruto (Narutoverse), there is spiritual energy, which is often referred to as chakra. Chakra is the fundamental energy source that ninjas in the Naruto series use to perform various techniques, such as jutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. It is essentially a blend of physical and spiritual energy that can be molded and manipulated by individuals with proper training and skill."

"Life energy is closely tied to chakra. Chakra itself is a blend of physical and spiritual energy, and it is the life force that flows within all living beings. Therefore, you could say that chakra serves as both spiritual and life energy."

"Nature energy, also known as natural energy or senjutsu, is another form of energy distinct from regular chakra. It is a potent force that exists in the natural world, including elements like wind, water, fire, earth, and lightning. Nature energy is often associated with the balance of nature and is considered the purest form of energy."

"To utilize nature energy, ninja must undergo specialized training in senjutsu, which involves connecting with the environment and absorbing natural energy into their bodies. By harmonizing this energy with their own chakra, ninja can achieve powerful transformations and enhance their abilities significantly. This process enables them to enter Sage Mode, granting heightened physical and sensory capabilities, as well as access to unique techniques."

"However, controlling nature energy can be challenging, as it requires a deep understanding of the natural world and precise balance between one's own chakra and the external energy. Throughout the Naruto series, characters like Naruto Uzumaki and Jiraiya are shown mastering senjutsu to become formidable warriors."

Chakra = spiritual and life energy; Senjutsu = nature energy.

"It means my fourth wish wasn't wasted because I can use techniques from the Narutoverse here in the Xianxia world."

Madara paused in thought as he remembered a word he mentioned just now.

"Sage Mode?"