Act 1 Chapter 8 Changed Personalities
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The entire month after that day passed by pretty fast… mainly because half of the time is spent by me fainting due to the pain. The damn mad doctor either doesn't have the feeling of pain, or doesn't care that others are feeling pain…

Could be both to be honest… he doesn't seem to understand and doesn't seem to care… that doesn't matter though. Once this is over, I can finish what I wanted to and end this once and for all.

But all in all, I have to admit… the guy has some good brains… these prosthetics… or bionics, I don't know the difference anymore, they are pretty good, not only do they not feel weird, but they feel so perfect that it's like my original arm. The body purists would probably be against this but… war is a very bloody thing so they can shut up.

The amount of functions that this thing has is so numerous that I probably would forget half of it before the experiment ends, but what is important, is the weapons. The professor explained to me the logic behind it but I didn't really care, inside it is some small compartment where each ‘function’ is stored inside the arm, and when it is needed, I just will it and it will move towards the palm or hand and then I can use it. Pretty neat, but the explanation is boring.

The test for all these weapons is even more boring… he… sucks at explaining things… I learned more about how to use these by reading his manual more than his explanation. However, it surprised me that he even wrote a manual for it.

“Now after shooting, immediately switch to close combat mode.” The researcher said and I obliged, after shooting the gun I immediately stored the gun and switched into the blade mode. The first time I did this, it felt weird, but now, after dozens of tries (a few of them including me accidentally stabbing myself using it) I can use it as if that is my limb now.

“Accuracy could be improved but everything else is perfect, congratulations B,” the researcher said. I nodded to him and just left, while he is important in my plan, I absolutely don’t want to stay too long with him, or else my sanity might disappear…

While going back to the room, the businesswoman from before approached me and handed me a tablet. Somehow when I am in this facility I never really wanted to interact with any social media…

I look at the tablet and decided to take a look at it anyway. After all, she never interacted with me unless its about missions so… it might be something related.

Looking at the tablet it shows me a video, which I promptly play it. Without even watching the entire one-minute clip, I was filled with anger and broke the tablet with my grip.

“While I want to let you train more, it seems we need to move faster.” The woman said and left, leaving me looking at the pile of electronic debris that is once a tablet.

He… how dare he…

The clip is about how my ‘father’ is now the vice-mayor of this seastead now, and I have no doubt of one thing, with him at position, he will definitely open the dams that is blocking the terrorists that are entering.

The next month, nothing much happened, no missions yet as they still wanted to know how well I was against real enemies, so they held a mock battle for me.

“Prove me good! Tell them that bionics is the new future!” the mad scientist said. Though I don't want to follow his instructions, I still did as he said, after all, I am also eager about the power of these weapons in real combat.

The first simulation is me fighting in a melee situation, nevertheless to say, it didn't go too well…

For my enemies. Thanks to the training, I can slightly predict what they are going to do and act accordingly, dodge left, strike right, block, all of these actions have been beaten into me and I am doing it on an instinctual level. What happened though… is that when I knocked them out, I somehow moved towards them trying to finish them off, before I got held down by two other guards and the observer called off this test.

That is when I realized that I almost killed them… but surprisingly, it didn’t bothered me too much. Did I changed… I do not that I am the type of person to kill a person cold-heartedly… but… why… it…

Felt good?

Although the scientist is ecstatic about the result of the mock test, the lady on the other hand is frowning. Though I do not know why is she frowning, I do not care. Nor do I want to care.

“Well, if he can handle them this easily, there is no doubt that he is already fit for whatever task you can give him!” the scientist said, which made the lady become flustered for a few seconds before recovering and nodding.

“Be prepared, for your first mission comes this weekend.” The lady said before leaving the test arena. The scientist soon follows shouting incoherent words.

 The week passed by fast, with more tests and more trials run by both the scientist and the lady, the scientist to test my compatibility with his other inventions and the lady for combat compatibility. Turns out… I am not that good at fighting with people. Either I most of the time just forgot about them, or I accidentally dragged them into my attacks.

Also, although my bionic arm is now armed with several types of firearms and weapons, the lady decided that it is best that I stick to the blade and rifle for now, as she said that I am better with those two.

Well, she isn’t wrong… the rifle is better than a pistol and SMGs for me, I like the stability of the rifle and the blade can easily cover me if needed.

Soon my first mission came, the target, the guy whom I saw at the hospital who was cutting the tree. I am surprised that he is my first target, I thought it would be some nameless grunt, well, he probably is, but it's surprising that my first target is someone related to myself.

But that is all the better, he killed someone I knew and he is going to pay for it. After    preparations, I am now inside the ‘slum’ area in this seastead, calling it a slum is sort of incorrect as it is not like the typical slums with broken houses, but just a rather more dirty area of the seastead.

Hmm this is easier than I though…

His house stood out among the rest… how? It doesn’t have windows. I circled around the house for a while then entered through the backdoor. It is not locked so I can easily push it in.

The interior of the house kind of shocked me. It isn’t as dirty as I thought, in fact, it is quite clean compared to the rest of the house in the area. Heading inside, the lights are mostly off, but I can see light coming from upstairs, which is where I head next.

While I am not trying to hide that I am in his house, I still walk as quietly as possible, though without much success as I can hear footsteps coming towards me.

“Hmm boss you're early today…” the man said.

Wait someone is coming... this can either be good or bad for me. I think I should worry, the boss might not be who I wanted and they could report me… better handle this now.

I rush up the stairs and I am just in time as he just closes the door to his room and is in the corridor. He looked at me and tried to shout but I pounced on him, ready to kill him if he ever struggles.

“Why me! I did the job you told me already! You promised me that you would leave me alone!” the man said. Hmm, it seems like he is in a contract, tsk, disposable pawn then… won't get any info from him that would be useful.

“Do you remember the hospital incident?” I asked him.

“I was just paid to cut the trees. I don’t know why would someone pay me so much to just trim a few trees but that is what happened! I could even give you the invoice for that!” the man replied frantically. Honestly… he just felt like someone being used, I do not think he is even involved in those guys…

“Please I don’t want to die! I still want to find my children!” the man said. Oh great a sad story… what now… your children got kidnapped by the evil organization now… I did nothing and let him explain.

Turns out, he isn’t actually a resident in this seastead, that is why he can’t afford proper housing and had to resort to living in this place. His children were supposed to be on the same refugee boat as him but somehow got lost in the meantime, and he has been working here since then. Though, I don’t really have any reason to believe him.

“No matter what, you still have to die.” I said to him flatly. He wanted to say something but just sighs instead.

 “Please… help me find my children… Marcus… Marie… I am sorry… I am a bad father…” the man said. While I do find the situation sad, I still finish the job. With one slash I cut his neck off before leaving the house.

The way back to the base is pretty plain and tame… nothing happened, nothing out of the ordinary. Then, when I reach back the base and reported the kill, they just tell me to go to rest and that is what I did.

Within minutes I find myself on the bed, closing my eyes immediately. I guess I am that tired.

“Well well well, what do we have here,” Luca said. As expected they are here…

“Can’t believe you did this Beno… do you really like killing that much?” Peter continued.

“Killing us isn’t enough that you have to kill other people huh.” Marco continued again.

“Forgive me,” I said plainly.

“Forgive you for what, murdering someone? Even if we did, what will change? It doesn’t change the fact that you killed someone, you damn murderer.” Adeline said. True… no matter what, it doesn’t change the fact that I had dirtied my own hand by killing that man…

And I will continue to kill until everyone responsible is dead. Even if it costs my own life… cause that is the only thing left that I can do.

“I mean can you believe this, this murderer wants us to forgive him for killing innocents, after he killed all of us,” Kevin said. “Lets say if we do forgive you, what will you do next. Kill more? How many more?” he added.

“Until all of them is dead,” I said.

“Then what? Once they are gone, then what.” Adeline asked.

“I will kill myself and join you guys.” I said. The others are clearly shocked by my statement, but it is my true honest feelings. Once all of you are avenged, there is no more reason for me to be in this world. My true family is gone, all is left is the fake backstabbing ones… once they are gone, there is no more reason for me to stay here.

“You wouldn’t-“ before Kevin can finish the sentence, I use the gun inside my bionic arm to shoot myself in the head. This shocked them immediately as they rushed toward me.

“What are you doing! Are you trying to die!” Peter and Marco both yelled.

“Ha… you guys still care for me…” I said as my vision fades, seems like the dream is ending huh…

It is a nice dream…

Urgh I hate that my productivity is so low...