Arc 1 Chapter 1 Oblivious
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14th May 2065

Beno’s POV

Man that last episode is wild! I wonder what the others think of that. To think that the enemy is the main character all along!

Today is a brand new day, with a brand new me who has watched the latest episode of The Otherworld Hero. It is a great anime but sadly I feel that the fanservice is too much. Kevin might argue with me though. Doesn’t help that the storyline is great~

“Hey Beno! Did you watch the last episode?” Luca asked me as he waited for me at the gates. He is a 174cm tall guy who… looks pretty much like a trap… if you let him wear a girl uniform, there would not be any weirdness, in fact, it would look pretty normal. Like most of us he has black hair and brown eyes, a normal in this seastead since most of the inhabitants in this seastead came from South East Asia… or what's left of it.

“You bet! Though, I won my bet Luca, the enemy is the hero all along~ you are treating me to lunch today!” I said to him. We made a bet before about who would be the last enemy of the world, my bet was the hero while Luca bet on the king, turns out, I was right and he was wrong.

“A… yeah sure, don’t be too rough on my wallet alright. I still have half a month left to suffer.” Luca said jokingly. He knew I wouldn’t take something expensive, but then again, I am feeling a bit mischievous today so maybe I might.

“So later today at the same time same place?” I asked Luca and he gave me a thumbs up. Of course, I gave him one back.

Throughout the class, there aren’t many things that happened, just history, maths, and engineering. I look at Kevin… he is already dozing off. Did… he play games till morning today, I swear we all log off at 12 though. Jeez. Good thing the teacher is in a good mood today or else he is grounded.

Looking at the other side is Marco, still focusing on class, though I can see that his attention is slowly diminishing. Can’t be helped when the teacher just keeps repeating the same thing in the book, I call this the worst teaching experience.

It is now 1 p.m. and finally, the torture is over and we are all heading to the cafeteria. Time to cash in my bet from Luca.

“So… Luca you lost the bet with Beno, you are now supplying us our lunch today!” Kevin said. For someone who was sleeping just minutes ago, he is quite excited now. I mean, can’t really blame him, if someone is not excited for free food, then he must hate food.

“Fine… but… is it alright to say this here considering I am sure Peter hasn’t read the novel yet? This is a spoiler no?” Luca said as he went to buy us lunch, not much just some fried rice or noodles.

“I hate reading walls of text… I would rather watch digital mangas or anime.” Peter said.

“Waiting for anime or manga of newer novels? So you are into those ugly 3d stuff huh, at least the one half a decade ago is better looking. Plus, nobody really does anime these days, they rather have those CGI superhero movies than these.” Adeline said. She is quite right, traditional anime died along with the flood. With the current situation, everyone just wants fast media, those who still make movies just want to cash grab the old memories.

“Still, something is better than nothing,” Peter said as he went to help Luca get our food.

“True. I don’t think they still have that many animation studios left. Maybe next year we could visit their seastead to check out?” Luca suggested. Sounds good, but will we even have the money for that? I mean it makes a good holiday trip.

“Imagine if on the way everyone on the boat gets isekaied. Not really the troupe with trucks but you get the point~” Kevin said. Hmmm, I don’t really remember that many isekai where its entire people on a boat, unless you are talking about the one with the carrier one. Does that count? Considering that one is a military ship while we are just on a normal ship.

“Now we are talking, imagine this, once we teleport to the other world the king there be like, I thought I summoned humans, not a god damn ark ahahahha! I can imagine his face!” Peter joked, well, I can imagine that.

“But if it's like that normally we are still human though unless there is magic that transforms us when we reach that world.” Marco pointed out.

“Yeah, if we are to go to another world might as well become what we wanted right? I mean, we are already in a fantasy world, why not go all out?” I said.

“Yeah, that is the spirit! I want to be a vampire! Well, hopefully, the vampire in that world isn’t allergic to sunlight, otherwise, I might just choose something else.” Luca said excitedly, yeah we know you and your vampire fantasy, you just want to suck people’s blood.

“Hmm, can’t go wrong with nekos, I mean, look at that catgirl café game, so cute!” Marco said, earning our gaze.

“Wh… what… nothing wrong with nekos right!” Marco said, well, quite convincing when you are quite buff, but yeah nothing wrong with being a neko… but a buff neko… well, I saw buff bunny before, and… it’s not too bad.

“I want to be a dwarf, swinging heavy hammers!” Peter said but I immediately added a second sentence. “And drinking buckets of alcohol.” With that everyone laughed even including Peter.

“Imagine this, me an oni wearing a kimono and doing a blade dance, how good will that be~,” Adeline said.

“I am sure you will be absolutely gorgeous,” Kevin said. Yeah, of course, you’re gonna say that, you are still not giving up on her aren’t you Kevin… she already said that she isn’t straight, so there is zero chance you will get her.

“Then me, imagine me a bishojo elf~ gracefully walking in the forest with huge badonkers,” Kevin said. Way to go Kevin. Way to go…

We all went silent because of what Kevin said. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to be an elf with huge… assets… he forgets that we all are still eating in the school cafeteria and his voice isn’t quite low…

“Al…right… nothing wrong with that… how bout you Beno, we all said what we wanted, what about you?” Peter asked. Me huh, it is always hard to choose… I always want mythical races such as kitsunes, phoenixes, or even merfolks…

“I guess being a draconian. Flying would always be the best perk to have in another world.” I said.

The chat about our fantasy isekai trip continues for the rest of the hour until it is time to disband and go home.

“Thanks, Luca for the meal!” Kevin said before leaving, with the others saying similar stuff before going home. The same goes for me.

Upon reaching home, I used my key to open the door and head in, as usual, mom was inside prepping for dinner while dad is still at work.

I put down my bag and started listening to the news. Yes, the news somehow still exists, despite animation studios and film studios closing down, the news still managed to exist. To be honest, the news is probably one of the few good remaining media left. As they report everything from a ship crashing to a dog getting pet by the entire neighborhood.

As I use the controller to switch between channels to find the more interesting one, a few do get my attention. One of them mentioned the city-state of Singapore creating the nation’s first seastead, the second nation after the European Union to make a seastead on their own and not relying on an alliance or cooperation. However, it's not too surprising to be honest, after all, they did manage to lift their entire city out of the water, so their being able to create another city isn’t too new. If I didn’t remember wrong, even the seastead that I am in right now has that country as the top contributor.

Going to the next news is something horrifying, the screen shows one seastead slowly sinking into the sea, its inhabitants trying to escape from rafts but it is just useless, the sinking speed is too fast and within just minutes, half of the seastead is gone already. The news says that the extremist group Return To Earth is responsible for it. I just don’t get it. They claim to be some sort of holy cult that serves god to punish us but I just see them as some sort of extremist that just have too much free time…

The rest of the news isn’t anything interesting, just some politician crap and some celebrity crap, and some random other crap, nothing too big. However, the next one has got my interest.

“Animation studio in SS Tokyo has been rebuilt. Recruiting soon.” Oh damn, finally, an animation studio after what, 20 years after the flood. Man, I wish they will create true animations and not 3D AI animation crap.

I continue watching the news while doing my homework until it is time for dinner. Though for some reason dad has not come back. Normally he would be back before 6 but it is already 7 yet there is no sign of him coming back.

“Mom, why is dad so late today?” I asked while helping mom to set up the table.

“I don’t really know, he only told me that he would be late tonight, but didn’t really say anything. Well, let's start eating before the food gets cold.” Mom told me as we started eating the food, but the feeling that something was going wrong never ever went out of my mind. Hopefully, it is wrong, my instincts are never right anyway.

As we finish dinner and the nightly routine of just talking about the day, work the remaining work, and also clean up, I went to bed as normal.

Little did I know, that today will be the last day of my life that would be considered normal.

Hello there~~~ the first chapter for the new rewrite~

For those who read my old one, you probably know what is going to happen... but if you haven't...

Youre in for a fun ride :D mwahahahhahahahahha *coughs*

Also... please vote on how you want me to title the chapters

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  • Arc 1 Chapter 1 Oblivious Votes: 7 53.8%
  • A1C1 Oblivious Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Chapter 1 Oblivious (arc written at the first chapter of the arc) Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Oblivious (chapter written inside the chapter) Votes: 1 7.7%
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