Chapter Three: Alex Blackwood
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*Two Weeks Later*

Alex was lying down in his baby bed, located in his mother's room. He was just looking at the ceiling and thinking to himself.

"I'm bored..."

Alex, while a baby, still retained his mind and memories from his previous meaning because he couldn't do pretty much anything; all he could do was think. It was a simple life; he got taken care of by his mother, and he didn't have to worry about anything except when he went to the bathroom...not having control over his bladder or being able to hold it in was proven to be quite embarrassing for Alex.

However, outside of the occasional embarrassment, there are a few benefits that come with being a baby.

As Alex was lying down, looking at the white ceiling in his bedroom, he heard someone walk through the already open door of his bedroom.

When he turned his little head towards the door he saw a beautiful woman in a maid dress. She had long brown hair that reached to the center of her back along with beautiful brown eyes. She was in her late teens but Alex knew just by looking at her that she'd be gorgeous once she fully grew up.

"Aw, Alex, it's time to get a bath; your mother is waiting for you." the girl said.

Her name was Mary; she had been childhood friends with Alex's mother growing up as her personal maid. When his mother married his father, Mary came with them along with another younger maid. Mary was Alex's main caretaker when his mother was otherwise busy, meaning that Alex felt like he had a good connection with her.

Mary picked Alex up, carried him with his head on her shoulder, and walked down the hallway to the bathroom. The bathroom was rather large, with a giant square bathtub on the far right, a walk-in shower across from it on the left, not to mention the toilet, and two sinks also on the left side of the bathroom.

Alex looked around and saw his mother currently sitting down in the bathtub with her eyes closed, humming along to a song that she was singing in her head. His mother had a rather beautiful singing voice, as some nights she'd sing Alex to sleep while he laid in her arms.

Shortly after walking into the bathroom, Alex's mother opened her eyes and looked over at Alex, who Mary was now undressing. Alex would've been embarrassed, but considering all that he has dealt with as a baby, this wasn't even worth being embarrassed about. Especially when he knew what was coming next.

"Aw, is my baby ready for his bath with mommy?"

Alex's mother, Anna, stood up in the bathtub and let her long, raven black hair flow down, her ever-alluring purple eyes staring at him. Alex couldn't help but look over at his mother, standing in all of her glory. She had a body that would even make the strongest and most loyal men bow down and beg to simply kiss her feet. Her large breasts, her smooth skin, her waistline that would make models jealous, her perfectly shaped thighs, and not to mention the wonderful ass she had—not to mention her hairless privates, which Alex always enjoyed the sight of. He may be a baby, but his mind was still that of a man in her early 20s. Alex didn't feel wrong about looking at his mother this way; after all, he had already lived twenty years of life before being reborn without really having a mother, so in his mind, she wasn't as much his mother as she was a beautiful woman taking care of him.

Alex saw the smile that his mother had on her face; he knew it was rare to see such emotion unless she was in private. She typically had a colder look on her face, especially when she had to deal with her "husband." She rarely ever showed emotion, but once she got home and was able to be herself around Alex, that's when Alex found her the most beautiful. He fell in love with seeing her smile every day.

Anna walked out of the bath and over to where Mary and Alex were before she grabbed a hold of Alex and held him like a baby in both of her arms. Giving Alex one of the greatest pleasures a man could have. His head was resting right against Anna's chest, which felt like Alex was lying down on one of the softest pillows imaginable.

Anna walked back over to the bath and sat back down in her spot, this time with Alex in her arms.

Mary then bowed before excusing herself out of the bathroom as she went to gather towels and fresh clothes for Alex and Anna.

Alex, while lying in the water, could smell one of the sweetest aromas he had ever smelled; these were from the flower petals in the bath. These weren't just any flower petals, but from what I had gathered from Anna talking to Mary in the past, I knew that these flowers contained some sort of magical element that gave off a sweet and a little addicting aroma. Anna fell in love with the smell and decided to add it to her baths, which also made Anna always smell great, much to Alex's enjoyment.

As Anna was washing Alex with the utmost care, she gasped like something had happened, which confused Alex. "I's time for your lunch."

And here came another one of Alex's favorite parts of the day: feeding time. Since he was a baby, his mother has breastfed him multiple times a day. Anna leaned Alex's head right against her breast and helped place his mouth right on her nipple, and Alex began to suck out the milk inside. This was his favorite part of the day because, one, he could suck a beautiful woman's nipple without any issues, and two, the milk actually didn't taste as bad as he thought it would.

As Alex fed Anna, she looked at him and smiled before saying "Drink up; make sure you fill yourself up."

Internally, Alex thought to himself "Oh, I'm going to make sure I have my fill." So Alex shamelessly enjoyed his time drinking milk from his mother's breast. He was a baby after all; he needs to enjoy whatever he can.

As Alex sat with his mother in the bath after his feeding, he thought about what he knew about his family's situation. He was the second son of the Blackwood household patriarch Edward Blackwood, who married his mother Anna, who was his second marriage. He didn't know why she married him, but he did know that Anna didn't like Edward at all. In fact, the only time he had seen his father since he was born was the day of his birth; otherwise, his father never visited him. However, Alex wasn't Anna's only child. He had an older sister, Raven, who was a year older than him. Obviously, she was still a 1-year-old child, but she also had the same purple eyes and black hair color that his mother and himself had. He also knew about his older brother Edmund, who was two years older than him, but he had never seen him.

His father and older brother lived in an entirely separate house from his mother and sister, while Anna lived in a smaller house on the Blackwood property. She was only his wife in name, as she only saw him during official meetings in order to keep up appearances, and he remembered from a conversation that both he and his sister Raven weren't even conceived the usual way. He learned once again, overhearing conversations, that apparently he and his sister were born through some kind of magic, but Alex didn't understand magic enough to comprehend everything that was said.

After Alex and his mother bathed, they dried off with the towels that Mary brought, and they got dressed in new clothes. Alex was wearing the typical baby outfit, something easy to put on and easy to remove, while Anna got dressed in a black dress, which was her usual style of outfit. Mary, who clothed Alex, then brought him out to the kitchen, where Anna was waiting for the two, but she wasn't the only one. There was another girl in a maid uniform. This girl had the appearance of a girl who was in her early teens. She was cleaning off the table, preparing to serve Alex and his family lunch. There was also a young girl sitting down.

Mary walked into the room with Alex and began to sit him down in a specially made chair for him. The younger maid then came up and looked at Alex without showing any expression. This young maid was Kaede. She had long, light blue hair wrapped in a ponytail and bright blue eyes. While Alex had been living in this world, seeing Kaede slowly taught him that there are natural hair colors in this world that don't exist in his previous one, so seeing someone with natural light blue hair made Alex wonder just how many different natural hair colors exist in this world.

Kaede didn't express much emotion, as she simply followed any orders given to her. Despite Anna trying her best to get her to smile, it never happened, or at least Alex himself has never seen it in the two weeks that he's been alive.


As soon as Alex was properly seated, both Mary and Kaede brought out the trays of food for Alex, his mother, and his sister. He of course got baby food, which was some apple sauce, while his sister got some softer foods since, unlike him, she actually had some teeth at this point in their lives.

Meanwhile, their mother was given a full meal. A cooked and seasoned chicken breast, along with a side salad. Alex learned that there are very similar animals to those on his previous planet, noticing the meals that his mother ate throughout the first two weeks of his life: steak, shrimp, lobster, lamb, chicken, and pork.

Mary started to help feel Alex while Kaede helped Raven eat her food while looking completely disinterested at the same time, which was pretty usual for Kaede.

After the meal, Alex was taken back to his room, and his mother came in shortly afterwards. Anna sat down, held Alex on her leg, and just talked to him. It was usually just a normal conversation; she talked about how her day went and what aggravated her, which was usually some maid from the main household named Ingrid, who, per Anna, phrases it so delicately, "That Old Bitch." From what Alex could gather, Ingrid, or "That Old Bitch," didn't like Anna one bit, as she was the head maid from Edward's previous marriage and decided to stay in the same household as Edward. Whenever Anna went over there to handle business, apparently Ingrid gave her shit every time she did that.

As Anna began talking, she soon closed her eyes and fell asleep. Alex looked at his mother and could only define her as a sleeping beauty. Her peaceful face made Alex smile before he also slowly drifted asleep, but before he fell into his dreams, he had a single, determined thought.

"I love this woman."

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