Chapter 16 Family
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*Sena pov*


“Sena, Yuki!” My mothers voice calls out from behind my door. 

“A few more minutes, mom…” I shout back while Yuki rolls over slightly.

“Not now, we need to head to the hospital.” Her urging sounds slightly rushed but not to the point it was yesterday as she knocks on my door a few more times.

Regardless, I thrust myself out of bed and ran towards my door to yank it open. The moment I pull it inward, my mom nearly falls in as her hand misses the now open door.

“Ack! Whoa there!” Righting herself she giggles slightly.

“Did something happen to Yun?!” If she weren’t my mother, I’d be grabbing her by the shoulders by now as this was of great importance.

Giving me a look of surprise, she pats my head slightly before responding. “We don’t know. Dr. Grey called us off her personal phone and asked us to come over, she didn’t mention why though. Just that there was a situation.”

“Puaa…” I slump down as the adrenaline leaves my body. “Alright, I’ll wake Yuki and the others and we can be on our way-” 

“The doctor asked for only us three to come this time, she said they can come later if things go right.” Seeing my look of confusion, she continued with a speculation. “Your father and I think that either someone from Yun’s family arrived, or her head's all messed up. Both are likely and very good reasons for only her ‘guardians’ to come by. Having too many people would make things difficult.”


“No buts. Dr. Grey wouldn’t ask this of us if she didn’t think this was the best way to go about things. Finish waking Yuki up and get the others as well, we’ll head off first while they get ready for school.”

With a sigh of resignation, I nod back and close the door.

“What was that about?” Yuki groggily asks while propping her head up with an arm.

“Apparently mom, dad, and I are going to the hospital to see Yun.” I explain while grabbing a change of clothes. I wouldn’t mind going out in my pj’s, but mom gave me ample time to get dressed it seems.

“Just you three? What about us, or even just Elias like last time?” She questions while watching me pick through my drawers. “Nice bra there, wait! What happened to Yun?!” 

As always, my little friend was all over the place. 

“Thanks, I got it online.” Tossing off my shirt, I start answering her questions. “Turn around please?” But not before asking the disaster lesbian to stop sneaking peeks.

“A-ah, my bad.” I could practically hear the blush as she was no doubt crimson at the moment. “G-go ahead?”

“Thanks. So we don’t know anything other than there was some incident. Dr. Grey apparently didn’t sound overly concerned, but mentioned that too many people wouldn’t be good for the current situation. She did say you guys could come over after school if everything’s alright by then.”

“What do you think happened?”

“Mom and dad think either a relative of hers showed up, or it's the effects of the nightmare that caused her heart attack popping up. I’ll try to remember to message you guys when I find out though, don’t worry.”

“Hmm.” She thinks for a moment as I finish changing. I wasn’t sure if I’d be going to school or not, so I just pulled the uniform on anyway. “Alright, but seriously let us know if anything bad happened, okay?”

Shuffling over to wrap her in a hug, I give her a smile. “Of course.” 



“Y-you meanie…” Pouting, she pulls away... reluctantly.

After I finally get finished dressing, I leave the room to Yuki so she can get ready as well. The guys room is only a door away so I knock on it quickly and get greeted by Elias. It seems he’s been up for a little bit already. 

I explain to him what I'd told Yuki and am relieved to see he’s quite understanding. He does ask the same of me that Yuki did, to keep in touch and let them know what’s up. He then says he’ll wake up Takuto and explain the situation for me. 

“Sena!” Mom calls out to me from the front door. 

“Better get going then, your mom sounds like she’s ready to head out. Hehe.” Yuki pops up and giggles.

“Yep, get going Sena. We’ll see you later.” Elias waves me off while gesturing for Yuki to enter their room. A part of me feels bad for what we just unleashed on Takuto, the other part knows it’s his fault for being such a deep sleeper. 

Within a few seconds my parents and I are loaded up, and on the way to our destination. I catch myself falling into anxiety, but remember that there’s no guarantee anything bad happened. 

Sighing to myself, I watch the city pass us by and prepare myself for whatever revelations coming.


“Uh. What?” 

“Hm.” Both my parents vocalize.

“As you can see, a bit of a situation.” Dr. Grey states with a warm gaze directed at the girl curled up against her. “She fell asleep after I came back, but wouldn’t let go of me even when unconscious.”

Dr. Grey was sitting in a chair set against Yun’s bed, where the latter was curled up almost in a ball with an arm gripping the former's sleeve. She looked as if she was years younger and enjoying the embrace of a family member, something the girl surely had never gotten.

“Uh.” Repeating my confusion, I speak up. “So, what’s the problem exactly? She looks calmer than ever…” 

“That may look like the case, but see how her grip tightens when I barely even move?” Demonstrating for us, the doctor moves her arm slightly and we all see Yun’s hand ball up to keep the older woman's sleeve within her grasp. 

“I’m guessing this isn’t the only thing you called us over here for, what happened when she woke up earlier?” Mom doesn’t see any major issues with Yun’s current behavior, so she tries to get down to the meat of the visit.

“Correct.” The doctor's look grows grim while no doubt thinking back on whatever incident took place. 

She then went on to explain to us everything that happened from the moment she walked into the room. Telling us about how Yun was in a state of delusion and terror while most likely hallucinating, threatening to jump out of the window, small glimpses into what the staff think occurred in the girl’s dream, and eventually her apparent short term amnesia.

“She forgot everything..?” Mouth open wide, I ask.

“Not everything, no. She still knows who you all are, but everything from the start of her hospital visit was gone when we tried questioning her.”

“This is quite the situation…” Dad comments quietly.

Mom had been holding onto dad’s arm for a while now, pretty much since the mention of Yun attempting to jump out the window. “That’s just terrible… What do we do about her memory?”

“We aren’t too sure, the current theories point towards the heart attack causing the amnesia. Lack of blood, or air, can damage the brain in a lot of ways. Then we have the possibility of what happened in the nightmare causing significant stress to her psyche instead. Either way, the nightmare is the cause.” Dr. Grey explains quietly while watching Yun. Her expression changed to one of what I can only see as regret, but why she would feel like that is beyond me. 

“Hm. What can we do to help? You called us three here for a reason, I’d bet we can help with her memory in some way.” Scratching his chin, my father asks.

“Yep. She mentioned significant pain in her head while trying to remember what she’d forgotten, but it may be easier if people she sees as actual family speak with her instead of us.”

“You say that, but she seems pretty comfortable around you at the moment.” Mom giggles.

Dr. Grey rolls her eyes but smiles nonetheless. During Yun’s stay here, the gray haired woman seemed to care for her quite a bit. Not as her own child, but more like extended family or a close friend's kid.

“Hnn.” A small noise sounds from the bed.

“Looks like she’s waking up, if you could all sit down for a moment to not overwhelm her, that’d be fantastic.”

Doing as we’re told, we all sit in the chairs across from Yun’s bed as we usually have each day we visited. And after a few moments of light tossing, during which the hospitalized girl hadn’t let go of the doctor somehow, Yun opens her eyes and yawns slightly.

“Doctor..?” Wiping the blurriness out of her eyes, she speaks up. “You’re still here, and not cold either.” At that her eyes light up a little and she settles down into comfort again. 

“I am.” Dr. Grey responds before gesturing to us. “And Sena and her parents are here too.”

Slowly looking towards us, the sleepy girl looks at my parents before locking gazes with me. At that moment I’m blown away again by how beautiful she is. I’d always known she was pretty for a guy, but to think this sight was hidden from us for so long. I nearly tear up but catch myself and force the desire back. 

“Sena!” She exclaims with a bright smile that nearly puts my efforts to waste. “When did you get here?”

“Just a few minutes ago, can I come closer?” Hoping she’ll say yes, I jump straight to what I want.

“...” Her gaze darkens for a moment as she scrutinizes me. “Only enough so I can touch you.” 

“Alright!” Doing as I’m asked, I slowly walk towards the bed and notice how she’s slightly shaking. Once I’m within arms reach, I stop and hold out my palm with a smile on my face. “Is this good?”

“... Yeah.” Gingerly, Yun reaches toward me with her free hand and lightly taps my open palm. Upon contact, she stays like that for a moment before moving the rest of her hand to hold mine. “You’re warm, can you sit on the bed with me?” Looking up at me with a smile, she lets go of Dr. Grey’s sleeve and tries to pull me closer. 

 Giving a look to Dr. Grey and my parents, they both nod back. With that I crawl into Yun’s bed and slip under the covers. Almost immediately, she pulls me into a hug and nuzzles into my neck. 

“Hehe. That tickles, Yun!” With most of my fears suppressed at the wonderful feeling and sight before me, I can’t help but giggle. 

Hugging her tighter to stop her ticklish movements, she starts giggling too and allows herself to still within my arms. I can almost feel her start to nod off again so I start caressing her head slightly. “Hm?” 

“Do you think you can stay awake for a bit? We can sleep in a little while, but we want to ask some things first. If that’s okay of course.” 

“Mm. Sure, what did you want to ask?” Agreeing to my prospect, we both shift a little into more of a sitting up while laying down position to get a good look at everyone in the room.

Speaking up first, my mom starts us off. “We heard something happened this morning, are you alright?”

“A-ah. Y-yeah, I’m fine now.” The warm atmosphere from earlier nearly disappears as she starts shivering. In response I hug her tighter and continue to pet her hair. The shivering lets up a little, but the memory clearly elicited a bad reaction.

Dad continues for mom now. “The doctor told us what happened, and she mentioned you had some memory issues, is that right?”

“Y-yeah. I don’t remember being in the hospital before today, but I know I was.” Seemingly not wanting to go deeper than that as it would probably hurt her, dad continues in a different direction.

“I see. We’ll explain some of what we talked about and what led to you being put in the hospital in the first place. We want to make sure your head isn’t too messed up.”

Hesitantly nodding, she accepts his proposal. For a few minutes after, we each took turns retelling what we’d spoken about since Sunday and on. Throughout the conversation, she started off looking a little confused but a knowing glint grew stronger after each recount. 

“Now we have to talk about why you’re in here. Are you okay with that right now?” With a motherly tone, mom takes one of Yun’s hands in her own. 

At some point during the conversation, Yun had allowed mom to get closer. After testing her warmth, she let my mother hold her hands or pet her hair like I had been doing. Throughout everything I’d stayed hugged up with my best friend. I wouldn’t leave until she told me to. I did remember to send Yuki and the guys a note as well, I felt bad enough that they couldn’t come but Dr. Grey was right about her possibly being overwhelmed. I hadn’t checked their responses yet, but I assumed they’d mention coming over after school. 

Taking a deep breath, Yun nodded and let us tell her why she was in the hospital. Immediately upon mentioning her mother, the shivering got even worse. Her eyes appeared unfocused and one eyebrow kept twitching. She almost appeared in pain. What surprised us the most though, was Yun’s reaction to hearing she got stabbed by her mom in the garage.

Doubling over almost out of my embrace, she clenched her teeth and pained tears started to spill out. “A-ack! M-my head!” Holding her head while I kept her from wiggling out of my grip, she seemed to be in agony.

Springing to action, Dr. Grey gives out some orders. “Sena, keep holding her. Lucy, you and Sam go over and bring them into a hug. I think some of her memories are trying to resurface and it’s blatantly obvious how painful it is. Try to encourage her to coax them out.” 

Without a second thought both my parents get up and quickly embrace the two of us. I could feel tears streaming down my face now too. It was awful what she had to go through, and the fact that even now she’s still in pain makes me seethe in impotent anger and regret. 

Starting to sob louder, Yun takes the initiative and tries her best to hug us all back while choking out how painful it is. At a few points, she started asking why her mom and dad hurt her so much and why the former had dragged her through the house only to get stabbed in the stomach. I could feel my parents' tears dotting my shirt and wetting her hair as they no doubt felt the same way I did. 

“We’re here now. We’ll never let anything happen to you again, Yun. You are a member of our family. Our daughter.” Mom nearly chokes on her tears but manages to get out her proclamation. 


With a final pained cry, Yun sucks in a breath and looks up. “W-what happened?” 

“Yun, do you remember nurse Lindsey?” Dr. Grey suddenly asks as my parents let go of us, even as I stay wrapped around her.

“Y-yeah, she’s your nurse assistant that’s been doing my checkups when you haven’t been able to, right?” Speaking in more articulate words, it almost feels as if Yun had regressed to a younger age until just now. 

“Correct. Is it safe to say you remember your time here and why you were admitted now? And can you remember what happened after the nightmare?”

“Yeah, I think I do. Wait, that was a nightmare?! How was a nightmare that real?!” Sounding more curious than scared, her eyes widen as she starts to shiver a little.

I give her a quick squeeze that calms her down ever so slightly. Not sure if I should remove myself or not, I decide to ask some questions next. “ Do you think you can tell us what happened in the nightmare? And is it alright if I stay with you in bed? You seem more relaxed but I’d like to stay with you like this. If that’s okay.”

Looking at me with a tinge of flush on her cheeks, she nods while opening and closing her mouth. Closing her eyes for a second, she then speaks up again. “Y-yeah. Stay with me please, it makes me feel better.” 

I can feel my face grow hotter, but nonetheless I’m ecstatic she let me. We never were this touchy before, but now that things are different she’s trying to be more true to herself. “Thank you.” I whisper.

As if wanting to avoid any awkward scenarios, mom asks again if she can explain the dream. 

“Okay, yeah, it shouldn’t be too difficult…” 

Not ecstatic about how this chap came out, but I tried my best! Happy Saturday, all. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)