Chapter 21 Sleepy
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*Sena’s Pov*


It was midnight, I think. I’d gotten up to grab some water from the kitchen since I forgot to bring a bottle to my room. Yun ended up sleeping through the rest of the day while Mom, Dad, and I hung out around the house and put together a list of what we, and mostly Yun, would need. 

We had a low-key dinner that Yun, miraculously, woke up for before promptly going back to bed again. She looked tired. I doubt I’d ever seen someone sleep as much as her, though I guess recovering from her injuries while lightly exercising her weakened body completely exhausted her. 

A few hours later we all decided to head to bed as well. We checked on Yun a final time before so and noticed she was sleeping pretty soundly. We really needed to get her some better bedding though. It wasn’t like what she had now was bad quality… but it was clear the room used to be for guests. We wanted it to feel like it was hers through and through though. 

I’d just closed the fridge and walked back to my room when I noticed Yun’s door was slightly more ajar than earlier. I was confused but still pretty tired so I didn’t think much of it. When I got to my room though, I noticed my door was also more open than when I left. I slowly pushed the door in and saw a form standing in the middle of the room. 

“Hic.” The person hiccupped as I noticed who it was.


She snapped around and carefully stepped towards me before nearly falling.

“Woah!” I yelped, barely being able to catch her in time. I was extra careful not to stress her body as I lowered her to the ground. “Yun? What’s wrong?”

“N-nightmare.” She squeaked. “W-was a-alone.”

“A-ah. I see…” I thought for a moment. “Do you want to sleep with me?”

Her face brightened even though she was still shivering. “P-please.”

Despite the situation, I was glad she wanted to sleep with me again. I’d been happy she was getting her own room, we all know she needs a safe place to call her own, but I was going to miss staying with her in bed.

“Come on, can you stand up?” I asked while rising slowly.

“Ye-” She started before slumping down again. “N-no. My legs feel weak… and my stomach hurts when I stand straight.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Here,” I slid an arm around her back and positioned my other under her legs, just like dad had. “I’ll carry you.”

“B-but Sena- Woah!” She was probably going to say that I was too weak to carry her but, despite my age and size, I was quite strong. And she was most definitely way too light for her age. Damn those awful parents of hers…

“See? I’m pretty strong, so don’t worry. Do you want the left or the right side?”

“T-the right. I want to be closer to the wall with you covering the outside.” 

I nodded and set her where she wanted to be. Almost immediately she crawled beneath the covers and got comfortable. 

I couldn’t help but giggle as she looked at me expectantly. Seems I wasn’t the only one who would’ve missed sleeping together.

“Come on, Sena.” She whined. “Get in so we can sleep!”

“Alright, alright.” I said.

Before long, I was huddled up next to her covered in my thin sheets and thick quilt. Just enough warmth, with the right amount of pressure. I looked to my right and saw Yun had already passed out. She must’ve been more tired than I thought, walking over to my room must’ve been a chore…

I shifted a little to face her so I could slide one arm under her, and the other over her chest. It was cuddle time. 

My cheeks warmed a little as I realized what I was doing, but it wasn’t enough to stop me from being any closer to her. She wanted to be as close to me as I did to her. Though who knew how she felt romantically. 

In the end, I’d love her silently. Or loudly. Either was fine with me.

*Yun’s pov*


“Yun, Sena?” Lucy called while lightly knocking on the door.

I groan a little, and turn over to see Sena right next to me.

“Wha? Huh?” I sputter.

“Mmn.” She murmurs as Lucy knocks again.

“Sena, is Yun in there with you?” She calls out.

Since it seemed like Sena wouldn’t be up anytime soon, I figured I’d answer for her.

“I’m here, Lucy.” I mumble before clearing my throat and speaking a bit louder. “I mean, I’m here!”

“Ah! Thank you, Yun. I’ll save my questions for when you’re fully up. Can you try and get that rascal up? She needs to leave for school pretty soon.”

“Err, yes. Do I just… poke her or something?”

I hear a muffled giggle at that before she clears her throat. “Whatever you think might get her up. She’s a pretty deep sleeper, as I’m sure you may have noticed from you two’s time in the hospital.”

“Yeah.” I nod, even though she can’t see me. “I’ll get her up, then I’ll come out to see you guys.”

“Sounds good, breakfast is almost ready. Do you think you can walk to the kitchen?”

“I think so. If I have any problems, I’ll call for you or ask Sena to help.”

Lucy thanks me and says she’ll keep her ears open. Thus, I start on my mission to awaken my redheaded friend. 

“Sena?” I ask. No response.

“Sena!” I say a little more forcefully with, once again, no response more than a murmur.

“Se-na! Wake up!” I grab her shoulders and shake her back and forth. 

“Yunnn, go back to sleeep…” She sleepily replies while wrapping her arms around me. I’m then pulled into a hug with no room to move, my face pushed to her chest. Luckily she didn’t put any pressure on my wound with that maneuver. 

“Ahg! Sena!” Struggling to move, I wiggle in her arms. “You need to get up for school!”

“Shhhh.” Shushing, she moves her face down to be equal with mine and rubs her nose against mine. 

“W-w-wha? S-Sena!” I sputter again while my cheeks warm up. 

“Go back to sleep, I wanna cuddle some more…” And like that, she’s back to steadily breathing in and out. 

I squeak a little, but am otherwise too preoccupied with what she just did to try and wake her up anymore. 

Did she just rub her nose on mine… her face was so close. If she wanted to, she could’ve k-kissed me. But, no. She wouldn’t do that. We’re just friends after all, just sisters.

During my internal monologue, the door squeaks open a little and Lucy steps in. I don’t even notice her until she’s right up on us. 

“Yun? I thought you were going to try and wake her up?” She asks with a bemused look.

“I, er, I was… but, uh. I got distracted…” I admit quietly.

A smirk pops up on her face. “I see she has you clamped up in her arms.” 

“Y-yeah…” My cheeks heat up even more.

That seems to surprise her a little for some reason, but she quickly moves past it. “Heh, I don’t blame you. Here,” She reaches over and unclips Sena’s arms from around me, much to my wonder. “You just have to know where to apply enough pressure to make her let go.”

“Woah, you’re gonna need to teach me that at some point.” Now that I’m free, I slide back a little to let the lady work her magic.

“Of course, I can teach you all about my little Sena and how she works. We’ll make it a priority.” She winks. “Now then. Let’s wake this girl up.”

She then proceeds to shoo me back a little further so I’m out of ‘strike range,’ whatever that means. 

“Watch and learn, Yun. This is how you wake up an unruly daughter!”

Both of her hands slip under the covers, and probably Sena’s shirt, and start to tickle the life out of her. At first Sena only twitched and breathed in sharply as she shot an arm out, but that quickly changed as Lucy got focused.

“Ahahah! W-what’s goin- Aha! Mom!” She’s wide awake within seconds, laughing and rolling around to try and escape her mother’s clutches.

“Oh come now, Sena.” Lucy chides. “I wouldn’t have had to resort to this if you had just gotten up. I asked Yun to help wake you up too, but you managed to capture the poor girl.”

“I-I did not!” She blushes.

Lucy’s response was a simple eyebrow raise.

“I-I mean… I may have snuggled with her in my dream…”

I giggle. “Sena, you wrapped me up right after I tried to wake you. You even said ‘go back to sleep, I wanna cuddle some more.’”

“Uhhhg, stop teasing meee!” 

“Oh, stop.” Lucy grins and uncovers her. “Don’t try and burrow back under there, you’ve got school today.”

“Can I… not?” She gives her mother the dreaded puppy eyes.

“No.” Which has no effect.

Sena clicked her tongue. “Darn.” 

“Alright, now that that’s settled we can move on. Yun, do you think you can walk around right now?”

“She was having trouble last night when she came to my room, Mom. Though she might be better now.” Sena answered for me while grabbing her clothes.

“My legs feel a bit better, yeah. But I haven’t stood since last night.”

Lucy offered me a hand with an encouraging smile. “Let’s try it then, shall we?”

I gave a hesitant nod, but took her hand nonetheless. Sena left the room to change in privacy, which left me and her mother alone to figure out my physical state for the day.

Standing up wasn’t too bad, I felt a little achy but nothing awful. My legs shook a bit too as I walked to the kitchen with Lucy by my side, I ended up making it to my destination fine but a little winded. 

“You’ve practically gone from athletic to frail within a week… hopefully we don’t have to do any physical therapy.” Lucy muttered while brewing a cup of coffee.

“I mean… I don’t really want to go back to being athletic.” I admit.

She raises an eyebrow and takes a seat at the table in front of me. “And that’s perfectly fine, but you need to get healthy again. We won’t ask you to join any sports clubs, or exercise a whole lot, but you should aim to not need assistance when walking for long stretches of time.”


I sipped on my own cup of water while we waited for Sena and her Dad to join us for breakfast. I got the feeling my friend wouldn’t be able to savor her food…

A few minutes later, Sam walked in and took a seat while greeting me. He was going to be taking Sena to school apparently as she didn’t have a car or her license yet, though neither did I. He started eating the prepared breakfast, which triggered Lucy and I to do the same. No point in letting it get cold I guess.

“Ah! You guys started without me!” Sena rounded a corner and pouted at us.

“You were the one who tried to sleep in, dear.” Lucy teased.

Breakfast was a pretty low-key affair except for Sena having to rush to finish her food. Sam had already finished his and was ready to go, checking his watch every few minutes. When she finally finished, both of them rushed out the door and drove off with a few ‘love yous’ and ‘see you laters.’ 

Now that Lucy and I were the only two in the house, she wanted to catch up with me a little.

“So, what made you get in bed with Sena?” She asked. 

I blushed a little in embarrassment. “I had a nightmare and needed… someone to calm me down. She was out getting a drink of water when I knocked on her door, so I went in. When she came back, I told her what was wrong and she invited me to sleep with her.”

“Are you feeling better now?” 

I nodded. “Yeah, it was one of those nightmares about the past. But it’s mostly faded now.”

“That’s good. If they keep happening, we’ll talk to Dr. Grey about it alright?” 


“Do you think you’ll be able to sleep on your own?”

I tried to say yes, but I hesitated. That was probably enough for her to understand how I felt.

“I’m not saying you need to, mind you.” She smiled. “We don’t mind if you and Sena stay together or not, and you’ll keep that room as your own too. Even if you don’t sleep there. The both of you could also sleep in each other's rooms every now and then as well.”

“I… Thank you. I honestly don’t know when I’ll be able to sleep on my own… When I wake up in the night,” I shivered. “It just feels so much like the other place.”

“Aw, poor girl.” She cooed and moved around the table to hug me. “It’s quite alright. I know for a fact that Sena wants to keep sleeping with you for as long as possible, so don’t worry about that too much. Even when you’re able to be on your own, you don’t have to. That’s what family is for.”

I felt myself tear up a little, so I just nodded and tried to hug her a bit tighter. Once again, she was probably able to tell how I felt without speech.

A doorbell ringing made us both pause. 

“Ah!” Lucy smiles wide. “I think I know what that is.”


“Shh! I’ll go grab it and come back. It’s our first present to you! Though we don’t really know how long you’ll need it for. Could be a week, could be even shorter. But we still got it.” She explains while rushing off to the front door.

I sit there a little confused, listening to the door opening and closing while Lucy drags a large box in. Seems like it was a delivery.

An excited ripping of plastic and cardboard later, she’s squealing.

“L-Lucy?” I ask, wanting to know what’s up.

“Just a sec! I gotta… figure out how to, uh, unfold this…” She trails off into the kind of muttering a kid would have when putting a box of Legos together.

And finally, a few minutes later, she’s rolling an admittedly nice looking white wheelchair into the kitchen.