Chapter 1 The beginning
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A boy or undeterminable age set his school bag on the foot of his plain bed, the comforter indenting from the weight. Like everything else within the medium sized room, it was a mixture of white and blue. The walls were painted blue with grey and black accents, posters decorating them depicting different sports, popular action movies, with the occasional car poster. All things his widowed mother bought and placed without his need or want. 


He laid on his bed for a moment of reprieve, one he knew would end far sooner than he wished, if you could even call it that. His head and chest were pounding with dread and anxiety. Today he had been caught up in his own wants and the infectious mood of the rest of the class and his four friends. Soon he knew he would pay the price. 


“I wonder if she’s heard yet.” The boy quietly spoke.


What he had done and consequently caused his anxiety was something so simple most parents wouldn’t bat an eye, much less be the cause of fear in this quantity. In fact it was a common occurrence for students to do such during festivals or class projects. What he had done was as mundane as crossdressing with a few of his male friends at the behest of the girls in their group. They were planning a cafe to do for the upcoming fall festival, with the classic trope of girls dressing in suits and guys dressing in dresses. 


*Pat* *Pat* *Squeak* *Pat*


The telltale signs of someone walking up the carpeted stairs rather quickly began to vibrate within the boys head, echoing almost endlessly while he waited for what was to come. 


I just hope it’ll end quickly, although this is the first time I’ve done something like this. Surely it can’t be worse than the usual right?


He pulled his collar down ever so slightly to nervously scratch the skin that was beginning to itch with stress. A small scar showed where his delicate finger rubbed, the more he rubbed the more the scar grew as it was no small scar indeed. This scar stretched from slightly below the collarbone all the way to his sternum. It was one of the longer ones, but definitely not the deepest or most painful. It was rather recent, only applied little more than half a year ago. 


The footsteps finally reached the top of the stairs and the boy could feel a presence outside his door. He could see the shadow of feet from the space under the door, and the hairs on his neck rose, his smooth arms got goosebumps and he clenched his teeth. 


The door opened with a squeak, a testament as to how often it was opened. The figure entered the room with a scowl and a light blush signifying the state of intoxication, holding nothing. 



The boy was confused at the lack of an “instrument” to melt out his punishment, was this going to go better than he expected? Was his life finally going to go the way it should have? The boy started to feel the light returning to his eyes after to very, very long.


H-has she finally realized that what shes done has been wrong? Maybe I can finally be myself! I can finally get rid of all this boyish stuff in my room and-


“What did you do at school today you piece of trash!” The woman, his mother, yelled. “Why did I get a call from Lucy and Sam about how you dressed as a girl when you are clearly a boy! I thought I beat that out of you a long time ago! I saw the smile on your face in the pictures with your friends. Are you trying to make me angry about how you were born WRONG!? About how me and your father created something we didn’t want!? If you were just born right then nothing bad would’ve happened!"


The woman screamed at him and all his hopes quickly vanished as he realized he was a fool for hoping. That as long as he was within this home, with this woman then he would never be happy. 


“Your father wouldn't be dead if it wasn’t for you! You are a mistake and always have been!” His mother slurred. She quickly walked up to the boy sitting on his bed and yanked him off it by the hair.


“S-stop! Please mom I d-didn’t want to make you mad! It-It’s for the class project for the festiv-” The boy pleaded.


“Shut it you ungrateful bitch!” She yanked his hair harder and punched him square in the nose. Perhaps not hard enough to break it but enough to cause a small amount of blood to leak out. 

“Do you know how much of my life was RUINED because of you!? I could have had everything if only you weren’t born as you were! We had it all set up, you would play sports, get into a good college and make us enough money to live comfortable forever!” She continued to berate the… boy?


“I know how to fix all that now though. I can finally see clearly that all I had to do, was get rid of you.” She hissed.


The boy froze while being dragged through the house towards the garage. What did she mean by that? She usually just hits me or cuts me when she gets like this? A-am i going to die? Is she going to kill me!? He began to panic, although nothing could be done with the vice like grip she applied to his hair. 


“P-Please stop! I won’t do it again I promise! I’ll do e-everything you tell me to, I'm your son right? Please calm down!” He begged, and continued begging until they finally entered the garage. The garage door was open showing the pouring rain outside. 


His mother threw him to the concrete floor, arm catching wrong and at best pulling a muscle, at worst breaking his left wrist. A whimper left his lips. The pain was nothing compared to the fear he felt though. As he laid there starring at his mother with tears falling to the floor, his mother grabbed a sharp looking object from a shelf, it was a large skinning knife his father left behind when he died all those years ago. She unsheathed it and started stalking close to the downed child. 


He couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, could hardly think as he knew from the look in her eyes and the way she walked despite being inebriated. She was going to kill him. 


“I don’t know why I never did this before! It feels amazing to know I'm going to be rid of this failure! Ahh, I can’t wait to toss you outside and bury you to get on with my life!” She was obviously not in her right mind, as how would a normal person be able to get rid of their child who was well-known in the neighborhood, not to mention the school system with no questions. 


“Stop please! E-even if you did kill me the police would arrest yo-” Again he was cut off from reasoning with her, this time though by a blade.


By a miracle, or sheer luck, she barely nicked his face and only managed to substantially cut the front of the uniform the boy was wearing. The boy scrambled back, causing the uniform to rip further showing gauze or white paper wrapping around his upper chest. When the shirt completely degraded, his mother sneered and got noticeably disgusted and far angrier than she previously was.


“See! You disgusting piece of trash! If you were just born male then I wouldn't have to do this! But its too late for that, I'll kill you and then have another child that isn't female!” She hollered and screamed in lunacy. 


By now a few of the neighbors had heard the commotion and were making there way over to the house, but through the rain they couldn’t see what was occurring in the garage just yet. Except for one family, a girl and her parents who had just arrived. These being Lucy and Sam as well as their daughter. Who in the boys, or rather the now exposed girls, mothers rampage didn’t notice park outside. 


“Hey! We were going to drop off the clothes for the cafe and catch up a little, what's going on in her-” Sam started to ask as they rounded the corner into the garage, but what his family caught sight of stunned all of them. What they saw was their daughters friend Yun, get stabbed with a large hunting knife by his own mother. The scene itself was so shocking they hardly recognized the other small details.


“YUN?!” Lucy and Sam’s daughter, Sena, cried in shock.