Chapter 6 Inhibitors
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“Ah back to one of the reasons we came by,” Lucy remarks with a clap. “Due to everything that's happened, words spread a little. You’re quite the well known little lady in town, Yun. A few people have given us cards and their well wishes to pass on.” She then hands me a sizable stack of cards. There has to be at least fifteen envelopes here...

...Yeah that makes sense. My parents always wanted me to be the good young man that goes around helping people out. 

They had me go to different stores owned by friends of theirs and offer my help a bunch, lend my services to the neighbors, all kinds of things. 

Just walking around town was enough to have at least four or five people stop me to chat/thank me. I say town but what I mean is the neighborhood and the surrounding areas. We live near a decent sized city but not quite in the actual city-esque portion of it. Family owned businesses are rampant in the area so I always had something to do or someone to help. 

“Most of them were confused about the situation and only after showing them the proof did they kind of understand. Not everyone knows how bad you had it though, as we didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. As such, we decided to only share what we figured you would be okay with.” Sam picks up where his wife left off.

He then went on to explain what they’d told some of the townsfolk. Primarily a summarized version of the story with most details left out. What most people now know is that I was abused for over a decade due to no fault of my own but simply out of my parents pride. They had hidden it from everyone they knew, even going so far as to fool their own immediate family and closest friends. Over time, and after my father's death, it eventually built up until the events of Friday which were mostly clear for all to see.

 No one outside of the room, except Dr. Grey’s nurse and a few neighbors who had been there on Friday, knew I was actually a girl though. Sam apparently went by most of their houses and asked them to keep quiet on the matter so that I could reveal things on my own terms, to which everyone happily agreed.

I, of course, thanked him for his foresight as that was definitely something I’d like to figure out without the added stress of even more rumors. Honestly though? No clue on how to go about that.

The next comment immediately obliterated any relief I previously had.

“I know you might freak out by this, Yun. But I may or may not have invited the others to come see you…” Sena speaks in a hushed voice from next to me.

Apparently my shock was pretty clear on my face as my little friend immediately jumped up with a; “But of course If you don’t want them to come then I’ll call them and have them stay back! I don’t want to make you uncomfortable but I think they deserve to know too... I had to explain a little of what happened when I canceled those plans we had for the weekend. But they don't know a whole lot...”

“I don’t know...”

“It’s okay if you want me to call them off, I get that, but they’re just like my family. I promise that it’ll go okay. They will accept you for who you are.” She calmly pleads.

This was one of the bigger things I was both worried about and trying to ignore. I know Sena’s ok with me but the risk of losing all my other friends to this weird situation was hard to stomach. 

Although I find myself not really caring about dropping or being dropped by a good number of people who were only 'friends' with me for convenience or other skin deep excuses.

I sit still with my eyes closed for a little longer before coming to a decision.

“It’s just Yuki, Takuto and Elias right?” I ask.

“Yeah, just those three, I wouldn’t invite anyone else as they’re the only ones you're actually close to besides me." 

I sigh internally, and maybe a little externally as Sena looks down for a moment.

“...Yeah I guess that's fine. I’d probably keep pushing it back further and further if it was up to me anyway.” I reluctantly agree while shifting my weight.

“YES!” Sena shouts. “I’ll go call them to confirm I have your approval! They’re gonna be so excited to see you! I can’t wait till Yuki finds out!”

And like that she zoomed off out of the room to give our friends the good news. Much to everyone's amusement. 

“Well now that that's decided, shall we finish up your checkup? I still have a few things to ask and a couple bandages to change, probably better to do so before your friends get here.” The doctor winks. 

Shortly after she says as such, she kicks the Meyers out of the room to give me some privacy and calls in her nurse for assistance. Lucy tried to stay and offer her assistance, but Dr. Grey told her she'll have plenty of time to help me with these kinds of things later on. It was pretty clear she was starting to feel a little more motherly towards me, I wasn't sure how to feel about that to be honest though.

It doesn’t take long for them to finish with my checkup and changing of bandages, and the nurse leaves just as quickly. I have to say, I hate the feeling of gauze or wrappings of any kind. It just makes me feel like I’m back at that house having to tie my chest up. Brrr. Ah, speaking of, now's as good a time as ever to ask that one question I was worrying about.

“Doctor, will my chest be fine by the way?” I ask while I lay back down. 

“Hmm? What do you- Ah. I understand.” The doctors quick to catch on.

“I was just wondering as, you know, I’ve never worn a bra or anything similar. Just wrappings to keep my body shape less feminine. It used to be fine when I was younger, but now that I’ve grown at least a little it gets uncomfortable and sometimes painful.” It’s a bit of a fear of mine to lose anything that makes me feminine, lest I turn into what my mother wanted for real.

“Hmmm.” She ponders for a moment.

“To be honest I haven’t seen anything wrong with your chest during our checkups or the surgery. Long term binding like that can have different forms of damage, it looks like you regularly changed them so you don't have to worry about infections or rashes though. Your lungs were alright and, pardon me, your chest is frankly too small to have any lasting consequences from the bindings.” The doctor explains while she sits back down, having finished with her instruments and disposed of the old wrappings.

“Phew, that's good at least.” I’d really hate it if I had ruined more of my body because of my parents.

“However, now that you mention it and I’ve thought about it a little more. I realize that you are quite underdeveloped for your age, in multiple areas.” 

“What do you mean?” Slightly nervous I sit up a little straighter on the bed.

“Just as I said. Your chest is quite smaller than someone your age suggests, and although it could be genetics, I doubt it. Your parents' records and photos suggest otherwise.”

It’s true, my mother did have quite the bust before she turned to drinking so often. 

“Speaking of, when was your first period? I suspect you may have been fed inhibitors of some kind to halt your growth. When we did some blood tests we noticed some strange results that may allude to drug use. Not on your part mind you.” She asks while pulling out her tablet to jot down some notes.

Barely above a whisper I reply: “I haven’t.”

“Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat that?” Dr. Grey looks up from her notes and looks me in the eyes.

“...I haven’t had a period yet.” 

Her eyes quickly widen with shock.