Chapter 13 Yuki!
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*Yuki Pov*

“Heya, Yuki. Did you get the text?” 

“Ah! There you are, Elias. Yeah, I was just gonna go to the bathroom right quick then meet you guys at the front gate.” 

Earlier Sena and Elias went to the hospital for some emergency going on with Yun. They wouldn’t let Taky and I come though which really blew. We ended up settling for allowing Elias to go with Sena and relay the information back to us, but all we ended up getting was a few messages here and there consisting of ‘she’s alright’ and similar basic stuff. We weren’t the most pleased by that but figured there was a reason for it. Now though, I want all the details!

“When we get to Sena’s place, I expect to hear everything El.” I huff. “Honestly. We send you as an informant and you hardly do your job! We’re quite disappointed, I might add.” I always loved teasing my friends, Taky and Sena were the easiest targets. Lately though Elias was climbing the ranks. I never really messed with Yun though… Wonder why.

We start walking together towards the bathrooms while chatting for a while. He explains that some of the stuff will be easier to tell in person and all together, rather than over text. He also mentioned that it was kinda heavy, and that Sena even cried.

“Wow, really? Sena doesn’t really cry much, although to be honest she’s been having it rough lately so I can’t blame her.” I pause to think for a moment. “Well she’s always tried to keep up a calm face even though it’s soo obvious she was just holding back. Both on the good and bad stuff.”

“Oh?” A voice replies from the shadows.

“Ack! W-when did you get here?! W-weren’t you with your parents?” 

Sena had appeared from within the darkness, well, the bathroom I was going towards, but still! It’s the same!

“My, my, little Yuki. Don’t act so guilty, lest you make me think you truly are~? Do you have something to tell me? I won’t get mad.” 

She’s smiling, but I know the truth! It’s a trap!

“Heheh. Sena, calm down a little, she wasn’t saying anything mean. In fact she was just talking about how you’ve been having it rough lately. We probably don’t even know half of how you feel, yet we still see how upset you’ve been lately.” Elias comes to my rescue, the kind man that he is!

“Exactly! You should trust me a little more!”

“A-ah. Yeah, I just got a little caught up in myself there. Heheh. Sorry about that, Yuki.” She deflates a little. “To answer your question though, I decided to ride with you guys. This way we can get in before my parents so we can start relaxing a little. I also needed to grab some stuff from a few teachers.”

“Makes sense! You coulda asked us to grab your stuff too y’know? We’re all going to your house after all.” Her appearance was now no longer as magically scary as it seemed before.

“Here, let’s move away from the bathrooms so others can get in.” Elias kindly moves us away from the door, there was a cute girl from the class next to ours that was too embarrassed to ask us to move

“Ah, my bad. Were you heading to the restroom too? You can go on in and we’ll wait for you, Yuki.” 

After saying so, her and Elias moved off to the side to wait on me. I didn’t feel like making them wait too long so I rushed in to get myself ready to leave. Not before slamming into the cute girl from before though.

“Oof! Owowow.” As I’m quite short, when I smack into her I ram my face right into her chest. Not the fun part, rather the sternum. She’s a little, uh, unfortunate... in that department.

“I’m so sorry! I d-didn’t see you coming! Oh, uh, ahh, are you alright?” Yep quite the shy girl, just as I figured. Very cute.

Rubbing my nose I give her a positive answer. “Yep, I’m good! You shouldn’t be the one to apologize either! I was basically running… So I’m sorry!” I flip the turntables or whatever you call them on her.

“A-ah! U-uh, no no I’m s-sure it was my f-fault! Please don’t bow!” She’s a stuttering mess, but I decide I’ve had my fun and let her go easy.

“Seriously, I’m good. Name’s Yuki by the way. If you ever need help in the realms of fun, call me! I need to pee now! See ya!” I totally didn’t just have to pee so bad that I would throw away a good teasing. Nope, just felt nice today~.

“A-ah, goodbye Yuki! Have a nice day!” The nameless girl waves me off as I rush into a stall.

A few minutes later I'm drying my hands and reuniting with my good friends Sena and Elias. From their spot against the wall outside the bathroom we head towards the gate to meet up with Taky. 

“Were you flirting with another girl in the bathroom again?” Sena decides to interrogate me on our walk down the hall.

“Heh, you’ll never know~. But if there’s a fair maiden nearby, and a way to reach them without any danger, I shall be there. Flirt or not, I cannot say!” 

“Oh yeah~? So the girl that came out right after you went in definitely wasn’t blushing after you messed with her a little?” She was rather observant today. Unfortunate.

“Yuki, I thought we talked about you teasing and or flirting with literally every girl in the school?” Elias was also observant today, double unfortunate.

The reason they’re asking is due to no fault other than my own. I might be quite the player hidden underneath my small stature. Part of the fun is seeing people's reactions to a small girl tease and get them all flustered. Ahh~. There’s hardly anything better… except when it comes back to bite me.

“Listen, it’s not like I’m in a relationship or anything. Or doing anything indecent. I’m flirty, not promiscuous.” I haven’t crossed that line yet, I used to be a little, uh, handsy with a few girls I used to be close with. But not anymore! That all stopped when these two plus Yun got a complaint that I was ‘dating two girls at the same time.’ The worst part was that I wasn’t even dating either of the girls concerned. They might have just, ah, misinterpreted my words and actions

“So she wasn’t rubbing her chest while walking away as fast as possible.” Sena smirks. She was WAY too observant today!

“H-hang on a second!” I started walking a little faster after freezing up for a second. “Listen, she bumped into me on the way in alright?! I didn’t do anything to her! I promise!”

“Hmm. Elias what do you think?” She makes a face as if she were a jury member at a trial. “Innocent or guilty?”

“Hmm.” Elias gets a good look at my desperate face. “We’ll believe her this time I think, but don’t let it happen again. Two times is a coincidence, any more than that though. Tssss.” 

“C’mon! It’s not my fault all the girls here have their washboards at around my face’s height! It’s inevitable that I’ll get shoved into them sometimes, this is the first time it’s happened in ages too!” Unfair treatment of short girls will not be tolerated!

“Oh? All the girls, you say?” Sena got a scary smile on her face again making me realize my mistake.

“N-not you though! You’ve got quite the bust! In fact I think I’d like to smush my face into yours any chance I can ge-” Shoving my hand over my face I manage to stop that little outburst before I make my situation even worse. “Look at that! Taky’s at the gate waiting for us! Let’s head to the car, please!”

“Pfffft.” Sena and Elias try to hold their laughter as I run off towards the gate. 


A little while later, and after everyone had taken multiple jabs at me with Taky included, we climb into Elias’s car and started to head towards Sena house.

“Ahhh~. I’m so glad I always bring spare clothes to school.” I speak up when the song Taky had put on ends. “It’d be so annoying to have to go back home just to grab some comfy clothes.”

Elias looks at me through the rear view mirror with one of his eyebrows raised. “Don’t you mean; ‘I’m so glad I always leave my clothes, clean or dirty, in my wonderful friend Elias’s car?’”

“A-ah. Yeah okay, that’s fair.” I reluctantly agree.

He’s got a point unfortunately, I leave my clothes with him way too often. To emphasize his point, Sena and I look over the seat we’re sharing as we’re both in the back with Taky riding shotgun.

“Wow, Yuki… Why?” Sena asks with a look of wonder.

“It just kinda happens okay?! It’s not my fault I forget about most of my clothes… Or something like that. I have way too much to keep track of anyway. Seriously, my parents and older sisters drop new clothes in my room every week!” I huff and cross my arms.

“I don’t know, Yuki.” Taky speaks up while trying to appear serious. “Most girls don’t want their clothes just laying around anywhere, what if someone gets a hold of something of yours and-”

“STOP! I don’t wanna hear that! Brrr!” I actually shiver with disgust. “Besides. El wouldn’t do something like that, and it’s his car not some random spot! I know veerrry well that he wouldn’t do something so gross.” 

“Yep, I don’t even touch anything she leaves in here besides sweeping them all to one side for room. Although when I do that, all she does is leave more for me to sweep over…” Elias just sounds tired at this point.

“Why is there so much of it though?” Sena seems genuinely interested in why he practically owns half a wardrobe's worth of my clothes now.

“I get changed in his car pretty often. Don’t you wonder where I disappear to when changing? Probably for the best that I stay out of the women’s locker room… Not that all lesbians should! Just me though…”

“Yep, she has a spare key most of the time so I just let her slip in here and do what she wants. She even sleeps in the back sometimes… Maybe that’s why there's so much clothes, she wants to make a bed.”

“Ah, that does make sense. Still though, Yuki, you don’t have to go out of your way just to change. I doubt anyone cares, and you’re not that much of a perv.” Sena giggles lightly. “Though I get the feeling there’s a little more to it then that, but I won’t pry. You can talk to us about whatever, y’know that right?”

“Yeah… I’m fine though. If something does come up, I know you won’t judge. You two as well.”

“Of course!” The driver and main passenger reply in unison. 

After that fun conversation we listen to some more music and eventually pull up to our dear female friend’s driveway.

Shutting off the car, Elias turns to Sena and makes sure it’s fine to park where he is. Once she gives the affirmative and pulls out her key, she gets out of the car and signals for us to follow.

“It’s been quite a while since you guys have been over, huh?” She comments while sliding her key in and unlocking the door.

“Yep! That’s why I’m so excited to be over!”

“I think it’s been a few months for me, I’m looking forward to the informative conversations Ms. Meyer and I have.” Elias responds. Quite the thing to say to your friend, that you’re looking forward to talking to her mother more than hanging out. He makes it work though.

“I haven’t been over in ages, I think the last time for me was when your dad asked me to teach you some self defense. Have you been keeping up with any of that by the way?” 

“Woah, Taky’s one sentence of the night has been spoken!” I exclaim with playful wonder in my tone.

“Indeed. Well have you, Sena?” Elias joins me in the fun.

“Err, somewhat? Not as much as I should… Still enough to get me out of most situations though.” She blushes while admitting her failure while we walk into the main hall.

From there we end up in her living room and plop down on multiple sofas to continue our conversation. I excuse myself for a bit to change into some comfier clothes I had lying in Elias’s car. Seriously man… I should clean this up at some point. Though, the bed idea he had was magnificent… Yeah. It’s all gonna stay. Maybe not the underwear though, that might be too much.

While walking back into the room the others are in, I overhear them still talking about martial arts and whatnot.

“Say, Takuto, do you mind if we set aside some time every few days for some more lessons on anything you can teach me? With how things are turning out, I’m worried about Yun more than anything happening to me…” 

“Hmm. I could open up some time, yeah.” He gives her a slight smile.

If he were to smile like that everyday, he’d be swimming in suitors. Not me though, I like the more feminine type.

“Why are you learning how to fight because you're worried about Yun though? I mean, I get that she was attacked and everything but, I feel like that’s a one off.” I’m genuinely confused on this bit of info. 

“Well, you may have not seen it for yourself when you saw her, but she is incredibly fragile right now. We ran into Dr. Grey a few times while not being in the room with Yun, and she was quite worried about how she would fare after being discharged.” She takes a moment to think. “Some of Yun’s confidence is still there, but I wouldn’t be surprised if her personality gets completely remade after everything she’s been through. Especially after this morning…” 

Wow, I guess Sena does know a whole lot more about the situation than we do. It’s crazy to hear that the guy, err girl, who always helped everyone and was incredibly outgoing could change to that degree almost overnight…

“Speaking of that, what happened this morning? You guys never told us after all. Or are we waiting for your parents to get back and eat first?” 

“I think we’ll wait until after we eat, if that’s fine with you guys. You guys want to spend the night by the way? We have a couple extra rooms and futons.”

“That’s alright with me, and I’ll gladly accept. It’ll save me from driving too late tonight.”

“Same for me, your place is closer to school than mine so it works.”

“Yes! I’m so extra glad I have all that clothes in your car now, El! I’ll go grab some even comfier clothes for sleeping in!” I zoom out of the room and back to the car before they can say a word. Ahh~. To be carefree, I’ll never regret leaving these clothes with him! I might sneak a few pairs of underwear into the hoard now though, want to make sure I’m always prepared! Clean ones only though!