A Dream of a Soldier, an Assassin, and a Family (1/30/2024)
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Two different factions/clans/small armies were in the same location. They weren't planning on meeting the other there, but the atmosphere was tense. Each soldier had uniformity in their stance and armor; the two generals from either party resembled somewhat colorful Fire Emblem characters. Each group had one male and one female general.

Some soldiers tensed in combat stances until one general from both sides decided on a ceasefire. The other two generals were either undecided on what to do, or didn't want to agree to peace in this scenario so easily.

One of them was quickly vindicated- without any indication, his aorta was cut. The general slumped to the floor as the soldiers under his command tensed once more. An invisible force started to dance among the forces of the same affiliation, more conspicuous in its bloodshed than with the initial attack on the general. 

The squadron was quickly reduced to a sorry state, being in no condition to fight, before a general on the supposedly not hostile party ordered the invisible force to stop. A soldier in dark and sharp Spartan -looking armor reappeared in the gap he left before. The rogue soldier ignored his general's raged expression and suggested that they "strike now while the opposing party is in no condition to resist."

Much to the soldier's chagrin, his general refused to attack. She would honor the ceasefire agreement to the best of her ability despite the catastrophic insubordination.


There was some kind of steamboat scene with a bunch of ladders, ropes, and workers climbing tied to those ropes. They were most likely transporting and treating the wounded by bringing them onboard the large vessel(s?).

That same soldier went on to become an assassin. One extremely skilled with the abilities to turn invisible, partly intangible, transform himself, *and* transform others. He has been known to wipe out entire armies in chaotic frenzies. The assassin likes that reputation for himself, but with this last squad attacked, there was a survivor, a man who was away for just enough time to go unnoticed by the assassin. The assassin would later pursue him as prey exclusively after learning of his completionist failure.

The man in question was able to take a break from work to be with his family, consisting of a wife, two daughters, and a large, yellow Labrador doggie. The couple went on a tangent about how a humidifier is extremely desirable and in high demand at the moment before the husband remembered that they owned a Hello Kitty branded one. Assembling the Hello Kitty humidifier, the man looked to various items in his closet- distinctive hats, costumes, coats, knowing each and any of them could be taken and warn by the shapeshifting assassin after his head.

The assassin had a date he would strike and notified his target as a courtesy. The surviver, husband, and father then went on a journey flying over islands.

A being's voice rang out "Regirock."

Directly below the man a decent ways down, was a rock titan awakening. The man felt enlightened in that moment as well and returned to his home feeling enlightened.

His family has been transformed into wasps and other similar Hymenopterans. There was one more among them; one of them was the assassin waiting for a chance at taking the man's life.

With revulsion at the thought he could be hurting a family member, the man began to wrestle the largest of the insects and pry the stinger off of it.


There was also this plot about huge walls on either side of a tiny stretch of barren tundra. Whoever the main character was, was sick or not feeling well for a minute to leave their post on the ice-plated wall, only for the post to be engulfed in an enemy explosion.

A not exactly enraged, but vindictive, Dragonite flew towards the attacker's ice slabbed wall, flying against the structure and knocking slabs down across it's path. Only after the spontaneous action did the the dragon flying type realize the space where it could be bombarded by ice from above and a number of other directions probably was not the best place to be in.