A Dream of a Curtain-filled Castle (1/12/2024)
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I was exploring an unfamiliar urban area at dusk. I made my way to a Wegmans-esque high end supermarket. My mom and one or two of her friends were also nearby for this trip. 

Tasked with getting the car from wherever it happened to be and drive it over to the entrance, I started walking to my left, the direction I was pointed in. Only, I made a bit too much of a detour. I passed by an outdoor public bathroom, curious to see "why?" 

There were rows of sinks for anyone to use, although they were mostly covered by plastic bags for maintenance apparently. A number of the bags over the sinks had Pokemon Center designs on them, one in particular being an Ampharos that kept popping up. There were urinals with not too much privacy and stalls with at least *slightly* more privacy to them; again, nothing here had a roof.

Moving onwards, I entered some middel-European castle without hassle. Walking down the publicly accessable hallway, I looked at the extravagant, velvet curtains segmenting off different sections of the wall to my right. A number of the theater sized curtains had a country's flag or symbol on them.

One was pure red except for a questionable not-Nazi symbol. The one following that was also almost pure red, but with a symbol for either Albania 🇦🇱 or Austria 🇦🇹 on it. 

Getting to the end of the huge designed curtain hall, I turned to my right to see more red velvet in the form of a wide, long staircase that was blocked off by a red, fuzzy ropes. Also to my right, past the in accessable stairs, was another row of even more excessively large, decorated curtains.

Finally deciding on peaking behind one of the curtains, I saw a human sized "gila monster" although it more closely resembled a water monitor or komodo dragon based on its side. The lizard had, yet again, pure scarlet red scales.

For whatever reason, the venomous, giant red gila monster and I thought it would be a good idea to lie down and cuddle each other for a bit. With as relaxing as that was, I fell asleep. Waking up, I realized I still needed to get the car for my poor mom who was waiting at the supermarket entrance with the groceries, although hopefully by now another of the group would have gotten a car for her. I was the only one with the keys to our car though...

It was now very dark out, apart from the street lights and bright castle drowning out almost any other light source, that is. Leaving the castle, passing the outdoor public bathrooms that now had some activity and a few more of the plastic Ampharos bags missing, and scanning the expanse of parking lot, I renewed my search for the car. I don't think I ever found it...