Chapter 32: Weaving Courtly Games
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The castle's maze of ornate corridors and extravagant decorations showcased the wealth of the Summer Court. It hadn't been long since I last navigated these paths, yet the opulence sent a chill down my spine.

However, the grandeur felt alien to me, highlighting the vast gap between my former life and the present.

My mind wandered to Tiger, whose steady presence was a source of comfort. "How do you always seem to know what to do?" I inquired, anticipating his usual nonchalant shrug in reply.

Unexpectedly, Tiger replied in a deliberate, contemplative tone, "Lord Cheshire... it's instinct. I've... observed... those around us."

"Seems you're quite the observer then. There are moments I feel utterly lost," I admitted with a sigh.

"Follow... your... nature," Tiger succinctly advised.

Navigating through the castle, we ventured down an unfamiliar corridor, stopping before a modest door secured with a latch, flanked by two Fey guards.

"Lady Cheshire is here to see the prisoner," announced the Rabbit clearly.

The guards exchanged looks before their gaze settled on me, unmoving for what felt like an eternity. My patience fraying, I was on the brink of speaking out when Tiger advanced, his growl laced with menace.

 The rabbit spoke, "Gentlemen, this is Tiger Cheshire, offspring of Lady Cheshire and the Winter Envoy. We recognize your commitment to your roles, yet I assure you, everything is as it should be."

The guards' hesitation was palpable. Exasperated, I sighed, "I get it, you have duties. But today's been against me, and I urgently need to see my sister. If you don't step aside, I'll have Tiger here adjust your limbs in ways you won't appreciate. Explaining to Lady Lysandra why I injured our hosts is the last thing I want. So, please, for the Goddess's sake, move."

The rabbit began, "No need for that, my Lady. They're just committed to their roles, very cooperative..."

Interrupting him, I insisted, "Then have them step aside, or I will." The rabbit's beady red eyes met mine, clearly at a loss for words. It was then a new voice chimed in, "This isn't necessary."

As I faced the source of the intervention, a towering Fey woman stood before me. Towering at seven feet, her build was imposing, reminiscent of a linebacker—broad and powerful, giving the impression she could easily overpower anyone with just a squeeze.

"My apologies, my Lady," she began, her voice commanding yet respectful. "These guards are under strict orders not to abandon their posts without my express permission." She glanced at the two Fey guards and gave them a firm salute. "Let her pass."

The guards responded immediately, unlocking and opening the door before stepping aside to grant us entry.

I proceeded into the room, Tiger trailing closely behind. The narrow entryway forced him to duck his head. The rabbit and the formidable Fey woman followed us in.

Purrlyn was positioned by the window, her attention fixed on the fading light of dusk. She pivoted towards me as I made my entrance, her face brightening with a smile. "Alex," she called out, her tone a blend of astonishment and comfort.

As I moved closer to Purrlyn, the sound of shuffling feet from our followers filled the room, prompting me to stiffen. "May we have some privacy?" I requested, hoping for a moment alone with my sister.

The towering Fey woman apologized, "I'm sorry, my Lady, but we cannot leave her unattended at this time."

Frustrated, I challenged, "She's confined to this room under constant surveillance. What threat could she possibly pose?"

It was Purrlyn who offered clarity. "Isn't it evident, sister? They distrust us being together. Both of us are under scrutiny," she pointed out.

Her words gave me pause, resonating with the reality of our situation. It dawned on me then—Father had insinuated that the very reason for my summons to the castle was under the guise of surveillance, compelling me into the realm of political maneuvering. Moreover, it seemed my recent defiance had not sat well with Solara.

With this realization, I knew I had to approach the matter with caution. Anger and frustration boiled within me, yet I understood the importance of strategic thinking at this moment.

Drawing upon my Fey heritage, I took a deep breath, seeking to connect with that innate part of me, reaching out to my Fey nature, myself, with a calm and composed presence.

The moment the connection was established, it felt different—less overwhelming, yet profoundly influencing my actions and decisions with just a hint of my own volition steering the course.

With newfound authority, I addressed the room, "Leave us. This is a discussion for Winter to resolve. Your intrusion will not be overlooked."

The towering Fey woman moved to protest, "I apologize, my lady, but this prisoner is under my..."

I didn't let her finish. With a dismissive gesture, I cut in, "This isn't a suggestion. As Winter's envoy, I have every right—and indeed, duty—to manage this situation independently. Should you obstruct, I can't guarantee the outcome." A smile crept across my face as I added, "Besides, I doubt her Highness would appreciate any strain on our diplomatic ties at this juncture."

My words carried a weight that seemed to settle over the room, hinting at the broader implications of their actions and my own not-so-veiled threats.

The room's tension momentarily paused as I noted the giant's contemplative gaze and the rabbit's cautious posture, his hand subtly hidden behind him. The standoff was brief; soon, the rabbit repositioned his hands and advanced with a proposition.

"My Lady, while it is a challenging request for us to fulfill, we are prepared to do so. We merely seek your assurance that she will remain here, under your supervision, and not depart from this location."

The readiness in their agreement surprised me, but I quickly saw through the ploy. With my Fey instincts and newly honed political awareness, I recognized the rabbit's attempt to bind me with my own words. He aimed to secure a vow that would effectively confine my sister here, cleverly leveraging my assurance to limit my options for aiding her in the future.

"I agree that while I am present in this room, she will not depart utilizing any power or assistance from me. Moreover, I assure you that as long as I am a guest within this castle, she shall not leave with my aid." My smile was broad, confident in the precision of my wording.

The rabbit and the giant's tension dissipated at my declaration. "Agreed," the rabbit confirmed, and I sensed the binding energy of the agreement solidify between us. Then, without further delay, they exited, leaving us in solitude.

Once the door sealed our privacy, I tapped into my abilities, recalling Ms. Daisy's guidance on casting illusions I reached out. Despite the notion of feeling somewhat absurd, I extended my senses, initially meeting only the empty air. Yet, persistence paid off, and gradually, my efforts uncovered what seemed like delicate threads suspended in the space around me. Grasping one with my powers, I tugged sharply, only for it to snap abruptly, leaving no effect.

Purrlyn's guidance was a beacon of wisdom. "Close, sister, but you're approaching this with too much force. The magic you're trying to harness is more about delicacy than power," she advised, her face alight with encouragement.

I approached the task with a newfound delicacy, allowing my power to flow in a gentle, exploratory manner. As I encountered the ethereal strings once more, I carefully engaged with one, applying the slightest of pulls.

Repeating the process, I refined my approach further, transforming my force from a singular push to a multitude of tender touches, as if a thousand tiny fingers were reaching out, each lightly securing a strand.

This time, I let intuition guide my actions, intertwining the filaments without a clear blueprint of my intent, driven only by the outcome I envisioned. Remarkably, it felt as though my power gained autonomy, intuitively orchestrating the necessary steps to realize the envisioned result.

Gradually, under my subtle guidance, an intricate pattern emerged. I hadn't fully grasped the mechanics of my achievement, yet I had successfully created a veil of light and air, a barrier that captured sound and altered perception. To any onlooker, the room now appeared as nothing more than an empty mirage, offering us a shielded haven within its bounds.

Purrlyn's applause broke the silence, her admiration clear. "Very well done! It's often challenging to handle such intricacies. You're truly blessed to interact with the weaves so instinctively!"

"Weaves?" The term piqued my curiosity.

With a nonchalant shrug, Purrlyn elaborated, "Yes, what you were engaging with. Those strands are weaves of light, air, and even space. Manipulating space is out of my league, but given your affinity, I believe you'll expand your prowess in no time. But let's focus on the present—what brings you here? You must have a lot on your plate, especially with your departure looming."

Acknowledging her point, I conceded, "Indeed, there's much to prepare for. However, there are things I want to discuss with you. First off..."

Purrlyn's cautionary gesture halted me. "Before you proceed, Alex, you should know I'm bound by a truth spell. This compels me to share any conversation with Solara or Titania upon their request. Moreover, I'm restricted from providing assistance that goes against the Summer Court's directives," she explained, her tone serious. After a brief pause, she added, "Unless, of course, it conflicts with any commitments I've made. Be cautious, sister."

Her revelation made me frown; the Summer Court's manipulations were extensive. "Then, Sister, I must inquire. Can you assure me that our discussion today will remain exclusively between us and our family? After all, the affairs of two sisters should not concern the Summer Court."

Purrlyn's acknowledgment came with a nuanced clarification. "You're on the right track, and your approach is astute. Yet, I must correct you—Summer has a vested interest in our dialogue. Your recent actions or words have heightened their vigilance."

That confirmed my fears; Lady Solara was onto my wavering allegiance. "I understand. Then here's a message for the Queen: tell her, my dear sister, that everything I'm doing is for the sake of protecting your innocence and ensuring justice is served. I'm working towards a resolution that will be satisfactory for both parties involved. This assurance is to calm any worries Summer might have about my actions," I stated, hoping to smooth over any concerns from the Summer Court.

Purrlyn's smile widened, her eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and amusement. "My dear sister, you're growing quite devious," she remarked, a note of pride evident in her tone. "I'll agree to your terms, though I must disclose to the court that such agreements have been established, as per protocol."

Tiger's movement caught my attention, and I glanced back to see confusion etched across his face. I offered him a reassuring smile before redirecting my focus to Purrlyn.

"Understood. I trust this means you're more inclined to assist me now, in shedding light on our current predicament," I said, mirroring her smile.

Purrlyn paused, her gaze introspective. "The situation is intricate, Alex. We find ourselves entangled in a labyrinth of politics and ambitions. It can be overwhelming, yet within it lies the potential for impact—for instigating change."

I nodded.

"Sister, you've certainly stirred up some trouble, much like I have in the past. Be cautious, for you're walking a precarious path. Even as a prisoner here, I catch wind of various whispers. It's rather inevitable, considering our family's unique talent for uncovering such information."

"Unique talent? Are you referring to a magical gift?" I inquired.

"Yes and no. It's not the typical magic you might envision. It's a subtler influence, bestowed upon our family by Queen Mab. It's an innate inclination and persistent drive to delve into the affairs of others. This trait is partly why Father and I had confidence that you and Tiger would persevere. No matter how much you try to distance yourselves, you're inevitably drawn to meddling," Purrlyn explained, wagging a finger playfully.

I blinked, taken aback. "But everything so far has been orchestrated by Father. I've merely been trying to survive."

She continued to wag her finger rhythmically, her head bobbing from side to side. There was a sense of satisfaction in her demeanor. "Sister, I'm not sure what you're referring to, but surely any actions you've taken have been of your own volition. Can you honestly claim you haven't harbored any schemes of your own?"

I hesitated. I wasn't keen on revealing my recent activities, but her words struck a chord. I had been entangled in games I perhaps should have avoided. While Father may have initiated them, I found myself actively participating, gathering allies, and... I reluctantly admitted to myself, devising my own elaborate plans.

Purrlyn seemed to grasp my inner turmoil effortlessly. How was she able to read me so accurately? Was it a form of her own innate magic?

"Let me clarify, Alex, the situation you're facing now. You've been summoned as an Envoy of Winter. This carries both advantages and disadvantages compared to your previous status. Previously, you were simply the daughter of esteemed guests of the Summer Court. Expectations for you were low, and you remained relatively insignificant—a mere curiosity for Lady Sunbloom, in fact." Purrlyn paused before rising from her perch by the window.

"Has this change been prompted by the potential aggression from the Mankin?" I inquired.

"No, that's merely an excuse to impose further restrictions on you. Your recent actions have unsettled some members of the Summer Court. I suspect they believe you're up to no good, which, frankly, is not surprising," Purrlyn explained.

I nodded in understanding. "It's in our nature, being Cheshire, I suppose."

Purrlyn concurred. "Precisely. While you previously had no expectations, which also meant little power, you were also free to act as you pleased. Now, it seems someone in the Summer Court has taken a keen interest in you, closely observing your every move. Consequently, they wish to impose more restrictions on you, hence your new role as the envoy of Winter."

I nodded, recalling my suspicions after recent encounters. "And what specific restrictions come with this title?"

"Well, my dear sister, that's a rather weighty question. There are many, but to simplify, while you're here, you embody Winter. You represent our court in all matters. This entails making commitments, addressing grievances, and bearing the responsibility of participating in the impending Court of Courts."

I took a deep breath, processing the implications. "So, essentially, I'm obligated to engage in politics?"

"Indeed, Sister. You're compelled to partake in the game. Consequently, you won't have the leisure to dally as you have in the past. While you're here, Summer is obligated to ensure your protection, but naturally, this entails constant monitoring, hence your guide today. Tonight might mark your final taste of freedom, Sister. I'd advise wrapping up your affairs swiftly. You're about to be very busy."