Chapter 4: Alderp Alexei Barnes
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Ye quickly came to his senses and remembered everything that had happened.  

-Goddess, that goddess said she would be eating garbage in the sewers, or something like that- 

Ye thinks as he lightly touches his head, his eyes couldn't help but move and see the gray sleeve around his arm.  

Ye quickly looks down to see that she is wearing the same Grey uniform as the others.  

Ye's mind puts together several pieces of the puzzle and his eyes widen with some surprise.  

One thing leads to another and Ye doesn't dare to be slow, the people say a person is more inclined to do one thing if the others do that thing first.  

So Ye comes out of his prison which, to his surprise, has a door that is not locked with a padlock or chain, so Ye runs like the other people did to line up in one of the four rows that had already formed.  

Ye doesn't understand, all this about the goddess Aqua and the other world is still fresh in his mind, his brain tries to assimilate how all this has been possible or if he is hallucinating while in a hospital.  

However, Ye is mindful of one thing, and that is, in these cases, it's best to go with the flow.  

-Prisoner 616!  

A loud voice is heard throughout this establishment, resounding with a terrifying echo and causing Ye, who was about to form up in the row closest to him, to shudder.  

However, to Ye's luck, no one came to disturb him, Ye looks to the side quickly like a frightened mouse as he hurries up to line up in the row closest to him.  

Ye started breathing heavily due to his sudden and previous movement, and before he could calm down a bit, he heard the pleading cries of a middle-aged man.  

-Lord Inspector, My apologies!...I didn't mean to....  

-Prisoner 616, I don't remember giving you permission to delay!  

-Lord Inspector, I can't run fast because of my right leg, please!  

There was a loud noise, and only the faint roar of a frightened puppy echoes before it disappeared.  

-Disobedience is punishable by death!  

The inspector shouts as he observes the rows perfectly formed by the prisoners, each prisoner ten centimeters apart one from the other, and each one perfectly aligned with the other.  

-Come on, it's time to sing the hymn of our great town Axel.  

Like perfectly coordinated machines, each man and woman steps forward, each step perfectly coordinated without affecting the order in the ranks.  

Ye, like a man who did compulsory military service in his former life, quickly remembered his old days and did not take a second to adapt and walk in coordination with the others in his line.  

Soon, Ye along with the other prisoners made their way to a seemingly deserted wasteland, where a well-dressed blonde-haired man seems to have been waiting for them.  


Ye says nothing and continues in his line, looking like just another prisoner in the crowd.  

Soon, they all come to stand near the blond man, the rows continue to be lined up and each prisoner is perfectly positioned.  

-Hehehehe, it's always a pleasure to see you, my dear prisoners....  

The fat blond man with the blond hair chuckles lightly as he watches the formation with delight.  

-Now, this month there is no duty to hand out, there is no need for you, my esteemed prisoners, to continue in this place.....  

The blond man speaks in a cheerful voice while smiling like a kindly old man, however, the malice in his voice is still clearly noticeable.  

-You will be sent to the front of Axel to fight against the demon king's vassals...  

Before happiness can take hold of the hearts of these prisoners, a few words make the prisoners' eyes widen in surprise, although they do not complain, their faces turn a paler color as several swallow saliva and begin to tremble.  

-Please do your best work....  

Saying this, the man climbs into a carriage before nodding, the carriage is pulled by horses and quickly disappears into the distance. 

-Back to your prisons, tomorrow in the morning you will be given the most basic combat equipment and you will march in front!  

The man who killed prisoner 616 shouts.  

This time, the line does not move instantly after that man's words, all the prisoners seem to be afraid, their blue faces, their gloomy expressions and their lost looks say it all.  

-What the fuck are they waiting for?! 

With the man's shout, they all react and quickly turn around in sync and walk a little fast to the big building.  

Ye in the audience is breathing heavily while his heart is pumping blood rapidly throughout his body. 

That... man, Ye recognized him, that fat man with yellow hair who spoke arrogantly, that should be Alderp Alexei Barnes, governor of Axel village, and in the future, the father of Darkness' fiancé.  

Ye remembers it, that moment where Kazuma was arrested and then tried by Alderp Alexei Barnes, only to be saved by Darkness.  

Ye observes for a moment the land before he notices something, in a corner of his vision is a small tree the size of a fingernail, it looks like a hologram and only one can realize it when he concentrates on that hologram of a small tree.  

Ye watches that hologram of a tree for a moment before a screen appears in his mind.  

Ye stops his steps and opens his eyes in surprise for half a second before he continues walking and picks up the pace of the other prisoners.  

On this screen is drawn a small tree, and on the top of the tree is his name, Ye.  

-Family system?  

These words quickly pass through Ye's mind as Ye himself seems to nod his head.  

Indeed, this is the familiar system, but, How does it work?  

Ye squints slightly, Maybe it works by having children?  

Ye shakes his head at this possibility, because, in the description of the family system it said that it allowed having subordinates.  

Then, Dhould he take in subordinates as if they were his children?  

Ye thinks this possibility might be a little more reasonable.  

In Ye's mind, an image of himself telling a man "become my son" flashes through his mind at this moment.  

Ye doesn't take long to get to his prison and enter inside the prison, always, from the path of the wasteland to here, Ye has always had one idea in mind, and that is "getting subordinates".  

Ye smiles slightly as he thinks of many possibilities, for a moment, a slight shiver passes through his body and Ye feels a slight sense of menace.