Chapter 5: meeting a fluffy assassin
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A single wide, wooden barrier is being pushed aside by two guards while we're waiting. The only thing I can see from under this robe is that this barrier can easily withstand an assault, the wood used is incredibly sturdy looking. This is probably not the best time to ask them if doors weren't the better solution, let alone easier to handle?

One of the guards is carrying a spear and when I see him trying to catch a glimpse of me, Nanako says "guard...eyes to the front!"

"Yes, princess!" The guard immediately replied, sounding a bit embarrassed for being caught looking at me.

It's a good thing that I'm currently wearing the robe, or people would have seen my bewildered expression. Is Nanako truly a princess? Whatever the case may be...I'm about to meet some genuine royals. Similar to Presidents or Prime Ministers, these Kings and Queens are important....and that makes me feel nervous as hell.

Me, Essie Whitfield, a human being, walking around in a real isekai world, and about to meet some real royals. I can't believe that all of this is real. I mean.......things just happened so fast. The assumption that all of this is just some elaborate hoax is slowly ebbing away. There are just too many inexplicable things going on, so this place must be real, right?

Suddenly I feel someone's hand grabbing my arm...pulling me back to reality. But it's apparently not Nanako's. "Do not move! Slowly remove your robe and hand over any weapons!" A loud male voice next to me demanded, startling me for a moment.

"Ahh!!" I took a step back, but the guard is firmly keeping his grip on my arm.

"Guard! Release her at once! She is our guest." A loud and stern sounding male voice demanded. 

"Yes, your majesty!" The hand is released and then I hear Nanako's voice, while she's gently pushing my back to guide me inside.

"Please, remove your robe, Essie. You are safe here in the Arkhan Palace. You are about to meet their Majesties, the King and Queen of the vast, ancient Kingdom of Athana." 


This royal speech made me swallow. I slowly remove my robe and put it over my arm, but Nanako immediately takes it from me and hands it over to a guard.

"By the's true!" The King said, immediately rising from his chair, the bewilderment clearly visible on his face.

I'm tempted to take a look around, but decide that I should focus on the King and Queen out of respect.

In front of me are two chairs, adorned with gold and many ornate carvings. And just as in those isekai stories, a perfectly clean red carpet with golden threads leads towards the thrones.

To my left I see the King, who seems to be in his fifties. Gray hair, a well groomed short black or dark brown beard with some patches of gray hairs. His outfit reminds me of a knight's armor, but must be light to wear, or he wouldn't be able to move like that. His robe is of a golden brown color with all kinds of patterns, making it look really expensive. On his left hand I see a golden ring and on his head are two brown-reddish fluffy fox ears, keeping a golden crown in place.

The crown isn't as elaborate and decadent as I had imagined, instead it's of a simpler design and that suits him. His bright blue eyes are strong, peering through my soul, making me instantly respect him. A small knife at his belt tells me that this man has earned his title. He's not a King for the show...this guy really runs a country.

I remember that I shouldn't speak, so I don't.


While the King walks over to me, inspecting my body from every angle, I focus on the Queen and just hope for the best.

The Queen remains seated and unlike her husband, she remains calm and studies me from afar. If I correctly understood what Nanako implied, the Queen would probably be expected to remain passive at all times, only letting the King speak. The Queen looks...amazing. She's much younger than her husband, probably in her early forties. Her tail looks extra fluffy and isn't moving at all. Her ears are pointed directly at me, probably waiting for me to speak...but I won't.

My first impression of her is that she's a kind person. Her eyes are bright blue as well and her long, glossy black hair matches the brown-reddish furry appendages perfectly. Her lips appear to have been colored red, like a fantasy world equivalent to lipstick, so that's at least one thing we have in common. It surprises me, because Nanako seemed curious about my lipstick earlier.

She's wearing an elegant looking golden tiara on her head, and two ruby colored stones make it look priceless. Somehow it reminds me of what Royal Elves would wear, but I seriously doubt that they have those walking around here. She's wearing a rather simple blue dress for a royal, since it doesn't even have any floral patterns, nor does it show cleavage. But still, it looks really pretty on her. It makes her appear...innocent....kind.....friendly...those are the only words I could think of while the King was inspecting me.

Still feeling very nervous I smile at her, and immediately I see her expression relax, returning the smile. She closed her eyelids for a moment, telling me non-verbally that all would be well. I was right, she's a nice person.

"So this is a....human?" The King said, looking at Nanako who's standing next to me.

"Yes, father, she is a human."

"And well mannered as well, not like the others I have heard about." The King said while returning to his throne, then sitting down.

"Yes, father. She is very kind and smart as well." stop it.....or I'll freak out. Just doing my job here, nothing more.

"Father, may I address her?"

He nods, so Nanako continues. "Essie, I'm sorry for keeping this a secret from you. I'm a Princess, second in line to the throne. Oh...and you may speak now."

Something inside me tells me to go into full diplomatic mode right now, and hope for the best. First, I bow deeply and for about five seconds to their Majesties, then strand straight again.

"Your Majesties, it is a great honor to be allowed to address you. I bring greetings from the people of my world and my leaders express the hope that our friendship may last forever....and be beneficial to both our people." Yes, Hayes made me remember that for this exact scenario.

"We accept your greetings and hopes and shall extend the same to your people as well. Be welcome in our lands, Liaison Essie."

"Thank you, your Majesty." Now I turn to Nanako who for some reason looks surprised that I want to address her. "Princess Nanako, I humbly apologize for not recognizing you as a Princess." After bowing to her, I see her blink a few times.

"Em....Essie.... you have been kind since we first met. There is no need to apologize, for I've made Hayes keep this fact from you. I wanted to meet you on equal grounds. For that deception....I must apologize as well." She really meant it and bowed to me as well. Yes, I could do without the bowing, but that's just normal around here.

But before I could reply, the King did.
"Yes, as you should, Nanako. But it seems our guest has proven herself worthy of being the Liaison more than once. Essie Whitfield is your full name is it not?"

"It is, your majesty." I nod instead of bowing.

"Tell me, are you of noble origins?" He's touching his beard, seemingly pensive of my appearance.

"I am not, your majesty. I am what you call a commoner. Addressing me as Essie is perfectly fine."

"Interesting, then Essie it shall be. Essie, you have saved our daughter when a Phantom was about to attack and you kept her safe when traveling the Avern Woods. For this you shall have my gratitude."

Em....she was the one who helped me in the forest, but I'm not going to complain, right? It's really difficult not to reply to him, but I must restrain myself. I can't casually talk to him, he has to ask me a question or invite me in some way. My god, I hate this formal stuff. But still, I give him a polite bow, and a smile tells me he appreciated that.

"We have heard about your efforts keeping her comfortable while visiting your world. So it is only reasonable that Nanako should reward you for your kindness and bravery." Her father said with a stern tone of voice.

I was about to refuse, but then remembered to just play along and keep quiet.

Nanako then walks over to me and opens a small box. In the box, on a small dark blue pillow, I see a necklace.

"Go ahead, take it. I will explain in a moment." The King said, sounding curious about how I would respond.

I carefully take the sterling silver necklace from the box and Nanako steps back. The cord is fairly simple in design, but must have cost a small fortune to craft since it's made from metal. A beautiful semi-transparent blue stone, almost like a diamond, is contained in what looks like a silver teardrop shaped ornament.

"Try it on." Nanako whispers, trying to help me understand what to do next.

I carefully put it over my head and adjust my hair, while making sure to show them the stone properly. They didn't ask me a question, but I still felt the need to thank them. "It's beautiful, thank you, your Majesties. I humbly accept this incredible gift." Of course I just had to bow to them.

Both the King and Queen smile for a moment.

The King then says "as our time together is limited, allow me to explain, after which we must part ways. The necklace has been engraved with the Royal Crest and the blue stone will grant you the ability to detect nearby Phantoms. You and your efforts are very important to us, so please stay safe.

The Crest will show everyone that you are under my protection. It will keep you safe in our lands and will help you to speak to our scholars or other officials.

You may not be aware, Essie, but this will be our first and last meeting. Anything you do for our Kingdom, anything you learn or achieve....discuss it with our scholars. They will see to your every need and will keep me informed so we may continue to reward you accordingly."

He raises his hand to tell me to...well...shut up.

"Honored Liaison Essie, we have prepared a cottage for you, in the city's noble district. We would ask you to concentrate your hard work there and please....please....try to hide your appearance from my people. They are not aware of your origins and might misunderstand or be frightened. We shall send a protector to you as well, so you need not ever fear for your safety."

He gestures to me to reply, by showing me his right hand, the palm showing upwards.

And again I bow. "Thank you very much, and I'm sorry if my presence causes any inconvenience."

"It is the least we can do to show you our appreciation. But also, we expect much from you. With these words my wife and I both wish you farewell and we hope for an everlasting friendship between our people. You are dismissed."

I bow once more, take a step back, since in stories you shouldn't show your back at a King, but then simply follow Nanako outside the throne room after she returned the robe for me to wear.


The barrier behind us is being pushed back to its original position and this also signals the end of my unconditional trust in Nanako. She's a Princess...everything I say can be passed along to the King, so I need to watch my tongue. Having said that, I'll still do my best to help everyone, it's my job after all. It's just funny that the King didn't say "we" all the time. Perhaps Nanako was only teasing me earlier? Nah, probably teasing Hayes.

I wonder what Hayes will say about the necklace; it's not like I could refuse it, right?


Expecting to go upstairs once more, I suddenly feel fresh outside air. 
"Huh? Where are we going now?" I said, sounding very surprised.

"Father didn't tell me about the cottage until right before I heard you and Gina speak in our language. I was first told to offer you a room in the Palace, but father must have felt that a cottage in the city might be better for you. Messengers and scholars can easily find you there and someone will take care of your safety as well. So you'll be going there momentarily."

"Ah, okay. But isn't there a greater chance of exposing my human form in the city, than inside the Palace?"

"True, but father must have had other reasons as well, I don't know. Do you like the necklace?" She points at my still very visible necklace.

Changing topics, huh? Sure, I can do that.
"Yes, it's beautiful!" I need to exaggerate, or I might sound disrespectful. In any case, it really is pretty.

"The stone is a Tigomium gem, it will not only help you detect nearby Phantoms, just like mine did. This one is very expensive, Essie. It's the first ever to accommodate 2 enchantments, so please know how much was given to you." 

"Wow....I don't know what to say? Thank you? I mean, there aren't even words for this kind of gift."

"Your gratitude is more than enough. I can see you truly appreciate it." She said smiling.

" said 2 enchantments? Detecting Phantoms...and? Can it also be used to ward off a Phantom like you did, with the smoke?"

"No, no, not at all. Not only is this necklace priceless, it's a symbol of our Kingdom. Please don't even think about using it in the same way as my one-time-use gemstone. No, the second enchantment is a real basic one, so basic that I even forgot to mention it. It can detect the use of nearby magic as well." 


"Yes, yes, it is, ha ha ha. Now seriously. Just....hey, Essie? Are you still with me? You seem...distant?"

"Yeah....this feels soooo much like an isekai anime, that it's almost creepy. Oh, anime is a poor girl's means of traveling to other worlds. Just....I'll explain some time." I had to explain because when they tilt their heads like that, it seems to signal that they don't understand.

"Okay, sure, looking forward to that. Perhaps our worlds have more in common than we thought? And, that can wait,'s too much, I can see it in your eyes. I won't burden your mind with information like Hayes and his people did to my people. I'll explain again later, okay?"

"Of course, thank you very much. So magic really, really exists here?"

"It sure does. We use it basically for every conceivable daily necessity, from healing to lighting our homes."

That's probably why they gave me the callsign "Merlin" in the first place....magic....

"I'd love to see some magic...for research...if that's okay?" I need to learn about this world first, before I can even think about using diplomacy. Ha! Me and diplomacy.... The only diplomatic skills I have are from the hotel business. I'm so sorry, sir, of course I will find you another room. Or no ma'am, we're fully booked for Christmas, how about New Years Eve? I could offer you a discount...? don't expect too much from me. So far everyone seems to trust me, I just hope I won't disappoint any of them.

"Sure, but you'll have to ask a friend of mine. She will protect you from now on, and it's okay to reveal your human form to her. She can keep a secret and is highly regarded in the Palace. Fuck, now where is she?"

"Who, your friend?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Kara."


"What?" She's looking around when I take a peek from underneath my robe.

"You shouldn't use words like fuck."

"Ah...but you said it all the time?"

"First, that's not true, and second.......wait, you are making fun of me, aren't you?"

"Ha ha ha....finally, the real Essie returns.'ve been so serious after meeting my father. Relaaaaax."

" was a pretty intense meeting."

"Uh-huh....but he's the King, so that's to be expected. Are we still friends?"

"Definitely, Nanako." I gave her a thumbs up, something she has learned to understand.

"Good, then trust me now." Her smile tells me she's really looking after me.

"I do. So...just checking....I won't be returning to the Palace anytime soon? Also...Gina?"

"Exactly so. I'll tell her you said goodbye. She was actually looking forward to servicing you."

"Ehh.....that sounds.....nevermind." Did she mean serving? Or is she trying to make me laugh? Doesn't seem like she understands? "She didn't really look all that happy when we first met, though."

"Gina? Ha! That's an understatement. But she really wanted to help you. Only after seeing your lack of ears, she became...frightened."

"But I do have ears!" I point at where my ears are, but my robe conceals them.

"Yes, you know what I meant. Hey, Kara! Over here!" Nanako's unexpected loud voice startled me a bit.


Out of nowhere another person approaches us. Man, this robe sure is inconvenient, I can't even see what's going on around me.

Nanako says "Essie, meet your assassin."

"Wow, wow...what? Back off!" I jump back and then see two very surprised faces looking at me.

"Calm, Essie, you misunderstood. This is Kara...your in understand?"

" that....I thought you....nevermind." I said. Luckily Kara can only see my face, since my head is still covered with the robe's hood. I don't want to startle her with my human appearance, which is apparently difficult to accept.

The moment I saw her, my assassin, she reminded me of someone. Like a childhood friend or neighbor you haven't seen in a long time. Surprisingly she's the first Kitsune I see with golden-brownish ears. Then again, I haven't met many Kitsune. When Nanako told me their world only has Kitsune for people, I had assumed that all of them looked similar to her.

The assassin's very fluffy looking swaying tail, and those adorable twitching ears are all in the same color. Her inner ears have some white and fluffy hairs, unlike the others' who only have those darker colors.

A small silver decorative hair pin reminds me of the one my mom put in my hair for my first day of high school. Kara isn't wearing a headscarf though, like many women seem to do around here. 

A smile forms on her lips, probably due to me staring at her all the time, and a blush is forming on her cheeks while trying to avoid my gaze.

She's wearing something that I can only describe as hunting clothes. Multiple layers of fabric, alternating dark and light tones of brown together form what you technically could call a dress....but is probably made for running and fighting. It looks a bit shabby, but still....somehow it suits her slender figure. The knife on her belt tells me she's tougher than she looks.

But more importantly, she's also holding my backpack, as if she had just shot it. Just like a dead duck....afraid it might bite her. It's pretty heavy, so I'm curious to see how much longer she can keep holding it like that.

"Hi Kara....nice to meet you, I'm Essie." Let's help her a bit.

She bows and says "the honor is all mine, your grace."

Crap, I forgot to bow, so I gave her a belated bow...just for the sake of it. 
"Please, I'm a commoner, just call me Essie. I'll be in your care." This is something those isekai stories say all the time. Perhaps saying those isekai words will actually benefit me here?

When I stopped bowing, I again saw a smile forming on her lips. She then says "I'm under orders to always guard you. I'm like your shadow....always following you, yet never standing in your way."

"Yeah....about that.....I don't really like shadows. about you simply stay in the light?" It seemed the right thing to say.

"Gladly...." Is all she said. But why is she blushing again? She gently puts the backpack on the ground. Well, call me impressed for holding it as long as she did.

"Essie....are you alright?" Nanako interrupted my thoughts. 

Oops, she's still here too, duh.
"Yeah, sure, pffff....why wouldn't I be?" Why is it so warm suddenly? Must be the robe.

"Your's...flushed. Are you perchance ill?" She tilts her head in a very cute way, once more reminding me of a dog who's expecting to receive a treat for behaving well. I wonder...does her neck hurt when she does that?

"Nope, I'm feeling super great. Soooo.......we're going to the cottage now?" Other topic...NOW.

"I see. Yes, you two will be going to your cottage now. It is yours as in your property, Essie. Father wishes for you to receive your guests there, like messengers and scholars, so you will be spending most of your time there. That's also why it is on ground level. I'm sorry, but whenever you wish to leave your home.....father requests that you wear a robe. There will be fresh clothes inside for you to change into. Not that your dress is unacceptable, it's just....too different and might invoke unnecessary questions from your neighbors."

"Of course, I'll change immediately. So far I can understand your way of life, just as in the books...ah, nevermind."

Nanako now seems amused. " interesting. Could you perhaps bring such books with you next time?"

"Sure. But books are heavy, so I'll bring a tablet next time, download a few books, pictures and such. Will that do?"

"I hear your words...but they don't make much sense." Nanako blinked a few times, but smiled as if she again heard something amusing.

"Emmm, right. So, it's a bit like magic I guess....many books are hidden inside a thin tablet, and can be read when I touch it."  Now that I said really does sound like magic, doesn't it?

"...interesting. please bring them."

"Of course, I'll make a note."

"See, Essie? It seems like we are progressing already. Every day we will learn more about each other's cultures and ways."

"Very true, Nanako. Ah, and thanks for picking up my backpack, Kara."

"My pleasure." She picks up the backpack and hands it over, only to look surprised when moments later it's on my back as it should be. I think this could be one of those cultural differences. These people don't use backpacks it seems. Well, they're in for a treat, because we humans are a creative bunch...there's much more where that came from.

Nanako smiles, and says "Kara, please keep her safe. Always stay close to her." She puts her hand on Kara's shoulder for a moment, a sign that they're good friends.

"Of course, your majesty!"

"Alright, then I shall take my leave. Kara will guide you to your cottage and keep you safe. Goodbye my friends. I will visit you whenever I can." She then left us, returning into the palace.



I took a deep breath and slowly released it, hoping that Kara would start the conversation...but she didn't.

The silence is awkward, so I look at Kara once more. " what do we do?"

"Whatever you wish, Essie."

"Oh....okay, then please lead the way"



I'm following her to a nearby tree where a wooden ladder will help us access the walkways. Those are short bridges between trees.

Kara is already up there and waiting for me, but I had to wait for someone climbing down. And since this person was an elderly took a few minutes. The kind soul even apologized to me for keeping me waiting, so I did what seems normal....I bowed....and said that I wasn't in a rush.


After following her across a few bridges, and occasionally taking the time to look down, I felt the need to start a conversation.

Kara doesn't seem to have a complicated personality. She's kind though, and if I have to be honest...I like her way better than all that royal stuff.

"Hey, Kara?"


"Your sounds's a fairly common name in my world as well."

She stops and looks at me for a moment, blinking. 
" Did you really just say that?"

"Em....yeah? Didn't Nanako explain the absence of my tail?"

"No....but to be honest, I was wondering about that. I didn't want to sound rude, so...not an accident?" She looks apologetic, afraid to ask the question.

"Nope....this is how we humans look..well, I furry ears or tail."

"Huh? You don't have any ears either?" Now she's blinking non-stop for a few seconds, and her tail is swaying vividly, probably showing she's happy? I mean, she's not a dog, but a swaying tail could mean the same here, right?

"I'll show you my appearance later, if that's alright with you?"

"Of course, of course, there is no rush. It's just that I'm really curious, because I've never met an offworlder before."

"Interesting. Are there many offworlders here?"

"Huh?" Again she looked confused for a moment. "Ah,'s just an expression. I are the first for me. I mean....seeing someone from some eh...other world." She's scratching her right ear, seemingly feeling embarrassed about this awkward conversation.

"Yeah...gotcha. But to answer your question, yes, I'm from a world called Earth."

"Amaaaazing. And still your face looks nearly identical to ours."

"Ha ha ha....yeah, it's kinda strange when you think about it."

"Yes, but what I meant to say is that you and I look alike...except for the ears and tail, if I don't misunderstand. It's like the gods were...."  she now whispers.  "....lazy....and just made almost the same people."

"Ha ha ha......who knows? Like a divine copy+paste action!"

"Copy what?" She tilts her head like they often seem to do around here when things don't make much sense.

"...nevermind...but, yes, I agree. I think you and I will get along just fiiiiiiine."


We approach an area where many people are using the walkways, so we have to wait here and there for a minute. Could it be rush hour? If this is normal up here, then why don't we walk on ground level?

"Hey, Kara?"


"Why don't we walk on ground level? It seems a bit too busy up here."

"Ah, of course. I just thought you might like it. I always use the walkways to relax, but I have to agree, it's busier than usual. Follow me."

We took the first "exit" ladder we could find, and gone was the congestion.


We pass a few carriages and for a moment she takes my hand, pulling me through the crowds in what she calls the marketplace. And when I say crowds, I really mean it. This place is absolutely packed with people. All around me people are yelling, trying to draw customers to their stalls. All kinds of smells reach my nose, from grilled meat to some sort of soup, if I have to guess. Still, we made the right choice, there's a real traffic jam going on above us.

It's strange that nobody minds me walking around with a robe, something which on Earth would make you stand out like you were hiding something...which is exactly what I'm doing right now. Occasionally someone bumped into me, but I simply ignored them. I've seen many tails at close range now, and most of them really are brown-reddish colored.


I wonder why the noble district is not built closer to the Palace, instead making you go through the area where commoners live. I mean, not that I mind....I just don't understand the logic in that.


After trying to keep up with her for another five minutes, the crowds are gone and we seem to have arrived in a somewhat quieter part of town. The homes all seem well maintained and inviting, unlike at the city center where things looked a bit more run down.

Here the homes have little gardens, quaint white fences which only enhance the "I'm no longer on Earth" feeling. Almost every garden has flowers blooming in them, and some even have what seem to be small statues resembling garden gnomes. Yeah, better not ask about those.

A few of these nobles are staring at us from their gardens or from inside their homes, even now that Kara has released her hand. They're probably staring at me...for wearing this robe and a backpack in this "better" part of town.

Yeah....if these are really my neighbors....they're in for a treat.

But it seems our destination is a bit uphill. While most of the city is paved, more so than expected, this part has some last remnants of nature like a grassy hill where a stone path is leading us upwards. At some point the thought occurred to me that the King might have chosen this cottage as it is as far, far away from his people as possible.


For some reason Kara hasn't said all that much, so I feel the need to restart the conversation. Perhaps it's like being in front of the King...not speaking unless spoken to. If that's true, then I'll make her understand how I feel about that.

"Kara, you should know that my world has technology that might startle you sometimes. See this thing?"

I have been checking the backpack the last few minutes while walking, mainly to check if the gun was still inside.

"Yes, but what is it?"

"My friends will speak through it from far away."

"Ohhh...that's nothing. We have the same. A small box with a crystal, and when properly activated, we can talk over large distances. We call it a radio."

"Really? We call it the exact same!" Or maybe the potion I drank earlier is messing with my mind. At this point....I can believe almost anything.


After more silence, I feel that it's time to continue with some more questions.

" can speak to other countries?" I asked.

", but still other nearby cities."

"Then it's really similar."

"See? Like I said....they were lazy." She looks up into the summer sky for a moment.

"'d better be careful or they will punish you." I meant it as a joke, but she seems serious about the matter.

"Nah.....we are free to believe what we want. The gods are good gods, not evil."


And more silence follows, until she says  "....we're here. This is your cottage, Essie." She points at a cozy looking cottage directly in front of me.

"Wooow.....this is mine? We're going to live here?"

"Yes, if you will allow, I'll be guarding you at all times."

"Of course. have the key?"

"A key? What for? There are no chains here?" She looked around, trying to see if anything might need a key afterall.

" doors. Please, lead the way."


A narrow stone path, which is connected to the neighboring cottages, leads from a grassy hill to the cottage, which looks absolutely stunning. For a moment I forgot that I'm no longer on Earth, as this cottage could have easily been built there in a rural area, somewhere in the suburbs.

The door opening is in the middle, except for the fact that there is no door. On both sides of the entrance I see a window which on closer inspection consists of two separate smaller windows each. The cottage itself is made from neatly arranged brown stone bricks and the window panes are from wood which was painted white not so long ago as it seems picture perfect. There is only one floor, so no upstairs living space, but for two people this should be more than adequate, especially since they basically gave it to me for free.

Well, they expect me to work for it, but if events are developing as they have so far, it should actually be something to look forward to. The thatched roof gives it a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The chimney is placed right in the middle and shows some minimal use, as some bricks are a bit darker here and there from the soot.

A small lantern with green glass is placed to the right of the entrance and the garden is maintenance-free due to it having only white gravel everywhere. Maybe I'll have that replaced with some greens, but that's for another day.

My, or rather, our neighbors have similar cottages, but there is about fifty feet of space between each cottage. Every neighboring home is built slightly higher than the others, following the natural terrain of this area. Steps lead up to those homes, and on one of those steps a few children are playing...until they notice me. Right...this is my cue to get inside because I don't want to be introduced to all of my neighbors right now. That's something we can do tomorrow.


"Alright, after you, Kara." I motioned her to enter the home.

"Of course, I'll make sure it's safe." 

No, that's not what I meant....whatever. But I'll just let her do her thing while I enter the home right after her. Instead of a door, I once more see a beaded curtain, but with a snowy mountain pattern this time. It's really lovely, and I can't wait to see what kinds of curtains the other homes have around here.

Just one thing I don't understand. If this is supposed to be the noble district, then why do I only see compact cottages? Shouldn't the nobility have extravagant homes? I'm afraid to ask what a regular home for a mere commoner must look like.

"It's safe, Essie, come in whenever you're ready."

"Thank you." But I was already inside when she said that.

The cottage's interior isn't too shabby either. It's clean....that was my first concern, but all appears to be spic and span. Immediately to my left and right I see a dividing wall, again without a door. Every "door" is another beaded curtain with other patterns, but they are of a much simpler design, mostly a single color or a floral pattern.

This place must be incredibly cold in winter, let me tell you that! But perhaps their use of magic will have something to do with their lack of doors?


Kara remains silent while I take some time to familiarize myself with my new home away from home. I know I wanted to move out, but I never expected it would be this far from my parents.'s definitely...cozy....or compact if you prefer that word. What I determine to be the living room, has a nice wooden table and four of those awful wooden chairs. Yeah...definitely going to get my hands on some cushions...soon.

A simple light on the ceiling seems to be all we need at night. Otherwise the room is as spartan as it gets, meaning we need to do some serious interior redecorating. It could use a woman's touch alright.

The room to the left of the entrance appears to be the kitchen. Kara needs to explain how this works, but some things are looking familiar at least. I know a faucet when I see one, even though this one looks a bit more extravagant with a green transparent crystal on top of the tap. Again, everything appears super clean, so no complaints there.

On the backside of the cottage I see a small area which Kara told me is the washing area, which includes the little girl's room, a.k.a. the restroom...or toilet if you are as straightforward as I am. Yeah....I'm having difficulties visualizing how the toilet is going to work, but it's only a matter of time before I'll have to find out anyway.

A rather luxurious bath is already inviting me to bathe. The area right behind the living room is part storage area and part bedroom. So we only have a single bedroom, which should work out....just......oh nooo. I just spotted what must be one of their sleepers.

"Yes, Essie? Something not according to your wishes?"

"Yeah....maybe? There's only one bedroom here?"


The bedroom is pretty spartan as well. One rather sizable doggy basket is placed in the middle of the room on a brown, soft looking carpet. If it weren't for Nanako's explanations, I would have thought that they held big dogs around here.

Sure, it looks comfy....but also weird. I don't see myself sleeping on my back in there, which might lead me to import a bed from Earth, not sure yet. It's a strange concept to get used to, but I'll have to work with what I have. I assume it's clean as well or Kara would have told me about it. The sleeper looks very fluffy and after petting it for a few seconds, I can confirm that it really is.

The bedside table and lamp are best described as basic or functional, but hey, no complaints, I like simple. The standing mirror is nice, and the closet seems useful and some clothes seem to have been prepared for us already. The closet was hidden behind, you guessed it, more beads. But otherwise the room is devoid of any homey touches.

Kara waits for me to look at her before answering my question. "Of course, why should there be more bedrooms? Ahhh.....  I forgot...other world. Do you want me to sleep elsewhere?"

"No, that's not what I meant....but there's only one doggy basket...em....sleeper I meant."

"Doggy...basket? What a strange name. Do you usually sleep alone?"

"Honestly, yes I do. But, if you say that sharing a sleeper is a normal custom here, then I won't object. I mean...if you don't mind?" God, this is awkward.

"Ha ha ha.....what a silly question. I know it happens, but most people choose to stay together at night. It's just the natural thing to do, so don't think about it. I'll gladly keep warm together with you."

Then why are you blushing if this is the most normal thing to do around here? Better talk about something else.

"So....Kara....if you don't mind, I'll be unpacking my stuff in the living room. If you need anything, let me know. The Princess told me we could ask for supplies, and I think that includes things that make life a bit nicer."

"Thank you, I will. But I'm actually mostly just your I shouldn't..." She's looking down at her shoes for a moment.

"Kara...let me get one thing straight, right from the beginning. You and I will be living here together. I need your help with everything. I don't even know how to cook, let alone what to cook. I need a friend first of all, a guard only second."

"Oh, don't worry about cooking! That's why I'm your maid-assassin!" She put her hands on her waist for a moment to emphasize her usefulness.

"That....somehow sounds wrong." It sounds like she's assassinating maids for a living. "So you are an assassin with cooking as a hobby?" Call me confused.

"Huh? No, I'm a maid first and foremost, but last year I received training on how to defend my master. Sure, there is more risk involved, but it pays much more too."

"Aaaaah...that makes sense. So....I hope someone is paying you, because I don't have any money." I grimace. Oops...totally forgot about the money.

"Of course I'm being paid. The Palace has set me up and they're paying my wages every week. They told me you will be paid as well, so whatever you need, ask me and I'll take care of it."

"Very well. But once more...if you need anything, tell me too."

"Yes, Essie, I will. And thank you. You're not like most masters, ah, shouldn't have said that."

"Don't worry, I think?" Not sure what is considered "normal treatment" around here, also not interested in finding out anytime soon.

Crap, I forgot to remove the robe. First I put my backpack on the living room table, then took off the red robe the Princess gave me.

"Incredible!" Is what I hear next to me. "No ears....but what are those things?" She points at my human ears.

"Those are my ears, Kara."

"Amazing....they're soooo cuuuute and small. Can you really hear my voice? Do I need to speak louder?" She even raised her voice.

"No, they're actually pretty sensitive, so no need to raise your voice." I feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment. It's been a while since anyone has called me cute. Well, she was referring to my ears, but the feeling is the same nonetheless.

She now stands right in front of me, studying my face. "The gods were really lazy. Your face is the same as ours! I mean, it's your face, but the nose...the eyes......incredible!"

"Ha ha you know how I felt when I first met Nanako...I mean the Princess."

"Yes, I can imagine. So none of your people have a tail?"

"Well no, unless you count pony tails as......sorry, no, the answer is no."

"What a pity, it would look good on you. How can you tell what emotions others are having if you can't look at their tails and ears?"

" takes practice, I guess?"

" women color their lips in your world too?"

"Yes, we sure do. I've brought a make-up kit with me, so you can try some yourself if you want. But if you don't mind, I need to start unpacking now."

"May I watch?" She sounds really excited for some reason.

"Ha ha...sure, but I'm certain that it's going to be boring for you."


A few moments later I'm unpacking everything from inside the backpack onto the table.

"Okay. This is the make-up kit, but that's for a rainy day, assuming you have those." She looked confused when I said that, so I continued with the unpacking. "Three more relays, as expected. Water and food...okay, so no need for cooking today. Can you start preparing food somewhere tomorrow for lunch? don't meal?"

"Sure, preparing the midday meal is fine. I'll buy some groceries in the morning, right after collecting your wages at the Palace."

"Ha ha do that. Okay, what else do we have..."

"What are those, Essie?"

"They are um.....feminine products. Better ignore that for now." I could see more questions burning in her eyes, but she managed to stop asking.

"Right.........oh, that's fun. A book about military protocols, and a short list of suggested topics to discuss with our VIP."

"What's a vee-aye-pee?"

"It means my referring to the princess. It means she's important to us."

"Ah, I see. What's that?" She points at a book with a letter inside it.

I read the title out loud to her "Furry tails for fluffy winters. A novel by bestselling author Franky S. Doyle. Well....can't say I've ever heard of the author, but hey, it's a gift. Maybe we can read it together?"

She looks at the book and touches it carefully. " even has colored pictures on it. You can read these squiggly lines?"

"Yes I can, but we call those letters. Anyway...there's a letter inside. Ah....that's probably confusing for you as well......the same word for.......nevermind." I open the envelope and read the letter out loud. "Dear Merlin, read this when you need some magic before sleeping. Good luck over there, warmest regards, Viking. Ha ha ha ha! He knows how to get to my heart!"

"Who's Viking?"

"Ah, that's my boss. His real name is Hayes,'s complicated."

"It seems many things in your world are complicated, Essie."

"'ve got a point there, Kara. Anyway, I'll bring you along there soon so you can see it for yourself."

She takes a step back and looks really serious suddenly, even gesturing wildly.
"WHAT? Nuh-uh! That was not part of the deal. I'm not leaving this world!" She sounds really upset.

"Wait! You misunderstood!"

"Huh? Then please explain?"

"I'm not talking about going to the heavens or whatever you might be thinking. It's just a doorway....em....just like how we entered this cottage. No pain, and you can walk back whenever you want. People are really nice there."

"'re asking me to leave my world. My home...everything I have is here."

"Yes, and nobody will change anything about that. I'm only asking you to...em...visit my world, if that makes any sense. Like talking to my friends, eating together, and then we return here."

" traveling there doesn't take years?"

"Years? Ha! Traveling is instantaneous! The portal itself is only about half an hour walk away from....em....the stone wall around this city. Just through the forest. And the portal itself only requires walking through it. It takes less than a second."

"Okay...that sounds less....intimidating. So...what if I don't like it?"

"The princess wasn't really happy on the other side, but she returned in one piece, didn't she?"

"Yes, she returned safely, this much she told me."

"Then simply trust me. The last thing I want is to harm you. If you really want to go back, I won't force you to stay. But it may also mean that I need a new guard, because I can't go there without one."

"Okay, I trust you, but I reserve the right to end the agreement."

"Yes, that seems fair." After confirming this, I see a smile appearing on her face again.


After this discussion, she suggested that I change into something more "normal" for this world, and so I did. reflection in the standing mirror isn't lying....I really look like a peasant girl now. Maybe those medieval looking dresses are normal for even the noblewomen? So far I haven't spotted a single woman wearing anything remotely resembling the extravagant gown the Princess wore earlier.

My "dress" is basically a beige dress which reaches all the way down to my sneakers, so they're mostly hidden as well. On top of that dress is a dark brown dress made from a lighter material. The sleeves of the dark brown dress end near the shoulders. So basically I'm wearing a dark brown dress, but my sleeves are beige and so is the bottom part near my shoes. Yeah....definitely medieval, but more importantly clean, no doubt about it. But no, I absolutely refuse to wear anything frilly on top of my hair, not only because it looks absolutely ridiculous, but also because nobody can see that underneath my hood anyway.

I was initially worried about the cleavage peasant girls usually seem to show, but that's not happening in this world. My newly acquired necklace is now very much visible, but I think that's the general idea. It's meant to protect me, so I'll show it off. And it's pretty too!

When I see Kara's reflection in the mirror, I see her smiling. "Yes, you look much better now." She said.

Again she's blushing a bit. Did I do something embarrassing again? 
"What's wrong, Kara?"

"Nothing... nothing, all is right."

I chose to ignore that reply and studied the robe they provided for me, since I didn't have much time to do that earlier. Think of the fairy tail "little red riding hood" and you're up to speed. It has to be tied together underneath my chin. Yeah, I'm not a fan of it, but if it works for these fluffy works for me.

I shared my rations from the backpack with her and took some time to discuss life in a medieval city. It seems that the toilet is basically a wooden plank with a hole in it, but a crystal "magically" makes things disappear. Yeah, that childish explanation was all I got. They do seem to be using toilet paper, but it is expensive. I told her to go ahead and just buy it...for the both of us. I'm not going to save on toilet paper, nuh-uh, not happening.


It seems we have to buy all the cutlery and cups and plates too, so that will be a project for the morning. I had thought to send her on her merry way, but I can't let her handle everything without help. Besides, it might be interesting to see daily life around here from up close. With that childish looking red hood on my head, nobody should be the wiser that I'm actually from another world.

The water for the bath will be drawn straight from the groundwater up into the bath by using a manual pump in the backyard. A crystal, yes again a crystal, is used to purify the water and another one will heat the water.

"Kara, why don't people use doors? I mean, wooden panels to close the entrance to the cottage?"

"Why would we?"

"Okay, let me try this. Doesn't it get cold sometimes, like in winter?"

"I'm not sure what winter is, but the weather is mostly the same. It's almost always this temperature and it usually only rains at night. I've heard someone say that we're safe here, between mountains on all sides. The temperatures beyond the mountains do get lower, but only a bit. I'm not sure if those people use doors over there. Does that answer your question?"

"Yeah......I'm soooo envious. It seems the weather on Earth just keeps getting worse every year. Snow storms, heat waves, monsoon-like rains....and so on."

"Again, no idea what that means, I already said, we have pretty much the same weather every day. Sure, it rains once in a while during the day as well, but the temperature doesn't change all too much. And when it does, we have blankets against the wind or drop in temperature. But that happens only once a year or so."



When night falls, Kara activates the living room light by touching another crystal, and a warm light illuminates the entire room.

"Don't you invite bugs inside with these lights on?" I mean, they do have windows, but no doors. I still don't see the logic in that.

"Bugs? As in flies? No, we use Palsonite gems in every opening, those keep the unwanted guests out. It's really simple. A wizard imbues the gems with a magic enchantment and they'll just keep working."

"Soo jealous. I really need to get my hands on one of those."

"Sure, they're cheap and usually will last for a lifetime. Buy one tomorrow if you wish."


While continuing to talk about everyday life, I brushed my teeth with the provided materials in the backpack. I really have to thank someone for that, they're a lifesaver.

And of course she didn't know what I was doing, but it seems they have their own ways to brush their teeth. It involves collecting tree sap which is sold in jars. They need to put it on their tongues which will then work like a toothbrush. Something like that at least....yeah....I'm gonna take a raincheck on that.

We both change into the PJs which were provided to us, and thank god PJs are a thing here too. Our clothes are hanging over the living room chairs and I'm about to experience my first night sleeping like a dog, no offense.

While studying the sleeper some more, I ask her "soo...what do you usually do before sleeping? Do you read a book?" There's no TV here, so..they must be reading or something.

"We tell stories after eating. Sometimes we light the fireplace for fun, but it's usually too warm for that. But the crackling sound is sooo relaxing."

"I know exactly what you mean, we can try that someday."

Again that smile. I think we're best friends already. Can't imagine sharing a doggy basket with a complete stranger...nuh-uh, not happening.


It's quiet outside and the lights inside our room are now turned off. I don't see a moon up there, but the warm green light from our cottage's outside lamp is enough to keep us from bumping into stuff.

She steps into the sleeper as if it were the most normal thing to do, but I'm a bit worried about the experience.

"Join me, we need to buy many items in the morning and you'll need the energy to learn about our world."

I keep staring at her inviting hand, almost begging me to get in.

"Yeah....this is my first time sleeping in a sleeper."

"I know, don't be afraid, I promise to keep you safe." She smiles like a mom would to encourage a young child to get in bed already.

I take a deep breath, ignore her hand, and then just get it over with. First my right foot....and now I'm standing inside it.

"Now lie down, next to me."

The sleeper is actually pretty spacious, so we could technically both sleep curled up without even touching each other.

When I finally curl up, I'm already missing the blankets. Don't ask me why, I just can't sleep without the weight on top of me.

Outside I hear the sounds of crickets. Funny, the gods really must have been lazy, since this place is literally copy+paste from Earth.

"What do you do?" She suddenly asks.

"Em.....trying to get some sleep somehow?"

"No, no, I meant before going to sleep. Do you also tell stories?"

"No, we usually watch them on TV.'s like someone reads a book aloud to you. But they also show emmm...paintings, so you don't have to use your own imagination." My god, being human suddenly sounds so incredibly lazy, doesn't it?

"Interesting. Will you show them to me one day?"

"I thought you didn't like going there?"

"Well.....we've talked a lot today....and I think I can trust you now."

"You think?" Yes, I emphasized that.

"Essie, I didn't mean it like that. Goddess, it's being from another world."

"I know....don't worry, I know you meant well. Oh, right, you should see the games I play too."


"Okay, no, let's stop there. You just have to see those yourself."

"Very interesting. I think I actually want to go there now."

"Ha ha ha, finally. I promise to keep you safe there."

"No, that's my job."

"Maybe, yes. But tell me. Aren't you afraid a thief would enter the cottage?"

"A thief? I guess you meant a rogue. No, that rarely happens here, since we're staying inside the noble district. There are guards everywhere, paid by nobility and our King in our case. So please don't worry. Next to the Palace, this is the safest place in the city."

"Right.....good to know. I trust you, Kara. Eeeeeeeek!!!!!!" Suddenly she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards her. It took me a second to realize what she was doing.

"Sorry, Essie...but this is how we sleep in this world. Now relax and let me keep you safe. May the goddess reward you with wonderful dreams."

I'm happy that she can't see me blushing from embarrassment, so I quickly reply "em....sweet dreams, Kara."

She's now curled up against me, her rather soft and well-developed front side pushing against my back. I didn't expect to feel her tail in my neck though, but it seems they really use them as pillows. That just leaves me without one....pillow I mean.

Lucky for me I thought about that earlier, so a fluffy towel is in grasping range and I somehow manage to use it as a pillow after struggling with it for a minute or so.

The temperature outside is dropping a bit, but the combined body heat is somehow compensating for that. I don't know how much time has passed, but eventually I managed to fall asleep....very comfortably, like never before...while focusing on the soothing sound of crickets chirping outside.