Chapter 7: the truth isn’t always fluffy
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While Hayes and I are walking towards the park's entrance, we're still discussing a few last minute details. And boy oh this place crowded. It's not much different to a concert where a celebrity is about to sing her new album release. It's absolutely packed!

Near the entrance I see a line of soldiers who are keeping the people from entering the park, but they would have a very difficult time achieving that when the natives truly get restless.

Very close to that line, just outside the park in the parking lot, an improvised dais has been set-up, just for me. It's basically just a table for me to stand on with a ladder right next to it, but who's complaining?

This almost feels like those Christmas markets where people are chatting loudly and are generally having a great time. The only difference is that the sound of loud chatter is getting less and less....and the stares I'm receiving are getting more and more.


"So I just choose 2 of them?" I asked Hayes, while still scanning the area in front of me.

"Yes, and the CNN news team as approved by the Pentagon. Now end this discussion, Essie. The thing has been secured and concealed."

"Yes, Colonel."

At least my combat uniform is surprisingly warm. It must have been designed for this kind of weather, because it would probably look ridiculous if I had to wear a jacket on top of it. Hayes made me wear a matching cap with the Air Force logo as well, and when I couldn't resist asking why...he simply answered "we need the PR." So that short statement marked the end of that discussion.


Some people are shivering from the cool morning air, even though they seem to be wearing warm winter clothes. But I'm feeling just fine....except for being nervous as hell.



"Relaaaaax. Considering what you've been through, this is a walk in the park....literally."

"Ha ha ha.....yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Hayes, I needed that."

"Now go, and fix this bloody mess."


I nod and carefully use the ladder to step onto the makeshift dais while taking a few deep breaths in a futile effort to relax. So here I am...standing on a table, wearing something suitable for a real combat mission...a genuine military camouflage uniform. When I turn back for a moment, I see Hayes walking back to the newly created meeting rooms. I hope Kara is doing fine, but she'll have to hold on a bit longer.

Alright...time to get this thing going. The people are slowly stopping their conversations and the whole area in general is getting quieter by the second.

One of the soldiers with the rank of Airman, I think, hands me a cordless microphone. Two huge black speakers are standing on the concrete, right in front of the dais, ready to amplify my voice. My god...I have never been so nervous before. Handling the P90 was easier, seriously.


In the distance, towards downtown Purcellville, I see what must be a local news van with antennas on top and a CNN news van with a satellite dish on top, both heading this way. 

Let's give them a few minutes. A few other news vans, which are parked nearby, must have arrived here a lot sooner. Perhaps they have been at the motel, waiting sneakily for this kind of event to happen?

"Hello? Testing....can you hear me?" My voice sounds really loud, so....yes they can hear me.

Suddenly the crowd goes silent. A few people are nodding and saying "yes!"

"Okay. Hey, CNN people?" I point at them and see them waving back at me. "Yes, you guys. Take your time, the weather's nice, so I can wait a few more minutes." I shouted, forgetting that I have the microphone in my least they know now.

They give me a thumbs up, but a lady who is all dressed up for prime time camera time, is already approaching the dais, struggling to get through the crowd. She stepped out of the CNN news van earlier, so I know she's with them.

So let's help her. "Alright...people? Would you please make some room for the camera crews? I promise to answer questions and take the time. You won't get rid of me that soon."

A few people are laughing...good, I need that.

One of the local news crews, at least I assume they are, seem really nervous. Whenever I make eye contact with one of them, they quickly pretend to be talking to each other. Okay...I'll give them some time, and let's go with CNN for now.


"Miss!" The CNN reporter shouts to me while still struggling to push through the crowd.

"Yes, yes, I have all the time in the world. In the meantime, people...everyone....please don't take pictures of any military equipment or personnel. The only exceptions are the occasional helicopters flying over us and myself. So also no license plates, and definitely no personnel. Is that understood?"

"Yes!" People shout, mostly in unison. Somehow I feel like I'm really with the Air Force now, especially when wearing this combat uniform.

Finally the CNN lady joins me right in front of me and in the distance I see even more news vans pulling over. Sorry, you're too late to the party, not gonna wait much longer for you.

"Miss, is this..." She's one assertive lady, let me tell you that! But no, she has to wait so I interrupt her. 

"Excuse me, can you please wait with the questions?" I asked her politely by looking down at her from this height.

"Of course." She said, but she didn't like it.

Let's set the record straight. 
"Everyone, even though more news crews will be approaching in a few minutes, I will only take questions from CNN at first. Please give me some time, and then I'll try to answer any remaining questions later, deal?"

The crowd seems to agree. moment to shine...or fail...has finally arrived.

" we go. First, let me introduce myself. I'm Essie Whitfield, and despite the fact that I'm wearing an Air Force combat uniform, I'm a civilian. I work for the Air Force, yes, but I'm not in the military.

Also, I do not have any prior experience with press conferences, so I'm asking for your understanding and some patience. I didn't have the time to prepare a proper speech, so I'll give you a brief summary of events, then I will ask the kind lady from CNN here to guide me with her questions." I saw her nod when I said that while her camera crew had finally caught up with her.

"Everyone else will kindly wait with their questions until the end of the press conference, when I will also be accepting questions from the people living nearby.

Right, then allow me to begin. The Air Force has asked me to tell you what's going on behind me, since quite a few people understandably were getting impatient." I pointed at the area behind me. "But first let me tell you why they are letting a civilian speak on behalf of the US Military. The reason for that is quite simple.

I was here when things happened, almost right from the start. Because I, a civilian, was already aware of recent events, the US Government has decided to let me become your primary point of contact. Simply put, from now on I'll be your eyes and ears so you'll know what is going on. It will be my job to answer your questions, but also to listen to your worries. The idea is to speed up communication between you, the public, and all other parties involved...through point of contact. Everyone with me so far?"

I see many people nodding, but except for a few coughs, it's eerily quiet right now. Even the birds are staying away, the cowards. "Excellent. Now please listen closely, as what I'm about to tell you might upset some of you. First the CliffsNotes version, then I'll accept questions and will provide more detailed information.

For me it all started a few days ago, when I booked a nearby motel room and went for an early morning walk....right there, in the park behind me." I again point at the park, which looks a whole lot less like a regular park now. "After only a few minutes, I heard some really loud gunshots and took cover. Only moments later a team from the Air Force surrounded me, protecting me from harm. Of course I didn't know what was going on right then, so imagine how terrified I felt.

At one point.....probably around 630 am, a massive rhino popped up in front of me....seriously. I mean, it looked like a rhino at first, but it was huuuge and its teeth were shark-like. For a moment, try to picture yourself in a situation where you're suddenly face to face with something straight out of the Jurassic Park movies. But within seconds, the team made an end to this threat...and they saved me."

I know it's a lie, but who cares that I was the one who shot it. I'm not going to tell them that I'm an impressive beast slayer! It was basically a miracle that we survived the encounter at all. Besides, Hayes is worried about the idea that a civilian used a P90, which was basically off-limits to me.

People are obviously full of disbelief, talking to one another, but still paying attention to me here, high up on the dais. I gave them a few moments to let this unexpected news sink in.

"After killing that thing, only moments later, another beast was detected in these woods. That's when two Apache helicopters used their thermal imaging systems and found it. Of course they then immediately ended its existence."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Someone with a long, black beard said. He's wearing a leather jacket and seems really pissed. It took me a moment to find him in the crowd, but the only thing I had to do was to follow the direction into which people were looking.

"No, sir, this is fucking real. I would appreciate it if you could wait with the questions until I'm done explaining." A few people laughed at my choice of words, but he started, right? "Right...where was I?"

"The beasts were killed. Then what happened?" The CNN lady said with a loud voice.

"Ah right, thanks. Like most of you right now, the Air Force needed some hard evidence, not only an eye witness report. So let me show you what was left of those creatures, since the military was quite....thorough in ending the threat." I made a few gestures, pretending to hold a rifle, showing how thorough they were. "Em...CNN lady....can I have your name please?"

"Jodie Russell, ma'am."

"Okay, Jodie, may I call you Jodie?"

"Sure." She said, and it sounded like she meant it.

"Great, then..and this is for everyone...just call me Essie, okay? Again, I'm just a civilian. Good..." 

I motioned Jodie to move closer. "Jodie, can the camera please zoom in? Yes? Good. Wait, let me....there." I increased the brightness to maximum on the tablet the Airman just handed over to me. Then I showed them a picture.

"In this time of digital manipulation and photoshopping, you never know what is real and what not. But I'm telling you....these are authentic pictures. It's my hope and that of the US Government that this was the first and also last time we had to deal with these creatures. Just in case, the military is staying here to keep an eye on the area. That's basically everything that's going on here right now."

I showed them two pictures. One of the gooey remains of the one I shot, and the other an infrared recording made from inside one of the two Apaches, showing the massive beast running.

"Do you have that on tape?" I asked.

Jodie nods. 

"Good, thanks, Jodie. Everyone who couldn't see the images, please watch CNN tonight. You may distribute those images on the internet, they are absolutely authentic and declassified. let me tell you where those things came from and what the US Military is doing to keep you safe.

About a month ago a light earthquake hit this region. Did any of you experience it?"

"Yeah!" a few of them replied. The cameraman is taking a few snapshots of the crowd, then focuses on me again.

"But what you don't know is what happened after that quake, so let me share the facts with you. Right after the quake, the USGS sent three experts this way after determining that the exact epicenter was behind us....right there..." I point at the building which is now barely visible between the trees.

"They placed sei...seis.....sorry  <cough> seismometers." A few people laughed at my mispronunciation. "...and then they did what any expert would do...finding the reason for this earthquake. As far as we know now, the quake was caused by the activation of an already existing ancient fault in the rocks below us...and's not an active fault. At least not anymore, so don't worry about your homes or anything. This unusual geological event will keep scientists entertained for a few more decades, believe me."

Again a few people laughed.

According to Hayes, this is what really happened. A real geological fault, but in reality the quake destroyed a cover stone which had concealed the portal. Someone must have probably wanted to keep the "evil spirits" out. But I can't tell anyone about that. So at least we won't have to fake a fault's really there.

"Bear with me....what happened next was tragic at best. All three scientists were killed by that creature I mentioned a few moments ago. Please allow me to take a few moments to honor their dedication to their work and let me express my deepest sympathies to the people they have left behind....also on behalf of the US government, the Military and of course the Police who found their bodies."

I waited a few moments to show my respects.

"Thank you. Now let me continue. Nobody back then knew that these prehistoric beings had somehow survived underground and made their way to the surface. They resemble dinosaur-like creatures, or rhinos if you will, but that's all I know at the moment. Now let me once more confirm that there is no threat remaining. The US Military is watching over this area with everything they have. You can sleep peacefully at night...send your kids to school.....there is no danger."

"Sure there isn't. This is just another fucking coverup!" Another person in the crowd doesn't believe me.

"Okay, sure, I can understand your reaction. Let me ask you a question, sir... will you join me after this press conference? You can have a look yourself?"

"What? No fucking way!" He immediately made his way out of the area.

People are shooing him away for interrupting me.

"Okay....people, people....the offer is still open. But I will talk about that later. Jodie, your questions please. After that, anyone else."

The camera crew now makes sure that Jodie and I are visible at the same time, which is a bit of a challenge when I'm standing up here. When I see the cameraman kneeling, pointing his camera upwards, I know that they're happy with the angle.



[ POV Essie's father at home ]

I'm flipping through a few TV channels while taking a break from working at home.

"What way! Milly !!!" I shouted for my wife who's in the kitchen right now.

From the kitchen I hear a loud noise like a pot or something falling to the floor.  
"WHAT?" She immediately rushes to the living room, holding a towel, probably because she was doing the dishes.

"Look! It's Essie!" 

She rushes towards the TV, standing in front of it so I can't see anything. 
" really IS here!"

"I know, honey, be quiet for a moment, okay?" I join her and gently push her aside, then increase the TV's volume substantially.


We sat down on the couch, totally flabbergasted about the fact that our daughter is holding a press conference in a military uniform. That should not be happening!



[ POV Essie ]

"Thank you Essie, I'm Jodie Russell, and for the people viewing at home...this is CNN Breaking News. We're live at the press conference currently being held in the city of Purcellville, near Washington D.C. where Essie Whitfield, a civilian working for the Air Force, will now take questions about what's going on in Franklin Park."

She quickly flips through the pages of her small notepad. I think she's nervous...but only for a moment. "Essie, is this related to the investigations going on in Lansing, Michigan?"

"Michigan? Honestly, I have no idea about that, because I've missed the recent news bulletins. What's going on there?" Something tells me Hayes is cursing right now, for entertaining her story. But I will cut her short sooner rather than later.

"An Apache helicopter crash landed right outside Lansing, Michigan. Any relation to this?"

"No, not that I'm aware of. Of course I'm not briefed about every event. Kindly call your usual US Military contacts for details....and...stick to this event please."

"Of course........the...Rhino....beings you described, is there an official name for those?"

"Yes, pending formal scientific classification, the Military has called them Phantoms."

"Phantoms? Why are they called that?"

"Simple, it's the most appropriate name for them. They're really fast. Now you see you don't. Blink once, and they're gone. Blink again, and YOU are gone. That also explains the tanks behind me. They can see what humans can't. So rest assured...nothing...and I mean nothing...will get past them. I can't stress that enough."

"But what if...just hypothetically speaking, what if they do get out, Essie?"

Since she's using my first name, I need to do the same and I think that's normal in the news business.
"First..Jodie... that won't happen. And IF it should happen....the tanks will be in pursuit, they aren't Christmas decorations."

Quite a few people are laughing, which makes me smile for a moment as well. Then I make sure to look serious again, and continue my explanation. "Besides, we have an Air Force hub nearby. Again..IF...they get out, we will have 2 heavily armed Apaches here in no time.

This reminds the unlikely event that something happens....we will sound the alarms here and contact the national news immediately. So...once more... IF you hear the alarm....simply go inside and stay safe. However, if you should hear a helicopter at night, know that they are only supporting normal base operations. You can sleep without fear."

"That is very reassuring to hear. But why didn't anyone ever see these Phantoms before? How could they survive underground for as long as humans have roamed the planet?"

"That's what we're trying to find out. I could speculate about that, but I won't. Just like you, everyone was taken by surprise. But if we should find another one, we'll try to study their behavior, or they will be shot so they can be dissected or even put on display. All we now have is some DNA and some gooey remains. Our defenses were pretty thorough."

"I'd say that's a good thing. Will you be providing regular updates about those Phantoms?"

"No, that is not our intention. It is the main reason why we're having this press conference right now. Only when we have important news to share, will we hold another one or contact the news agencies directly through the usual channels...depending on the situation of course."

"Of course. CNN has received many questions from the residents in this area. One of them is the fear that the Government or Military will impose restrictions on their daily lives or even worse....enforce curfews?"

"That is of course very understandable. Let me be very clear. The Military nor the Government will limit your daily lives in any way. Only the access to the Military assets and the immediate area behind me will be off-limits to the public. So no jogging in the park please, I'm sure you can understand why."

"Yes, and good to know. Next one. CNN has received drone footage of mysterious blue lights at night in the park. Are you able to shed some light on that?" She emphasized the light.

This made me smile for a moment. I like her humor.
"I'm afraid not. Let me remind everyone that drones are not allowed near military installations. But please send us a copy of those images."

"So, you don't know what they are?" She shows me a tablet as well and in the meantime informs her viewers that the same image is now displayed on their TV screens as well.

I return the tablet to her and say "No, they could literally be anything. These images are in a very low resolution. Could be CGI or might be guards or equipment at night, or even bug lamps. Seriously, I have no idea. If it were important, they would have told me."

Suddenly someone in the crowd yelled "Why did you have to shoot them!"

It took me a moment to realize what he was referring to. "Ah, the drone? Well, of course they shot it! Everyone knows...or should know, sir......that using drones near Military facilities is illegal. And why? Because it's dangerous. Think interference, or the drone may fall down, causing all sorts of injuries. You should be happy they didn't arrest you. Yes, this is the real US Military.....don't use drones, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am! Sorry!" 

"Ha ha ha, don't worry, you're fine. Jodie, back to you."

I see the camera crew focusing on me again.

"Thank you. Another question we heard many times. Why didn't you inform the public sooner about what happened here?"

"Good question. We first needed to focus on everyone's safety. Surely you can understand that?"

She nods, while tapping on her ear piece, showing me they're pushing more questions to her. But unfortunately for her, someone else is jumping in without delay, waving at me. It's another lady, this time from NBC news, I think.

"Jodie, let's switch to open questions right now. You..waving lady from NBC...your question please?"

"Megan Baxter, NBC news, thank you. Why would you wait until people started protesting to share what happened? You could have issued a statement already? At the very least tell everyone they were safe?"

Didn't I just answer this? Whatever.

"Simple, it's in the Military's genes to think first, act second. Providing unconfirmed information might have caused a widespread panic. Considering the time needed to investigate, this press conference is still being organized pretty fast."

"Yes, but why did nobody notice the creatures earlier? Surely they would have escaped right after the earthquake?"

"I'm not going to speculate about that. What happened, happened. We lost good people to those things, and we ended their existence for that. Questions like "why" must wait for all research to end. We could have chosen to wait with the press conference until we had all the answers, but like you is the right time to tell you what we do know. Does that answer your question?"

"It does for now. So you will publish more information soon?"

"Not me, but the people responsible for this research, for lack of a better word. Whenever we learn important FACTS, not speculation, we will publish it. The only exceptions are potential impacts on Military equipment or the safety of people involved. Those will not be made public until when they are declassified."

Suddenly I see another hand being raised, waving for my attention. I'm happy to switch topics now, so I'll take anything. "Yes....your question?" I pointed at the person asking the question.

"Thank you, ANN News, Japan. It sounds like you are hiding things already?"

The male reporter didn't mention his name, nor am I really interested in asking. Well, crap..they keep bugging me with difficult questions. Better stay polite. "'re from Japan? Call me impressed. Tell me, what do you think it is, that we are hiding exactly?"

"You just made an exception to the information to be published?"

"Aaaaah, that? You must have misunderstood. Let me rephrase that. We will publish all important information, unless it might harm Military operations. This is normal in every country, including Japan, is it not?"

"Yes, but this is a danger to the public as well. Don't the citizens here have the right to learn how to defend themselves?"

"YEAAAAAAH" many other people seem to agree with him. I wait a few moments for them to quiet down, and they seem to understand that I'm waiting for them to do so.

"Everyone....quiet down please. Let me give you an example. If one of those Phantoms pisses on a tank, and it explodes, we won't tell you."

"Ha ha ha ha" lots of laughs around me, but also many angry faces.

"But...if the same Phantom escaped this area, pissed on a human and they exploded....those things we would share. Makes sense?"

Again some laughs. 

"Eem...yes. One more question please. Do you expect this in other countries as well?"

"What, pissing Phantoms?" I'm grinning, sorry, I needed this.

Bingo, lots of laughter right now. And it is exactly what I needed to disrupt this line of questioning which was bordering an interrogation.

"No, I mean Japan has many geological fault lines. Could they rise there too?"

"Honestly...I don't know, and that's the truth. This might only have been a one-time event for all we know, and our investigations are still ongoing. The reason for this press conference is to share facts publicly, not speculation. I'm sure that foreign countries will be able to go through their usual channels and ask the US military for details. If they wish to start their own investigations, it is in their very right to do so. But this request for information works both ways. The idea is to share so we can prevent further deaths. You help us, we help you...that kind of stuff. Makes sense?"

"Yes, thank you."


This time the NBC lady intervened, the nanosecond the ANN reporter finished his sentence. She's good, and really assertive too.

"No disrespect intended, but why is a civilian holding the press conference on behalf of the Air Force?"

"That's what you get when you're late to a press conference. I don't prefer one news agency to another...but hey...CNN was here right from the start, just saying." I raised my arms and hands to emphasize how I felt about this question. "So I already answered that. Check CNN today, they'll know." I deliberately glared at her for a few moments, until she nodded.

Time for me to smooth things over. I give her a fake smile and say "I'm just kidding of course. I'm here to answer questions, even though I might have answered them already. I said that I would take my time, and I will keep that promise.

To answer your question, I've been involved in this since the beginning. I saw one of those things from only 10 feet away, while just casually walking in the woods behind us. So yes...they're real. Absolutely, no doubt about it, freakin' real. The Military people saved my skin, and in return I offered to help them, since we had to improvise things today. They made me your point of contact and the rest is history as they say. This explains why I'm a civilian, and I don't have any prior experience with press conferences. Sure, they could have appointed an Air Force officer, but it would have delayed the press conference, since these people are quite busy. And all of you seemed eager to hear some answers today, so that's basically why you're stuck with me now." Another few laughs help me relax a bit.

The NBC lady looks somewhat miffed, and immediately launches another question at me.
"Thank you. But as a civilian...I're one of us right?" you're getting annoying.

"It depends. I'm human." I said in a serious tone of voice, but then unable to hide a grin.

The public knows a good joke when they hear one. "Ha ha ha...." Ohh....if looks could kill.....miss Baxter from the NBC would have killed me right now.

"As a civilian..." she emphasized what she had meant to say. "...would you say that the deaths of those scientists could have been prevented?"

"Excellent question. Honest answer....probably not. Who could have expected a monster to jump out of the ground? I'm not a fan of horror movies...but that's exactly what has happened. And out of respect for the lives lost and the families involved, I'm asking you to drop any further questions about them. Just an FYI...they were the brave ones who sounded the alarm by calling 9-1-1. Their bravery in an unprecedented situation has saved many lives. That's all I want to say about this matter. Next question."

She looks even more pissed, but why? I just answered her question, didn't I?

"What's your personal opinion? Why is this still a military site? Shouldn't the Military have relinquished control by now?"

"This is your last question, miss Baxter." Call me impressed that I somehow managed to remember her name. "I will hear other people's questions next. My personal opinion is exactly personal one. Alright, why the heck not, my personal opinion. Yes, I'm really a civilian, even when wearing this uniform. And yes, I'm on their payroll, so I may be biased, but this is my honest opinion of them. They reacted swiftly and with appropriate use of force. All of you, with the exception of the USGS personnel, are still standing here, alive and well. The threat has been contained...completely. Do I respect them? Hell, yes. Should they hand over this area to non-military personnel? If you ask me...then no, not yet.

I don't know about you....but as long as the investigations are ongoing, I would sleep better knowing that a few rifles and tanks are pointing towards the place where those things came from. And if anyone has any remaining doubts about the Military presence here....I'll be happy to address them."

Finally the local news crew seems to have worked up the courage to speak. A man is waving at me.
"Yes, your question, sir?"

"Em...we...em.....why are you speaking so positively about the Military? Are they forcing you to say that?"

The crowd seems to agree that this question is an important one.

"No, nobody is forcing me to stand here." Sure, the President maybe, but let's not tell them.

"As I said, I may be biased, yes. But there is a very good reason for this. You see....when I arrived in this park, so early in the morning....I almost died. Those kinds of events tend to make you rethink stuff. Simply put, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them."

"So you're doing this press conference as a thank you? Is that why you keep convincing us to accept the Military presence here as a good thing?" that's why he was so nervous in the beginning. Those are some tough questions. Hayes must be sweating right now, and that makes two of us.

"No and yes, an honest answer. It's my job to tell you the facts, and I'm not lying about the Military. They're here to help and protect the people, which is why we even have a Military. So if you think that I'm biased for them jumping in and saving my life, then go ahead and sue me. So yes, I'm happy to repay them a little bit by talking to you guys, but no, nobody is forcing me to be overly enthusiastic. They are here and are here to stay to keep everyone safe, and I respect that. Does this answer your question?"

"Em....completely, miss."

"Nice. Next question. Someone from the public if possible? Some people living next door perhaps?"


And sure enough I see the first hand waving for attention. I point at her, and she asks her question.
"Are you keeping any aliens here?" A young girl asked with a big grin on her face.

"I can see you are making fun of this, but let me answer your question nevertheless. No, we are not keeping any aliens here. Usually you see big motherships, laser weapons and stuff, right? Did any of that happen?"

She shakes her head.

"Then you have your answer right there. And now seriously. No aliens. Only prehistoric creatures that got acquainted with high tech US military weapons. Game over for them. Next question. Anyone?"


It took a few moments for a man to raise his hand.
"Miss Essie, the helicopters are flying whenever they want. Is there a way for the Army to limit those hours to the daytime? My kids won't sleep."

"Ahhhh...I can imagine that. That's actually a very good question. Rest assured, the Military is watching this very press conference, but of course I can't promise that they will honor your request. I'm sorry to say, but I rather see you have sleepless nights, than not waking up at all. But again, they're very much aware of your problem now."

"Thank you!" He said, really politely.

"You're most welcome. Next question."


"Ma'am?" Suddenly the Airman next to me interrupts me and's the signal Hayes gave me to end the press conference without delay.

"Ah, yes, thank you. Jodie?"

"Yes?!" She didn't expect me to address her again today.

"You and your crew are invited for a 5 minute tour of the facility. Interested?" The Pentagon apparently has approved this, according to Hayes, or I wouldn't even dare invite them.

"Yes, of course! How?"

"Give me.....5 minutes to wrap this up." Then I looked at the crowd and pointed at two more people.

" Will you two kindly join me as well? Excellent. Join me here in a few minutes."

One of them is the person who asked me about the helicopters keeping his kids up at night. I think we need to work a bit on our PR.


I see more hands, this time from ABC and FOX news. guys missed the show.

"People...I'm afraid this is all the time we have today. The Military personnel need to resume their duties. If you have any questions....send them to the news stations. They can contact the US Military and myself through the official channels. If the need arises, I'll be here once more, but let's hope that I was able to take away your concerns. The Military is here to stay, at least for a while, and will keep you safe at all costs.

Oh! I almost forgot. For the people living next door....if you have any serious issues...walk over to the entrance here and politely ask to be heard. If your request is reasonable, it will be forwarded to the responsible people. Of course you can also ask for me. I can't promise anything, but rest assured that information WILL flow quickly...just stay polite. 

Alright people, that's it for now. Thank you for your time."


An unexpected loud applause startled me for a moment, but it quickly made me smile and wave at them before stepping down the dais.

The crowd slowly dissipates, hopefully happy with the answers I provided them with. The Airman next to me is already briefed by Hayes, so she knows what's happening next.


The CNN news crew and the two civilians joined me a few minutes later. 

"Hello everyone." I said, trying to sound informal and making them feel more comfortable.

"Thanks for the exclusive, Essie." Jodie said, giving me a big smile.

I look at the cameraman and see his camera pointing at the ground, but it doesn't mean they aren't recording this.
"My pleasure, let's call it teamwork. You help me, I help you."

"I like that...and for what's worth, the press conference went well."

"Thank you, but I was as nervous as hell. Anyway....listen. First the rules of the game. None of you will take any pictures, video, in any way of the things I said earlier. So I license faces of military equipment. The lady next to me will give you a brief tour. She will also tell you what you can record and share with the world. Ah, and I must ask to leave your cell phones here for a moment. And please do as she says, because we don't want any issues."

"Of course, thank you again. Will we see you again?" Jodie asked.

"That's unlikely. So, no, this is where we say goodbye." We shook hands and I left them in the care of the Airman.



While walking back towards the newly constructed building and the few container-offices, I look back for a moment and see them being strip-searched for anything they shouldn't have on them. That should leave quite the impression, I think. Yes, security is tight here, and for good reasons. Reasons I can't tell them about.

Call it coincidence or not, only now do I notice that the vans with the "USGS" label on them are still parked over there. I guess they are still doing research on the fault, at least I think they do? 


After a few moments I enter Hayes' office.

"Well done, Essie! Sit down." Hayes said after giving me a thumbs up, which made me smile. "Very well done indeed. You handled them well. A credit to the uniform."

"Em, thanks...but I was only improvising."

"In that case, you should do that more often. But in all seriousness, the idea was to only give them a summary. Maybe answer a few questions? At the beginning I was about to pull you out, but you answered the questions really well and in a very flattering way for us too."

"Yeah... the President inspired me to give my best."

"Ha ha ha, yes, he has that way with people. You keep surprising me, what other kind of hidden talents do you have?"

But I only replied with a "pffffffffff." I let out all the steam at once. The temperature is a bit high here, or my uniform is simply too warm.

"Was it that difficult?" 


"I know just the thing for that. Coffee?"

"Oh, god, yes."