Chapter 9: A fluffy accident
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Our night in the park was uneventful and I slept surprisingly well considering the fact that I don't even sleep under blankets anymore these days. And yes, keeping that door open for so long made it really cold inside, so that should tell you something about the effectiveness of those sleepers. Could have been Kara too, but that's besides the point. At some point we had to remove our PJs, simply because our combined body heat was too warm. Either that, or someone activated a heater inside our room.

When I woke up, lying on my side, I felt Kara's head resting against my tummy. Her fluffy ears are close enough for me to bite in, but I'm resisting that urge. The surprising thing is that my hand has grabbed her tail at some point, so I immediately release it. And oh's soo incredibly fluffy! But when did even that happen?

Just look at her, lying there so cute. While still fast asleep, her head suddenly moves up, now resting against my bra. She's breathing calmly, definitely still sleeping...until her eyelids open unexpectedly. Our eyes meet and a wonderful smile greets me, until she realizes who I am and what she's been leaning against. She immediately sits up straight, blinking a few times. "Please forgive me." Is all she said.

"'s okay. You looked so cute and innocent. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did." She's blushing from embarrassment, especially when she becomes aware of another fact. "But...but....em... where's my bra?"

I point at the bra on which she's sitting right now. "Oh he he he, how did that happen?"

"No idea, wasn't me." I'm blushing now as well and get out of the sleeper. I can't tell her she looked cute. Oh, right, I already have. I quickly get dressed and see Kara following my example.





Kara and I are back on BETA again, walking towards the Arkhan marketplace. Bravo team escorted us until the city, while staying hidden in the shadows in their camouflage outfits.

As a way to help me forget about the Swarm Queen who's apparently after me, Kara has invited me to a traditional Kitsune treat and simply pulled me along. At this point even the fluffy tails are looking more and more familiar each day I'm walking here. This is a whole different world, and yet it feels so very familiar now.


While walking for a few minutes, we decided to take a quick break and rest on a strategically placed bench. It's right next to a bakery and while I'm having trouble ignoring the wonderful smells coming from the inside, I see a few children playing tag. It seems that's a truly universal game.

It's strangely relaxing to see them running around and laughing, but I'm terrified for what they're doing next. They're playing with fire, and nobody tells them it's dangerous! Sure their fire seems to be blue instead of orange or red, but it's still fire.
"Kara! They're playing with fire!"

"Huh? Ha ha ha.... It's a children's game! Don't they play that on Earth?"

", they don't play with fire!"

"Relaaaax, Essie. Let me explain. One of the kids is running after the others, trying to catch up. Whenever she is closest to another, she uses the fire in her hand to make it jump to the next. It's a funny and tingly sensation. When the other sees the fire on their own hand, they're supposed to give it to someone else, and so on."


"Ah...of course, you don't have magic on Earth. Let me explain. It's a fun way for kids to learn about mana control. When they get older, they can use these skills at work. It can make stone lighter...heal people....or even make wood burn. Magic can be used for everything, but this is harmless. It's a pure, raw form of mana. Why don't you try it yourself?"

Then it hit me. "Kara! That'! It's the same as in my stories!"

"Fox-fire? What a strange name. Perhaps your people simply could do this themselves very long ago? Anyway, try it! Think about a warm sensation in your right hand. Then feel it moving in a circle...and.....that's it."

I look at her for a moment, but she seems totally serious about this. "Okay...why the heck not?" After a few minutes I do feel a sensation, but nothing else happens.

"Awww......then let me give it to you. Just like those kids."

And just like that a blue flame suddenly appeared on the palm of my right hand.
"No waaaay.....this is so unreal! It doesn't even hurt!"

"Of course not! Try it again when you have some time. If these kids can play with mana..or fox-fire as you called it, then so can you."

At some point Kara grabbed the flame from my hand...and it simply vanished. I'm soooo jealous of these kids. This game would be the greatest hit back home!

After resting a bit more, I followed Kara towards a food stall, where a real treat would be waiting for me. On our way there, we discussed the Phantoms and until recently she only knew about the Rhino-types, not the snails or tripods, let alone the Queen herself.

But now that Kara knows as much about them as I do, she's trying really hard to help me relax. She's not my maid nor my assassin anymore. From now on she's officially my friend and I will introduce her to other people as such. How could I even call her "a maid" anymore, when we sleep in the same sleeper and have so much fun together?


The food stall is just across the street, but we're having difficulties reaching it through the crowd. Either someone is giving away stuff for free, or something has happened. Even Kara is not sure about what's going on.

People are chatting happily around me, but also unintentionally preventing us from reaching the treat I was promised.

"You there!" A man standing on an turned up-side-down bucket yells our way. "The lady in red, allow me to help you!"

Oh no.....he's talking about me! When I take a peek at him, I see a young man in a wizard's cloak. Might be some kind of uniform, but to me it looks like he's a wizard. If he's really a wizard, then it would explain why he's holding a staff in his hand. The staff looks like a closed, long, black umbrella, directly imported from Earth. Seriously, it's a spitting image. It even has a handle. The only different part is at the top, where a glowing green gem is drawing my attention.

Kara quickly takes my hand and squeezes it, a signal we have agreed upon. It means that I might be in danger, and that she's actively protecting me.

"We're not interested!" Kara yells back at him while pulling me away from him. Then she whispers to me, loud enough to compensate for the crowd's noise, "ignore him, he's a fraud, follow me."

Somehow her words instantly help me relax. She's from this world, so I should trust her.

"Oh, c'mon! Let me heal you!" The guy just won't take "no" for an answer. "No lady should ever have to hide underneath a robe. People! Behold my awesome power! Holy guardian of the Elementals....Rejuvenate!"

At the exact moment he shouted that last word, the staff glowed an incredibly bright green light, making many people gasp from surprise.

"Show us! Show us!" People all around us are begging me to take off the robe. This is bad....soooo bad.

"Please lady, we won't make fun of you, please remove the robe!" A very kind sounding elderly gentleman with a snow white tail and ditto ears asked me. "Please?"

Kara stops pulling my hand, because we just can't go anywhere anymore. At that moment she whispered "Essie...I have a me. I'll keep you safe. Remove your robe. Trust me."

She hasn't lied to me I first slowly untie the ribbon underneath my chin. The crowd is now very quiet, waiting for the big reveal. Then I slowly take it off.

"Oooohhh!!!  Ahhhhhh!"  These kinds of sounds are being uttered all around me.

When I look around, I only see sad faces of people, full of empathy. They pity me, there is no other possible explanation. Many are putting their hands on their mouths to show me their emotions.

Kara immediately shouts...."Her tail! Her ears! They're gone!" Her performance is quite convincing.

When I feel a gentle nudge in my side, I know that I should play along. The "wizard" seems mortified, beyond nervous...blushing as red as a tomato and pacing while massaging his forehead after kicking his bucket aside. He continuously keeps staring at me however.

"What?!! Noooo! My tail! It's gooooone!" I shout, trying to sound genuinely distressed, while looking at my back. Of course it's not there, but nobody needs to know that. Then I feel on top of my head " ears!!! Gone! And what are these things?" I touched my human ears. "What have you done to me! Woe me! Who shall ever love me, take me as his bride? Oh goddess....have mercy on my soul!" Em....a bit too much?

A careful peek at Kara's face tells me that I slightly went overboard....but at least the crowd is silent....until someone is calling the guards. Oh....fuck no.... 

"Guaaaards!! Here!"

And sure enough, two guards are pushing their way through the crowd and already seem to know what's going on. One of them takes the wizard's arm and pulls him towards us. The other guard is pushing back the people surrounding us.

"You! Did you put a spell on this poor lady?" The guard asked.

"No!" The "wizard" guy shouts, sounding absolutely distressed and gesturing wildly.

"There are hundreds of witnesses here, they tell me otherwise. Tell me, how are you going to fix this?"

"I...I .....goddess, I don't know! It shouldn't have happened! With the goddess as my witness, I only wanted to make her feel better! You make her feel more confident, as by magic? Look at my staff! It's fake!"

I'm not sure if he can stay in this city any longer, he just admitted to being a fraud!

"And yet you managed to steal a woman's beauty." He looked at my missing furry ears for a moment.

Okay....that comment hurt a bit, but I know what he meant. It's time for me to fix this mess somehow. Kara's eyes tell me to keep trusting her however. It's the way she blinked that told me. But I need to intervene. What if the Palace hears of this? No, I must end this now.
"Em....guard? Perhaps he should try again?" I'm trying to find a way out of this mess, but can't think of anything just yet. I hope Kara knows what to do next.

The guard heard my proposal and looked at the fake wizard once more. "Can you even try again?"

"I can try....but's just a glowing stick, guard. I just wanted to make a few extra coins, I swear. I would never, never harm a woman...ever!"

"I believe you, sir. You meant me no harm...but the result is the same. And still I forgive you." I said. Of course for other reasons...I just want to get the hell out of here!

" would really forgive him, young lady?" The guard asked, sounding utterly flabbergasted about my seemingly infinite generosity.

"Yes, I can see it in his eyes that he never wanted to harm me. I've endured so much sadness lately, I just don't have any tears left. Just point me at a real wizard." Just...go away! Let me go already! Take the hint!

"No need for that!" Suddenly another person yells, startling me in the process.

Many people are now looking at someone approaching from behind us, and so am I. For some reason they let him pass as if he were the King himself.

Oh, fuck no.....this is another wizard. Wearing a black robe with a crescent moon logo, holding a shepherd's staff with lots of glowing gems in his right hand.....and a bright glowing blue orb in his left. His long, gray beard enhances the feeling I already have....this guy is no fake. I could actually be in real danger right now.

"Allow me to fix this." He said calmly and politely while smiling, then aimed the staff at me before I could even take a step back. The orb starts glowing brighter and brighter. "No need to fear, young lady. Trust old Zolius...... Hear me, oh goddess of righteousness. May she be restored to her Kitsune form for once and all time. Utama watama SHAKAAAA!"

A bright flash blinded me for a few seconds and when I tried to see what happened....the wizard was simply gone. I feel something moving on top of my head, followed by something disconcerting behind my panties being pushed down a bit, followed by something fluffy making its way outside backwards through the dress. Are these mind-tricks? Am I imagining things?

"What....the.....fuck..." Is all I could whisper. The stone around my neck is glowing brightly, I even feel it heating up for a few seconds. The stone must be a bust, for it to react to those fake wizard guys.

"The wizard! He's gone!" People around me shout.

Yes, duh...same conclusion here. He just transported himself away...big deal....all isekai wizards can do that.

When everyone finally reboots...people start clapping and pointing at me.
"It worked! She's healed! Honor to our goddess!" These kinds of words sounded all around me.

I'm not sure that I like what they are insinuating. The fake wizard is blinking and the guards are frozen from bewilderment as well.

"Essie...? Are you alright?" Kara carefully asks.

"Sure, just another fraud, right?" Kara shakes her head, ever so gently. " know...a cheat, a fake, trickery?" Still shaking her head.

When I finally raise my hand to touch my ears....they're gone....instead I feel something furry on top of my head. Oh no no....this did NOT happen! It took me a moment to gather the needed courage and look for a tail....only to find it exactly where it shouldn't be. It's even swaying gently. "Oh my goooood!"

"Lady, are you alright?" The guard has finally returned to reality.

"I don't know.....what happened? I have a tail?" I said, sounding totally confused.

"Yes, it's back!" Kara said, emphasizing that it had "returned." Right....that's what they need to believe.

"Miss, do you want us to hold him for questioning? Trickery is not allowed in this Kingdom, nor is it lawful to change anyone's appearance against their wishes." The guard is probably asking if I want to press charges against him.

"'s okay. I'm just...speechless. Let him go."

"Thank you miss! I swear, with the goddess as my witness, I will never do that again!"

"See that you don't." The guard said, then released his arm after which the fake wizard disappeared at world record speeds.

When the crowd finally dissolves, Kara whispers "you should have let him stay. Now you are stuck like this." She points at my tail.

"Did this...really happen just now?"

"Sure did."

"...but....I have a tail !"

"I know. You look cute." Kara said, smiling while observing my new swaying furry appendage.

This instantly made me blush and look away from her eyes.

She hugged me for a moment and said "..awwwww....don't be worried. I'll find a way to change you back to your prior form."

"You think you can find someone?"

"Won't be easy, that's for sure. Let's return to the cottage for now."

"But....I'd love to eat that treat you promised me."

"Really? You're still in the mood for some fun after all of that? By all means!" She once more took my hand and pulled me along.

This time however I don't need to hide anymore. It's so strange. People are smiling and making eye contact, but not a single one thinks I'm a human anymore.....because I no longer am. Oh life is getting more complicated by the day. Why am I feeling....happy? Shouldn't I feel...worried?



Right there, between the food stalls, I see a tall wooden pole with a sign.
"Kara...what does that sign say?"

"Oh this? It means the carriage service stops here every hour or so. It takes you from this city to the next one."

"You're kidding me...a bus stop?"

"Eh.....I have no idea what that is."

"'s the same on Earth.....we use those too!"

"Ha ha ha...see? Very lazy gods!"

"I can't believe it...but there's plenty of evidence supporting that theory already."


While I observe some citizens using a broom to sweep the floor in front of their shops, Kara has ordered a treat for us from the street vendor. The food stall is basically a simple wooden cart with two large wheels, which must probably be pulled back home every evening.

The food served was actually very tasty. But the most interesting part was that the vendors and men in general are very polite to us women. One of them even removed his hat and bowed to us. This is going to take some time getting used to, but I kind of like the attention, to be honest.

Don't ask me what I exactly ate, but it was some kind of sweet watery fruit. It definitely tasted natural and the taste was so incredibly strong. I've never had something like this before. Not even ice cream tastes this good, and I'm a huge fan of that!

Drinking a nice cup of tea while standing there was a bit awkward, but the floral taste was accepted as "amazing" by my taste buds as well.


While walking away from the food stall, I ask "Kara? Do you think....that my sense of taste has changed as well?"

"Who knows? At least you now know how it's meant to taste. How was it?"

"I'm not lying. It was absolutely incredible. I've never ever had something as remotely delicious as this. Are you sure it's only a fruit?"

"Very sure. It's healthy too, so don't worry. They're a bit expensive, but seeing you eat in ecstasy was worth every copper."

No, I'm not about to ask her about their currency systems, because I have enough to worry about. A tail. I really have a freakin' tail now! Just look at it, swaying whenever it wants to!


A very happy Kara escorted an even happier me to our cottage. She called me cute....she really did! But why am I feeling so giddy since then?

Our neighbors, who I haven't even met yet, are waving at us. 
"Finally decided to remove the robe, have we?" An elderly lady said with a kind smile. It didn't sound sarcastic at all, seriously.

"Yes, sorry about that. I...em...wasn't feeling well."

"Of course, honey. You two are welcome for tea any time. Would be nice to meet you properly."

"Em...likewise, Miss. Looking forward to meeting you properly soon." Soon, but not now. I know she's most likely married, but I intentionally said Miss, hoping it would have a positive effect.

And sure enough, she laughed with her hands on her lips in a polite way. "Ha ha ha....I'm not that young anymore, but I'll take the compliment any day. It's not like Yoshi ever showers me with compliments anymore. Anyway...see you!"


When I finally make it back inside our bedroom, the first thing I do is look at my reflection in the bedroom mirror. It really happened. Everything that happens in isekai novels now happened to me. I'm now one of them!

I already saw a glimpse of my tail, but the color is exactly like those of the Kitsune I saw in the anime series. Is Kara right....are the gods really lazy around here? There has to be a reason for this. But...I'm not complaining....nuh-uh.

My human ears are really gone and on top of my head I see two blonde furry ears, occasionally even twitching a bit. At the base of my ears I see some pure white fluff, but it's barely noticeable due to my ears' color already being blonde.

When I take my tail in my right hand and pull it towards the mirror, it too is blonde. But the tail's tip is completely white. And yes....when I pet is soooooo very fluffy! But petting it causes instant goosebumps, so it's incredibly sensitive, more so than I had even thought possible. I hope nobody will ever stand on it, it's really that sensitive.

Kara sneaks into the room and I see her reflection in the mirror, she's standing behind me, giggling.


"Nothing, nothing." She said with a smile.


Kara's golden-brownish colored ears are twitching, and somehow that now tells me she's in a very good mood. I guess she was right when she asked me how we read emotions without having a tail and those ears. They really seem to tell me how she weird.

"This is soooooo amazing. This is real, isn't it?"

"Uh-huh....very real. See what I meant? Looks cute, doesn't it?"

In order to hide the blush that's forming on my cheeks, I kick off my shoes and step into our sleeper and let the fluffy heaven replace my stress with relaxation. But I have to admit...why did the sleeper suddenly look so inviting? Don't tell me......the magic spell has affected my mind as well?!

"Essie? Are you alright?" She really sounds concerned.

"Yeah.....thanks, Kara." I'm avoiding her eyes, pretending to inspect the sleeper.

"You're welcome, I guess. Are you sleepy?"

"Nah...I just needed a moment....and the sleeper looked sooooo welcoming."

"Ha ha ha...I know that feeling." Without any warning I see her stepping into the sleeper as well, lying down next to me. " need to care properly for your tail....while you still have one. There...isn't that more comfortable?"

"Oh my god...yeeeeeeeeeees....this is amaaaaazing." It seems I was lying on my fluffy tail without even noticing. Now I'm lying on my side, petting my tail. "Oh wonderful heavenly fluff. Bliss of isekai heaven....where have thou been all my life?"

"Essie....only children cuddle their tails."

"Nope. Nanako did that as well....and we're....home...I guess. Aren't we?"

"We sure are home. At least, as long as you'll have me."

This made me sit upright. "Kara, do you want to leave me?"

"Goddess, no! I mean.....I don't know if I'll be useful much longer."

"Huh? Why would you say that, Kara? I need you to survive!"

The usual smile reappeared on her lips.


Knock Knock.

"Huh? Expecting company?" I asked.

She simply shrugged, then left the sleeper to see who was waiting for us. While Kara rushed to the cottage's entrance, I couldn't resist anymore and gave my tail another well deserved hug.


"Princess Nanako! Please, enter!" Kara's voice is very polite and welcoming.

Oh oh.....the Princess? She already heard about what happened? That can't be good. On the other hand, the neighbors must think we're special to have a Princess visit us...again.

When Nanako enters the bedroom, following Kara, I'm again lying down in the sleeper. At this point I really think that this world owes me one for making me one of them. I'm having a break, not a nervous breakdown, just a regular break.

"Waaaaaaa!" That's unmistakably Nanako's voice. When I look at her, she puts her hands on her cheeks to express surprise and wonder.

"Hi Princess. Come to gloat?" I asked.

"Wha? No! Just...look at you! You're one of us now!"

Alright, I'd better stand up, or she'll start lecturing me about being impolite. Is it my imagination, or am I a little bit taller now? Yep, definitely taller.'s no longer wearing high heels...nevermind.

The princess being the princess, immediately hugged me. "While you look amazing as one of us, ....we'll find a way to turn you back." She released me and once more studied my newly modified body. "Amazing...really a Kitsune. How does it feel?"

"Emm.....honestly.....really nice, I guess?" Can't possibly tell her that a miracle has just happened and fulfilled my greatest wish, or can I?

"That's not true, Princess, she was falling in love with her tail only moments ago." Kara said grinning.

"Traitor." I said, winking at Kara. But I guess she didn't understand, because blushing is not the correct response.


When I again look at my appearance in the standing mirror, I've made up my mind. " seems I have a problem."

"Yes, I know. We'll find a way to make you human again." Her expression shows pity.

"No, that's not what I meant, Nanako."

"Then...what?" She looks confused, tilting her head in that super funny and cute way again.

"God, I love it when you do that. Let me try that." I tilt my head and sure enough, my neck's a bit more flexible than it used to be.

"Cute.." But the Princess didn't say that....Kara did.

"Yeah, that's what I said. Nevermind. My point being, Princess.......I...actually want to stay like this." I swallowed before saying that last part.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!!!!!!" Both ladies just exclaimed, hurting my even more sensitive ears.

I massage my fluffy furry ears for a moment and the sensation alone makes me shiver. This feels sooooooo good. Definitely never, ever going back...ever!

"Are you sure?" Nanako asked.

"Very sure. I never ever want to change back. This is my true form. I have always dreamed of's a dream come true!"

"I can't believe what I just heard." Kara said that.

"Neither can I." Nanako is astonished, and looks at Kara for a moment, then at me again. "You have no idea what you just said."

"Why? Don't tell me I accidentally insulted you?!"

"Huh? No! I meant.... you....a human....willing to stay as one of us? This is the highest form of respect! Father will hear of this!"

"Oh no no....don't tell your father, I'm just happy!"

"Well, father will hear of this, probably already has. But Essie...what about Hayes?" Nanako said, grimacing, genuinely concerned for my well being.

"Hence my problem, Nanako. It will take a while to convince him it's really me."

She turns to face Kara. "Even though Essie seems happy with the transformation, you still should have protected her!"


"No, Essie, not now!" She glared at me.

But now we've made eye contact, I take the opportunity. "Nanako, she is not to blame. I shouldn't have left the cottage. Only I am responsible. Please do not punish her for my desire to explore your lands and meet your people."

Her expression softens. "As you wish. But...promise me you'll be more careful. This is not Earth."

"I promise, your majesty."

"Very well. Mmm.....I might have a way to make both you and Hayes happy."

"Oh?" I bet she's not talking about what I'm thinking right now. Bad Essie...bad girl!

"We do have wizards here as well, but nowhere near the level of the one you have encountered. I honestly believe that he was only visiting our Kingdom and only revealed himself out of pity for your loss."

"See? Told you your acting was a bit much?" Kara said. "You even called for the goddess."

"Sure, rub it in. Blame me. It's all Essie's fault. It always is." I feel my ears falling flat on my head for a moment...a really strange sensation.

"Ha ha ha, I see you two get along just great." Nanako laughs. "But as I tried to explain...our wizards might be a bit less experienced, but they still can make you appear human. At least for small periods of time. I'll ask one to meet you here soon. Even better....I'll let them make a spellstone for the both of you. You'll only have to wear a necklace, and it should work without any effort from you."

"That....would be perfect!" I said, sounding as happy as ever.

"Alright, two stones of concealment it is. But those will take some time to make. A wizard will need to recreate your human form, which will probably take some time."

"I don't mind. Em......oops....I'm due back today at 4pm. I mean, this afternoon."

"Then you will simply have to go as you are now, Essie. For what's worth, you look like any other Kitsune in town, no need to be embarrassed at all."

"Thank you, Princess. Might I ask for another favor?"

"Of course?"

"Hayes asked me to see if I could use your libraries. We found many more of those Phantom creatures who attacked us. They seem really dangerous."

"Ohh......of course. Perhaps...if you'd tell me what you need, I'll let our scholars do the work for you?" Nanako's suggestion is exactly what we need!

"Even better! We need to learn as much as we can about those beings. But also about the portal. Legends, children's stories, anything might be useful."

"I see. Consider it done. Anything else?"

"No, Nanako, that's already much to ask."

She nods and smiles. "I appreciate that remark. Very well, I shall take my leave now. You two seemed....ready for sleep? He he he." She quickly left the cottage, not waiting for a reply. I see her through the windows, leaving with her guards towards the Palace.


"Thanks for shielding me." Kara said while blushing a bit.

"What did she mean....ready for sleep?"

"I'll tell you later, when you grow up. So...thanks for shielding me, I said?"

"Huh? Oh....the least I could do. And thank you for protecting me when we met the fake wizard. But you told me you had a plan when you asked me to reveal my human form to the crowd...just out of curiosity...what was it?"

"I knew that guy was a fake wizard from the start. After you would have revealed your human face, they would have banished him for not restoring your Kitsune look. People would have accepted you as a victim, merely feeling pity for you. But it would have enabled you to roam our lands freely. How could I have known that an actual wizard was among the crowd? And not just any wizard...but by the looks of it, one of the best. That robe....I think he really is from a neighboring Kingdom."

"Well.....that makes sense, I guess. But I would have felt bad for the fake one."

"He's a fake, Essie! A fraud ! The Palace would have paid him to play along, and he could continue doing his fraudulent business in another city."

"Ah.....okay...that sounds better. I guess your plan would have worked."

"Of course it would have. And are one of us." She points at my tail.

"Yeah.....but your tail is fluffier than mine." It's true!

"What? How old are you, Essie?"

"Old enough not to answer that. What's your secret?"

"......"  She ignored me, but still smiled. " about you call Hayes...tell him you'll be there a few days later. Would he mind?"

"Nah.....unless it's urgent? I think you and I have lots of freedom to decide when to go or not."

"Then let's stay and take some time to properly relax. You've been through so much, and now changed into a Kitsune as well. Anyway, I could make us a meal, and I'll teach you all I know about caring for your tail."

"Deal! I'll call Hayes...tell him...I'm learning about Kitsune life."

"Isn't that a lie?"

"Well....not really? I did all I could. I asked the Princess for help, and I need one of those stones before I can return to Earth."

"You didn't say home." She gave me a really warm smile.

" are really observant, aren't you? But yes...this is starting to look like home more and more. It beats a VIP container room any time."

"Glad you feel that way. Now relax, and let me do my job. You do your job."


"Sleep...relax....try to see what it's like to be one of us. It will help with diplomacy in the long run."

"Didn't anyone say to you that you are a pretty smart maid-assassin?"

"Ha ha ha.....not until today."

" are."  Mainly pretty, but I'm not going to emphasize that.



A few moments later I contacted Sentry and told them we wouldn't be returning for one or two days, because I'm learning about Kitsune life. We're still available for emergencies and the Princess is looking into the library research for us.


That afternoon Kara and I went for a walk, but we didn't get very far. Our neighbors almost pulled us inside. They were nice....and not afraid to show off their wealth either. But for nobles, they are kind souls.


When evening arrived, Kara was able to provide a first meal for us. Simple, but delicious stew. I only have one rule imposed on myself so far...don't ask what's inside the food.

Preparing for sleep in our sleeper was very odd. It felt very different from the previous time we slept in here. She's right...the tail makes for an excellent pillow and the sleeper's wall is soooo relaxing to cuddle against. The crickets are once more singing their relaxing and enchanting song.

Just like last time, there's no moon and the green light from the outdoor lamp is helping me relax even further.




"Do you think Hayes will be mad at us for sleeping here? You told him you wouldn't anymore?"

"I don't think so. I was on holiday when all of this happened, and had to cancel it all. So in the grand scheme of things, I think they owe me one."





"What did Aikari tell you when we left her home?" Our elderly neighbor had whispered something, don't ask me why, but I'm still curious to know.

Without warning she gently pulls me closer to her, and puts her arm around my tummy. 
"I'll tell you when you grow up. Now've earned it."

I felt her other hand scratch my right ear.....and oh my god......I'm in heaven. That's strange, it seems they also have cats around here. Just listen to it...purring ever so softly.

" are amazing.....purrrrrr."

I'm not sure why she giggled, but it's okay.

"So are you. Pleasant dreams, Essie."