Chapter 10: it’s all about the fluff
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It's a brand new day in this medieval isekai world, a world which somehow is growing on me. Kara and I are on our way back to the cottage from groceries shopping in the marketplace where we bought a few trinkets to make our home look a bit less spartan.

On our way back I encountered an all too familiar sight...people being stressed. One carriage raced at top speeds while it overtook another carriage, making people jump aside. This resulted in quite some yelling and some relatable gestures as well. Kara's response was "I'm sorry you had to see that, Essie. People these days just don't have the time for courtesy anymore."

It raised my eyebrows and put a smile on my lips. "Ha ha ha. Kara, that's nothing. We see that all the time. Believe me, this is still pretty civilized. Join me one day on the highway, and you'll see people being REALLY pissed."

" thanks. Hey, Essie..?" She nudged me, then pointed at our home. "That looks like a wizard to me. Seems the Princess has made a serious effort to get one here so soon."

"Yeah...quick question. How do you see he's a wizard from here?" I mean...he has no pointy hat, no beard and looks younger than I am. Something tells me the Princess had to compromise here and there.

"Simple, his robes. You see that yellowish mark?" 


"If he were to stand up straight, as is the polite thing to do, you would see it properly. No doubt about it, he's from the Wizard's Association."

"Okay, cool. Let's see if he can help us appear human. It's what the Princess has promised, right?"

"Don't get your hopes up. He looks...inexperienced."

"Glad you think the same way. Pray that it'll work, or Hayes is going to shoot me."

"You can't be serious? Then just stay here! I'm sure the....ah...Earth humor."

"Yep, sorry, I always forget. But good to know you won't mind me staying here." When I look at her for a moment, I notice that she's definitely trying to avoid making eye contact with me.

"No....who else could I tease so easily? You're such an easy target, you believe everything I say." She said, pretending to be serious.

"Yeah.....guilty as charged. And why wouldn't I believe you? The moment we met....when I wore that robe, I looked into your eyes....and instantly knew I could trust you. Little did I know that would only be for a really short time." I made sure to smile when I said that.

"I had the same feeling when we met, but I like you better with the tail, no offense."

"Har dee har har. goes nothing, let's be polite." We've arrived at our home, so I don't want the wizard guy to think we're nuts for talking about tails.


I swear, he's even younger than I thought, perhaps only 16...but it will have to do.

Just about when I want to greet the young man, I'm startled by a man who just left our cottage as if it were the most normal thing to do. A Kitsune man with brown tail and ears, definitely in his sixties, is wearing a grubby blue overall. In his right hand he's holding a toolbox, so that leaves his left hand to politely wave at us. He's even whistling. "Morning, nice day, isn't it?" He said, while only glancing my way.

"Em...yeah, very nice." I replied, but the man doesn't seem to have any time to chat and simply walks to our neighbor's home.

I blink a few times and Kara smiles, nodding a few times to indicate that this is a very normal thing to happen around here. Doors....I want doors! I decided to ask her later and focus on the wizard guy first.

"Sorry for that. Good morning...waiting for me I guess?" I said after bowing to the wizard.

"Are you perhaps Miss Essie?"

"Yes, yes I am."

"Ahhh...then I'm in luck! I'm a wizard's apprentice, my name is Shin." He bowed to us.

Kara bowed as well while I said "Shin, this is Kara...a good friend of mine. Please, join us inside. I hadn't expected you so soon?"

"The Princess told my master that it was very urgent, so he sent me."

Yeah.....I wouldn't have minded waiting a day longer...


We made ourselves comfortable in the living room, if you can call those chairs comfortable, but let's not dwell on that. While Kara put away the groceries and made some freshly bought tea for us, I discussed magical matters with Shin.

"So, what you're saying is that we only need to wear a gemstone like my pendant necklace?"

"Exactly. It should be really simple. Eh he he...that's why he sent me. It's beginner's stuff." The poor boy kept staring at my ears, only occasionally making eye contact.


Kara joined us and Shin seemed even more nervous, sitting in a room with two women.

After describing the process of tuning the gemstones to our bodies, and finishing the tea, he imbued two small green gemstones with the magic that would make us look human, without actually changing our bodies. It took him quite some time to fine-tune our human ears, though. Hiding the furry ears and tail was pretty easy, or so he said. I had to show him a few pictures of human ears in the adventure novel Hayes had gifted me. But eventually the reflection in our standing mirror showed my human form once more.

After seeing that we agreed with his handiwork, he gave both Kara and me a nice looking necklace, courtesy of the Palace. At that moment my other gem, the blue one with the Royal Crest, started to glow brightly. It didn't take much time for Shin to figure out what was going on.

"You already have a gemstone? Ohh....that's a pricey one. I'm afraid it will clash with the ones I just imbued."

"I see what you mean. The blue gem keeps glowing." It only occurred to me now, that I'll need to keep track of two necklaces now. Yeah...the burden of being a liaison is a difficult one to carry.

"As it should. It is supposed to detect nearby Phantoms, but not many people realize that it is also capable of responding to nearby magic use. We assume that Phantoms use magic to communicate. But that's only a theory."

"I see, that's really interesting, might come in handy. Then how can I wear it without them clashing? It will immediately tell everyone that I'm using concealed magic." And why didn't the damn thing glow earlier, when he was using magic to make those gems work? It's busted, that's what it is. Maybe it just needs new batteries?

"Yes, but it would also react to her stone when she's close to you." For some reason Kara smiled at that moment. I guess it's Kitsune humor...I didn't get it. "What should I do....what should I do? The master will punish me.....for not understanding how to fix this. He always makes it seem so simple." He kept pacing, not sure what to do.

"Maybe I can help? What's the problem?" Can't hurt to ask, right?

"No offense, miss, but programming a spell into a stone takes many years of practice."

"Wait...did you just say...programming? Like...IF an event happens, THEN to that, unless this happens, otherwise try again?" Did the potion make it sound like computer programming here? Or do they just call it programming in general?

He blinked a few times, but so did Kara.
"Yes!!!! Exactly! You know about programming?" Poor Shin seems beyond surprised, a wide smile forms on his lips, ending in an amused expression.

"Ha ha ha....seems I do. I took a few IT classes...didn't really work out for a job, but still....I know some basics. If it's anything similar to your programming, then I could help. Think software like Basic, SQL, that sort of stuff."

"What kind of advanced magic is that? Essu kyuu ellu?" Shin asked.

"It's just a you and I are using to communicate. This language can talk to databases. Those can be vast repositories of information. When using the correct SQL queries, it will allow you to retrieve any of the stored information." Now that I said really does sound like magic, doesn't it?

"By the gods! Those words....they sound mysterious, like ancient magic. Where did you learn those?"

"Far, far away. Now let me try to help you. But my knowledge might also be incompatible with yours."

"Em....if you say so? I have no idea what you just said."

"It means that I don't know if my knowledge will really be helpful to you. Okay...first we will define the problem. The problem is that I have one gemstone that detects magic...and two gemstones that interfere with it. That's the problem. So...what if...we could program it as follows? We add an instruction to the blue stone: if this particular gem and/or that particular gemstone are detected, then ignore it?"

"Mmm....your instructions are correct, but the blue gem won't accept programming. It's been new instructions are possible."

"I see, okay. Then tell the green stones: if the blue stone is near them, appear as the same blue stone to it. As if a mirror reflection of the blue stone."

"! It will work!"

Moments later he finished an "update" to the gemstones, and sure enough the blue gem stopped glowing.

"Well done, Shin!"

"Eh he he...thank you. It was your knowledge that inspired me. Please don't forget, the blue gem can be used by anyone, but the green ones have been made for the wearer only. They cannot be used by anyone else."

"That's even better! I don't want anyone else appearing like that."

"Just curious...why would you even want to hide your tail and ears?" He shrugged and seemed really serious for a moment.

Kara interjected before I could reply to his question. 
"What did the Princess tell you?"

"Em...that I should keep this a secret?"

"Then you have your answer."

"Oh.." The poor boy is looking at his shoes for a moment.

"Shin....are you perhaps...interested in learning about programming?" My turn again.

"YES! I'll be your apprentice! How much will it cost me?"

"Ho...wait. I'm not looking for an apprentice, you must have misunderstood! I'm only suggesting that we help each other where possible, just without paying. You know, like friends do? I won't take more knowledge or assistance from you than I can repay with my knowledge. And you decide if it is useful first. I could bring my text books here and teach you some basics of computing. While you could only use very few concepts, it might still be enough to help you see things from a fresh perspective. Things they don't teach you."


"Cool. Then this one is free...listen closely. You of course still have to translate this concept into words you are familiar with. Here we go.....start programming. If something specifically happens, then do an action. But if the event doesn't happen, wait for a few seconds, then go back and start over."

"Yes, I know, they are called loops, but time?! You put a timed delay in a program? That has never been done before! This might even reduce the energy needed by the gem. Thank you!"

"You're welcome. There's much more where that came from."

"Then please excuse me, ladies, I'm going to experiment!" He bowed to us and rushed out of our cottage while smiling non-stop.


"Kara, I think you might be right. There are so many similarities to our worlds. I'm really beginning to think the gods were lazy."

"Told you so." She said with a smug smile. "I think he likes you."

"Huh? Shin, you mean? No, he sees many gold coins in his future, that's what he likes."

"No...I think he actually liked you." She even pointed at me.

"Why would you say that?"

"Excuse me." And she left the room just like that. Now what did I do wrong?

"Hey! Kara....what did I do?" I follow her to the kitchen and really want to know.

"Nothing. You can go back to Hayes now."

" that's what you're thinking? Are you afraid that I will stay on Earth?"

"Yes, because you seemed really happy at first, becoming a Kitsune. But when you looked at your human reflection, you seemed...even happier."

"Oh no misunderstood! I'm happy that these stones work, yes. Our tails and ears are gone...nobody can even feel them anymore! That will allow you and me to go to Earth safely, without any issues. Then...after spending the night there, we can come back here. I have no intention of staying there. And if they want to get rid of me some day, I'll simply stay right here. Assuming I'll have you waiting for me here, of course. won't have much meaning either world. Well, except for my parents of course. And my plushies. And my games. And my books. And my job." I made sure to grin.

She rushes over and unexpectedly pulls me into a hug. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"I'll tell you when you grow up."

"Why do you keep saying that? Is that an expression here?" For a moment I could see another glimpse of that guy with the toolbox outside, walking down our path. Right, I still need to ask her about him.

"No, it's nothing like that. Essie, I promise I'll tell you sometime. Don't think about it, it's a good thing."  She released the hug.

"Okay, then I look forward to that."

"As do I."

"My're not making any sense!"

"I know...and still...I do."

"You're teasing me again, aren't you?"

"Maybe?" She left me alone again, then said from the bedroom with a raised voice "will we be here tomorrow? I want to make something your new tastebuds will love."

"I think so. Can you give me a hint?" But the holiday feeling wasn't meant to last. My radio pulled the both of us back to reality once more.


"Merlin, this is Sentry, over."

Kara rushed over, since she can understand English now as well. Whether the military language makes any sense to her, is an entirely different matter though.

I push the radio's transmit button and reply "Merlin here, over."

"Relaying a message from Viking, over."

"Copy, proceed with the message, over."

"Message reads...return to base, stat. Situation developing. End of relayed message, over."

"Copy that, wilco. ETA...within the hour, over."

"Roger, out."

"Kara..." I looked at her with a very sad expression, because I was really looking forward to a few more holidays. I was supposed to be my holiday anyway, right? Does the universe hate me? There's always something going on.

"Don't tell me...we're going there right now, aren't we?" Kara's expression is a sad one for sure.

"I'm afraid so. I'm sorry...but I do think we'll be back here really soon. Maybe we're still in time for your surprise meal?"

"Let's hope so." She smiled again. "Are you going to tell Hayes about you becoming one of us?"

"Ha! Good point. In short, I have to, yes. But I'll warn the guards first, when we're close to the portal."


After packing a few items, we started on our journey back to the portal. About ten minutes walk away from the portal, I asked her about the mysterious man and his toolbox.

"Kara, that guy with the toolbox, what did he do in our home?"

She grinned for a moment, but then gave me a serious reply. "He's working for the Merchant Guild and they're paid by the Palace. He replaced our gemstones in the kitchen and bathtub. It happens once or twice a year. They know when it needs replacing, don't ask."

"Right. So it's perfectly normal for them to show up whenever they want?"

"Sure. Does that bother you?"

"Well...I guess so."

"You shouldn't worry so much. That's one of the many advantages of not using doors. We could have been on Earth and he still could have done his job without issues. You just wouldn't have noticed, that's the only difference."

"Okay...I'll try to get used to that."

Kara didn't reply, but she definitely enjoyed seeing me suffering with their concepts of common sense.


We hurried to the portal on this wonderful sunny day, and arrived ahead of schedule without any nasty Phantom surprises on our journey. According to my watch, it's now 2 pm on Earth. My trusty backpack only has a few items in it, so we could travel lightly. Obviously my gun, radio and some water...just in case. Our new gemstones are in our dresses' hidden pockets and will only activate once we wear them as intended.


When I finally see the portal, I once more observe that the soldier on the other side has spotted me.

"Sentry, this is Merlin, over."

"Sentry here, over."

"Kindly call Viking to receive us at the portal. My appearance has changed, over."

"Copy that, standby over."

"Roger, out."  At this point I decided it would be best to wait on this side of the portal until Hayes knew what was going on. Worst case.....we run back to the cottage.

After only a few minutes, we see Hayes waving near the portal. He takes the radio and says "Viking here. Your timing is impeccable. What's going on, over?"

"Merlin here. Sir, I'm looking like a Kitsune now. Will explain later. Request permission to join you in your office, over."

He didn't reply however and simply stepped through the portal, something Nanako would not have appreciated. But she's not here and I won't tell.

"Essie? Is that you? What the heck has happened to you?" He's staring at my tail, then at my ears for a few moments.

"Em...long story, sir."

"Then give me the quick version first. Time is limited."

"Okaaaay. She and I...walking to the marketplace. Idiot fake wizard guy pointed his staff at me and said something silly. The crowd then made me take off the robe. Everyone was surprised. They thought the fake wizard was a real one who had fucked up, turning me into a human. And of course...a fucking real wizard takes pity on me and abracadabra...made me like this." I point at my ears.

"'re really one of them now?" He still can't believe it.

"Yeah......looks like it? I mean...the tail is real." I point at my new fluffy companion.

"No's moving." Hayes said, while shaking his head.

"Tell him about the stone." Kara said.

"What stone?" Hayes seems confused, and sounds somewhat agitated.

"Em...good point, Kara. The Princess knows what happened and she got some other wizard intern guy to fix this mess by giving the both of us a gemstone. We only have to wear the necklace, and we'll be human. appearance only." I hope this will convince Hayes not to shoot me.

" appearance only?"

"Yes, sir. I'm 100% Kitsune doubt about it." I grimaced at that. I'm all for the fluff, but their common sense is just beyond weird. And now everyone expects me to act like a normal Kitsune...whatever...focus, Essie!

"My god, Essie. You really are a disaster magnet. you go..both of you. You know the drill, leave the gun and any other weird fantasy weapon things with Sentry and follow me."


Not even five minutes later are we sitting in Hayes' office, which now no longer mentions the words "meeting room" on the door.

"Deja vu." I said.

"Yes, couldn't agree more. Especially when you know what's going on." Hayes said, looking outside for a moment.

"What does that mean...devuu?" Kara asked.

"Deja vu. It describes a feeling. Like you have been somewhere before in a strange situation. So in this case...nevermind..."   I tried to explain, but Hayes seems impatient. "Sorry, Colonel."

"Don't be, I'm just under a lot of pressure lately. Thanks for joining, you two. I'm sorry for ordering you to return once more. And Kara, I don't mind having you stay with her in these meetings, just keep everything a secret, alright?"

"Of course, Essie's master."

"Yeah....please stop saying that. Call me Hayes, or Colonel, or even sir if you must." Why did he look at me right now? Whatever.

"Yes...sir." Kara said, still smiling. She's highly adaptable, a very welcome trait.

"Alright, help yourselves to some coffee or tea. Anything else...later." Hayes points at the thermal flasks standing to our right.

"Of course. What's going on this time?" I asked.

"The Phantoms in the ocean....some of them are moving towards populated areas. We need to tell the public. But.....but I'll tell you more later."  Hayes then pointed at a medical officer who had just entered...and the vampire just had to take a blood sample, didn't he? I wonder which traitor told him to come in just now? Ah, now I remember...when I handed over the gun to Sentry, Hayes talked to He must have ordered someone to take a blood sample.

Taking a sample of my blood didn't take more than a minute.

"Alright, thank you for cooperating, Essie. We always wanted to get our hands on their blood to analyze. And of course we want to check if you are....healthy."

"Uh-huh, of course, suuure, I get it. So...what's going on?"

"Are you sure that stone of yours is going to work?" He points at the green gem that's currently lying on the table near me.

"Sure, we tried it once more on our way back here."

"Alright, then you're going to be using it. We've called for another press conference, Essie. Guess who's going to address the public this time?"

"Oh no no....not again?"

"Bingo! You're on in...45 minutes, since you're back early. This time reporters from all major news networks will be here. Like last time, I'll only brief you about things you should say and will do my best not to mention the classified parts."

"Great. Just great. Did you tell them I would be here?"

"Yes, of course." He said, matter of factly.

"But why me, Hayes?"

"The news agencies were, in general, appreciative of your fresh approach. Having an untrained civilian holding a serious press conference proved to be the right choice for this particular scenario. So they asked for you again this time and the Air Force had no reason to deny that request. That's why I had you return. Besides, you told them yourself that you were their point of contact. But Essie, you really should have told me that your appearance had changed."

"Yeah, I'm truly sorry about that. I thought we would have had more time. But I did find a workaround, didn't I?"

"Show me that it works."

After he said that, I'm preparing my necklace and I saw Kara copying me. Everything is going according to plan until...."em.....Houston...we have a problem..." I immediately removed the necklace and put it back on the table for him to see.

Hayes looks at me, shakes his head and takes a deep breath. "Okay, spit it out. Now what?"

"Em.....the stone on the necklace? It seems to have run out of energy or something. The wizard dude said it would recharge overnight, but I guess we have drained the already available power while experimenting on our way here. See? It's blinking like a cordless know?"

"No, can't say I do."

"Em....well...a..cordless razor then?"

"Yeah....I got the gist of it. So.....for the time being you're stuck with the fluff?" Hayes said, trying to stay calm.

"Yeah? Kinda? Maybe it will work in half an hour? If I try it now, it might even run out of energy during the press conference?"

"Why....why I ask you. Why is there always something that's making my life miserable?" Hayes is massaging his forehead.

"The gods must be displeased with us for calling them lazy." Kara said, trying to keep herself from giggling, but failing miserably.

I'm now glaring at her for laughing during a crisis. " know... you're a bad maid." But that even encouraged her to laugh really loudly, much to Hayes' dismay.

"Hayes....I'm sorry...I thought I had found a perfect workaround...but I guess it failed me already."

"Yes, to make it clear to you...I'm ordering you to keep me up to date. Whether you are a civilian or not, I'm ordering you. Either by debriefing here, or by radio. This kind of fuckup won't happen again. Clear?"

"Crystal clear, sir." He can be very intimidating, especially when I know he's right. It caused me to swallow.

"Glad we agree. Now, do you have any brilliant idea how to fix this mess we're in? You have about 40 minutes left." He tapped his wristwatch twice. pressure. " a matter of fact I do. I thought about it as a joke, but it might actually work. Let's try the honest approach again. How about I simply tell them that I went to a Halloween party and I got pranked with real glue?"

He stares at me for a moment, probably determining if I'm still sane. 
"'re walking a fine line, you know that?"


"Sometimes I don't know if you are really smart or..."

"Or what?"

"Or if you're trying to get me discharged. Alright, let's try your approach, but I'll be there as well. If you're going to be a nail in my coffin, then I'll take you with me."

"Em.....okaaaay. Guess I deserved that. But all honesty...maybe you should ask someone else after all? Maybe you yourself?"

"Oh no no, Miss Whitfield. It's too late for that...they're expecting you now. Besides, I have a hunch that showing them your Kitsune form might be beneficial to us in the future. You were right the first time, let's pray you are now as well."

"It's going to be tough this time....I know it."

"I know...welcome to my world."

"Thank you, I love Earth." I said with a smile.

"Huh? ha ha ha...if you still have time for jokes, then let's start the preparations so you can show off your furry assets."

"Hayes...I got this. Just give me an Air Force cap to hide my ears and a backpack to hide my tail with."


"Huh? What do you mean, no? This is where you trust me? You know...the tail?" I point at my new fluffy cuddly companion that I'm currently petting due to it not fitting in the chair.

"As I said...NO. I want you to show it to them, remember? Just don't fail me, Essie."

"I won' me, I got this."

"Alright then, I will trust you....probably the last time. And for fuck's sake, be nice to the NBC folks. They filed a complaint last time."

"Wow....what a language."

"Yes, it seems the one best suited to you. Be nice..and don't make me kick your fluffy butt for messing this one up!"

"Copy that, sir!"

Kara looked at us, not sure if we were serious or joking. Nah...he's me.