Chapter 15: The beginning of something very fluffy
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"C'mon, it's this way." She excitedly points at a restaurant across the marketplace. Unfortunately I can't read the letters, meaning the potion only works with spoken languages, not when reading or writing anything.

"Do restaurants have names here, or do you just call them restaurants?"

She looks at me as if I'm totally insane, which according to this world's common sense might be not so far from the truth. "Ah..I're new at basically everything."

"Duuuh....just tell me."

"Alright, it's called After Dark Revelations." Her smile was.....mysterious.

"Wooow.....that sounds....pretty ominous?"

"It does, doesn't it? It's just a fun name, though, nothing to be worried about. They do things differently inside, you'll see."


Again and again I'm looking to my left and right to check if it's safe to cross the street, but they don't even have cars here. It's just a routine thing to check one's surroundings. I hope that I'm not getting too used to life around here, or I'll end up forgetting to check on Earth and end up underneath a car.

"What are you staring at? It's this way, Essie!"

"Yeah, I know. Em...Kara? That place definitely seems....dark. I'm not really sure about going inside."

"Have I ever lied to you? It's just a me okay?"

"<sigh> Okaaaaay."


The shop's window has dark curtains and a few creepy voodoo-doll-like puppets are placed on the windowsill, as if warning me not to go inside. I have a baaaad feeling about this...

But when I keep staring, she simply takes my hand and pulls me inside. Instead of beaded curtains, we're passing through multiple layers of dark curtains. I'm sure the Addams Family are living in the back somewhere.

But the restaurant's interior surprisingly reminds me of a truck stop diner. The place is dark, but decorated with lots of tiny multicolored lights which make for a very relaxing atmosphere. There are people chatting all around me and they appear to be having a good time.

So strange, it's not even dark outside, but it sure looks like it from inside the place. Funny thing is that dusk isn't too far away anymore. This has been one hell of a long day for me and I can't wait to use the sleeper, but sure, dinner should still be fun.

To my right there's a counter with a dozen seats, all but one taken. To my left I see five square wooden tables and about a dozen smaller places for two people to sit opposite of each other. A thin privacy partition gives the diners some privacy. I can't see many diners from this angle, meaning the privacy thing really works.

The walls are adorned with a few artistic paintings, definitely something you wouldn't expect in this medieval setting. This place is lightyears beyond everything else! Perhaps the owner is a human?

Only things missing are the trucks outside and a chewing gum chewing waitress with a heartwarming smile and a cute outfit, offering me coffee.'m going to miss you soooo much.


"Good evening ladies. Welcome to After Dark Revelations. A table for two?" A waiter greeted us by bowing. He's bald, the poor guy. Never met a bald Kitsune before. His ears and tail are still brown and fluffy, so he at least has them still.

His uniform is mint green, and it somehow contrasts nicely with his black shoes. His apron could be replaced, but still this guy gives me the "I'm a hard worker, and everything here is safe to touch" vibe. Not an easy thing to achieve with an offworlder like me.

"Yes, please." Kara said with a nod, something which probably replaces a bow at some occasions.

"Then please follow me. It's quite busy in the kitchen right now, so it might take a few minutes longer. I hope you don't mind?"

"Of course not. Em...would you mind if the windows are activated for us? I really like the views." Kara said, but I have no idea what she meant.

"Sure, just take a seat, and I'll be there in a minute."


We both sit down opposite of each other. "Kara....what views did you mean?"

"You'll see." She didn't even give me a hint!  "Don't be like that! It's a surprise, Essie!"

"Okay then. What kind of food should I expect? Or is that also a surprise?"

"It actually is....but okay, I'll tell you. You know I was planning to cook, right?"

"Uh-huh...but stuff keeps happening. Sorry about that."

"Don't be, there's still time to taste test my cooking....or so I hope. You still need to eat healthy, but seem a bit stressed. First, we'll start with a sweet grilled wafer....then....what??"

"Doesn't sound too healthy...just saying." I grinned.

"But it is! It's all healthy and is guaranteed to...em....make you feel relaxed and that always puts me in a good mood. Anyway, for the main dish... light milk jelly what?" 

"Nothing, nothing...only that it sounds like corn flakes...but go I'm curious!"

She smiles and continues "It's not flakes, they are....well....crispies. Anyway, you are supposed to put them in the...ah what the heck, let me spoil the surprise....put them in the vegetable soup."

"Woooow.....that sounds like fun?"

" don't appear to be impressed?" She's grinning. She knows I'm only teasing. "For dessert, a small cup of spicy lionfish. Do you like.....spicy...?"

"Em....depends on what you.....yes, yes I do, Kara." Whatever, she's just teasing me!

"And if things are a bit too spicy....we'll drink chilled Sizzle Bliss."

"Kara.....did you make that up? No way anyone could think of....ah....hi there."

The same waiter as before is looking at bad.


"Miss, I personally guarantee that all of these dishes and drinks are of top quality. And as for the names...they are very much representative of what you'll eat."

"Oh no, please...I meant no disrespect. I'm new in eh....this city." I hope he will accept my reasoning.

"Ahh...a traveler? From where?"

"She's from the Silby Shores." Kara came to my rescue.

But...what the heck....from where?

"Really? Everybody, one moment please!" The waiter suddenly shouted.

I see Kara looking at me, whispering something, but I couldn't understand. Yet her face shows instant regret. Her eyes are begging to forgive I wink at her to tell her I forgive her. She really meant well.

"We have a young lady from the Shores....said she never heard of Sizzle Bliss. What do we say here?"

"BECOME A REPEAT CUSTOMER!" Many people shout at once, followed by lots of laughter.

"Ha ha ha...that's right." The waiter said, needing to hold his laughing tummy from shaking too much. "I'm sorry miss, it's a tradition here....hope you don't mind?"

"No, of course not. You just startled me! But I really like this place, so who knows....I might just take you up on that offer."

"That's the spirit! You looked like you could use some distraction from life's troubles. All included in the price. I'm the owner of this fine establishment, call me Odin."

"Wait....what? Odin? Em...strange you perhaps know Thor?"

"Why, yes! He's my brother! How would you possibly know that?" He looks very surprised.

"I've heard those names in my hometown. It was just a guess. But they are good names...names of heroes and even gods back home."

"Ohooo.....a lady with a silver are most welcome here! Now excuse me, I already know what your companion ordered, so excuse me."

He leaves us and heads straight for the kitchen.



"He....was here all the time?" I carefully asked.

"Yep."  Is all she said after nodding a few times, never stopping to grin.

"Bad maid." I returned the grin.

"I know. But..who's Thor?"

"He's on, I'll show you some time. Just think lazy gods again."

" that. It really seems we're onto something, don't you think?"

"Oh yes, no doubt about it."


Suddenly the dark wooden panel next to us starts glowing brighter and brighter until it looks like a window. But I know for a fact that there aren't any sandy beaches or an ocean next door.

" that what I think it is?"

" your TV. But....better."

"Em....I think I have to agree. Can we buy one for our home?"

"Our home? I like that...sure we can. What you see is the Bay of Barnach. It's about...two weeks travel from here. But it's soo worth it. We should go there sometime."

"Sounds like a plan....until Hayes comes looking for me."

"Forget least for a few hours, okay?"

"Em...okay....because you asked so nicely."


"Heeeeeeere you are ladies." The waiter, Odin, brought us our meals and drinks.

"Thanks," we both say, almost at the same time, while smiling.

"Do you like the view?" He asked us.

But Kara was looking at me when she said "yes."

Okaaaaaay.... "em..yes, thank you Mr Odin." I said extra politely.

"Well then, please enjoy. Just wave if you need anything."

He quickly left us again.


"Kara....are you.....okay?"

"Me? I'm fine. But you....seem a bit off."

"Me? I don't understand?"

"You're blushing...and your ears are restless...focusing on me all the time."

"Em....." now I'm really blushing. Why is it getting so warm suddenly?

"See what I mean?"


"Drink the Sizzle, it'll make you feel better, I promise."

When I take a sip, it tastes like lemon...but a bit sweeter. "Nice...very refreshing."

"It sure is. And beneficial too."

"For what?"

"You'll see. Give it a few more minutes."

"'re scaring me. Did I do something wrong?"

"Not yet, that's why the drink is beneficial. Trust me, it will clear your mind and help you relax, even lower your temperature."

" really know what I need right now."

"I do. Takes years and years of training. Better start eating, or it'll get cold."


While enjoying dinner, I spotted a familiar face. It's the young apprentice wizard Shin, the guy who programmed our human-appearance-imitating gemstones.

He slowly walks towards us, sniffs the air, blinks and then waves shily at, at me.

"Hi Shin! Small world, isn't it?" I said while waving at him.

"Hi....Essie. I don't know, is it? Em...sorry, need to go." He suddenly looks really embarrassed, and disappears from view.

"Kara...? Did I do something?"

She's still eating, puts her drink aside and smiles. "No, he's just shy around women. He'll be fine."



I eat a bit more until I really need to stop. I don't know where she puts the food, but my stomach is nowhere as big as hers.

"Em...Kara...the restrooms, where are they?"

"You mean the toilets?"

"Wow, you call those toilets too?"

"No, we usually just use them....gosh, Essie...yeah...that's their name."

"Funny...the gods are beyond's no longer a coincidence but a fact."

" that. In the back...ladies have an image with....well, a lady on them."

"Sure...I'll be back. I think."

She looked at me when I left, probably wondering if I was serious about leaving her. I mean, she's acting so mysteriously all the time.


The toilet visit was exactly that...a necessity. Same thing again. Only a hole in a plank. But I have to agree, it was a nice plank. Beats releasing bodily fluids in the ocean any time.


On my way back to our table, just before sitting down, a man walks by. His tail is swaying lively and he too seems to be sniffing. What is wrong with everyone? I mean, yes, this is a restaurant, but the food isn't that good, is it?

Is this normal behavior here? I mean...imagine me sniffing for hamburgers at McDonalds...that would be sooo weird.



When I turn back to see what made the sound, I see that his cheek is very red and a lady is pulling his arm to get him moving. Did she....just smack him? Better not ask.

"Welcome back." Kara said with a smile. "Better finish your drink soon. I'm not lying, I think your body needs that right now. I'll explain later."

"Oh...okay. Thanks for telling me. Kara, what the hell is going on around here?"

"You want to know?"

"Em....yeah...but....em........I'm.......dizzy....hold on....stop the room for me.....ah.....nope, I'm okay again. What is in that drink? Is that alcohol?"

"No idea what that means, but no, it's a herbal drink and your body is using it to heal you right now."

"But I feel fine........Kara." My voice suddenly sounds....relaxed...warm.....sensual even. I'm not usually like this, and yet it feel so natural. "'re a bad maid."

"I know. I should have made you drink that sooner."

"Why are serious? I like it when you smile......Karaaaaaaaa.... Your really suits you. It's so....soft and your sparkling eyes."

"Essie....I think..."

"'s really true. And your ears...god, I'd love to chew those right now. They are so fluffy and cuddly cute. And why is everyone's tail fluffier than mine? It's not fair! Yours is so....super fluffy. May I pet it?"

"Sure....later, okay?" She's smiling.

"Good maid."

"Eh he he......go on."

"Have you ever tried lip gloss? Your lips would look...sooo.....cute with a little pink coating. So inviting.  Kara?"

"Mmmm? Yes, Essie?"

"...may.....may I...kiss your cheeks?"

"Not now."

"Awww......bad maid. Why not?"

"Come here.....closer....closer....."   She whispers... "because you are not your normal self now."




She quickly puts her hand on my lips until I nod.



She pushes my drink towards me.

"Drink that...all of"

I don't know how or what...but feeling embarrassed helped me think clearly again. What the heck was I doing?

"Yes, it's a bit bitter when you drink it all at once, but it's what you need right now. Give it a minute, you're almost back. Take a few deep more.....welcome back, Essie."

"Em....let's get out!" I managed to whisper.

"Of course, let me pay. You go out already, wait for me."




"Did you okay, miss?" The waiter asked.

"Sorry, yes, my friend will pay. I need some fresh air...dizzy. But I loved the meal AND the service!!"
It's the truth, but I was already on my way outside when I heard him say "thank you" with some confusion in his voice. Yes....not going back there ever again...waaaay too embarrassing.



After waiting outside for a few minutes, I see Kara walking towards me.
"Feeling better?"

"Yeah....why did that happen?" I asked, while we started walking towards our home.

"You must have displeased the gods for calling them lazy. Ha ha ha!"

"You think?"

"Nah...only joking. It happens, okay? Usually when you're really today. Women learn to recognize this feeling..., and we know how to end it. You now know how. The emotion simply is too powerful. Only with our lover would we ever allow it unhindered. Sorry.... forgot you didn't know."

"Ah....I forgive you. Guess I still need to learn a lot about being a Kitsune. My god...what if this had happened on Earth?!"

"It's not like you turn into a monster, Essie. Anyway, herbs are best, but there are also gems to stop the emotions. And other gems for when you, you know....don't want to stop."

"Ehhh.....let's stop there for now. My head hurts. I remember everything that I said...but I feel so embarrassed."

" least I'm now certain that you like women...don't you, Essie?"

" knew?"

" totally ignored the men. Trust me....these emotions are really strong but you had no difficulties keeping a cool head. But when you looked at more strong Essie. I'm flattered and glad that you chose me."

"Huh? You... mean?"

"Yes.... same here.... finally I can say it, now you can think straight again."

"Em...not straight but I get it...."

"Essie....since the moment we met....I...I felt the same. You are from another world and if we had met before. And now you are a Kitsune...... goddess you're so kind, brave and also beautiful."

"Same here....since we met! I....I think I love you. No....I know I love you, Kara."

"Do you remember when I said that I would wait until you grew up? You now finally have. ....I... love you, Essie."


And just like that time seemed to stand still. She placed her hands on my blushing cheeks and closed her eyelids. Her hair with that lovely sweet scent got in the way, and she gently moved it aside with her right hand, which then touched my cheek again...slowly pulling our lips together.

My eyelids are closing as well and I can smell her scent very well now. Only moments later do our lips touch...ever so slowly. Her lips are soft and gentle, causing instant goosebumps....happy goosebumps. My tail is not listening to me and is swaying on its own, really fast.

When she releases the kiss our eyes meet once more. Her crystal blue eyes are silent, but they tell so much...she loves me...and I love her. How could I have missed the little hints she gave me? They make sense now....she tried...she really did. But it doesn't matter anymore....we're here...together.. Her nose now touches mine and nudges me, making me giggle.

"Please don't ever leave me." She said, ever so gently.

"I won't....but I have a problem."

" do?" She looked confused..afraid to lose this...what we're having now.

"I don't need a maid anymore."

That made her smile return. "Ha ha ha! How assassin?"

" only possessions in this world are a few weird gemstones and a cottage that even rogues find pitiful. No, my heart only longs for someone...who will live with me....forever. Someone who will share my sleeper with me...hugging me........and when I wake up..greets me with a kiss..."

"I would love to be that person."

"Then you're hired." Now it's my turn to surprise her and hold her hand, making her blush, probably for the first time tonight.

" were really dense."

"Whaaa? Do you really have to say that? Blech. were right. We say the same thing on Earth by the way."

"Yep...thought as much...lazy gods...soooo lazy."

"Ah ha ha....but they moved me to another world, just to find always lazy."

"True....sometimes the gods can be....nice."




"Do you have Halloween here?"

"Hall what? No idea. Why?"

"Just checking. It's difficult to go trick-or-treating without doors. Nevermind...just thinking out loud. Man....I'm soooo gonna make a door."

"You and those doors, Essie."

"Then how do you keep neighbors from entering your bedroom when know... ?"


"Riiiiiight, the exact word I was looking for..." I rolled my eyes.

"Ha ha ha.... that's why people knock before entering!"

" sure is simple here."

"Is that so bad?"

"Nah...I think it's really a good thing....but I was right about your tail. It's really fluffy. I really want to pet it, real bad."

"You can....always...anytime....when we're at the sleeper."

"So....not always?'

"Ha ha, imagine Hayes staring at you petting my tail."

"Well...I couldn't blame's pretty."

"I think you need another drink, love."

"Mmmm......that sounds good....not the drink, though."

"'re still in..."

"Aaaaaaa!! La la la la!!!"

"Ha ha ha.... you're still in love."

"Oh.....I hope there's no cure for that."

"Me too....." Kara said, and then released my hand and put her hand on my back for a moment. "I'm so happy now. Do you think you can stay here?"

"I sure hope so, Kara. I might say goodbye to my parents....but....I really like life here. And of course you are a big plus."

"Go on....I like where you're going."

"If they take me back to Earth, I'll drag you with me, or I'll die trying."

She pulls me in a hug. "All my life I have hoped to find someone who would say that....and now you have. Well, not the dragging part, but you know what I mean. Likewise, Essie. I'm here for you. I won't let them take you from me."

"And neither will I." And before I knew it....our lips touched once more.

"Awwwwwwww......." someone higher up the grassy area behind our cottage said. It's our other elderly neighbor, from two homes away, a lady whose first name I simply cannot remember.

"Oh....Lady Reirika." Kara said. Right, that's the weird name I was trying to recall.

"She finally grew up, huh? Well done, you two. May the goddess watch over you.'m so jealous." Her expression showed a longing for times long gone.

"Of what?" A loud elderly and grumpy sounding male voice behind her stated.

"Nothing, you old....." But we couldn't hear the rest of the conversation since we entered our home.




"Yes...Essie?" She smiles while simply standing next to me, looking at our still mostly spartan home.

"Welcome home."

"Awww......well, it needs some touches."

"Whatever you it."

"Are you sure?"

"Emm....are we talking about...decorating our home....or...."




"'t answer that, Essie. Not now. Please?"

"I have to. Just....remember where we were....and we'll continue in a moment." 

A smile told me she agreed to my proposal.

I return the clicks on the radio, to tell them I'm receiving, but the display still says that the key is invalid.

"krrsshhs sshsss krrsshh tscstsst  krrrrrrr."  Yeah....that's all what it said.

"The's not working properly. Let's give it some time. Where were we?"

Once more she hugged me. "" Then we kissed.....really long this time....until the radio spoiled the mood again with its screeching noises.

"Just ignore it, Kara. Their fault for being so rude to you and me. I really missed you, you know?"

"Same here. They sent me back here as if I had committed a crime."

"Yes, that's exactly how I felt. But there must be a reason. Hayes has a reason for this....but....let's not talk about Hayes. You know what? I'm going to take a nap."

"That is a very good idea. I might join I will definitely join you. But you're definitely going to drink another potion to cool your heat."

"Ha ha ha.....then join me first, my love...while I'm still.....warm."

"'re so cute when you're...warm."

"Says the love of my life, the cutest fox-girl ever."

"Wha? What is a fox-girl?"

"A Kitsune. A fox-girl is just another name. We have these animals on Earth, whose tails and ears are really similar to yours."

"You mean ours?"

"Yup...ours....   I wonder....may I please pet your tail now?"

"Ha ha ha.....I promised, didn't I? Just be gentle."

"Ohhh....the magic words. Fluff I come. Prepare to be fluffed, oh beautiful heavenly magnificent tail."

" you really like my tail more than me?"

"Huh? Of course....not."

"Eh...that was not very convincing." 

"Then why are you smiling?"

"Your ears...may I ....scratch them again?" Kara's voice is almost begging.

"That sounds like a reasonable compromise."

"Absolutely. Make yourself comfortable, my love."

Just like that I removed my dress, let it fall to the floor and jumped into the sleeper.

"Kara! C'mon already!"

"Ha ha ha....." She picks up my dress and hangs it over a chair to air out, then slowly undresses and joins me in the sleeper.

"Essie, there's still some sunlight....I don't think we can sleep."

"Who said anything about sleeping? Let me fluff your tail already!"

"Oh? Ohhhh.....okay....."


We're now facing each other, while sitting upright in our sleeper. I really, really hope that nobody will walk inside right now.

Kara's hands gently massage both my ears at the same time. "Oh my god....that is.....amazing, Kara!"

"I know...they're so soft. Did you know you purr when I scratch your ears?"

"No way. I thought one of our neighbors had a cat outside?"

"I'm not even going to ask what that is, but no, that was you, Essie."


I chose to ignore that and gently take her super fluffy tail in my hands and start petting it. 
"My god...this is heaven. It's soooo incredibly soft and fluffy. It even smells divine."

I slowly let my hands slide over her tail, and it seems she's enjoying the fluffing as much as I do. My face is buried in the fluff when my nose feels her tailbone. Of course, a tail can't only be hairs, something has to keep the wonderful fluff together. I let my fingers gently and ever so slowly dig into the fur until they reach the tailbone.

"Ah! Careful, Essie. That's....sensitive!"

"Mmm.....I bet it is. Same with my....aaaaah!........ears."

"You mean......this?"

"Ahhhhh! God, yes....that was intense. What did you do?" I even stopped fluffing her tail for a moment.

"Nothing, just letting my fingers touch your cute little ears... on the inside."

"My god, Kara......this is......aaaaaaah!.....amazing." 

"He he he...."

"Turn around will you? I'm increasing the fluff to maximum."

"Oh? There's....more?"

"Kara, I'm only starting. And when I'm done fluffing your tail to my heart's content, I'll chew on your ears until midnight."

"Eh he he.....don't dare to break that promise."

She turns around so her back faces me, and her tail is now completely in fluffing range.

I cuddle her tail like a plushie and I'm certain to have found my new hobby. There is nothing better than fluffing the fluffiest cuddliest most heavenly tail known to exist.

My hand reaches for the tip of her tailbone, all the way at the end of her tail. 
"Ah!!!!! Essie....careful!"

"Eh he he he.....always, I promise." I lean forward and kiss her cheek, then whisper in her left ear "almost done....just a bit more fluffing. Then I'll release your tail."

She only replied with a giggle. Yes, I know this is silly, but it feels so incredibly amazing!


Both my hands now gently brush over her tail until I see Kara shivering. Then suddenly, I see blue sparks leaving her tail, leaving me in complete bewilderment. Did that just happen? This time I speed up the fluffing and we both get zapped!



"Arf !!" Kara just made a rather unladylike sound, resembling a dog barking or perhaps a fox? Whatever this was, it threw us on our backs in the sleeper. "Oh goddess.....that was.....AMAZING. What did you do to me, Essie?"

" had some blue sparks and then it zapped me! You sounded like a dog!"

"Essie, this has never happened to me before!"

"Did it?" I mean, I did! This is even better than....well, you know exactly what I mean. The energy discharge that hit me was....very pleasurable.

"Goddess....yes, Essie! I have never even heard of this method. How did you know?"

"I read a lot." I shrugged.

She simply smiles at me, and puts a few stray strands of hair aside and aims for my lips once more. "You are amazing, Essie."

"Says the most amazing woman in the history of this world. No, make that...two worlds."

"Eh he he turn around. Your turn."



This time it's my tail that's being fluffed and I now understand how sensitive it really is. Just like I did earlier, she's touching my tailbone and that thing is insanely sensitive to the touch.

"Ahh!!!!" A feeling like never before coursed through my whole being. Is this what a couple feels when they truly love each other?

"There! A blue spark! I saw it!" Kara exclaimed.

And right at that moment, a bright flash blinded us both, making us land on our backs in the fluffy sleeper.

"Arf !" Again the sound of a dog barking. But this time it was me!

"Oh my god..........."  It takes a few moments for my thoughts to return to reality. "Did you see the sparks? I wasn't lying."

"I know...but still....this is uncharted territory!"

"Then let's chart it....soon...."


After a minute of lying on my back, feeling nothing but eternal bliss...Kara managed to say "I can't...move."

"Me....either. What...was...that?"

"Magic, Essie."

"Eh he eh eh....sure was."

"No, I mean...real magic. Something new."

"I won't tell anyone, if you won't."

"But we have to...Nanako....." Kara said. She finally regained the ability to move and so did I. She's curling up and cuddling next to me, making a beeline for my ears. is soooo wonderful. How does she know how to do that?

"Alright...we'll tell her....someday.....just never stop doing this."

"Eh he he....I have you under my spell, Essie."

"Bad maid."

"Ha ha ha ha....okay, I'm officially out of fluff. What about you?" She said.

"Same here.....can't believe I'd ever say it. But more research?"

"I thought you'd never say." She gives me a peck on my cheek and then leaves the sleeper to get dressed.



"Yeah?" I'm still sitting in the sleeper, watching her smile her wonderful smile at me.

"Do you have someone special on know....?"

"Someone like you?" She nodded. "No....and that's the truth. But it's a bit late to ask, don't you think?"

"No, we you called it. So I must disagree. But you are my.....only love as well."

"It's amazing, really. I'm 23 and never even told my parents that I prefer women. You heard my mom. She thinks I'm seeing a guy named Joey."

"Ha ha should tell her some day."

"I will. Just not any time soon."

"So you're only 23?"

"Huh? You can't be much older than I am? Beautiful tails don't lie."

"You and tails, Essie. No, you're right, I'll take that as a compliment."

"No, now I want to old are you, Kara?"

"I'm 24, almost 25 in a few months."

"Ahh, see? The gods aren't lazy at all...they knew about us..didn't they?"

"Perhaps. Maybe you want to go to a temple and thank them?"

"Nah..I think I'll pass.....just imagine when I say something wrong and they'll separate us!"

"In that case I will tell everyone that they are mean.....but they aren't. Or we wouldn't have been able to fluff this much together."

"Em...yeah..good point....but I already said they were nice, so how is it possible that we arrived at the same conclusion?"

"Who knows....they might be controlling our thoughts, like the Swarm Queen...making us believe that they are not lazy?"

"Okay...this is getting creepy... You know what? Nevermind...I'm just happy we're here together. Let the gods do their things...and us.....ours.."

" argument from me."


When I finally found the strength to get dressed again in that awful boring brown dress, I looked through the contents of my backpack. Let's see what else is in there.

Maybe we should get a few new dresses, especially if we're supposed to stay here long term?

"Hey! Look at this, Kara."

"Huh? What are those?"   the gentle sound of small bells ringing fills our living room.

"These are the bells Hayes promised me a while back. Guess he didn't forget those after all. They are like an don't understand. Em.....when someone enters the room, they make this sound. It's also incredibly relaxing when the evening breeze hits them, making that soft bell sound."

"Do you need help with that?"

"Nope, see? They have clips,....and....done already." I clipped them straight to the curtain.

"Now that's convenient. We could use these called them?"

"Sure. They're pretty cheap."

"Essie....the things you take for granted. We could use those to keep the laundry from falling down."

"Say no more. Remind me next time when we're on Earth. Those clips are not the right ones for the laundry. They are usually bigger and stronger. These are more like toys."

"Amazing....just having you around is changing our society, Essie! Let's see how long it'll take before our neighbors want those bells as well."



When darkness had returned once more, neither of us was really tired for some reason. Perhaps fluffing one's tail replenishes our energy? It has definitely improved my mood, so who knows?

At some point we decided to leave the comfy sleeper and sit down outside near the entrance. The living room chairs aren't that comfy, but they'll do for now.

The green light of our outdoor lamp is strangely soothing and those gems are keeping the bugs away from us.

It's probably around midnight and life around us is very quiet now. We aren't even speaking, only sitting next to each other, occasionally holding hands while looking into the starry night sky. Yep, no moons apparently. Kara was right....the temperature doesn't change much during the's incredibly relaxing.

After even the crickets called it a day, we returned to our sleeper and simply curled up next to each other, leaning against the soft wall. This time Mr Sandman managed to find us pretty quickly, making us fall asleep without much effort....while knowing that the gods weren't as lazy as they seemed after all.