Chapter 16: royally fluffed
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Five days have passed since Kara and I confessed our love to each other. 

Since then we have been experimenting with fluffing our tails on a daily basis, resulting each and every time in visible sparks. When I observed her tail more closely on one occasion, I could rule out static electricity. These sparks are definitely blue, as big as a thumbnail and are glowing brightly for at least several seconds before they vanish. It's like watching fireworks in slow motion.

For the time being we have classified them as a raw mana release, because it resembles the fox-fire I had observed days before. Simply put, this is probably just another version of fox-fire, but I have no idea how it could be useful other than the fact that the energy surge simply feels awesome. Kara suggested to experiment more and see if the mana circuits will grow in number, just like they do when practicing fox-fire. It didn't take me much time to agree on her proposal, and she didn't mind that one bit either. Bad maid.


I shared the latest Phantom related news with Hayes, but there hasn't been much of that lately...only the library information was useful. I didn't feel the need to talk about fox-fire, because.....let's's still in the experimental phase. But since the radio is still not working, I had to visit the portal and share my findings the old-fashioned way. I only went back there once, but the message was clear.....not letting me through the portal. So at least I know how he feels about me.

At least Sentry told me they had tried to do a radio check, which explains the strange noises I heard a while back. I guess they didn't realize that my radio was missing the proper encryption key for that. Well, now they know.

The radio never made that noise again since I visited them, until I figured out why it didn't. The batteries were empty of course, and I felt pretty stupid for not noticing. Luckily I have these small solar panels to charge them, but for now I'm putting the spare radio on stand-by. But even then, it did not even make a single peep, and even the spare radio's display shows the message "invalid key."


Kara has started preparing meals for us and is keeping our cozy little home clean and comfy, making me feel pretty useless around the cottage. That feeling quickly disappeared when scholars started visiting us, or rather me. They're basically researchers, trying to understand the human way of life. Exchanging information is pretty interesting, every day again, but it's also very exhausting. At least I'm beginning to understand Kitsune common sense better now as well.

We did visit a tavern two days ago, but the place was almost deserted. The whole idea was to listen in on conversations and hear some rumors of neighboring cities or even other kingdoms about Phantom behavior and movements. But staying inside the tavern isn't of much use if there's nobody to chat with. Kara was pretty disappointed, and frankly so was I. Isn't it normal for taverns in fantasy worlds to be teeming with life? It's a place where noble knights and all kinds of beings gather to discuss their adventures....but not here it seems. We decided to try again on a later date.


Two days ago I requested to meet with Princess Nanako, to discuss the Phantom situation and share gained knowledge, but she's simply not available. The Palace guards relayed a message from her though, "Tell the scholars. See you soon."

She's either pissed at me for being offworld so often, or she's really busy these days. I can't really blame her, but I have my duties to fulfill, whether I like it or not. If she would only ask her guards about Kara and I, she would learn that we have been here for five days in a row now. Surely she must appreciate that, right?

I don't even care about the absence of a door anymore. Not since the bells are doing their job as a crude burglar alarm. But I have to admit, usually only the gentle breeze causes the bells to ring.

At this point I feel that I'm 60% Kitsune and 40% human, meaning that this life now feels right for the lack of better words. Kara and I are enjoying our time together very much, but that may change if the Palace kicks us out of our cottage for me not being a useful liaison. Well....we'll see....or I'll have to find a job as a commoner around here...and I'm not looking forward to that at all.


Yesterday afternoon the apprentice wizard guy, Shin, paid us a visit. Kara had dragged my textbook here from Earth, so I read a few introductory chapters to him. He's fascinated by the many magical terms I'm using, even though I'm already compensating for that as much as I can. I can't use words like "WiFi," "databases" or "fiber optic network connections", so I quickly switched to only focusing on the programming stuff.

That seemed to do the trick, so after sharing our afternoon tea with young Shin, he left us with a big smile, just like last time. This can only mean that he has at least learned something, and he refused to explain what it was. I guess only time will tell, but at least he's happy and will help us with magical issues, should they arise.


I've spent some time visiting Oscar now and then, both in person and in our mind-space. He's bored to death by now and is begging me to let the other Phantoms join him. At this point I promised him I would wait only a little more until I would take matters in my own hands. For now it's enough to pacify Oscar....but time is running out. He reminded me that our Swarm is still small and that we needed many more members to help me resist the Queen's strong mind. Yes, she can't control me right now, but it's costing Oscar too much effort to keep doing this. That's probably his main reason to tell me to do something instead of waiting. Message understood, my friend.


While Kara visited our neighbors this morning, I read a few chapters of the book Hayes had gifted me, simply to pass the time until I could do something more useful. But halfway through the third chapter, a messenger knocked on our outside wall.

"On my way, one moment" I said loud enough for the messenger to hear.

When I approach the messenger he bows to me and says "are you Miss Essie Liaison?"

That's not my family name, but whatever.
"Em. Yes, I am her. How may I be of service?" For some reason I'm in the mood to pretend to be a noblewoman. 

I motioned him to enter the cottage, but he refused politely.

"Princess Nanako announces that she and her guards will visit you within the hour."

"Excellent news! Ah.., is there anything else I should know?"

"No, that was the message. Would you like to return a message to the Princess?"

"Yes, please. Kindly tell her that I'm awaiting the arrival of her Royal Highness with great anticipation."

"Em....understood. Excuse me."

"Of course, thank you for your time."

He gave me a kind smile for being appreciated and quickly left, on his way to the Palace.


Only a few minutes later I noticed Kara entering our home, so once more I stopped reading.

"Hi, welcome home."

"He he he...thanks. So, Essie...what did the messenger say?"

"You truly are an assassin, aren't you? See all, hear all, know all. Anyway, yes, a messenger announced that Nanako will be arriving here within the hour."

"Oh!! I better make some fresh tea. Do you think she'd like some sweets too?"

"Definitely, it shows respect. Good idea. Had a great time next door?"

"Sure, they're an elderly couple, but their hearts are still young. So very kind people."

"Em....their hearts are young? I don't get it?"

"Later, I promise."

"Okay....but before or after fluffing?"

"Essie! Is that all you can think of?"

"No, of course not! Ear scratching is nice too."

"'re already beyond hope."

"Guilty as charged. Just the way you like it, or am I wrong?" I'm standing next to her now, our noses touching.

But she doesn't reply, only quickly standing on her toes to kiss my nose.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Mmmm....I'm not sure."


Knock knock. Again someone knocked on our wall.

Kara and I rush to the entrance and sure enough find a smiling Princess standing there with three guards. Yeah...smiling is a good sign, right? But she's a bit early, isn't she? Whatever.

"Princess! An honor to see you once more. Please, please, enter our humble home!" I said after bowing.

"Essie, cut the crap." Oops....Nanako sounds....pissed? But why is she grinning? Ah....she just likes the lingo, sure, I can relate to that.


When we took a seat in the living room, Kara excused herself to take care of the tea and sweets.

"Princess....are you....displeased with me?" I bluntly asked.

"No, we are not." She winked. "No, Essie, all is fine. Just lots going on in the Palace, that's all. So sorry if I'm appearing a bit...agitated."

", no, that's understandable. Let's wait a moment for Kara to join us."

"Sure." But the Princess didn't have to wait much longer, because all three of us are now enjoying tea and cookies. The guards are standing near the entrance, so no tea for them apparently.

Nanako takes the tea cup in her hands and blows off the steam, then takes a sip.


Kara and I told her about our experiences on Earth, and all we had learned about the Phantoms as  well. Sometimes Nanako's expressions were serious, sometimes she was shaking her head, like when I said that Hayes doesn't even want to see me for a while.

"I never trusted the man." Nanako said, with disgust written all over her face. "From the moment we met, and hearing what has won't trust him again. Why could he even doubt your sincerity? Even if the Queen is controlling you, just for the sake of the argument...your actions prove that you are trustworthy, right?"

"Yes, I agree with you, but I still want to see my parents someday, so I have to stay polite with Hayes."

"That...truly is unfortunate, but I understand. Well, just know that you're most welcome here, Essie. And it's his loss when our Liaison is only allowed to help the Kitsune. Can't say I mind."

"Thank you, Nanako." At least this put a smile on my lips again.


When we discussed the mysterious amulet that should give its wearer incredible mind-powers, Nanako simply told me there was no such amulet. "It's just a story," she said. Well, bummer, but at least we know. She wouldn't lie about something like that, would she? Nah, she wouldn't.


"Goddess, Essie...but I have to agree with Hayes on one thing. You truly have mastered the art of attracting disasters. Ha ha ha." She referred to me becoming a Kitsune.

But before I could reply, we were interrupted by a sound.
"ARF!" Suddenly we heard a very unexpected, yet familiar sound originating from somewhere outside.

Kara's face is suddenly flushed, and immediately excuses herself to make more tea. Both Nanako and I are staring into the kitchen where Kara is avoiding any and all eye contact with us. When Nanako focuses on me again, I shrug.

"Essie...what was that sound? Do you have any idea?" Nanako asked.

"Em.....actually....he he he... I do. Kara! Would you....please help me?" I raised my voice, sure that Kara would hear my request.

After a few deep breaths, yes we could hear it all the way here, Kara joined us again. 
"Essie.......I may have accidentally told the neighbors." She looked really apologetic.

"Wha.....wha? You told them? But they are....elderly, Kara..." I said, having difficulties not to laugh.

"What? What happened?" Nanako asked, sounding impatient.

"Goddess, how do I even explain this to you, Princess? see....Essie and I..."

" two are in love, right? Is that what you meant?" The Princess asked, trying to sound very innocent but failing miserably. Her grin cannot be missed.

" did you figure that out?" I said, pretending to be surprised. Half the city must know about us by now. It's not exactly a secret.

"Essie....your emotions are easy to read. You two have my blessing, so don't worry."

"T...thank you Princess." Kara said, while standing next to me for a moment. She's seeking support, I know, so I put my arm around her waist.

"Princess...let me explain." I decided to reveal the fluffing to her. Kara nodded, so she didn't mind. "She and I have been....experimenting with..em...yes, raw mana. When I fluffed her tail, I noticed sparks."

"You fluffed her tail? What is that supposed to mean?" Nanako said while studying Kara's gently swaying tail for a moment.

"Ehmmm.......god, I don't actually want to's kind of embarrassing."

"Ohhhh, no no no, okay. Don't." Nanako gestured wildly to please not be a part of that sort of revelation.

"Huh? No, Nanako, you don't understand." God, now all three of us are blushing furiously. "Fluffing means that I sit behind Kara and take her tail in my hands. I pet the tail as if it were a plushie. don't know what that a doll? I don't know, just like petting an animal I guess?"

"Ahhhh, I see, yes. Please continue."

" some point the fluffing results in mana being released in the form of bright blue sparks. It's like a release of magic in the air. And the fluffing very.....pleasurable, if you know what I mean."

"Ohhhhh, like that. is that connected to the sound I heard outside?"

"'s the sound a Kitsune makes.....when....fluffed...okay?" God, Nanako, put one and one together already!

" mean....someone just got....fluffed?" She's grinning again. Something tells me that Nanako has a healthy curiosity about stuff, something which might be deemed unbecoming of a Princess.

"Yeah....definitely sounded....familiar." I replied.

"Ah hahahaha....don't be so serious, you two!" Nanako pulled us into a hug for a moment.
"This is amazing! This has never been documented before! I've got to try this myself."

But why does she keep staring at me like that?
"Oh no no no, Nanako. You're a princess. Besides, Kara is the only one I'll fluff, sorry."

"Awwwww......." Nanako sits down and seems to enjoy watching us blush all the time. "You two are perfect together. Goddess, I'm so happy that I chose you as a liaison, Essie. Just look at what I've learned today!"


Time to switch topics. 

"Em...Nanako, Hayes told me that humans are still very much interested in working together. But Earth is under attack from those Phantoms, and perhaps they will turn more aggressive here as well. For now he has offered to at least share information as an apology for not giving more already."

"I see. Back to Hayes, and I was having so much fun. Something tells me that changing topics was intentional, Essie, but of course...I understand....diplomacy. Tell Hayes, if he should ever listen to you again, that we are a patient people. There is no hurry and yes, we will allow them to put a few guards on their side of the portal. But not an army."

"Thank you Princess, that is very generous of you. May I please offer a gift from Earth? It's only symbolic, until they can present you with a proper gift."

"A gift? Of course?"

Kara gives me a gift wrapped box with all sorts of fruit flavored tea bags inside, which I then hand over to Nanako.

She studies the gift first, and then slowly and carefully unwraps the package. 
"What is this? It smells....fruity?"

"It is a selection of fruit flavored tea from Earth. Just put a single bag in a cup and pour hot water over it. Let it soak for a minute or so, then remove the bag and enjoy."

"Ohhh......tea from Earth? This must have cost a fortune, right?" She seems really impressed, but I can't lie to her.

"Honestly, Nanako, this is only a kind gesture, not the true gift they wish to present to you. It is not expensive at all, so if you enjoy this, I can buy more of those when I'm on the other side."

"I see....and I appreciate your honesty. Still, it looks very expensive. I'll try some tonight and let you know."

"Of course. Anyway, Hayes said this was only a small token of their appreciation for your continuing patience."

"Small or not, it has been received with honor. Make sure that Hayes understands that. Explain the concept of honor if you have to." She grinned once more.

Ouch...but yes...I feel a bit betrayed by Hayes. I mean, I understand, but still....he doesn't fully trust me, and that hurts. Nanako is smart, really smart. "I will, Nanako. And thank you for being so welcoming. Even the Archiver was very kind to us, so thank you for all your help."

"My pleasure, Essie. And speaking of pleasure....if you'll excuse me...I need to.....practice fluffing. No, wait....I still do have a request."

"Sure, if we can help?"

"Father has ordered me to join you to Earth next time and see the real Earth with my own eyes, since last time didn't go all that well. He wants me to sample some of your culture at your earliest convenience."

"Oh....okay. Well....we were about to start slowly with music first. I have a bluetooth speaker right here, but they forgot..." But she didn't let me finish the sentence.

"Music? Ahh! What a good idea! But still...father doesn't want to wait anymore...." Nanako is avoiding my eyes, focusing on her tea.

"I will not go against the King, Nanako. But I thought you said the Kitsune are patient people?"

Nanako stands up and starts pacing until she sits down again.
"Ahhh!! Essie! You are too smart for your own good. Okay, okay, I admit, father is pleased with you, okay? Not even a single word of disappointment, trust me."

"Then why ask to come along? Only thing you need is ask us?"


"Just spit it out, Nanako." Now I'm grinning, but Kara looks at me as if to say "careful..she's the Princess!"

"Okay, okay......if you must know......I NEED to get out of the Palace.. so PLEASE.... I BEG of me escape the boredom!" She stands up and bows deep to us.

"Sure, Hayes is always looking forward to seeing you again, Nanako." I'm having trouble keeping another grin from appearing.

Nanako stands up straight and tilts her head again, in a way that only Kitsune can.
"Huh? Ha ha ha!!!! Earth humor....yes, I'm sure he'll be happy to see me."

"My point exactly."

"Thank you sooo much you two. Oh! That reminds me, Essie. Almost forgot. You talked to Shin, the wizard apprentice?"

"Uh-huh? Did he destroy something?"

"No, ha ha ha...not yet. No, he actually shows promise, thanks to you. The Wizard's Association is beyond thrilled with the new concepts you have introduced to him. As a token of appreciation, they want you to have this gem."

She hands over a rather big green gem. It has a hole in the center and what looks like a shoelace is used to create a rather...unimpressive looking necklace.
"Ohhh....looks expensive?" Better be polite.

"Then let me be honest as well, Essie. This stone is a failure. And it's anything but expensive."

"Excuse me?!!"

"Ha ha ha...that expression. No listen. The stone failed to do what they were trying, but it accidentally turned into something interesting. Shin was experimenting with a new way of programming and accidentally discovered something. They never understood why this gem kept glowing....until a smaller version only seemed to work when people were nearby."

"Wow! Thank you! This might prove to be useful!"

"Thank goddess you think so. The Association was afraid it might insult you, for it being useless."

"'s hardly useless! I'll attach it to the curtain so when people enter our home in the dark, they can watch their step."

"Ahhh....that's a great idea!!! See? Your mind is unique, Essie. Nobody would have thought about that. But now you mentioned it, I like those small things you attached to the curtain. They make this lovely innocent little noise. What are they, Essie?"

"Em, ah...the bells you mean? Yeah, they're basically alerting us when we have a visitor. But it's also comforting to listen to them when the summer breeze gently makes them ring."

"Mmmm.......I definitely want a few of those. Do you mind if I let a few craftsmen inspect them?"

"Not at all. We don't have secrets."

"No, not anymore, you don't, ha ha ha.... But Essie....don't let Hayes make you feel down, he tried making me feel less too!"

"I know what you mean....but you are a Princess. He's my....for lack of better master."

"Your master? Perhaps. But at least calling him that means that you're truly one of us now. Take your time, you are welcome here. If things don't work out on Earth, we can still use your skills here. There's much of that technology you can teach us, even without the devices."

"I'll do my best, Princess."

" are way too serious, Essie. I liked the old Essie offense. Kara....make sure she relaxes...she's way too stressed."

"I absolutely promise that from the bottom of my heart, Princess!" Kara smiles mischievously.

After saying our goodbyes, the Princess left us in the best of moods....probably about know...fluff.



An hour or so after we had finished lunch, the radio came back to life.

"Tsch shh krr shh." Again that weird noise, but I didn't understand a single word.


"Merlin, this is Sentry, acknowledge, over."

Finally! I push the send button...but wait a moment, then release it again. Why should I even talk to them? 

"Merlin, acknowledge, over."

Alright...alright, I'll reply, but only reluctantly. 
"Merlin here...over." They must clearly hear in my voice how disappointed with Hayes I am by now.

"Viking is requesting you to return......over."

"Unable to comply at this moment. The Princess is demanding to join me and Kara. Need permission from Viking first, over." She actually begged me, but still....demanding sounds more convincing, don't you think?

"Copy that, relaying message, Sentry out."


This is my way to let Hayes know that I'm frustrated with and disappointed in his lack of trust. Hayes is probably cursing by now, since he and Nanako don't see eye to eye. They preferably even shouldn't be in the same building.


Kara joined me in the living room, seemingly lost in thought.


"Huh, yes?"

"It seems we have to return to Earth soon. Will you join me?"

"Of course I'll join you, but I was looking forward to having some more time together first."

"I'll make time for way or another. We haven't tested the sparks on Earth yet. In for an experiment?"

The smile on her face told me all I needed to know.



"Merlin, Viking, over." Ohh!! It's Hayes himself this time!

"Merlin, here. Good to hear your voice, over." Let's emphasize the feeling that it has been too long.

"Merlin, we are waiting for you, Kara and Nanako to arrive. Time to play a game, over."

At this point I'm sick and tired of the "over," all the time. Let's see what happens if I stop doing that.
"Understood, sir, but the Phantoms near the Aircraft Carrier are getting hungry and agitated. If we don't give them access to mana soon, they might return to the Queen. There are now two dozen of them and I really need to have them here."

"Can't you direct them somewhere else?" It seems Hayes has understood my mood all too well.

"Not possible. On Earth, all mana is already used by the Queen and her Swarm. The few mana veins that make it to the surface are mostly in populated areas, except for Vanguard Base. We have a vein right here and so far the BETA-side-Queen is leaving us be, sir." And again I said "sir" when I really didn't want to say it. Force of habit. It sounded too respectful for someone who distrusts me.


I didn't reply, just let him think about it for a while.

"Agreed. Give me 1 hour to prepare for this. Can you guide the Phantoms to BETA?"

"Yes, I'll tell Oscar to prepare. Just have someone wave at Oscar when you're ready, and he'll take over from there."

"Understood. After the Phantoms have arrived, I want you three on our side. Can you make it?"

"I'll do my best. The Princess just left our home."



It's about 6pm now on the BETA side, and it seems that the days are getting shorter here, just like they do on the northern hemisphere on Earth this time of the year.

It took some time to get Nanako here, since she had neglected to inform her parents about her intended field trip to Earth. I also had to remind her about getting one of those human-disguise gems, which thanks to a Royal request arrived pretty quickly. Shin simply copy+pasted the instructions from my gem to the Princess's gem. I swear, there are way too many convenient similarities between our two worlds to be a coincidence.

The Phantoms also needed a bit more time than expected, but mostly due to them being followed by fighter jets. I can't blame them for feeling unsafe when being followed like that. But in the end, the Phantoms were much, much faster and the jets had to give up their pursuit.

Oscar shared a few memories with me. From his perspective I saw two dozen Phantoms landing near him, and he took some time to welcome each and everyone of them by touching their noses. It was a touching moment for sure, but I'm glad they're safe and sound now. I never felt at ease when they were near the carrier. One of the new arrivals shared a few memories of flying here. Not even our fighter planes were able to keep up with them, but Oscar guided them here safely.

Seeing them approach Vanguard from their perspective was very impressive. Their combined visual image was beyond 3D if that makes any sense. So I could see one entering and exiting on the other side at the same time...pretty confusing. On the bright side, I could now see that the radar dome near the park's entrance was finished. I'm sure that the people living next door are thrilled to see their park going to waste...but who am I to complain?


After a few moments, when "my" Phantoms finished greeting each other, Oscar sent me a message.
"Essie...thank you. I will keep them safe here. Our bond is strong. We will feed now."

"Of course my friend. And welcome all of you. Sorry it took so long."

Instead of words, I felt many sensations of gratitude and also a bit of love mixed into that. Suffice to say that they're happy hungry Phantoms now.


When Nanako, Kara and I were halfway through the forest, twilight had arrived. Trying to imitate those Kitsune kids to create fox-fire, so I could see in the semi-dark, resulted in a surprise discovery for me.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. Look at that fox-fire! Kara's hand shows a flame twice the size of the one she demonstrated a while back when those kids were practicing mana control with it. It's like a miniature flame thrower.

"Yeah! This is....unexpected." Kara said, sounding really surprised but also excited about the discovery.

"How is that even possible? I've never seen a mana flame burn so brightly!" Nanako said, while studying Kara's flame from up close.

"Em....Essie....could this know?" Kara looked at my tail for a moment.

"Yes, Kara, I was thinking the same. Let me try now."  I concentrated on feeling the mana circulate in my body, then making its way to my right hand. And then....suddenly....I'm surrounded by several floating bright blue lights, like the Will-o'-the-wisp in fantasy stories.

"Whaaaaaa? How did you do that?" Nanako said, sounding really excited, but also disappointed for not being able to do that. Her hand still shows the usual, now in comparison small flame.

"I don't know! It just happened! Kara, this really is fox-fire! The fire of legends!"

"Incredible. Tonight you will fluff me, Essie!" Nanako said, looking forward to being fluffed.

"Eh.....Kara? Some help please?" I'm not sure what my girlfriend will think of such a request. Fluffing is rather...personal, isn't it?

"It's not a problem, Essie. Call it research, for Kitsune all over the world will learn from this. It is probably the greatest discovery of all time, and that coming from someone who read about it in another world. How incredibly mysterious." Kara said.

"Alright then...just stay close to me, Kara. Nanako is a bit....too excited about fluffing if you ask me." I made sure to whisper that.

"Of course! And as your maid-assassin, it's my duty to keep you safe!" She sounded really serious just now.

"Good maid." I said, resulting in a few giggles....finally, Kara is relaxing again.

"She's the best, didn't I tell you?" Nanako said, sounding a bit smug.

"Yes, Nanako. Now let's see what else the gods have planned for us."

"The gods?" Nanako asked, but we ignored her. Kara nodded, so she understood. The gods and their lazy copy+paste again. There must be a connection between Earth and this place. How else can there be so many similarities? Stories, legends, fantasy...all seems possible right now.


Finally we see the portal and the lights on the other side. It's probably dark on Earth now, and that's definitely not natural light. It's a bit bright, even illuminating the nearby trees of this forest.

"Sentry, this is Merlin, over." Let's be more polite this time.

"Sentry here. Identify, over."

"Merlin, Kara, Princess Nanako, over."

"Understood. You are cleared to enter the portal, over."



At this point I took the lead, and the others followed me through the portal. My fox-fire is now gone, but I'm definitely going to experiment with that again!

"Woow....look at this! We're inside a building now!" Nanako said.

"Yes, things happen fast on Earth. Let's go find Hayes."



One of the Airmen guided us to Hayes' office, where everything looked as familiar as ever. I can't believe that I've been gone for five days straight.

Kara and I shook hands with Hayes, but Nanako waited for Hayes to bow. Suffice to say, everything is as it should be.

"Please, do sit down, everyone." This time I offered the others tea or coffee, as I feel that it's my job since Hayes is my CO.



After informing Hayes about the latest developments like fox-fire, I asked about the Phantom situation on Earth. Oh, and I definitely left out our fluffing experiments....totally unimportant, right?

"I cannot answer any questions about Phantoms, Essie, and you know exactly why. You are smart, so continue to trust me on this. I didn't banish you, but we're playing a few games here, it's all I can say. You will be needed soon, and we're on the same side here. But...the Phantoms are not why I have recalled you to Earth."

"Oh....okay...I won't ask about them." I said, but I could see the distrust in Nanako's eyes. She really doesn't like Hayes one bit. But still, his reply gives me hope for the future.

"Thank you, Essie. It's bad enough that they exist on both worlds."



"What are the odds.....lazy gods.." Kara said, which made me snicker.

"How are gods involved in any of this?" Hayes asked, apparently serious.

"Em...Kara and I have developed a theory. Either Earth and Negawa have been exchanging information for centuries, or lazy gods are responsible for the numerous coincidences. Isekai novels describe Kitsune, fantasy worlds and magic....guess what I found? Exactly that. Even the names of a waiter in a restaurant and his brother are the names of gods on Earth. Coincidence? Perhaps. Heck, even the restaurant itself looked like a truck diner, and it even had some sort of bus stop in front of it! Point being, there are just too many similarities to dismiss as mere coincidence."

"Interesting theory. The presence of the portal would allow the exchange of information and culture. Somehow I'm not in favor of any divine influence, but currently any evidence of historical cultural contamination is non-existent."

"Yes, sir." I replied.

"I disagree." Nanako said, well, because she simply has to, right? "We should not rule out divine intervention until we have other proof to explain these similarities. How do you explain that humans and Kitsune look so similar, except for the tails and ears?"

"Good point, Nanako, I can't explain that, but I can't ask any gods....nor magically give you a good reason. In the end it might just be coincidence. So I apologize if I offended your beliefs."

"Ho hoooo! Hayes, there's still hope for you! It seems Essie has had a great influence on you. You make sense now! Polite too!"

I looked at the table, afraid to make eye contact with Hayes. I don't feel comfortable being part of their bickering.

Hayes simply replies with "yes, Nanako, she's special. Essie?" 

I make eye contact once more. "Yes?"

"The Pentagon feels that we should have shown Nanako more respect when she first visited us." Hayes is ignoring Nanako's grin completely. "So the Air Force invites you...and your fellow Kitsune to spend a day on the real Earth."

"Really? I'd love to show them around! How about downtown Purcellville? Should be safe enough?"

"Thought you might say that, and yes, that was our proposal as well. Go have fun, do whatever young women do these days. Don't make me regret this. We're having several projects going on right now, and they require our undivided attention."

"Yes, sir. I mean, no regret, yes, sir."

"Hayes, and I really want to see the real Earth this time. No Phantoms, no keeping me locked up somewhere. I want to eat your food, meet your people and hear your music." Nanako is demanding again.

When Hayes looks at me, I simply shrug. What can I say? She's right.

"Okay, whatever. Just tell me that you have a gemstone that can remove the fluff like those two?" He points at Kara and me.

"Of course I have, Hayes, do you take me for a fool? Don't answer that please." She added that last part after Hayes barely contained a grin.

"Show me." Is all he said.

A few moments later we put on our appearance altering necklaces.....and.....things happened.

"Is this a joke?" Hayes asked when looking at me.

"Huh? Did I just shrink?" For some reason Hayes now appears a lot taller, and so does .....everything? Except for Nanako.....who now looks like a 12 year old kid? Only now do I notice that my voice is impacted as well.....I sound like a kid myself!

While the others were still contemplating the gravity of the situation, I found the answer. "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiin !!!!!!" I shouted.

"Calm down, Essie. Remove the necklace for now." Hayes said.

A few seconds later, everyone once more looked the way they were supposed to.

"Who's Shin?" Hayes asked.

"A nerdy apprentice-wizard dude who fucked up a copy+paste process. Instead of copying the magic, he divided the magic between the two stones. That's the only explanation I have."

"Yes, that seems plausible." Nanako said matter of factly. "Will this be an issue? It's only an appearance and only for a short time?"

Hayes takes a deep breath and slowly exhales again. "See? Essie the disaster magnet strikes again."

This makes Kara giggle, but my death glare silenced her at once.

"No, Nanako, I don't see any problems. Essie, can you guarantee their safety? I can't order my staff to join you on a shopping trip."

"Yes, but how did you know what we were planning?" I asked.

"I have two girls myself, Essie. It's not that difficult."

"Ahh.....point taken."

"Okay, Essie, as you suggested once: wear an Air Force Cap, all three of you. Hide your tails on your backs...somehow. I don't even want to know how. Just keep them safe and away from trouble. You can leave the base once you have your temporary IDs. Just be back before 10 PM."


"Okay....I don't want to hear that again, Essie. Ever."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

But Hayes is still grinning. 


At this point my appearance changing-gem started to flicker. All three of them are lying next to each other, but only mine is pretending to be a stroboscope....until smoke starts coming out of it. Suddenly the smoke detectors in this room start their alarm sound. 


The sound then changes into a deafening slow whoop sound, encouraging us to leave the room at once. I pull Kara and Nanako outside while Hayes uses a fire extinguisher to kill the flames that started only seconds ago.



From outside in the fresh evening air, we hear Hayes coughing and soon he joins us outside. I can see other soldiers inspecting the area, checking for fire and moments later the fire alarm sound ends.

"Do I need to add something to that, Essie?" He said, still carrying the fire extinguisher.

"Nope. I'm really a disaster magnet. God, I'm so sorry, sir."

"Don't be, shit happens. Just...don't use those gems anymore. I think you three should be really grateful to whatever deity you believe in, because it could have killed you. Don't get new ones...ever.. understand?"

"Yes....understood." I replied, still feeling somewhat guilty. The others also nodded, hoping to make Hayes stop glaring at them.

"Alright then. No harm done. I'll ask for another desk, and we'll be fine. Nanako? Just promise me to listen to Essie. I don't want to see you get injured, or even worse...get lost."

How is that worse? Whatever, he probably misspoke.

"Yes, Hayes, I will listen to Essie. We're not here to make a scene. I only want to see Earth and have some fun in the process."

"Very well. Essie, how is it even possible that the gem caught fire?" Hayes asked, sounding genuinely interested in the topic.

"Don't shoot's magic."

"Ah.....of course....stupid question. Again, they are your responsibility, Essie. Remember, I will kick your furry butt if you start acting like a Queen."

Nanako can't hold in a laugh, and this makes us join her as well. It feels good after a few tense moments.

"Kara, are you happy to see the real Earth too?" Hayes asked with a smile, probably happy about the teamwork. Sure, she joined me on the trip home, but it's still not the same as having a fun day out.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Ha ha ha! I'm not a King, but I appreciate the remark."

Kara blushes from embarrassment "sorry, force of habit."



Our human appearances are now officially a bust and Hayes has ordered the others to the VIP room, while he told me the actual reason for recalling me to Earth.

It seems a scientist will pay me a visit soon. He or she will be interested in understanding how my mind works. That kind of stuff. He just doesn't know when they'll be here. He also told me to continue trusting him, because they're playing games with the Queen....whatever that may mean. Why tell me that much without revealing more?



First thing I did after joining the others in the VIP room was calling my mom. I left her cell phone number here, in the VIP room, since it's of no use to me on the other side.

The phone is ringing..."C'mon...pick up already."

"Whitfield." Dad's voice, he's using her cell phone.

"Hi Dad."

"Essie!! How are you, honey?"

"I'm just fine, dad. I miss you and mom. Is she there?"

" don't want to speak to your old man?"

"No, dad, this know...girl-talk?"

"Ahh...say no more. Honey! Essie on the phone!" 

Why does he shout like that? He could simply walk over to her and hand over the thing, right?

I hear the phone drop to the floor, and then mom is blowing on the thing, startling me. God, that was loud.

"Honey? Still there?"

"Yes, mom. Did you drop the phone again?"

"Ha ha ha...yes, that's why it's a rugged one. See? I can learn from my mistakes. Now tell me, how are you, honey?"

"I'm fine, mom. Always busy, but I'm surrounded by good people. I've made a few friends...and that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

This might be my last chance to call her, considering the Queens and their insatiable desire to kill humanity, and more I might even get stranded on the other side for all I know, either by an accident or by a stubborn Hayes. Point being, I don't care if the Air Force is listening in on this conversation. I'll see it in Hayes' eyes tomorrow if he's listening....I....don'

"Honey....I can hear it in your voice. Something's going on?"

", I don't know. I just want to tell you, but I feel....embarrassed, I guess?"

"Is this about Joey?"

"Huh? Well, in a way, yeah. You see...I'm not seeing Joey."

"Ah....then someone else? Need some advice? Perhaps my spirit guides can assist?"

", only you and I....let's give your spirit guides a rest, okay?"

"Sure, honey."

" you remember the lady who joined me and Hayes when we visited you?"

"Sure. Ka....ka...something."


"Yes?" I heard Kara reply, but I chose to ignore her.

"Oh, is she there with you?" Mom asked.

"Uh-huh." Now I'm whispering. "Mom, we're friends."

"That's nice friends?"

"Uh-huh. Real good friends, mom."

"Honey.....I'm so happy for you!"

" knew?"

"Oh, Essie. Poor Essie. You didn't know?"

"What is that supposed to mean? You make it sound....vulgar. I hate it."

"No, you misunderstood. Oh god, I really want to hug you right now, put my arms around you. Can't you fly here or something?"

"I may be great, but I'm not superwoman. So, no."

"Ha ha ha, that's my girl. Stay positive, and you should smile more. But let me be serious. It's fine, really. What I meant to say is that your dad and I have suspected this for a long time now. Again, we don't mind. Nobody else knows, nor have we told anyone else about our suspicion. You were Essie this morning and are still the same Essie right now. Honey, despite what you think, many people don't even care about what you're worrying about. They think it's normal, and guess what? It is normal to be in love, point being....just like in the song....don't worry, be happy."

"Ha ha ha, yeah. Em...yeah....I'm happy. And in love too."

"Then don't worry,  we'll always be here for you. Well.....assuming you'll come visit us in our lifetimes..."

"Ha ha ha....yeah...I got the hint, but first I need more time for work...soon okay?"

"Sure honey. Can I talk to your dad about this?"

"Sure, why not. Give him a hug from me."

"Will do. I love you, Essie."

"You too, mom."


When I ended the call, I expected that Hayes would call me, but I guess he's more professional than that. When I turn around, I see two fluffy fox-girls staring at me.

"What?" I said.

Within seconds I find myself in a very fluffy group hug, until they sit down in the sleeper. I joined them and felt a bit embarrassed. Yes, it's my own fault for calling my mom when they're here, but what other chance will I have? At least it's off my chest now.


We chatted a bit, but when I wanted to change the topic, I only had to point at the shower for Nanako to stop smiling.

"You are not making me take a shower." She said, sounding threatening.

"Oh, but yes I am. Kara is an assassin, she will tickle you to death if you refuse."

Kara is grinning evilly and nodding.

"Essie, I'm going back right now."

"Really? Without any guards? No fluffing."

"Grrr.........alright, I surrender. You'd better show me the real Earth this time, or I will show Hayes no mercy."

"Of course, your majesty. May I undress you?" I bowed to Nanako.

"No! We have learned...from last time. You shall not dry us off like a child again. Watch us...and be proud!" She winks at me, for using royal speech.

"Ha ha ha!" After this bold statement, we shooed her into the shower.



It's now 7.30 pm and everyone has taken a shower by now. We're dressed in our Air Force-provided PJs. But I had to cut them open in the back, to make room for our tails. It's a bit odd looking, but it works.

"Why do you have a sleeper here on Earth? There wasn't one in the room we used last time?" Nanako asked.

"A gift from Hayes. This particular sleeper is very heavy, so don't try to move it yourself. Do you like it?" I asked.

"Yes, very much. I tried it while you were taking a shower. It's incredibly inviting, isn't it? And this is made by humans. Ha! It's even better than our own!"

"My thoughts exactly," Kara said with a grin.


At this point the conversation goes silent, and both fox-girls are staring at me, while we're all sitting inside the sleeper. "Yes, yes, I know. Nanako...are you sure you want to be fluffed by me?"

"Uh-huh, Kara said you are....very capable. But I'm not in love with either of that..bad?"

"No, Nanako, fluffing is just that....fluffing your fluffy tail and perhaps scratching your ears as well for dessert. But...that's entirely optional for you. I however can't sleep without Kara's gentle hand caressing my ears."

Kara sits next to me and leans forward, giving me a peck on the cheek. "I expect you to do the same tonight."

"Ohh.....I would be honored!" Don't mind if I do!

"Em....hello? I'm still here?" Nanako said.

"Oh.....right...sorry, Nanako. Wait...let me dim the lights first.....this is much better, isn't it?"

Only the compact lamp on the nightstand near our sleeper is now lit, oh and the emergency exit light too. It makes for a wonderful relaxed atmosphere.

"Mmmm.....yes, much better. But are you sure this is safe for me?"

"Having doubts, Nanako?"

" gentle."

"Ha ha ha....that sounded....wrong...sorry...nevermind. No, don't look at me, look at the door, yeeees...just like that. Now relaaaax. I will tell you exactly what I'm doing so you won't be startled. Wait...this can be even better."

I leave the sleeper and fiddle with our newly acquired attentive gift from Hayes. It was intended for teaching them about Earth's culture....and that's exactly what I'm doing now, right?

After only a minute or so, I find an internet radio station devoid of ads, thanks to the Air Force who's apparently paying for this. We're now listening to smooth jazz, which reminds me of elevator music somehow. Not my first choice, but I don't have the time to find something suited for fluffing. The gentle piano is creating a wonderful relaxing ambience and should do the trick. The volume is pretty low, just enough for some background noise.

When I step inside the sleeper, both are staring at the radio.
" that Earth music?" Nanako asked.

"Yes, but it's only one form of so many different styles. It should help you relax. This is not my favorite music, but I still like it. Anyway, it will have to do for now. Do you like this music? Taste is a personal matter, so you might not like it."

"I like it, Essie. It is...relaxing."

"Me too."  Kara said.

"Then face the door, Nanako....very good. Now close your eyes....and let all your worries slowly drift away." I said using a really relaxing, calm voice.

"Mmm....I like this already." Nanako said. "Sorry, continue."

"Slowly inhale.......and breathe calmly and feel how your body is relaxing."

"Mmmm. Kara was relaxing."

"I will now gently take your tail in my hand, nothing more."

"Such a strange feeling, having someone take my tail in their hands."

"Keep your eyes closed....and relax. Now feel how my hands are gently caressing your beautiful, well cared for tail. Feel how my hands are petting your tail. It is soo calming....feel how relaxed this is. Feel how my hands are giving you goosebumps....I mean shivers."

"Yes, I felt a tail is all tingly."

"Very good. Now I will touch the tailbone, which keeps your hairs together. It is veeery sensitive."

"Don't stop there....go on! AHHHHHHH!!!!" That last part happened when I let my fingers touch the tip of her tailbone.

"Shhhh, stay calm....and relaxed.....don't worry....this is only needed once. Trust feel how my warm hands are petting your soft and fluffy tail. Your wonderful soft tail is safe in my hands."

"Goddess, this feels amazing...." Nanako said.

"Now I will start the fluffing."


" I'm beginning. Feel how my hands are gliding over your tail. Feel how my hands are caressing every hair as gently as I can."

"It tingles."

"Very goooood. Now relaaaax.  Yes, very goooood. Now feel my hands increasing in speed. Now enjoy every moment...." I slowly increase my fluffing speed. Petting her tail faster and faster...until I see a few sparks forming......

At that point Nanako shivers and her face looks up at the ceiling in a jerky motion.....while her tail zaps me with electricity.....followed by her voice, saying "ARF!"

We both fall down, but the soft, fluffy sleeper breaks our fall.

Kara looks at Nanako whose ears are twitching all over, then she whispers to me "You never spoke so gently to me! I want that too!"

"Shhh....that is a promise, my love."

Kara put her arm around me while we waited for Nanako to unfreeze.

After a minute or two, she managed to sit upright again.
"Essie! What did you do to me?"

"You got royally fluffed."

"Huh? Ha ha ha...that was AMAZING! I have never, ever heard about this, let alone felt this wonderful sensation! May I share this with everyone in the Palace?"

"Em....are you sure about that?"

"Essie! This has to be made public! It feels....magical! Like all fatigue is gone...I feel brimming with energy!"

"That good, huh?"

"AMAAAAA-ZING!!!!" Nanako said with the biggest smile I've ever seen.



"Knock knock."  Someone knocked on our VIP room's door.

"Huh? Who could that be?" I said.

I walk to the door, open it and see an Airman with a worried expression. She's accompanied by a guard and his dog, a German Shepherd, I think. The dog barks once and is sniffing, definitely interested in my tail. Its nose is too close for comfort.

Suddenly my instincts seem to kick in. My tail stands up straight as if someone plugged it into an electrical outlet, while I'm only focused on the dog. My mouth opens really wide to show my teeth, while my head tilts and a strange sound leaves my mouth "ksshhhhhh."

The dog instantly moves backwards and barks again, but I could hear a hint of anxiety in that bark...don't ask me how I know.

The dog is firmly held by the leash and ordered to sit "down!" and stay quiet. Good dog. I blink a few times and seem to be able to think clearly again.

"Eh....sorry about that. Don't know what came over me. I'm a dog sorry."

I was about to pet the dog, but quickly realized that these people might not appreciate that.

"'s okay, ma'am. It must be normal for you. So....just checking. Did I hear a dog...barking in there?"

"Ah, that., not really. We were having some harmless fun there, that's all. I'm embarrassed to admit, but it's like a we're not keeping any animals here." Well, Kara can be one, but that's not what I meant.

"I see. Then pardon the interruption."

"No problem. Say, can I get you something? A tea perhaps?"

"Thank you ma'am, but I'm on duty."

"Ah, I see. Then I wish you a good night."

"Likewise, ma'am." And she closed the door. Pity she doesn't have a tail...she looked stressed.


After I fluffed Kara, Nanako fluffed me. And I have to admit...she's a quick study. But in all honesty...I prefer Kara's hands. Nobody asked again about any dogs barking, so I think we're good.

I pushed the power switch on the radio, Kara switched off the lights, and then we made ourselves comfortable in the sleeper.

It's pretty odd, but somehow, now that I'm a Kitsune as well, this really feels natural to me. I decided not to complain about the lack of ear scratching, until I felt a hand trying to find my ears.

"Thanks...Kara." I said.

"Not me."


"He he he....yes. Just...don't tell anyone. I'm a Princess."

"I already knew that....ahh, you meant...okay, it's a purrrrrrrromise......"

"Ha ha ha.....Kara, how old is she?"

"So young, so very young, Princess Nanako. Goddess, that takes me back, I haven't purred in ages!"

I decided to ignore this very odd conversation and just enjoyed the sensation of being lost in this heavenly feeling her scratching is causing.

Suffice to say....I slept carefree, relaxed and undisturbed while being surrounded by the most wonderful heavenly fluff ever. This is the ultimate proof...the gods are good!