Chapter 20: fluffy pancakes
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Mmmm......that was so relaxing. I must have slept through the entire night in one go. When I look at my alarm clock, it says 06.30 am, so it's still pretty early.

It took a few moments for me to realize that there was something wrong with this picture. You see, I woke up back home, in my trusty old bedroom. Something must have happened at the test range, but they would never bring me here. Would they?

I stand up, leaving the comfy warmth of my bed and look at my reflection in the mirror. I'm wearing one of my own PJs now, and I'm back to being human. No fluffy ears or tail to be found anywhere. I even touched my ears, and it's really strange to actually feel them in that spot again.

My reflection in the mirror combined with what I see next, makes me seriously start questioning my sanity.

I see a dozen fairy dolls lying on bed and a few more are sitting on the shelves above my desk. "Fairies? I don't keep those here anymore?" I said out loud. They are supposed to be lying in a big storage box in the attic, so how did this happen?

When I feel a slight headache for a moment, I instantly know that this isn't my real bedroom. I feel my memories being scanned, but not by Oscar. He's still there, but for some reason I can't hear his voice right now. He feels agitated, jumpy, but now that he knows I'm trying to contact him, I feel a sense of relief coming from him. He now knows that I'm not in any danger.

When I take a peek outside my bedroom window, I'm looking out into the same scenery our cottage has back on Negawa. Surprise surprise. Either they moved our home to another world, or someone is messing with my mind. I'm going with the latter.

When I check the shelves above my desk again, the fairies are gone, now replaced by a single fluffy fox plushie, the one I named Alice. There can only be one reason for this, and that's the Queen. At least one of them is trying to mess with me, but they have already failed. Let's play along and see if I can turn this into my advantage.

I walk downstairs, and have to admit that everything looks, feels, and smells the same as I remember. Remember...that's the right word....these are my own memories she used.



In the kitchen I find my mom, but dad seems to be at work already.
"Good morning, pumpkin." My mom said. Yes, she's a fake, but let's play along. "Finally awake?"

"Morning, mom. Yes, I slept really well last night. What are you making? Pancakes?"

I felt my memories being scanned, and all that time, mom didn't respond...until she did. 
"Yes, dear. Pancakes. Do you want some maple syrup with those?"

"Ahhh..yes, I'd love to!"

I swear, there were no pancakes in this kitchen before I mentioned the word. But still, she puts a plate in front of me, and I have to admit, the fluffy pancakes really taste like the real thing.

"Mom?" I said, while still munching on a pancake.

"Yes, dear?"

"How did I get here?"

" don't remember, honey?"

"Nope...can you tell me?"

"Sure." Again I feel my memories being scanned. "You went on a holiday to a motel. Do you remember?"

"Of course. Then what happened?"

After every single question, I feel my memories being probed. She's thinking about a predictable. Of course she doesn't have any experiences with life on Earth, so this is her only way to try and convince me. Too bad for her, but it's not working. 

"A deer jumped into you by knocked you out." She gave me a kind smile, something similar to my real mom's.

" I remember. drove those few 200 miles to pick me up?"

"Of course honey. It's not that far away."

Uh-huh....only 200 miles. Sure.
"I'm really blessed with such a good mom. I'm happy to be home now."

"Awww...I love you sweetheart. But your aura looks murky."

"Thank you mom, that always makes me feel better when you say that." I smiled my best fake smile at her.

"You're welcome. Say, did you watch the news?"

"Nope, I was asleep, mom."

"The soldiers are fighting Phantoms."

"What are Phantoms?"

She looks surprised, then she says "they are rhinos of course."

"Ahhh those. Now I understand." Yep, definitely not my mom.

"Good. What kind of...weapons do you think they will use, honey? Are we in danger here? Do you think humans will be dangerous to them?" that's what this is about. She wants to know how we will fight her. Oscar must be doing a great job keeping her from accessing those particular memories, or she wouldn't need to play this game.

Let's have some fun terrorizing her. It's the least I can do for her after making those delicious pancakes.

"Dangerous? Mom, that's a difficult question to answer. I like to think that we humans have evolved to become nature's apex predator. We love to hunt for fun, not only for food. And our technology is incredible too." After every word, I felt my mind being probed to find the appropriate images for it. "We now have laser weapons in orbit which can cut through the oceans, all the way to the seafloor. My friends are even constructing spaceships right now. I believe they named the first one Enterprise

If a Phantom would leave this planet, they would simply destroy it from orbit. Then we have Mechs, which are huge machines like robots, with human drivers. They can run fast and shoot with their mobile lasers right through any living creature. And if you are still not convinced, what about our hunter-submarines with nuclear torpedoes?"

"Yes, you are right, honey. And are they ready to fight right now?"

"Of course they are, mom. Don't worry. We have been preparing for decades. We only need to wait for the Swarm Queen to make a move. She loves war and we can't wait to kill her. It's a pity she won't be our friend."

"But why won't humans accept her Unity? Isn't that something every being would want?"

"Humans love freedom. Unity is not freedom. They would rather destroy the planet itself than share it with her. And when she's dead, they will feast on her body. They love seafood."

"I won't let them eat me, Essie."

A grin forms on my lips.  "Interesting. I thought you were supposed to be my mom, but now you are the Queen? So that makes you the Swarm Queen. How about we end this little game?"

"Gladly. Your information will be very valuable. Thank you for sharing." 



When I take a look around, I see that I'm back on our base, but it's quiet. Too quiet. There isn't a single person to be found anywhere. No guards with dogs...literally nobody.

"Do you really take me for a fool?" I shouted. "This place isn't real either. I can still feel the pressure you are causing in my mind, which means that you are still trying to manipulate me. Nice try. If you keep up this game, I guess I'll be eating seafood soon." I made sure to grin.

I instantly feel the pressure leaving my mind. She's gone....finally.




Oh noooo...not again? Once more I hear that annoying beeping sound, which can only mean one thing.

CLICK   And just like last time, someone just killed the annoying beeps.

And sure enough, when I open my eyelids, I find myself sitting in a hospital bed with pillows on my back. Oscar just confirmed that this is reality and he congratulated me on seeing through the Queen's game. Well, it was hardly a challenge, but I guess he already knows that.

"Good evening, welcome back. Do you remember your name?" A nurse asked me, very calmly. When I finally see her walking in front of my bed, I notice her smile. She's not the same nurse as last time.

"Oh, hi there. I'm Airman Whitfield, ma'am. Question is, how did I end up here this time?" I know this is a military hospital....but again...what happened?

"The doctor will answer that question, but for now please don't worry about that, you'll be fine soon. Remembering your name is a good sign too. Excuse me, the doctor asked me to notify him the moment you regained consciousness."

She saw me nod, and then left my hospital room as stealthily as she had entered it. Why won't she simply answer the question?

Great, if I'm not mistaken, this is the exact same room too. Don't tell me that they made reservations for me for the foreseeable future? Nah, probably only a coincidence.



It's dark outside and the clock on the wall shows 10.45, so that explains the darkness. At least they had the decency to move the clock to a new spot on the wall, so I can take a look at it myself now.

The view from the wide window once more shows many moving lights outside on the highway, which somehow is comforting to look at. I touched my ears and tail, and am happy to confirm that I'm still 100% Kitsune.

After a few minutes a doctor entered my hospital room. A room reserved only for me it seems, since there's no other bed inside. There would easily fit another one in here, but I'm not complaining.

"Good evening, Airman Whitfield."

Right, he's in the military too, probably.
"Evening, doctor. Could you please tell me what happened?" He's not the same doctor I talked to last time.

"Of course. It seems you had a seizure after giving a presentation to the Pentagon's weapons research team. That's all I know about the situation." they weren't only people interested in seeing my skills, but they were all from the Pentagon?!

"Ah.....yes, I remember being there, but then the lights went out."

"Yes, a seizure will do that to you. The MRI we took of your brain today, gave us quite the surprise. You really aren't human. Not that the ears and tail weren't a dead giveaway, but was a surprise. They only gave me the needed emergency medical clearance today, so until today I wasn't even aware that the Kitsune existed.

Long story short... you now appear to be fine and will make a full recovery in a few days at most.

One thing I don't understand though, is the fact that your previous MRI is showing a whole different cerebral configuration than today's scan. Do you have any idea why that might be? Could it be a mix-up of MRI images?"

"Cerebral? As in referring to my brain?"


"No....I don't think it's a mix-up? I have no idea how I look on the inside, to be honest. I just know that I used to be human until recently. Even that procedure was like...magic for lack of a better word. It should never have happened according to common sense or science for that matter."

"Interesting, very curious indeed. A pity I can't ask more about that."

"Well, I guess that it's only a matter of time before everyone will get the full details, that's all I can tell you."

"Thanks for telling me that, it's good to know. Anyway, besides the increased blood flow in roughly the same region as last time, and the fact that you aren't human, we're still pretty confident that the MRI shows no other abnormalities.

Your blood work shows that your dopamine and adrenaline levels were off the charts, something we could safely fix with medication. Even if you had shown an adverse reaction to our medication, we could have fixed that as well. But again, all is just as it should be.

You should still feel somewhat hazy and sleepy from the medication, though. You have been out for about five hours."

"Amazing how time still continues to creep forward while you're unconscious. But yes, I do feel somewhat tired."

"There you go. It will wear off in a few hours. Just don't drive for a few days. Well, that's basically it."

"Alright, thanks, doctor. Is there a way for me to speak to my commanding officer?"

"Of course, I'll contact him in a few minutes, tell him you're awake. Just for your information, there are two soldiers outside this room. Thought you should know." He points at the door behind me.

"Ah, they are only there for my protection, I think?"

"Yeah, well, we're not big fans of guns inside."

"They're called rifles, and I understand. You are in the life-saving-business while soldiers sometimes tend to do the opposite."

"Glad you understand. So just saying. If you feel up to it, you are free to go. But if there's any reason for you to stay, like asking for our protection, now would be the time."

" that. Thank you doctor, I really appreciate that. But I'm serving in the Air Force, and I trust my CO."

"I see. So you are truly in the US military? Even while not being human?"
Something tells me that he isn't part of the military at all.

"It's a long story, but I used to be human. And yes, I really am in the Air Force. Don't you recognize me from TV?"

"Mmm......sorry, no. Should I?"

"I gave a few press conferences about the Phantom situation?"

"Oh? That was you? Mmm...yes, now you mention it. Perhaps it's because of the low lighting here?"

"Probably." Let's stay polite.

"It says in your file that you were shot in your leg. Care to explain why we don't see any evidence of that?"

"Em....that would be classified, sir."

"I see."

"Anyway, thank you very much. I won't keep you from your work, sir."

"I appreciate that. And your secret is safe with us." He nods and leaves me be.

I guess he referred to my Kitsune body. Well, it's only a matter of time before someone will go public anyway. Too many people already know about me, so it could happen anytime. But it had better not be today.



I must have fallen asleep before the nurse returned, so it took me a moment to realize she was standing there again. She's not much older than I am.

"Do you want me to activate that box there? It allows you to see images. Do you understand? Like paintings?"

Wait...did she really just say that? Lady, I'm 23 years old, not a 4 year old kid! Heck, even they know!
"You mean the 40-something inch flatscreen TV you hooked up to your hospital's satellite receiver array? Or perhaps to your internal fiber optic data network?" I hope that works?

"Emmm.......yes. So you know about Earth?"

"Oh yes. Probably as much as you do."

"Amazing. How long has your kind been studying us, if I may ask?"

"Not so long. We're friendly people and we have a good working relationship with humans." Okay, that sounds weird, when I still feel that I'm one of them. "But I can't tell you much more than that."

"Of course, I understand...the man in black. I always wondered about you have men and women in your world too?"

Ugh...she used the alien word. And what the heck is she thinking about? The men in black? I mean...seriously?

"Yeah...I'm a woman...soo...." I'm now really starting to doubt her intelligence, no disrespect intended.

"Then are your men similar to ours?"

"Eh....I guess so? If you don't mind, I really need to sleep a bit." Please, please take the hint and stop this awkward conversation! I tried to look apologetic, hoping it would help her get the message. 

"Oh, of course. But may I please touch your ears? They look so cute and fluffy."

"Sure...but be careful please. They are very sensitive."

She walks closer to me and touches them, also scratches them a bit.
"Oohhh! So soft! Thank you!"

That felt great actually, but I'm not going to encourage her.
"You're welcome, miss." I made sure to give her a warm smile, after which she finally left me alone.



At some point I must have fallen asleep again, only to wake up from sounds in the hallway.

I could see a reflection in the window, and that could only be Hayes. Who else enters the room in uniform, hat and all, so late at night?

When he carefully steps in front of me, I smile.

"Deja vu." Is all I said.

"Yes, couldn't agree more."

"Please sit down wherever you wish, sir." I pointed at the chairs in the distance near the window.

"Thanks, Essie." He takes a chair and sits down next to my bed. "You gave us quite the scare. Especially when they told me you had had a seizure for longer than a minute."

"What?! They didn't tell me that! Isn't that dangerous?!"

"'s okay now. Shouldn't have said that, but don't worry, you'll get another medical check soon enough. We won't give up on you that easily, Essie. Anyway, Oscar was restless. We thought he was about to freak out at least on two occasions. But he became his usual calm self right before I got the phone call about you waking up."

"Yeah, about that. Shit happened. Can I speak freely?"

Hayes looks surprised for a moment, but then nods.
"Yes, yes you can. But first, did you reveal anything to the hospital staff?"

"Only that I used to be human, which explains that the previous MRI looked totally different. That also helped stop them from dumbing things down for me. My Kitsune biology was interesting to them of course, and the nurse asked a few things, but I think she's happy with my non-revealing answers. The doc offered me protective custody, should I need to hide from the military. Told him it was okay. He told me I could leave anytime, and I don't mind if we do."

"In that case, save the information for later, in the car. Can you do that?"

"Yup, it's nothing urgent. Is Kara okay?"

"Yes, she was pretty worried at first, when I said what happened. But I managed to calm her down.

Our medical staff asked her for permission to take an MRI of her brain, so it would help you. She instantly agreed, after which we sent her MRI to this hospital. They compared your brains, and based on that they concluded that things mostly looked fine. Only the increased blood flow raised some questions, but otherwise you're good.

When you collapsed in my arms at the test range, your arms and legs started to move violently. An Army medical team provided first aid, but luckily your seizure ended before they got worried. Our helicopter flew you here while they continued monitoring your lifesigns. We didn't want to take the risk of sending you to a non-military hospital. But trust me...if there had been any indication of your condition getting worse along the way, I would have ordered them to take you to the nearest hospital. There were absolutely no signs of that, so I hope you don't mind?"

" made the right call. I will explain the probable reason for what happened in your car. It should explain a lot."

"Disaster magnet." Another grin on his face.

"Ha ha ha...just tell me where I can find my uniform."

Hayes pointed at a chair and I nodded. "Gimme a few minutes, sir. Out in no time."

"Excellent. I'll take care of the paperwork...again....while you get dressed. Find me outside."



While driving back to Purcellville with Hayes, I explained the "dream" to him and he laughed a few times. Especially when I mentioned that I had convinced the Queen that we had an "Enterprise" in orbit.

"So I think that the Queen pushed through my firewall and that gave me a seizure. She wanted to show me who's the boss. But her performance was abysmal at best."

"Which is good for us. At least I was able to confirm before driving here that all Phantoms mysteriously returned to the Queen. And I mean all of them, world-wide. They all left their spots on the ocean and formed what looked like an extra defensive layer around the Queen. You really got her this time."

"Seemed only the fair thing to do?"

"Ha ha ha, it sure was. But what was the first proof you discovered that you were being manipulated?"

"I woke up in my bedroom at home instead of in our VIP room. And inside my bedroom I saw my fairy dolls from back when I was a kid. I don't keep those in my room anymore. And things went progressively worse after that. It wasn't difficult to see who the mastermind behind this was."

"You're right. She's not too smart." Hayes said while taking an exit on the highway.

"Lucky for us. But she's still nasty."

"Agreed. As nasty, big and ugly as they get."



Back in our VIP room, it was time to hug and be hugged. Kara was so worried that it took me nearly half an hour to prove that all was well now. 

It's already well past midnight and even though we're lying in our sleeper, we keep chatting. Something tells me that I'm not going to get much sleep, and I'm not talking about fluffing unfortunately.