Chapter 26: hello from the fluffy side
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When I open my eyes, I find myself lying curled up in our VIP room's sleeper, while still wearing my uniform. Well, that hasn't happened before.

Kara is sitting next to me, scratching my ears ever so gently. When she notices that I'm smiling at her, she stops the scratching, which causes me to frown. Now why would she stop doing that?

When she keeps looking at something behind me, I sit up straight, curious to see what she's looking at. It doesn't take long for me to spot Hayes sitting there, together with the General.

Oh, crap. "General, sir. Sorry, I didn't...."

"At ease, Essie. You deserve the rest." The General said matter of factly, while sitting on a chair. His expression is as serious as it always is.

It took a while, but my brain finally finished booting. Right, I collapsed near Gatekeeper while kissing Kara. "Oh....okay." I look at Hayes and ask "how long was I out?"

He looks at his watch. "It's now 6 am, and you slept through the night. After you fainted, the medical officer on duty checked your pulse and concluded that you were only exhausted, so he gave you a mild sedative. Most of us here on the base didn't get much sleep last night, due to us helping to coordinate rescue efforts. Kara noticed that you were about to wake up, so she called me a few minutes ago."

"You mean...she shouted? No, I would have heard that....I think?"

"Essie, she used the phone. Give her some credit, it's hardly rocket science."

I look at Kara " and smart."

This time she smiles at me, but for some reason she seems really quiet today. It's probably the General's presence, yeah...that must be it. He can be as intimidating as Hayes, probably even more so.

"Yes, and don't forget, her kiss knocked you out. That must have been one hell of a kiss, Kara." Hayes said grinning.

Kara definitely blushes but still doesn't say a word.

"Sir, status?"

"Yes, my Queen!" He says while patting me on my shoulder. "Don't give me that sheepish smile! We won! But...we also have our fair share of losses. Details will follow."

"I won't ask if anyone pissed their pants today." I said. "Em...I mean yesterday."

"Ha ha ha, no, lots probably have!" Hayes shakes his head, then makes room for the General, who seems ready to speak.

"Well done, Essie." The General leans forward so we can shake hands, since I'm still sitting in the sleeper.

"Thank you, General. It was true teamwork."

"It certainly was. Excuse me, I need to go back to work." He then left us after reminding Hayes that they have another meeting scheduled in twenty minutes.

Hayes then says "Essie....I know it's still early, but when you're ready, I need you to take care of another press conference. People now know that they're safe, but they really need to hear it from us as well. And I'm sure that they are expecting to see you personally."

"Sure, I'm ready right now. Well, maybe after breakfast. Are they safe?"

"Seriously? Do you really care more about them than us?"

"It's complicated; it was a promise." I looked at Kara for a moment, but she only blinked a few times. She must have been lost in thought, thinking that I had asked her a question, so I focused on Hayes again.

"Yes, they are safe, Essie. We ceased fire, world-wide, the moment you told me to. They are retreating to the oceans everywhere. Just like you said they would."

"Thank god. But what do you want me to tell the audience?"

"The truth...all of it. The President has been briefed about your contribution, and he agrees that the time is right to reveal....well....basically everything. I'll discuss the details with you after breakfast. Besides, the President will take over from you once you finish your part of the presentation."

"Wow.....the President? He's here?"

"Not yet, but he will join you on the dais, yes. You still have about two hours, so take your time."

"Okay. So...not gonna shoot me for revealing?"

He smiles. "....not today."

"I can live with that." I couldn't stop a grin from forming on my face.

"Now get breakfast, take a shower, and do whatever else you need to do. I'll see you in an hour in my office so we can discuss this matter. Oh, and before I forget, I want you to wear your dress uniform. Not a camouflage outfit, let alone the one you slept in all night." He pointed at the camouflage uniform I'm still wearing.

"Em.....why?" I shrugged.

"Why? Because I'm your CO! I'm ordering you, is that reason enough?!" He's grinning, but his smile disappears when he notices tears leaving my eyes. "Em...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that?" It doesn't take long for him to understand that I'm not crying about his remark.

"I know. Hayes? Is it really over? All of it?" Tears are now flowing non-stop, and Kara noticed it too. She's pulling me in a hug, massaging my back, still without saying a word.

"Yes, Essie. It's all behind us now. Do you want me to postpone the press conference?" He looks worried. Not about the press conference, but about my wellbeing.

"No....I.....I only need a moment. Since I got here, one thing has happened after the other. I was supposed to become a Liaison, but instead became a killing machine. I only had one kill the Queens who fucked up my life. I even killed a few Phantoms myself. And's all over. What have I become, Hayes? Am I still Essie? Will my brain explode soon, just like those Phantoms did? It was never meant to be used as a radio, let alone to link myself with millions of beings. And my I really that destructive...that people need think of me as a weapon now? Oh god, I can't take it anymore." Now my crying spell is changing to resemble Niagara falls. "Waaaaa......waaaaaaa...  Forgive me. Waaaaaaaa. I couldn't save them all, Hayes. She was evil, so evil."

"Essie, yes, both of them were evil, but we sent them back to hell. Now listen to me. No human being should have experienced what you went through, and still you managed. You never gave up the fight. You are still exhausted, emotionally hurt, and you know what? That's okay, Essie. You saved not one, but two worlds. You and your Oscar freed each and every Phantom."

"But so many people have died. In the quake, the tsunami. Why didn't I think about the vein earlier? Maybe I could have killed her long ago?! All these people, they are on my conscience! I KILLED THEM!" I shouted at him through my tears, barely able to breathe.

Hayes steps into the sleeper, not caring that he's wearing shoes, and pulls me out of Kara's arms. He then hugs me tightly, cooing, just like dad did when I failed to apply for an IT job for the billionth time.

"Essie....we were at war. These things happen. Focus on the billions of lives you saved. Seriously, if you hadn't done what you did....we would be dead by now. All of us."

"I'm sorry for being such a mess. I always fuck up, Hayes, I'm a real disaster magnet."

"You may be a disaster magnet, but you never once quit. That shows character. And if you need a moment to process everything you have experienced.....take it. God knows you've earned your rest. From now on things will only get better, Essie. Trust me."

"He he he, you think so?" When he basically confirmed that I'm a disaster magnet once more, that made me laugh.

"I know so. Now pull yourself together and get ready. One last time, Essie. Show them who's the boss. You still have about an hour before I want to see you, but if you need more time....then they'll simply have to wait a bit longer."

"Ha ha ha, yes sir. Thanks. I needed this."

"I know. Look forward to some R&R with Kara soon. Nanako's probably waiting for you on the other side as well."

He released the embrace and gave me a warm smile. He must be a great dad, I can tell. 

"I will. Thank you."

"No, Essie. Thank you, for saving our butts. See you later."

He then left us, after which Kara and I spent some much needed time together.



After a while I felt much better, but it's still going to take some time to process everything that has happened. Kara promised me to help me with that, my sweetheart.

Kara changed into her camouflage uniform, with her ears and tail concealed. I think I'll do the same until it's time for the big reveal.

Changing into my formal Air Force dress uniform was less fun. Sheesh, I now almost look as intimidating as Hayes does. I even have to wear a hat now! This uniform is less suited to hiding my tail on my back, so I'd better not show people my backside.



Hayes didn't mind that we ordered breakfast in his office, especially when it allowed him to get breakfast too. He looks beyond tired, and drinking coffee is probably the only thing keeping him awake.

Our time together was nice and relaxing this time. No strategies...enemy movements....unexpected orders to kill Phantoms. Just some much needed peace and quiet. 

After breakfast Hayes discussed a few topics regarding the press conference, but nothing too serious. 



It's now 8 am, and this time I'm walking with a big smile and in the best of spirits towards the press briefing room. The world has absolutely no idea what I'm about to reveal, and I have to admit that I'm looking forward to seeing a few flabbergasted faces.

Kara's walking next to me, and Hayes is following us.


When we enter the briefing room, we're immediately greeted by a loud applause. People are clapping, cheering and the atmosphere here is just amazing!

I was absolutely convinced that my smile couldn't get any bigger, but it just did. I enthusiastically waved back at them.

The room is absolutely packed with people, more so than last time. Every bit of space is used by the press, locals and quite a few of my colleagues.

To my left, behind the dais, I now see Mr President, a few of his security people, Hayes and Generals Pearson and Mills. The President's left arm is wrapped in white bandages, so something must have happened during the evacuation of the White House yesterday.


When I want to greet the President, he says "the honor is all yours, just hand over the word to me when you're ready." He gestured to me to step on the dais.

"Yes, sir" I said while nodding politely and didn't waste another moment to step onto the dais. Okaaaaay, so I won't ask him about his injury then.


Once more a bunch of microphones waits for me to speak. I tap a few microphones and the happily chatting people are quieting down. Right now all around me, the mood is good!

My tail is hidden, and I'm wearing my official Air Force dress uniform and a hat to match. I wonder what my parents will think of me, seeing me wearing this new uniform for the first time.

The audience has calmed down a bit more, but many are still happily chatting with their neighbors. I see many familiar faces in the reporter's section of the room, but I also recognize some locals who have always attended these meetings.

I once more tap the microphone a few times and then simply speak loudly. "Ladies and gentlemen........WE WOOOOOON!" Now it's my time to shout and raise my fist high in the air to celebrate our victory. 

"Yeaaaaah!"  And the crowd goes wild! People are shouting, gesturing the victory sign, anything they can to show their appreciation and exuberance.

After simply smiling at them for a minute, they realize I'm about to speak, so the room quiets down without me needing to tap the microphone again.

"Yes, that was exactly how I felt, ha ha ha. It finally happened, our planet is ours again! Humanity has fought its greatest and most difficult battle to date. A battle which will go down in history as the epic Phantom war."

Once more I had to give them a few moments to calm down.


"Ladies and I must discuss a serious topic, so kindly share this difficult and painful part with me."

It's like someone just flipped a switch, the audience immediately turned serious. I can only hear a few coughs, but otherwise the room is dead silent, preparing for what they probably know I'm about to say.

"In a few minutes I will share some amazing news with you.... good news...but first, I must ask for a moment of silence. 

It is with great sadness and pain in my heart that I must inform you that we have lost many people due to the Phantom situation. The recent earthquake and following powerful tsunami, which none of us ever expected to happen....took the lives of over 200,000 American citizens. We don't have the numbers from Mexico yet, but they too were severely hit by this event.

The city of Boston has been reduced to ashes, and most citizens lost their lives. And we can't even begin to comprehend the many lives lost due to attacking Phantoms everywhere on Earth.

The thoughts of all personnel on this base, including myself, the Government, Military, and of course Mr President, go out to all people world-wide who have lost their lives, in our hope that our shared grief might comfort their families and loved ones who they have left behind.

We also acknowledge the bravery and selflessness shown by those in the military who have sacrificed themselves while defending their country, their homes and their loved ones in our moment of need." I'm coughing, and swallowing a few times. Another tear forces its way out of my right eye, but I need to focus, so I wipe it away.

"Excuse's....difficult." But after swallowing again, I can continue. "Words....are exactly that....words. But Vanguard Base's motto is facta, non verba...or in plain English...actions speak louder than words. In the spirit of that motto, Mr President has allowed me to share with you the following." I take my notes, since I find it hard to focus through my tears.

"We lost Boston...........but cities can be rebuilt. We lost many lives.....but they can and will be remembered. We will therefore remember each and every single American who lost their lives in the Phantom war by erecting a monument in their honor, in a city to be rebuilt....New Boston."

My tears are flowing freely now, and an Airman nearby offered me a few tissues, which I put to good use.

A loud respectful applause surrounded me, but nobody said a single word. I can see their faces...some have tears in their eyes, just like I do.


After giving them, and myself a few moments to recover, I continue. "Thank you. As long as needed, all US Military forces will continue to coordinate rescue efforts with FEMA and the local governments. 

Most of us here are trying to pick up the pieces and somehow continue with our lives, but we also know how bad the situation is for some other folks. The message is is on the way. Just hold on a bit longer.

Of course our website and telephone number will continue to function until they have lost their use.


Alright.....and as promised earlier, now is the time for us to share another kind of news with you, which should hopefully bring back a few of your smiles."

I wait for a moment, and already see a few smiles appearing. It helps me, and a smile forms on my face as well.

"I have been allowed to reveal the following facts to you.

All Phantoms world-wide will soon leave our precious Earth. They were born in space but were kept prisoner by the Queen on Earth. Their true home is in the stars....yes, you heard that correctly. They will soon return to space in peace. Wait..there is more. Much more. Please listen carefully." I noticed a few raised hands, but they'll have to wait.

"We told you about the Queen, and that information was correct. However, we also fought another one nearby and yet very far away." I see many confused faces.

"Let me explain what I meant with that. I couldn't reveal this sooner to you, due to security concerns, but now all of you shall hear the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth."

I deliberately pause, look at the audience and then notice a few people nodding, showing me that they understand the importance of what I'm about to reveal.

"The Phantoms didn't emerge from the fault line behind us, here in the park, but either came from the oceans on Earth....or....they came from Negawa. Yes, I know you don't understand yet, so please allow me to explain.

Negawa is nearly identical to Earth, but is a completely separate world. Right here, about 100 feet away from you, now hidden to ensure your safety, we discovered a gateway to another world.

Wait....please wait with the questions. I'm not speaking metaphorically. I'm talking about a literal portal to a real other world. Don't worry, everyone is perfectly safe. I promised you the truth and you shall have it. Everyone on Earth is perfectly safe."

I see a few hands being raised, and I think I need to answer the questions now. "Alright, one question before I continue. Miss Jodie, CNN?"

She stands up for a moment to ask the question. "Thank you, Essie. Does this mean that the Phantom threat isn't over?"

"No, we are absolutely, completely safe. I will explain. Please wait with further questions, thank you." I could see them lowering their arms. "The other world, Negawa, suffered from the same Phantom attacks we did. 

Yesterday we annihilated two Queens, one on both worlds, thus ending the Phantom threat once and for all. We still have military personnel and assets in that world, but they will return home soon.

The portal itself is without any danger. It looks like a mirror, nothing remotely frightening. Soon we will invite the CNN team to take a closer look, so everyone on Earth can see that we speak the truth. They will be allowed to set foot on another world, and return home to Earth again within only a few seconds. It's absolutely safe, since I used it countless times myself.

I'm sure many of you are having questions right now, but there's still more to reveal. I promise to keep answering your questions as long as time allows, otherwise please send them to our website.


And this brings me to the next reveal...the people living in that other world. And before I continue, please don't refer to them as aliens, since they are more like you and me than anything else. Most of them aren't even aware that humans exist.

The people living there are kind people, who would welcome any of you in an instant. I'm biased of course, because I fell in love with one of its inhabitants. Her name is Kara. Kara, if you would please join me?"

Kara's smiling and blushing, just like I am, and steps onto the dais, next to me.

I heard a few people going "awwww" but I ignored them.


"Ladies and gentlemen, Kara truly is a member of the Kitsune, which is the race name of the people living there."

The audience is growing restless, and I see many flashes from cameras. 

"Kara, kindly remove your cap and reveal the fluff." I said with a smile.

Kara removes her cap and the audience is suddenly eerily quiet. And there we have the many flabbergasted expressions I was hoping to see.


Another one raises their hand. "Excuse me......I remember this from your....Halloween mishap. Is she a real alien...excuse me.....a real person from another world....or is this a Halloween thing? Sorry, I don't understand."

"Don't worry, I know it's a lot to digest. Trust me, I've been there. No, ma'am, those ears are very real. Just....why don't you come over here and take a closer look?" Kara now finished freeing her tail and walked towards the audience, slowly turning around to show her fluff.

The lady who asked the question first kept her distance from Kara, but even she couldn't resist Kara's infectious smile. The lady starts to smile and asks "may I.....may I please touch your ears?"

"Of course." Kara said with a smile.

She touches Kara's twitching ears and moves her hair aside to check if any human ears are concealed, but finds none. The lady turns around to face the audience and says with a raised voice "she either had surgery, or she's the real deal. It looks absolutely real." 

I smile and continue speaking when I see Kara returning to me. "Thank you very much, ma'am, please take a seat as there's still more to come. Of course we will find a way to scientifically prove that she's absolutely the real deal. But I still have more news, so please let me continue.

The Kitsune are basically human in appearance, except for the ears and tail. Their customs are very similar to ours, and their culture has reached a level of development comparable to our late medieval period, perhaps even a bit more advanced than that."

The room is absolutely quiet, people are listening intently.

"Ladies and gentlemen.....please forgive me for pretending to be human."

I see many eyes going wide, people talking everywhere. Since they won't listen, I simply remove my hat and give it to Kara. After freeing my tail and straightening my uniform, I walk over to the audience and turn clockwise until they all could take a good look at my fluff.

When the audience quiets down again, I continue speaking on the dais.

"Is everyone still capable of understanding me?" I said jokingly, but I only got a few thumbs up. Most seem absolutely flabbergasted.

"Ha ha you know how I felt when I looked at the reflection in my mirror! Truth be told, I was born human. Yes, I really am Essie Whitfield, born human. No lies there, I promise. But until now, not even my parents knew that I had changed into a Kitsune due to a little magical mishap. Aaaand...that brings me to the next reveal."

Someone almost begged to be heard, so I let him ask his question.

"No disrespect intended, but why are you two wearing human uniforms? I mean...are you two really in the military?" 

"I'm really serving in the US Military, but Kara is only wearing a uniform to support her work on Earth. She's not in the military. I'm the only Kitsune serving in the US military, and as I said, I used to be human. I know it's a bit much today, but I'm only sharing the truth with you."

Someone is definitely begging to ask a question. It's Miss Baxter. Aww....sorry, didn't see you.

"Jodie, your question please." Yep, another one for CNN this time.

"Thank you, Essie!" She looked at the NBC team for a moment....yeah, we share that animosity!

"You used the word magic, but is it some kind of code name, or project, or are we taking Disney kind of magic?"

"That's actually a very good question, Jodie. Would you and your camera crew please join me? I will demonstrate what I mean by magic, and I need you to take a close up of that."

"Of course!" She motions her crew to join her, and after a few moments she's already standing next to me on the dais, with her camera crew behind us.

I raise my voice so the audience can also hear me, since I'm standing a bit further away from the microphones now.

"Everyone, watch closely, as this is true magic. Fox-fire!" And immediately 7 lights are dancing around me. But this time they are a bit.....bigger....and multi-colored?! Maybe now is not the right time to admit that our intense fluffing is having some serious unforeseen consequences.

"Wooow!" Jodie said, while making sure that the camera is taking a close up.

"Yes, but while these lights are pretty, they do have other uses, but I won't be discussing them right now. Let me give you another example. Kara, would you please give her a mana flame?" In the meantime I'm canceling my fox-fire lights, since they are distracting people.

The moment Kara lets her mana flame appear in her right hand, everyone in the room seems even more surprised than when I showed them my fox-fire. I guess a flame looks more menacing, but in reality my fox-fire is way more destructive. Maybe Kara should try throwing it....nah.....better wait with that.

"Please show me your hand, this won't hurt. It's very safe." Kara said to Jodie, while smiling.

Jodie seems worried, but still offers her hand to Kara. Only moments later, a rather tall flame is burning brightly in Jodie's palm.

"It's real! And it doesn't hurt!" Jodie shouts for all to hear. "I can feel the heat, but otherwise it's like it isn't even there!"

Kara then steps forward and grabs the flame from her hand, making it disappear.

"Incredible!" Is Jodie's only reply.

"There you have it, people,....magic. Rest assured, this is only child's play. I saw kids playing with that on Negawa. Anyway, there's more. For this part I would like to invite Mr. President. Sir, would you please join us?"

The President looks surprised, but still steps onto the dais without giving it another thought.
"Miss Whitfield, I'd rather not be your guinea pig."

"Ha ha, don't worry, you won't be, sir. May I ask if your arm is broken?"

"No, I suffered second degree burns after the Phantoms targeted the White House. But don't worry, it's nothing too bad."

"Alright, Kara, would you please try to heal his arm? You told me that you, like many Kitsune, have the  healing skill, but I have never seen you using it."

Once more my lovely assistant joins me and says "I'm not sure if this will work, Essie. Magic on Earth is limited." She grimaced.

Oops, she's right, healing uses much more mana, and there isn't much of that on Earth. Now that I think about it, when I first met Nanako in the park, she must have tried to heal that graze on her leg. It didn't work back then, and when she tried to heal me from that gun wound, that didn't work either.

Great, and now everyone is expecting to witness a miracle!

I'm sure that people heard Kara's remark, so I say into the microphones "Kara will attempt to heal Mr President's arm, but I have to admit, mana energy is rare on Earth, and we need that stuff for this kind of healing magic. The few pretty lights you saw earlier are nice, but this is the actual magic you should be interested in. Please understand that this healing stuff is new for me as well, but in any case, Kara will now try to heal him. Let's see if it works on Earth too."

The audience is fully focused on us. Many seem barely capable of staying seated, wanting to see this potential miracle from up close.

Kara asks the President "may I touch your arm?"

"Sure, is there anything I need to do?"

"No, only give me a moment."

"We have plenty of those." The President laughed, trying to break the silence which had formed in the room. 

Kara touches his arm, and right away looks at me, frowning and ever so gently shaking her head to signal me that it's not working.

Within seconds I put my hand on her shoulder and then switch over to my mind-space where time stands still.


Oscar quickly showed up, but wasn't aware that I only wanted to ask him for a favor. We both took a few moments to express our happiness that both Queens had been killed, but also to remember the many Phantoms killed in the process. The ones injured are apparently healing well by tapping into Earth's mana veins.

He confirmed that he and the last of his family would be leaving Earth in a few weeks. Many have already left us and apparently the same applies to Negawa. I didn't get a straight answer from him about why both groups didn't want to stay together on either Earth or Negawa. It must be a Phantom thing. Maybe they are simply different families, like wolf packs?

I told him that he didn't have to leave Earth, I mean, after all he did for us. But his mind was already made up. He and his beloved female are about to start a new life among the stars. He also told me that we would stay in touch as long as possible, after which he gave me my requested mana transfer so Kara could heal the President's arm. 


This time I feel a gentler kind of energy coursing through me, different from the raw energy I received when using my fox-fire against the Tripod. Oscar makes it seem so simple, but that only confirms that I still need to learn much about these things.

When I return to the real world, I see a trail of brightly glowing particles moving from my right hand, along Kara's right arm, and finally ending in the President's arm. 

Kara now looks at me and smiles "it worked! His arm has been healed!" She lets go of the arm and takes a step back.

"You're kidding! It's no longer throbbing! This stuff really works!" The President said loud enough to be picked up by the microphones. 

He quickly turns around and asks one of the Airmen "get me a I want these bandages gone."


The audience is watching the unfolding drama with keen interest, and I'm trying to keep them calm.
"It seems the healing worked, but we're waiting for the doctor's confirmation. Please give us a few minutes. In the meantime, while we wait, let me answer another question. Anyone?"

Another waving hand is begging for my attention, this time it's the NBC lady. Okay, I can't ignore her any longer. Well.....technically I could? Nah.

"Miss Baxter. How nice to see you! What's your question?" Too polite? Meh.

"Essie, you mentioned a magical mishap. Can you please explain that to us?"

"Of course I can. While visiting the Kitsune, I had to hide my human features. Apparently seeing a human there is as unexpected as seeing a Kitsune on Earth. When someone accidentally noticed my lack of a tail and ears..." I pointed at my fluffy ears "....he took pity on me, probably thinking that I had lost them in an accident. Without me realizing it at first, he used some kind of potent magic on me, which turned me into a genuine Kitsune. So, yes, a real magical mishap."

"Wow, that must have been quite unexpected for you."

"You can say that again. But honestly, I like the new me. Especially the tail." I made sure to laugh and the audience could see the humor in that, especially when I showed them my swaying fluffy tail again.

But Miss Baxter wouldn't be Miss Baxter if she had stopped asking questions.
"Essie, did the glue accident at an early Halloween party really happen? Or was that the moment you changed into a Kitsune?"

"Em.....yes, sorry for that, but the glue incident never happened. There was no early Halloween party. I changed into a Kitsune about a day before the press conference."

"Okay.....but then I don't understand how you and Miss Kara appeared human, when visiting your parent's home. You had already changed into a Kitsune by then, so that fact doesn't seem to support the story?"

Great. And that's exactly why I don't like her. "Miss Baxter, as I said, we use magic on Negawa. Kara and I both used experimental gems to make us appear human. It worked......for a while....until it failed miserably. I was fortunate not to get second degree burns myself, since my gem caught fire. My commanding officer was not happy that his desk caught fire too."

Lots of people are laughing.

"Laugh all you want..." I made sure to show them I was joking "...but that really happened. As I said, this press conference is all about the truth. 

Whenever I appeared in public after those gems had failed me, I simply hid my ears and tail. Kitsune basically look like humans, except for the tail and ears. So it was pretty simple for me to appear human. Does that answer your question, Miss Baxer?"

"Yes, that makes sense. I think we still need to see much more evidence of magic to truly believe that it's real, but I have to admit, your story seems plausible, albeit incredible. Could you tell us more about the Kitsune? Who are they? I mean, if we're about to become neighbors, it would be nice to know who they are."

The audience seems to agree with her, I see many people nod. 

"Of course, but I'll keep it brief. Let's take things one step at a time. The Kitsune. They are kind people who live in a more relaxed world compared to Earth. Their society is medieval. Think Palaces, Kingdoms, Princesses, that kind of stuff. They live in cities which I would describe as tree-cities, since the Phantoms don't like going in cramped spaces between trees. Well, cramped is relative, since I thought it to be pretty spacious. 

It's only a matter of time before we'll get to distribute some images of their world. And we too only recently learned about their existence. Our focus will be on diplomacy at step at a time."

"Thank you. Can we send a TV crew there?" She just had to ask, didn't she?

"" I'm sure the Kitsune don't want that kind of attention right now, besides CNN will be filming the portal soon. "Miss see....most of them don't even know about humans yet. We only made contact recently, when all that crazy Phantom stuff happened. We're going to take our time to properly introduce ourselves to them first. When the time is right, we'll make some recordings. Who will make those? That's not up to me."

"Alright, thank you."


I was about to let someone else ask a question, but then noticed one of our medical staff approaching. Why he didn't use the other entrance, I will never know. He took the press entrance, which means that he passes everyone inside the room, until I hear him whispering to the President behind me. Since they are whispering, I can only assume that the doctor is being briefed about what just happened.

"Rather not, Mr President, it's better to remove it in our infirmary, using our sterile equipment." He then raised his hands "alright, alright, I was only following procedure."

"I know, but please take it off now." The President said, but now clearly audible to me, and probably to the audience as well.

"Mister President, will this help?" Army General Cameron Mills presented a rather sturdy looking knife to the President. He must have seen the President trying to remove the bandages himself, but they seem more like a gypsum cast than ordinary bandages.

The President looks beyond surprised. 
"General, weren't you frisked like everyone else?" A grin appeared on his face.

"Sure I was, sir." The General replied, knowing that the President could read between the lines. He's a General for a reason.

"Ha ha ha.....good one, Cameron. Thanks for the knife." He then looks at the doctor. "Do I need to spell it out to you? you do it?"


And sure enough, the doctor is carefully using the knife to free the President from his cast. After a few intense minutes, the deed was done, and the knife returned.

The President looks at his arm, then says in the microphones "it's completely healed! Thank you, Kara!"

"My pleasure, sir." She bowed to him, forgetting once more that bowing isn't a thing here.

The audience is applauding, but I also see people who don't seem convinced that this was real. Well, they'll find out one day.

The President then thanked the doctor, who left us after he had picked up the remains of the cast. 

"Yes, this is much better." He makes a few wild gestures with his arm, probably to check that it won't fall off.

I make eye contact with the President and whisper "you're on in a minute, sir." He nodded, after which I continued to address the audience.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I know that the concept of magic is a hard one to grasp, so we'll make sure to invite the scientific community to future demonstrations as well. It may look like a cheap trick, but what happened here just now was absolutely real.

Everyone, thank you once more for your time. Also, a word of thanks to everyone who has supported this project in one way or another. Thank you." I bowed, just like Kara did and had to wait a moment due to them still clapping.

"There will be drinks and snacks for everyone soon, but right now I would like to hand over the word to the President of the United States, who will address the nation." I look at the President and say while giving him a polite nod and gesturing towards the dais "Mr President."

"Thank you, Miss Whitfield." The President approaches the microphones and starts his address, while Kara and I leave the dais.




"My fellow Americans and people watching this broadcast from all over the world. It is with great pride that I can confirm the validity of everything Miss Whitfield has revealed to you. 

The Kitsune and the portal are very real and the Phantoms are no longer a threat. Magic truly exists, even though I find it hard to believe, like many of you. But since my arm was healed, just like that, I must admit that I'm now a believer. In any case, expect a more thorough scientific approach on the matter soon.

I won't take much from your time, since we have a few surprises planned for you to celebrate our victory over not one but two Queens.

While many people have significantly contributed to our victory in the Phantom war, a few deserve to be mentioned with special honors. Miss Whitfield, join me if you will."

Huh? Why? I quickly rush over next to him, assuming to discuss something, but he seems to have other plans. He raises his hand to show me that I should wait.

"Attention!" Hayes shouted from behind me, startling me, and making me stand at attention at once.

Seeing Hayes' grin, that was exactly what he wanted to achieve. He takes my hat from Kara and puts it on my head, rather forcefully, but forgot that my ears are in the I needed to fix that first.

The President however seems absolutely serious when I stand in front of him.

With a loud voice he says "Miss order to properly reward your exceptional skills and continuous efforts in maintaining diplomatic relations with the Kitsune, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant."

Wow. "Em...thank you, Mr President. I accept with gratitude."

"Well said, Staff Sergeant Whitfield, but there's more. Your Air Force rank was first limited to the Vanguard Base project. However, I now confirm that your rank is a genuine, unrestricted rank within the US Air Force, with all the appropriate privileges and duties."

"Thank you very much, Mr President." I'm not sure what kind of consequences this will have for me, but I'm not going to worry about that right now.


The President smiles, but then once more speaks in a loud voice.

"Miss Whitfield....

-for fighting Phantoms at close range while acting as a commanding officer, resulting in saving the lives of Purcellville citizens...
-for devising highly unorthodox strategies to successfully kill both Queens in two worlds on the same day, in a situation where conventional tactics and weapons were ineffective...
-for helping to save billions of lives world-wide..... have shown heroism that goes above and beyond the call of duty. As President of The United States of America, I hereby award you the Medal of Honor. May you wear it with pride."

I don't know what to say, and the audience remains quiet as well.

The President hands me a small wooden box, which is already open to show a rather impressive looking medal and ribbon. 

"Thank you, Mr. President. While I accept this with gratitude, for the record...fighting the Phantoms was a collective effort. We wouldn't have won the war without the help of many people, like my commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Hayes. So I will accept it on behalf of all those people. Thank you everyone!" I hold the box high up in the air, for all to see.

People around me applaud once more, and that makes me blush. It's embarrassing to be in the spotlight like this!

"AT EASE!" Hayes shouts, but it had the opposite effect on me at first.

Hayes' shout quieted the room immediately. Yep, not only looks intimidating...he is intimidating.


The President whispers something to me, then says "Generals Mills and Pearson, I will speak to you in private soon regarding your contributions. Lieutenant-Colonel Hayes, please step forward."

Hayes steps forward, and once more he looks intimidating.

As ordered by the President, I now shout "Attention!" And while Hayes already stood at attention, he definitely looked surprised at me for a moment.

"For your exceptional skills in leading this project in times of war and for your invaluable contribution to the defense of this country during an enemy attack, I hereby promote you to the rank of Colonel."

"Thank you Mr President. It's an honor."

"At ease, Colonel!" I shouted. And judging by Hayes' expression, I'm going to be shot soon.


The President continues to address the nation.
"Ladies and gentlemen, now please allow me to discuss the future of Vanguard Base.

All personnel currently serving on Vanguard Base will be relocated to other facilities where they will continue to demonstrate their professionalism, share their experiences and bring honor to this nation. This facility has never been under exclusive military control, but the military made this project happen. But since the existential reason for Vanguard Base has ended, so will the military presence. 

In a few months time, control of this facility will be transferred to a soon to be established NGO, initially tasked with securing the portal.

The tanks, radar dome and other defenses will all soon be removed. The buildings will be adapted to facilitate travel and trade between our two worlds. Of course the security near the portal will remain tight, but it won't require the support of the military any longer. 

The committee will be formed by people from many nations, who will also review the activities in this location. More details will follow soon.

And finally, Miss Whitfield will join the Kitsune on Negawa to promote trade and cultural exchange between our two worlds. She will continue to report to the Air Force, but will also advise the committee. 

And as she already said earlier....we have a few surprises left for you. Mr and Mrs Whitfield, if you would please join me."

Huh? Did he really just say that? 

And sure enough, I see mom and dad approaching us! She's wearing her best dress, and dad is wearing his best suit and necktie. I rush over them, not caring in the slightest about etiquette.

"Mom, dad!"  

Everyone's staring at us when we hug. Mom's eyes are teary and so are mine. But it seems that the President doesn't want to wait for us to stop hugging.

"Miss Whitfield and family, please join me on the dais." The President said. We join him, and he shakes hands with them.

"A while ago I promised to find a way to let Miss Whitfield visit her family, since her duties and her Kitsune appearance prevented her from doing so. And as you can see, I finally fulfilled my promise. No, please wait, Miss Whitfield.

Since you will now be working fulltime as an ambassador, or Liaison as your official title is called, visiting your parents will still be difficult. For this reason the Government has approved an exceptional measure, since it is in the best interest of this nation.

Your parents, Miss Whitfield, will soon be moving closer to this location. They will receive assistance, courtesy of the USAF. You and your family will also have priority access to the portal, allowing you to visit each other."

"Thank you, Mr President!" I almost shouted, which surprised him. He smiles at us, then continues.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes this press conference. Please join me outside for one last little surprise. After that the room next door will open, where snacks and drinks have been prepared for all to celebrate our victory. Thank you." 

The President was greeted by a cheering and clapping crowd, after which people slowly started to make their way outside as guided by our staff.


Mom, dad and Kara follow me outside where I need to wait a bit for the next surprise.

Mom looks at me, smiling big time while touching my arm to feel the uniform's fabric. 
"Essie, is that really you? Just look at a real uniform!"

"Eh he he... yeah...stuff happened, mom."

"You really are an unlucky girl, Essie. Even changing into a Kitsune!"

Hayes must have heard this, while sneaking up on us.
"Ma'am we prefer the term disaster magnet."

And of course everyone needs to laugh at my expense. 

"Ha ha ha, that works too, mister Hayes." Dad said.

"No, mom....I'm not unlucky. I'm actually the luckiest girl ever." I put my arm around Kara's shoulders.

" two.....I'm so happy for you! See, my tarot cards never lie!!"

Dad is taking a deep breath before he replies "dear....not now. Essie, my god, look at you...we're so proud of you, honey! And Kara, welcome to the family."

"Thank you, sir." Kara said, while bowing. Yeah, we still need to work on her use of honorifics.

"Dad, thanks, but we're not married, okay?" I said.

"Oooh, you're getting married?" Mom said, looking really excited.

"Mooooom, I didn't say that! It's just.....god, dad made it sound as if we were. We're just....really, really, really, really......okay, whatever, Kara, welcome to the family." I shrug and give up.

"Thank you, Essie. You's only fair that you should meet my parents now too." She leans against me, putting her arm around my waist.

"Em....hadn't thought about that, honestly. Do they live in our city?"

"Not...quite. You see, they live in a village in the Silby Shores."

"Wait....that's where you said I was from! You know, in that restaurant?"

"Exactly, but it's only a one week journey there. Three days by carriage. It's a farming village, and you'll love our harvest festivals." She almost sounded like a travel advisor for a moment.

"Wow....okay. Three days by carriage you said? Maybe I'll get my hands on a jeep. But nevermind that."

Just when I was about to give her a peck on her cheek, Hayes interrupted me.  
"Essie, it's showtime. Give the signal, they are standing by right now."

"Yes, sir!"


I quickly found a quiet spot where I used my radio to signal.....well....someone. It's a surprise after all.


After I join my family again, I hear in the distance what I just ordered...a fly-by! And while everyone is staring at the skies, I covertly kiss Kara, because...well, I don't really need to have a specific reason for kissing her. But we don't need to be embarrassed, because people are distracted by five loud F-35 jet fighters flying in formation low over our heads. They are followed by the F-16 Thunderbird air demonstration squadron, who release colored smoke behind them. The noise is incredibly loud, but it's part of the fun!

Next are dozens of Chinooks, Apaches and Blackhawk helicopters who wake up everyone in Purcellvile who had missed the F-35s.

And the crowd....they're definitely enjoying the show.



After this little surprise, I caught up with my parents. They are proud of me, even when I'm now one of them, yeah, that meant much to me.

We discussed their moving here, which is great of course, but it also means that I won't spend another day in the home I grew up in. Well, life is all about making sacrifices, and I don't mind making this one.

After a while, mom and dad left us so they could start packing.



Kara and I joined Hayes in his office once more.

"So....I guess this is it?" I said, while looking around in his office.

"Sure looks like it. Or do you expect to find more Queens out there?"

"Eh....nope. Only smiling Phantoms are all around us."

"Good, that's exactly what I wanted to hear, Sergeant."

"He he'll take a while to get used to that."

"Don't let it get to your head. You're the Liaison first and foremost."

"Yeah, it's just that it sounds cool. But I's the diplomacy which I should work on."

"Exactly. Give it some time, Essie. Finally you can have some time for the good stuff. No longer watching over your shoulder all the time....or pulling me into your mind-space whenever you felt like it. Good times."

"Ha ha ha. We can still do that, you know?"

"Yeah...I'm good. When will your buddies leave Earth?" Hayes seems in the mood to talk business.

"They are recharging, so to speak. Oscar said they'll need a few more weeks. Some of them are itching to leave right now, others have left already."

"You should have told me. Some people might still see them as a threat."

"I know, but they can fly insanely fast. Besides, they decide when they leave, not me. They are free...I'm not controlling them."

"Right, I forgot. So we'll have to wait a few more weeks, and then life on Earth should be returning to normal."

"Better than normal even. We now have our mana to ourselves. Who knows what kind of impact it will have on the weather! It's always great on Negawa!"

"Well, we'll see what happens. One thing still bothers me, Essie. Why was there a Queen in both worlds?"

"Good question....let me ask.......ah, they say....they don't want to be remembered. But they answered anyway...this time.

They landed on Earth first, many centuries ago. And some Phantoms crossed worlds through the Negawa. It was only a matter of time before the Queen laid her eggs.....and sent a Queen to the other side, taking some Phantoms with her."

" in plural? Did you really just say that? Don't tell me....she laid eggs?" Hayes seems really serious now.

"No, please, relax, Colonel. They assured me that not a single egg of their former oppressor will hatch....ever. And I trust them in this matter."

"Trust is good, proof is better. I need the proof, Essie." This sounded like an order to me.

"Then let's scan the ocean floors together in mind-space. Only alternative is to wait for a visual confirmation from inside a new type of research submarine."

"We're working on that, but we're still a few years away from deployment. But how big are those eggs?"

I offer my hand to Hayes. "Join me."

"Not again, Essie!"



We're now surrounded by nothing but nature in a beautiful meadow. Life is peaceful here, wherever it may be. Even the birds greet us with their gentle and happy songs.

"This is my mind-space right now. Just you and me....and a few million Phantoms. Give or take a million. I will now bring you to the sea floor...don't be startled, it's like watching TV."


And just like that we're standing on the seafloor. Hayes is still getting his bearings, looking all around him. It's not his first time in mind-space, but an awesome view is still exactly that.

"My god! You can really see everywhere on Earth?"

A Phantom swims towards us and sniffs at Hayes, then quickly leaves us, but not before Hayes takes a few steps back...just in case.

"Amazing." He adds.

"Yes, it never gets old." I said.

He points at something else, far in the distance. "What is that?"

It looks like sunlight, shimmering in the distance. "I dunno. Not sure yet, but I think this is the local Earth's version of mind-space. Think internet, but better. And that in the distance...might be a long distance call to another mind-space. Who knows what kind of species are also using mind-space? But it's only speculation right now, so best to ignore that thing." 

Finally he notices the broken egg shells lying all around us. 
"My god...I hadn't realized....I thought they were rocks....but these are egg shells, aren't they?"

"Sure are. Big, aren't they?"

"Too big, Essie. Are they all gone?"

"The Phantoms seem to think so, and they are really sensitive about the topic."

"I can imagine that."

"Does this answer your question?"

"It does, Essie. I will brief the General. Can you....end this....thing?"




"Thanks. Do you mind sharing this with the folks at R&D sometime soon? They'll love this kind of stuff."

"Sure. Is it in Area 51?"

He looks surprised. "Are you psychic now too?"

"Ha ha ha, nope...I would have won the lottery by Just a lucky guess."

He shakes his head and takes another deep breath. "You're quite something. How about you and Kara take a few days off? Talk to Nanako, keep her happy, that kind of stuff? It gives me the time to finish a few loose ends around here."

"Of course, in that case we'll be leaving now, so....see you soon?"

"Yup, see you guys soon. Oh, and tell Nanako that she's welcome the day after tomorrow. It's almost Halloween so we thought it was nice to give something back to the community who graciously allowed us to stay in their park all this time. It's just that we didn't know that the whole Phantom thing would be over by then, so we'll make it extra special."

"Aww....that's nice! And Nanako will definitely love Halloween."

"Yes, and the best part is that she doesn't even have to change, she's scary as is. Oh, better not tell her."

"Ha ha ha...agreed. See you at Halloween!"