Chapter 27: fluffy minds think alike
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When we stepped through the portal, wearing our Kitsune dresses, and set foot in the Avern Woods, we once more observed the total devastation to the forest. The tanks are still parked here, waiting to be shipped back to Earth. Even the tents are still standing there, but the soldiers we encounter don't seem to be in a particular hurry, which is a welcome sight after all that happened recently. Not a welcome sight is all the mud all around us, making it difficult for us to walk through.



When we finally arrived back home, in our cozy cottage in the Kitsune city Arkhan, we first inspected our bedroom. And sure has arrived.

"'s definitely...bigger." I said, wondering how they even managed to get it inside.

"Yup, and fluffier...sturdier....exactly what we need." Kara said while smiling mischievously.

"Uh-huh. How about a nice relaxing fluffing session tonight? I really miss fluffing you."

Kara smiles and lets her head rest on my shoulder. "Same here. I'm so happy that we can finally have a normal life together. They even want you to stay here. It's all I could ever hope for."

"Yeah....and I'm really looking forward to staying here. Just you and me and our sleeper...."

"He he he....." Her laugh suggests that I might have missed something.

"Kara? Are you trying to tell me something?"

"Nope, not at all. You really surprised me when you told all those humans in that room that you fell in love with me."

"You mean the press conference?" I feel her nodding against my shoulder. "I did more than that, Kara. People from all over the world were looking at us on TV. I mean...theoretically every human on the planet heard me say that."

She steps back and blinks a few times. "Wow, I didn't realize that. So....that means I have to reward you tonight."

"Ohhh.....I like the sound of that. Anything special?"

"Yes, you'll be really warm tonight." She said.

"Em....I'm always warm when we're together."

"Eh he he.....I won't reveal more."


I decided to let her have her fun and not continue the guessing game, so we sat down in the living room to make a few plans. We still need to work on our spartan interior decorations. We also need to invite Nanako for Halloween, and somehow plan a trip to Kara's parents.

We talked to our neighbors for a while, and both elderly couples were beyond happy with their new sleepers. Our closest neighbors invited us for tea, which we happily accepted. 

After visiting the neighbors, the two of us went to the marketplace to eat at a restaurant, since Kara will need some time to get fresh ingredients for cooking. Even that...going to the marketplace, is now something to look forward to. The two of us will be spending lots of time together, and I wouldn't want to have it any other way.


When daylight slowly grew dim, making way for another starry night, I felt at home once more. This place is perfect for me. More relaxed pace of life, nice people, and lots of fluffy tails to admire everywhere I look. 

Once the time to fluff had finally arrived, just like before, Kara undressed extra slowly, just to tease me. 

She sits down in the sleeper, facing me. "Ohhh....this sleeper is so soft! It will be perfect!"

" had a surprise for me?"

"Alright, my love." She gently puts her hands on my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss.

" lipstick?"

"He he he.....yes, especially for you. Oreo flavored."

" have those here as well?"

"Huh? Oreo flowers?" She gave me that weird but super cute Kitsune look again, tilting her head really far.

"Ah, nevermind. They are cookies on Earth, and...whatever. Your lips taste like...let me try again....mmm...cherry I think?"

She smiles, looking alternatingly at my eyes and my lips...then kisses me again.  
"And yours..mmmm....taste like Omonroot." 

"Mmm.....nope. Mine are strawberry flavored." I said. I mean...I bought them, so I should know.

"Is this the first evidence? That gods weren't lazy all the time, and really thought of new names?"

"Kara.....who cares about them?" I said, sounding love. Just look at those sweet cherry flavored lips of hers.

"He he he, good point. So....are you feeling warmer already?" She too is staring at my lips, but also keeps checking my ears. What message would they be telling her now? I hope it's a good one.

"Now that you mention it...yeah. How is that even possible?"

"That would be my surprise." She kissed me on my nose.

"Kara....c'mon tell me."

"Of course. Goddess, your ears are so soft." She then blinks a few times, swallows and leans back. "Remember when I said that there are gems to help you stop when you are in heat....and..other gems that do the opposite?"

"Yeah? You mean......?"

"Uh-huh.. I used those gems on us, one for us both. When we hugged I let the gem touch your back. It takes an hour to start working."

" that's why you suddenly wanted to hug?"

"Uh huh. I hope you won't mind? It was a surprise, so I will ask next time."

"It's okay for now, but yes, please ask next time. Imagine that Nanako had invited me to meet the Royal Family, and you are the only thing on my mind. They would probably kick us out of our cottage."

"Good point. I promise, Essie." She moves closer to me and once more our lips touch.

"I love you so much, Kara. Your ears, your tail....your smile. And your eyes...I could drown in them..staring at them forever. Everything about you is perfect."

"Eh he's starting to work. Your ears...I can tell."

"Kara, ...just checking.... is it safe?"

"Very safe...and nice."

"Soo... I mean...I'm too young for kids."

"Huh? Ha ha ha ha! So that's what you meant. Essie, I'll tell you later how that works. Kissing me won't get you pregnant."

I'm blushing now, because it's really warm in this sleeper.
"Oh..that's...good to know."

She looks a bit more serious right now. 
"But, Essie...there are other gems for that. I mean...if we want to have kids..someday..."

I'm feeling flabbergasted, while blinking.
"You mean...we.. theoretically could have kids?"

"Not only theoretically. Would you want to have a litter?" She's smiling, and her question is a genuine one. She's not teasing me.

"Wow...I forgot. Having 4 or 5 kids at once. It sounds like it's a bit much. Can you even raise 5 kids at once?"

"You have lots of love in your heart, I won't mind sharing a bit and having a family someday."
Another kiss and more cherry flavor make me smile again.

" don't really object to the thought?"

"No....not as long as you will be the pregnant one. But more than one litter seems a bit much."

This time I took the initiative to kiss her.
"Kara, you're amazing, but let's wait with that. First more fluffing. Ahhh.....I see what you mean. Your ears ...they're acting differently. Fully focused on me now. God they look so delicious."

"Yours too. I want to undress you." Kara said.

"'re an animal, Kara."

"Eh he he....and you're my pretty prey."

"I surrender to those beautiful lips of yours." Her hands managed to remove my bra, after which she removed her own. Then she moved in for the kill, sitting right in front of me, kissing me non-stop while I hugged her.

"I have more...interesting....gems. Do you want....." She whispered with her now very sensual voice.

"Not until we're officially a couple." I whispered, pretending to be serious.

She then looked at me, disappointed, but only for a brief moment.

"Kara...a joke. I thought you never asked."



Suffice to say that our extraordinary fluffing session had resulted in extreme physical pleasure only a Kitsune could ever hope to experience. And luckily I am one, so we're definitely going to make a habit of this.

We went to bed early, cuddling, simply because we were drained of all energy. Even the fluffing wasn't energizing enough to recharge our batteries this time. Perhaps it's the cozy cottage itself, the quiet nature around us or the fluffy sleeper which looked too inviting....we were asleep in record time.
The gentle sound of our curtain's bells swaying in the wind woke me up in the middle of the night.

Beeeeep.  I heard a single note, barely audible, like someone's playing a flute, but ever so gently.

And that last beeeep made me sit up straight in my sleeper. Kara is still sleeping...bad maid. Well...good maid, bad assassin more precisely. It wasn't one of our bells, but definitely resembled the sound a flute would produce.

I quickly change into my dress and then carefully check the cottage for intruders, but find none. Suddenly I observe suspicious movements outside. 

A man is walking in our back garden, which is basically only a stone path with some grass. It's the first time that I see it pouring here, which must have also caused the winds to increase. And the poor man seems to be dragging a suitcase of sorts with him. He's wearing something against the rain, and is not trying to hide himself at all. If anything, he's trying to be very visible. Light is shining from his hand, which is probably their equivalent of a flashlight. Smaller, dimmer lights are attached to his back, probably to show people that he's not a rogue.

"Em...excuse me?" I said, whispering loud enough for him to hear me and not wake up anyone else.

The man immediately looks at me, definitely startled by my voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" He whispers, then walks over to me.

"Not really. May I ask what you're doing in the rain?"

"Trying to work, miss. But the rain is making it difficult to light a fire."

"Ahh.....then why don't you come inside and share some tea with me?"

He immediately drops whatever he was carrying and follows me inside.
"Thank you, that's really nice of you, miss."

I put my finger on my lips and say " friend is asleep."

He nods and removes his shoes before he walks further inside. A true gentleman, it seems. His jacket stays near the entrance as well.

"May I wash my hands first?" He whispered. 


I find the kitchen light and put the gem on its lowest setting. Yep, we can do that too, nice isn't it?

After a few moments, he finished washing his hands and I prepared the tea. It didn't take more than a few minutes before a total stranger joined me at our kitchen table.


"Thank you, miss."

"Please call me Essie, I never liked formality."

"Ah, then please call me Koba. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. Nice name..Koba. It reminds me of a story I once heard. About a warrior. Koba..shi...something."

"Kobashigawa. Yes, my parents told me that story many times."

"So...Koba...if you don't mind me asking...why are you working in the middle of the night, in the rain no less?"

He grimaced. "Because I need to charge people's toilet gems."

" there's really a gem in there?"

"Uh-huh. You are not offended by that?"

"Why would I be? Someone needs to do the job. Besides, you washed your hands."

"Thank you for that. Most people don't like what I do. That's the reason why this job is usually only done at night."

" that. Well....when I first learned how the toilet works, I found it fascinating. I used to live somewhere where they don't use gems. We had to flush our.....stuff....away with water."

"How uncivilized." He sips his tea. "Mmm....delicious. The only thing I don't like about our toilets is that they are still basically planks with a hole in them. For all our efforts to improve on our ancestor's discoveries, the best solution for the toilet still eludes us."

"I see what you mean. Well, the stuff still needs to go somewhere, doesn't it? And the design is simple and effective. Maybe that's why nobody bothers to change it?"

"Perhaps. Well, at least we've made some progress. You see, my grandfather still had to clean the...waste....with tools. By using manual labor. Now I only need to charge a gem. My work is nothing compared to his efforts."

"Interesting. So gems are still a relatively new invention then?"

"Absolutely! In the Palace for example, people would do their thing in shafts built into the walls.....where people like my grandfather needed to remove the contents piling up below. And only at night of course. They were paid by the volume. So while it was hard work, it also paid pretty well. It beat being a soldier back then."

"I can imagine that. Strange how life changes how we do our work. It seems like things always need to change."

"True. But perhaps that's a good thing. It keeps things interesting, don't you think?"

"Agreed. But sometimes it's nice to see that things are still the same. Like when you return home and everything is still the way you left it. Your neighbors are still there. The flowers are still blooming. That sort of stuff. So...just being curious here. Did you perhaps use a flute to signal your presence?"

"Uh-huh. This one." He shows me a simple flute on a necklace. It's like a pan flute, but only with three small sticks. And yet it seems to work. 

"Amazing. Why would you do that?"

"To let people know that I'm there. I don't want to find a knife in my back, for people mistaking me for a rogue. That's also why I have those glowing gems on my jacket."

"Yeah...thought as much. Oh, cookies?" I shoved the cookie jar to him.

"Don't mind if I do! Mmm.....these taste good. Expensive?"

"Not at all. I'm an ambassador....or something like that. They sell these cookies in a nearby Kingdom. You can have as many as you want. My friend can't stop eating them, so you're doing her a favor." I made sure to smile.

He smiles. "Somehow I doubt that." He raised his voice, and focused his eyes on something behind me.

"Em...she's standing behind me, isn't she?" 

He carefully nods.

When I turn around, I see Kara's smiling face and she's wrapped in a blanket.

"It's okay, may I join you? I'm......hungry for cookies."

"See what I mean?" I said. "Just kidding. Tea?"

"Yes, please, Essie. Sorry for asking, but is something wrong?" Kara asked.

"No, not at all. It was raining and he could use a break."

"Oooooh, like that. Just relax, I didn't mean anything by that." Kara didn't mean to imply that he was unwelcome.

"See? She's nice." I said to Koba.

"Yup, both of you are. Well....if you don't mind. I really should go back to work."

"Wait.....I have an umbrella. Would that help you? Ah, let me show you."

He followed me to the entrance where I showed him how to use my compact umbrella. I'll buy a new one soon. 

"Thank you, miss! This really helps when I need to light a fire to link the gems in this rain!"

"Just don't be surprised if it stops working. The thing is cheap. Tell me if it breaks. I'll buy you a better one. Just please keep our toilet working."

"Ha ha ha....that's a promise. Thank you again, and have a good night!"

And just like that we finished our tea and cuddled in our sleeper. 



"Kara, who pays him?"

"Shh..go to sleep. Taxes."

"Ahhhhhhh...taxes. The universal pain and a truly universal constant."

Somehow this little nightly chat was really relaxing and I fell asleep pretty quickly. Might have had something to do with Kara's ear scratching skills though.



After a very restful night, Kara and I both decided that today should be all about fun.

The Wizard's Association is close to the Palace, so we're hoping to see a few wizards in action. But we'll first swing by the Palace and see if Nanako is available for Halloween on Earth.


After waiting for half an hour for Nanako to appear, she finally joined us, right in front of the Palace's gate, and of course she first hugged us. She then asked if we would like to join her for tea, but instead we invited Halloween. 

"Nanako, we were wondering if you would like to join us tomorrow. Hayes told us that the festival of Halloween will soon be held. And it's a really special one. Are you up for it?" I know it's not called that, but these people have no idea what Halloween even means, so I mentioned that it's a festival.

"What?!!! A festival??! I will be there!!! Give me a minute!" And she rushes back inside the Palace while pulling the edges of her incredibly expensive looking dress to prevent her from falling.

Kara looks at me and says "which part of tomorrow didn't she get?"

"Ha ha ha....I was about to say the same!"


Finally, after ten minutes, Nanako appeared. But this time she's wearing a rather simple dress. She's basically wearing something similar to our dresses now. Not sure if they are commoner's clothes, but it beats the stuff she usually wears around here.

"Wow....that suits you, Nanako." I said, meaning it as a true compliment. Kara also said something similar.

Nanako's face is flushed from all the compliments. "Thank you, you two. So...when do we leave?"

"Nanako........the festival is tomorrow. As more night sleeping, then going to Earth?" I made sure to smile.

"Huh? Oh. Ooooohhhhh....what a pity." Nanako seems really disappointed. She must have really thought that we could go today.

"But.....we could go today......I mean....if you want? The sleeper on Earth is big enough, right, Essie?" Kara said.

"Sure, let's go today." I nodded.

"I'd love to! And as you can guards. I trust you two!" Nanako is beyond excited and our little get-together is starting to feel like a girls-only fun day out.

"So, Kara, ....are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I said.

"You mean, not one, not two, but three fluffs?"

"Yep, you read my mind. For science!" I said while thrusting my hand into the air.

"For the good of Kitsune everywhere!" Kara said while bumping her fist into my hand.

Nanako blinked a few times, then said "eh.......for pleasure!" and put both her hands around our hands for a moment.

"Ha ha ha......yes, that's guaranteed." I said.

What else can we do other than hug her? I mean, we all know she needs it. And that's exactly what we did.... a group hug.

"Aawwwwww..." Some random people walking by seem to share in our happiness.


"So, we were thinking, Nanako. Today should be all about fun, so...will you join us at the Wizard's Association?"

Her happy smile slowly vanished.
"Why would you even want to go there?"

Okaaaaay.... "Simple....fluff investigations."  I winked at her.

"Investigations? Ahh........ those kinds of investigations! Okay, I'm in!"

"Ha ha ha, you catch on quickly. Do you know the way?"

"Follow me, friends!" And Nanako led the way to the Wizards Association.


Not even five minutes later could we see the Association's sign already. A pointy hat with lots of stars. Nanako seems to love playing the incognito game, and is pretending to be one of our neighbors.

When we enter the Wizard's Association, we're basically entering another world. This place is...awesome!

A broomstick is carefully sweeping the floor without anyone touching it. The ceiling shows a bright collection of slowly moving stars, as if they are being projected from somewhere. Just entering the place is like entering a theme park.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" A smiling young man said, while trying to figure out which one of us ladies would be talking to him. And that would be me.

"Good morning to you too, dear sir. We were hoping to speak to a wizard for a moment. We have observed a strange magical phenomenon, and would like to share it in return for some thoughts on the matter."

"I see. Sure, we could do that. You share your information and we tell you what we know. No coins involved?"


"Can you....please tell me about it?"

"'s pretty.....personal. I don't want other people seeing this, but we could definitely demonstrate it."

"Very well. I assume you'll need a bit more privacy?"

"Yes, please."

"Of course. Would you be more comfortable with one of our female associates?"

"Em....if it's not too much to ask, yes please."

"By all means, give me a minute."


After a few minutes we were greeted by a lady, probably in her forties. She's apparently skilled in the magic arts as well, and introduced herself as a sorceress. She motions us to follow her into a room.

"Then follow me please."

We follow her inside what looks to be an examination room.

"Will this place suffice?" The lady asked.

"Sure, now please lower the lights, if you could."

She claps her hands once and the lights are reduced already.


"That's nothing, miss. This is the Wizard's Association. We call them tricks, because everyone can do that around here. Whenever you are ready."

" you think.....I could fluff your tail? I want to show her the sparks."

"If it's for the future of all Kitsune.....yes."

" make it sound very mysterious, miss." The lady said.

"Because it is. Can you please guarantee our privacy? While we don't mind sharing this discovery, we don't want....the attention."

"Of course, of course. I guarantee. Feel free to start whenever you want."


This time we sat down on a chair, which looked a bit more civilized than using a sleeper or sitting on the floor. Kara allowed me to fluff her tail, but she tried really hard not to show how much she was enjoying this session. I may have been responsible for a few gentle moans, but I'll make it up to her soon enough. And sure enough, after another minute, the sparks are back.

"Wow...that magic!" The sorceress said, while I simply continued the fluffing.

The blue sparks are increasing in size until they turn green.....and it ends when Kara's face turns upwards towards the ceiling, and releases another primordial "ARF!" At that point I got zapped too, but the lady as well...because she was investigating the sparks from up close.

"By all that is holy! That was impressive!" She simply said. It sounds like she's blushing, but the lights are too low to verify that.

I hugged Kara for a moment, well....because she had earned it.

The lady stares at Kara's tail for a moment, then makes eye contact with me. "It seems you have truly discovered something unique. From what I could see, your hands were releasing life magic, which was absorbed by her tail. Then her own life magic mixed with yours and was sent back along the same path, resulting in those sparks as you called them. A very interesting name for that. Is that all you wanted to show me?"

"Em...not quite. It seems that practicing this......frequently... will result in mana improvements."

"Could you be.....more specific?" She's frowning, but never stops being polite.


"Wooooow! What is THAT?!" She looks at the dancing lights around me. "Mmmm......this appears to be...highly focused mind-magic, fueled How ingenious! To channel life-energy through your mind to change it into these lights!"

"Em....if you say so? For me it No skills involved."

Nanako mumbles "even brighter than last time...someone has been busy lately...."

I simply ignored her, and focused on the sorceress who said "I beg to differ. This alone would cost years to master....and you are able to simply call for it? Just by mentioning the name?"

"It would seem so, yes."

"I will discuss this with the master. I will honor our agreement and won't charge for the analysis. would be best if you could visit us again. The master needs to see this, and I'm sure he's willing to pay for this. This is new...uncharted territory!"

"Yes, like I said!" Nanako decided to say something again. Well, at least Kara seems to have returned to reality after her demonstration, poor girl.

"Yeah....yes you did, Nanako. Tonight we will do more charting. Oh, that reminds me, sorceress...there is more."

"There...there is?" Again I'm greeted by that weird head-tilting. I really want to know when and why they do that, since it seems to happen randomly.

"Yes, when two or more people....fluff....their tails together...the effect is enhanced. It's also quite......pleasant...if you know what I mean."

"Oh....perhaps...I should try this myself?" The lady tried to hide her smile, but failed miserably.

"I think that would be...wise. It will benefit your mana doubt about it."

"In that case, thank you very much for sharing. Your privacy is guaranteed. Do other people know about this?"

"Em....yes. Our neighbors and the Palace. But they are focusing on the....pleasurable....effects. Not the mana development."

"I see. Well....thank you once more. Please consider visiting us again soon. As I already said, there will be some coins in it for your trouble. Lots of coins."

She clapped her hands to return the lights to full brightness again, making us blink.

"Alright, then we will definitely visit you again. In the meantime we'll continue experimenting with this, so perhaps we can exchange....notes soon?"

She's definitely blushing! "That....I'm looking forward to that. You seem to prefer a methodical approach so your notes will prove to be invaluable."

"Same for you. Then please excuse us, we will be attending a festival in another city."

"Ladies, it has been an honor. Please allow me to show you out."

She then showed us out and even held the curtain open for us, since they don't have doors.


But before we could leave, my radio came to life, as witnessed by the sorceress.

"Merlin, this is Viking, over."

I take my radio in my hands and show her the device. "Sorry, it's just a radio."

"I see. Show that to me next time as well. You are a treasure trove of discoveries." She smiled and retreated into the building. Not sure she actually wanted to say that to me. Awkward.



Time for me to reply. "Merlin here, over."

"Ah, there you are! We are seeing Phantom movements all around us. All except for a few on the seabed are leaving into space. It's a truly global event. I'll show you the footage, you really need to see it."

"Thanks, sir. The ones remaining need some more healing."

"Copy that. Any news?"

"Yeah.....actually. Nanako is in party-mode, sir. Can we return today?"

"Ha ha ha......sure you can. Be careful, the tanks are returning through the portal. Things can get....messy. Literally."

"Already saw that. Understood. ETA an hour or so."

"Copy, Viking...out."



"So...we're going back now?" Nanako said while jumping, clapping and grinning from excitement.

"Yup, Hayes didn't mind."

"Can't wait to see your festival!!!! Finally the real Earth will be revealed to me!"

"Yup, about time. It's just that we need to be careful when we approach the portal. The army is returning to Earth."

"Yes, I was wondering about that. I haven't been able to thank you, or even Hayes for that. I know what you did....we saw the dead Phantoms. They were big.....and close to our city...too close."

"You're welcome, Nanako. Let's not talk about that now. But I know that Hayes would appreciate it if you could say that to him."

"I will, don't worry. So the Avern Woods will be ours again soon?"

"Yes, Nanako. They are returning home as we speak. We can't fix the trees they cut down, but I'm sure the humans will want to start trade negotiations soon."

"One step at a time, Essie. But yes, trade is good. It seems you have your work cut out for you."

"I don't mind if Kara is near me, and if you could be the person I need to negotiate with."

"I will be that person, Essie." She gave me a warm smile. "But not now. Now we celebrate!"

And just like that, we headed for the portal once more.



The area around the portal is a complete warzone. Tanks are lining up, and the helicopters are being dismantled as well. Only one of the tents is still standing. These people move fast.

There's mud everywhere, and we need to be really careful not to fall down due to it being slippery. When we observe a momentary break in the ongoing activities, we take our chances and head for the portal.

"Sorry, this is no place for civilians, please return home." A guard who approached us said.

"I'm Sergeant Whitfield, returning from the city. See? This is my radio." I showed it to him, but he didn't seem impressed.

"Em...we're a bit busy, ma'am. As you can see we're having a traffic jam of sorts. I can't order the tanks aside for you to pass, but you could step inside one of the trucks." He points at a truck, waiting in line behind 10 tanks.

"I see what you mean. Safety first. We'll take the truck. Thanks for the suggestion."

He smiles because we're cooperating. "Anytime. We're on a tight schedule, expect them to move sooner rather than later."



My friends and I approach the truck driver and ask him if we can hop aboard. He simply grins and gives us a thumbs up, and now I know why. Because while we're climbing aboard, we notice that the truck is filled with soldiers. Oh boy....

Everyone is staring at us, but most men are grinning too. Time for me to address the troops.

"Good morning everyone, can we squeeze in?"

"Sure, hon. Lots of space. Ha ha ha.." One of the guys patted his knee, suggesting that we sit there. They are really enjoying this, aren't they?

"Yeah....lots of space indeed. Allow me to introduce ourselves.. I'm Sergeant Whitfield...this is Kara, an assassin, and this is her Royal Highness, Princess Nanako."

Suddenly everyone stops grinning and a few stand up to offer their seats to us. Now that is more like it!

Nanako and Kara already sat down, but I didn't.

"Ladies, please stand up." I said. And while they don't understand, they quickly stand next to me again.

I bow to them, and so do Kara and Nanako. "Men, it is an honor to drive back home with you. You have fought well and beat the crap out of one very ugly Queen. For this, you have our thanks."

"You're welcome ma'am, we appreciate the sentiment."

"It's not just a mere gesture." Nanako said. "On behalf of his Majesty, the King of these lands, thank you for protecting us. Due to your actions, both our Kingdoms will soon start trading. Now, have any of you sustained any injuries?" Nanako still seems to think that the US is a's okay for now.

All hands are raised.

"Ma'am...the wounded are going back first. All of us were injured in one way or another. Thank god it's mostly cuts and bruises. Can't say the same about the ones who died in that damn lake, mining the place."

"I didn't know about any....casualties on this side." I said in a serious tone of voice. "I'm truly sorry to hear that. Kara, can you please heal them?"

"Of course."

She immediately walked over to the first soldier and put her hand on his shoulder. "The bones in your shoulder are....damaged....let me.....there you go, good as new!"

"What the heeeeck?!! The pain is gone! Fuck! Thank you miss! Seriously!" He's moving his arm up and down to double check if it's really healed.

And just like that Kara started healing the troops. Nanako smiled at the sight and joined the healing, leaving me standing here...useless.

"Essie, healing is easy. Touch them and feel for the mana, that's all." Kara said, realizing that I felt pretty useless.

She guided my hand to someone's hand which was wrapped in bandages, blood visible through it. "Here....heal his hand."

And sure worked! I could even see the red spot reducing in size, but only a bit. After he confirmed that the pain was gone, I felt a bit dizzy. But Nanako quickly told me that's normal, so I should just continue.

Within only a few minutes we finished the healing. The ladies join me near the opening in the back, and I ask "men, can I assume that the trucks behind us also carry wounded?" I pointed at the trucks behind us with my thumb.

"Yes, ma'am! But we're healed now! We can't just sit here!"

"No, you will stay here! If anyone complains, tell them that Sergeant Whitfield has ordered you to go home. You have earned it. We will take care of the others. Not sure how many we can heal, but at least it will ease my conscience for the lake-thing. Yes...I was there when the General ordered the lake to be mined. We didn't have any choice. Please forgive me." I bowed to them again. "Excuse me."

We left the truck and ignored all the mud around us. These people fought a battle, and at least some of them didn't make it. People with families, just like me. The least we can do is heal the ones who did make it.


At one point one of the field medics got wind of our actions, and asked for our assistance. Even now, so many hours after the attack, they are performing field surgery. I can't believe it. I was having so much fun earlier, while people were dying over here. Of course we immediately helped them.

So far the traffic jam still isn't moving, but we don't have the time to worry about that. Duty calls.


So instead of heading to the portal, we went the opposite way, towards the former battlezone.

The field medic leads us to a tent, which serves as their field hospital. "Sergeant, we evacuated most soldiers yesterday already, but when the tanks started returning this morning, there was an explosion near the lake. We still don't know what happened, but it killed 3 and injured many more. I hope you have a strong stomach. These are the ones needing urgent surgery."

Great, and gone is my festive mood. But these people deserve to be helped. They deserve it, they do!


When the medic guided us to a place where at least two dozen soldiers were lying, with blooded bandages, we had to swallow for a moment. I suddenly don't care how my dress looks anymore, these people need urgent help!

I hear some soldiers groaning from pain.

"Kara, them...please." I said with tears in my eyes. I don't know why, but I feel responsible for their injuries.

I walk to the first man...and he is still so young. He should be going home, not lying here! God, not now Essie!

"Relax....I'm healing you." I gently touch his shoulder and close my eyelids. I feel something inside...his stomach or something....but as I keep concentrating...that feeling stops. It's done!

"How are you feeling now?"

"The pain! It's gone! My god...are you an angel?" He's crying from gratitude and wipes his tears away. He may be a soldier, but he's only human.

"No, soldier. I'm only a sergeant. You did well. Thank you for what you did. Don't worry, let those tears flow, you have earned it." But he's not the only one fighting against tears....mine won't stop either.


And just like that, we spent a few hours healing everyone in this field hospital. After every few healing sessions, we needed to "recharge" for a few minutes, or we would have finished sooner.

The medic thanked us for our assistance and said that the remaining injuries are manageable. From sprained ankles to broken bones, but nobody else will be needing first aid anymore. We still tried to help as many as possible, but at some point we felt exhausted and couldn't continue.

I became painfully aware of my exhaustion when I felt dizzy, stepping back. 

Suddenly I heard someone shout "careful! boxes!"


And of course I fell down. "Found them!!!!" Is all I managed to say. One of the soldiers pulled me back to my feet, after which us Kitsune left for the portal.


When we finally reached the portal, we noticed that the traffic jam had cleared, so we simply jumped in the back of a truck and arrived on Earth in no time.

Back on Earth, right there in the now dismantled portal room, seeing soldiers returning to Earth, I started to cry. I just let it all out. So much has happened, and I managed to put my feelings aside...but this time there's no stopping them.

Kara and Nanako look like I do, one big crying muddy mess. I'm so tired...dirty, and an emotional wreck. I want to go home see my mom and dad...but I can't, they are hundreds of miles away from here.

A few soldiers inquired if we were okay, but I always replied "we are okay now. We saw the was god awful."


When I finally managed to pull myself together, I dragged the others to the VIP room, where we took a shower and then dressed in an Air Force camouflage suit. I guess Hayes already knew how bad things were, and that we wouldn't be arriving with pristine looking dresses.


Knock knock.

But I'm too tired to open the door, and frankly, so are the others.

So the door opens anyway, and I see Hayes standing there. He closes the door behind him and activates the lights inside. We hadn't even noticed the sun setting.

"I heard what you did out there. All three of you. Healing them. On behalf of their families....thank you. If there is anything you me. I know you are exhausted, I can see it in your eyes, so don't feel the need to reply.

I'll send something over for you to eat. And when you are done eating, I want you to forget what you saw. Tomorrow is Halloween. Just like those soldiers, you too have the right to live. Once more you three managed to surprise me. Now take your rest. And Essie, I'm ordering you to show Nanako and Kara the real Earth tomorrow, so all three of you better be brimming with energy in the morning. So if you think that fluffing will help to achieve it."

He winked at me. "Good night.....and thank you."

He closes the door behind him and leaves us be. For a moment I thought he would get emotional, but he didn't.

"I may have misjudged him." Nanako said. "He's a good guy after all."

"He sure is." I replied. "Let's eat and sleep a bit. It's still early, and I think only fluffing will help to make us feel better. What do you think?"

"Sounds like a plan." Kara said, while lying down in the sleeper.

"That's why I'm here in the first place," Nanako said with a big grin.

How can I not smile now? "Alright then. Let's see what Hayes has ordered for us."



This time we received Mexican take out. Burritos, and what I believe to be a spicy tomato soup filled with vegetables and some undefinable and yet really delicious seasonings. The spiciness was incredible, probably because our Kitsune taste buds aren't used to this at all.

Hayes hit the nail on the head with this, as this comfort food was simply amazing. Our drinks were a few soda cans, which managed to put out our fires.

When we had finished eating, we put aside the leftovers and started the fluffing process. Hayes basically ordered me to fluff, so I have to follow his orders!



We all sit in the sleeper, close together, facing each other, while still wearing our camouflage uniforms.

Kara teases me a few times and kisses me on my nose.

Nanako's grinning, and takes our hands into her own. "Save those thoughts for later, okay?" She then released our hands, probably enjoying the surprised expressions on our faces.

I look at Kara, and she knows how to play along, so I say to Nanako "you want us to kiss you too tonight?"

"I wouldn't mind." Kara said, winking at Nanako, who is suddenly panicking.

Nanako then replies  "Whaaa?!!! Ahhh, I understand now. Earth humor."

We're laughing and we really needed that, only Nanako was rolling her eyes. 



After we all grabbed our neighbor's tail, we started to fluff. And again, after a few minutes of intense fluffing, the sparks had returned, but this time a bright green flash blinded us, as if someone had detonated a small nuke inside our VIP room. 

"Arf!!!" All three of us were unable to silence our lips....the sound just had to leave. It definitely felt like fireworks if you know what I mean. 

Not even a second after the flash, the emergency exit light above the door went dark. Outside it's rather dark as well.

It took me a few moments to recover, but I finally managed to stand up and walk to the window, where I could confirm that it's pitch-black out there. I nearly tripped over the sleeper's wall, but luckily Kara's mana flame gave us some much needed light.

"Em, something's wrong, we better get outside while we still can." I said, and we quickly put on our sneakers.

When I open the door, I see total blackness....nothing but darkness. Then I see guards walking around with flashlights. One of them is approaching us. It's a woman this time.

"Ma'am, we're experiencing a power loss and it seems like another EM spike. We already sent someone to brief the Colonel, so he should be here soon. Do you perhaps have any information about what happened?"

"Ah...em....we were experimenting with something called fluffing, and the Colonel knows about it. While extremely unlikely, it's still possible that our energy exchange has caused the EM surge."

"Good to know that we found a possible cause. Whatever happened, the whole area is down, in the nearby city of Purcellville too."

I grimace for a moment, looking at Kara, then back at the guard. "That was not our intention. Do you need help guarding this place? All three of us are already in uniform."

"Yes, please, there are flashlights available. We need to make sure that nobody touches the equipment."

"Understood. We will join you soon."

"Thanks, ma'am. Excuse me."

And the guard left us just like that.



I took another deep breath. "Okay, follow me, time to be useful once more."

They followed me towards a truck where I saw many flashlights moving, so it's safe to assume they have a few spare ones there for us.

We're lining up behind the soldiers, waiting to be handed a flashlight. 
"Here you go, your moonbeams."

"Sorry? What now?" I said.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I meant flashlights. It's a marine thing."

"Ah, gotcha. In that case, thanks for the moonbeams!"

"We need help securing the base, are you three available?" Another soldier who was handing out flashlights asked me.

"Of course, that's why we're here. Any location specifically?"

"Yes, we've got this section covered. Head for the entrance, Gatekeeper is not equipped for this contingency. Not since the whole Phantom thing stopped."

"Understood, we're rushing over there right now."


All three of us are now hurrying towards the entrance. I'm sure more staff will join us there soon, since the motel isn't too far away.

I called my fox-fire into action which can also be used as a harmless extra light.

While still walking towards the entrance, I noticed that Kara's flame is now making a quiet buzzing sound as well. I wonder when she can finally use my kind of fox-fire? Maybe she simply needs more fluffing? I grinned when I thought that, but I doubt that anyone noticed.

Suffice to say, our path is now well-lit. I'm curious to see what other people will think of our lights. 

Nanako was grumbling that her flame was still basically the same size as the one the children used back on Negawa.

Now imagine how surprised we all were when her tail suddenly started to glow a bright green color, replacing even the best of floodlights. It's like having a glow-in-the-dark plushie attached to your rear. It looks cute too. But best of all is her smile, to finally see the rewards of her fluffing sessions.


While almost arriving at the entrance I heard Oscar speaking in my mind. "Essie, thank you very much! I don't know what you did, but you just healed many of us who were still recovering. Besides, the mana tasted even better this time. Maybe we should stay here instead?"

"Ha ha ha....that's up to you, buddy. You know you're always welcome here. But I think I messed up here....we are in the dark right now. It seems that our lights couldn't withstand the mana release."

"'s a pity I can't join you. I' the middle of something."

I saw a flash of inspiration right now....and tried to get it equally fast out of my mind. You see.....Oscar....has a girlfriend. And that's already more than I wanted to know.

"I see what you mean. You...animal....rarrrrr. See you soon."

"Ha ha ha.....yes, soon." And thus our awkward conversation came to an end.



"Well, I guess we won't be getting any sleep tonight." I said.

"Looks like it. But the fluffing really restored my energy, I feel fine now." Kara admitted.

"Same here. I don't think I can sleep, even if I wanted to. Besides, my tail is awesome!" Nanako said with a big smile. And yes, she's picking up lots of my vocabulary, which her parents will definitely appreciate.

"Ha ha ha.....Hayes was right, I'm a bad influence to you. But yes, your tail is awesome too, Nanako."



Finally we make it to the entrance, where we only see a few flashlights moving.

"Hello there, Gatekeeper?" I shouted. I definitely don't want to startle people who are carrying rifles.

"Who is there?"

"Sergeant Whitfield and two other Kitsune. We're here to secure the entrance."

"Then by all means, please help keep the civilians at bay. They're asking what happened, but we need to guard the place." He looked with a curious expression at our glowing parts, but didn't comment on them.

"Understood." I walk underneath the security barrier and the other two follow me.

When I see a few worried faces, I raise my voice. "Okay, hi there, everyone. Civilians move closer to me. If you have flashlights, use them. Anybody have any news? Something on the radio perhaps?"

"No, ma'am, no radio, tv, nothing. Even the car stereo is dead."

"Okay, that sucks. It seems that we need to stay together for a while. Anybody got the time for me?"

"It's 2.15 am!" Someone shouted. "But my clock stopped ticking!"

"Okay, thanks." Shit, it's that late already? "More base personnel will be joining us soon. The people behind me won't allow anyone to access the base, so please don't even try. Oh, if anyone wants to know, I'm Essie, maybe you know me from TV?" I'm hoping to keep the crowd happy by entertaining them a bit.

"Yeah! Essie! Are you wearing that costume again?"

"Em....yeah, you could say that. But all three of us are Kitsune, see?" I put Kara and Nanako in the spotlight for a moment...literally. 


"Anyway, the military is prepared for EM surges like this one. It's really strange that the backups aren't responding, but trust me, it won't take them much longer. As soon as the lights go on behind me, we will help the utility companies restore power to the grid. But our first priority is the safety of the base, the equipment and the people inside."

"Did the portal do that? Is it even real?"

"It's very real, but the portal didn't do that. It's basically just a door, nothing exciting."

People are now launching questions at me, and it's difficult to see who's speaking.

"Then what do you think happened? You are with the military. Was it a nuke?"

"No, it wasn't a nuke, trust me. If it were, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Besides, the power would be back on by now if it really were a nuke. Whatever this is, it must be something new. Something we couldn't prepare against."



Suddenly Oscar gave me an update. It seems he's finally "available" again.

"Essie....this world is changing. The mana veins are now flowing with twice as much mana. It seems we took too much mana from your world in the past. Your planet might be healing itself."

" that's what's happening. Thanks Oscar!"

"Okay, people, I just heard some wonderful news. I still need to confirm it, but it seems that Earth is recovering from the many years those beings sucked it dry. So perhaps our Earth caused this...whatever this is."

"How do you even know that? Who told you?" Yep, tough crowd.

"A Phantom just told me. And so far they have never lied to me."

"Are any danger from them?"

"No, most Phantoms have left the planet already. That's why Earth is now recovering. The planet can finally heal and breathe again! It only makes sense for these strange things to happen. I'd say, give it a moment. I'm sure the power will be back on soon!"

Suddenly I hear people shouting "look there, in the sky! Ooooooh!!!!"

When we look up as well, we see an incredibly beautiful aurora slowly making its way across the heavens, like a luminescent cloud, but incredibly bright and colorful.


And there is the cavalry. Cars are approaching us, parking outside the park. Apparently they didn't have any issues starting their cars. Perhaps that's a good omen?

I hear Hayes handing out orders.

When he finally spots me, he says "Essie, can you give me a sitrep?"

"Yes, sir. Power is out base-wide and Purcellville is affected as well. No way to get news from radio or TV. Theory one is based on Oscar's intel. He told me Earth is changing, and perhaps healing...that's what he said, so it might have been a healing response from Earth itself. Theory two is....that fluffing three at once is a bit too much fluffing, sir."

"I see. For your sake I hope it's the first one. Well done containing the situation, we'll be taking over now."

"Yes, sir. Oh, have my moonbeam!" I grinned, but I'm not sure he could see that.

"Thanks. Good thinking, Sergeant."

Well...I have my own flashlight, so I won't miss it.


Kara, Nanako and I said our goodbyes to the crowd, and then leisurely walked back to our room. After another ten or so minutes, the power came back on.

First thing we did was switch on the TV. "...happened around 2 am this morning. The power is coming back online after a world-wide EM surge disrupted power everywhere, as scientists have explained. For the first time in hundreds of years, not a single light was lit in the entire world.

Unfortunately this means that people who are depending on hospital equipment, were affected by this mysterious event. There are emergency scenarios for these kinds of events, so let us hope that people will recover soon. On the bright side, there have been unconfirmed reports, I repeat unconfirmed reports of people in these hospitals who were restored to full health by unknown means. We will verify this of course, while we continue to cover what is at the moment being called the global event.

The Aurora Borealis, or Aurora Australis as it is called on the southern hemisphere, has never before been sighted so far from the polar regions. The colors are especially intense and the whole spectacle is baffling scientists who can only agree that this shouldn't happen."


We continued watching the news until we couldn't anymore, and simply fell asleep with the thing still on. It must have an auto-shutdown feature, since it was off when we woke up.

I know for a fact that none of us had much sleep last night, but that probably applies to most people after what happened. It promises to be an interesting Halloween this time, though.



When I wake up, I feel something odd in my mouth. Blech..... It takes a few moments for my brain to register what happened. It seems that I've been chewing on Kara's ears all night, but apparently she didn't even notice. But my tongue noticed, no doubt about it! 

Quite the few hairs have found their way onto my tongue, and I'm desperately trying to peel them off, with only partial success. Only after washing my mouth and tongue with water, did I finally get rid of them. Definitely not something to repeat. But then again, when did I even decide to chew on them in the first place? Maybe this is instinct? If so, then I'd better brace myself for more of this crazy stuff.

"Uggggggggh." Kara is showing some life signs....finally. She's scratching her head more than once.  "What happened to my ear? Yuck, it's cold.. And wet too. Ewwwww." She's massaging her right ear, while I pretend to be preoccupied with my hair. Yep, that definitely wasn't me...nuh-uh. She probably also didn't realize that her PJ's front side was open. Hayes made sure that we have proper PJs now, but if the wearer doesn't know how to properly wear one......well....can't say I mind the view.

Nanako is still lying there, curled up when Kara leaves the sleeper. She's cuddling her tail like a plushie instead of using it as a pillow. See? I knew that this is its true purpose! I'll find a few fluffy pillows for us next time, but the tails are way too fluffy to be used as mere pillows.

Nanako's ears are twitching, and so are her legs, so she must still be dreaming.
"Nanakoooo.......wake up. It's morning." I said to her in a very gentle way.

"'s toooo early." She said, and simply turned around to hide her face from me.

I gently brush her tail, and that seems to do the trick. Her heavy eyelids slowly open and she gives me a wonderful smile. Must have been one hell of a nice dream. "Are you awake?"

"Yes. Maybe. No." She honestly replied. "But I will be.....give me a minute."

"Sure. You two up for a walk in the park later?"

"I'd love to!" Kara replied.

Nanako needs a bit more time. "Hungry," is all she replies.

"Okay, okay, I get it. is Halloween. I need you in the best of moods, Nanako."

She slowly sits up straight and carefully removes the sleep crusts from her eyes. "Do we need to prepare?"

"You already asked that, and no. Just look forward to a fun day, that's all. And the best is scheduled for tonight, but I won't spoil the details."

"Meanie." She said, still sounding half-asleep.

"Meanie? For waking you? Where did you even hear that word? Nevermind. Oh, and you really should comb your hair, right Kara?"

"Oh yes, definitely." She grinned.

"Meanie." Nanako said again, but this time with a grin. I think she's finally awake now.


After enjoying another room service breakfast, we got dressed and left our VIP room for a walk in the park.

" I imagining things, or is it a lot warmer here than last time?" Nanako asked.

I look up at the sky, but don't see anything unusual, except for the fact that it's gray instead of blue. It will probably rain today. "Yes, it's really strange. It's usually never this warm in October."

"It feels a bit more like home, doesn't it?" Kara said.

"Yes, that's probably the best way to put it. I don't think we're going to be needing coats tonight. Usually it's pretty cold on Halloween. Maybe the planet really is healing itself? It's a pity really, somehow it should be cold now or it isn't really Halloween. Well, we'll get used to it someday."


After enjoying our morning walk, we decided to head for Hayes' office and when we announced ourselves, he asked us to join him for coffee or tea.

"Essie?" Kara said while Hayes was pouring me some coffee. He must be in a really good mood today.


"What happened?"

Even Nanako blinks, not understanding what Kara meant by that.

"Eh....I don't understand. What do you mean, Kara?"

"Exactly that. There's always something happening around you, so why is it so quiet?"

"Shhhhh! Kara! Don't jinx it!"

"Ha ha ha...she's right about that, though," Hayes said.

"Sure I won't jinx, if you first tell me what that is?" Kara said with a teasing smile.

I facepalmed. "It means....don't tempt fate by saying such an awful thing! The gods might take offense!"

"Ahhh....the gods....I was already wondering when you would start talking about them again." Nanako said with a grin.

"Huh? Okay, I give up, I'm not in the mood for this. What is today? Make-fun-of-Essie-day? It's supposed to be Halloween for crying out loud!"

"Let them have some fun, Essie." Hayes said. "Besides, have you already told them about Halloween? What kind of mysterious event is waiting for them? One filled with candy devouring monsters?"

"You have....monsters?" Nanako asked, sounding really serious.

"Oh yes we do. They only come out once a year at Halloween...and only after sunset." Hayes said, with a very serious expression. He even made it sound creepy and mysterious.

When Kara looks at me, I have to stick with Hayes. It's all part of Halloween, so I need to play along, also looking serious. But awwww.....they are so innocent, it hurts to lie to them! "Of course it's true. These monsters are usually pretty short however. You will see them tonight, I guarantee it."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Essie? I don't like.....monsters. I should have brought my guards." Nanako said while swallowing.

Luckily Hayes knows when it's time to stop teasing them. "But these monsters are usually only between four and twelve years old. They are kids, Nanako. Just some little kids who love to dress up as monsters."

" that. That fun?"

"It is!" I said enthusiastically. "We'll be going to the entrance and..." but Hayes interrupted me.

"...and will make sure that the little monsters don't enter our base, right?"

"Ahhh.....of course, sir. That is our mission. I will show you later how we can achieve that, Nanako."

"When will this event start?" Kara asked, with a big warm smile on her face.

"As soon as the sun sets. You three will be near the entrance and protect the base from all those children. Can you do that?" Hayes asked, making it sound like we were under attack.

"Yes, sir!" Kara said, as if kids could pose any threat to this facility.

"Ha ha ha...very good. Nanako, if you want, you can change into a monster as well. Just saying." Hayes was grinning.

"What does that mean, Hayes?" She's frowning, not sure if it was an invitation or an insult.

I touch Nanako's arm. " means you can change clothes if you want. Just for fun. Remember my lipstick?" She carefully nods. "We have more colors than that one, and you could color your face, just for fun. And when you're done tonight, simply shower and you're back to being normal."

"I will do that! But what clothes should I wear? I never experienced this...festival before!"

"I think you'd make a nice witch. You'd be a natural." I blurted out, making Hayes laugh, really, really loudly.

"Hayes.... I don't like that tone of yours. Is it....insulting?" Nanako asked, almost sounding threatening.

"No, it's just how she said'd be a natural. It was funny. Sorry, Princess, only having fun. That is what this festival is all about."

"Oh....then I won't take it as an insult."

"Thank you, your highness."

"Don't worry, Hayes, I have forgiven you." She said with a big grin. I think she's finally getting into the spirit of things.


When the sun finally decided to call it a day, the first stars appeared in the sky. Someone on the base managed to donate a witch's hat to Nanako, and I have to admit....she makes for one amazing witch! They used military camouflage paint to color her face as green as they could, making her skin look very unnatural. The broomstick is the finishing touch, and I think they nailed the look.

One of the female guards managed to procure some wings for Kara, giving her a Tinkerbell look. I mean, she already looked innocent and cute before, but now she looks so incredibly adorable!

They didn't find something for me on such short notice, but I still managed to get my hands on an extra-large t-shirt with a creepy looking pumpkin on it, to wear over my uniform. Only when Hayes approached me with a robe, he said "Look what I found. Grandma, what a fluffy tail you have!" Those are the robes we used during a press conference, before I revealed my looks to the world as a Halloween mishap. But no, it's too warm for that now. So he simply said "enjoy, Pumpkin." With his usual grin.

Hayes of course won't be joining us, because he still has to work....or so he said.



While approaching the entrance, we saw Pennywise the clown rushing over to the kids. In his hands...a chainsaw. And yes....the thing is real.

"C'mon, hurry up! We have to save the kids!" I shouted.

So we rushed over to the entrance and luckily found many kids and parents laughing about the "silly clown who couldn't get the chainsaw to start." Until it finally started. He managed to scare a few adults with that too, but we're not in the business of hurting people. He kept screaming, really getting into character as a mass murderer.

"Good evening everyone!" I shouted, and my friends shouted the same.

"Helloooooo!"  We were greeted by many kids.

"Who wants to trick or treeeeat?" I said, standing right in front of the people. 

"Meee! Mee meeee!" Many kids shouted.

"I need a brave volunteer......  You guys see that building over there? It's a guard house. Maybe one of you could knock on the door and see what happens! But be careful....there might be monster inside! Who is brave enough to fight the monster?"

"Meee!" A boy dressed in Spiderman outfit shouted.

" there. I could use a strong Spiderman to keep everyone safe. Quickly, help me!"

The boy quickly rushed forward, while holding a bag in his right hand. While giving me a smile, he keeps checking if the guardhouse is safe.

"Hello dear sir. Are you brave enough to knock on the window? I won't help you, you know?"


"What's your name?"


"Then by all means, Alex, show us how brave you are!"

The brave boy, who can't be more than 7 or 8 years old, slowly approaches the door while the crowd goes really quiet.

But after knocking once...nothing happens. He seems disappointed.

"Try again, Alex! Louder!" I suggest, and he nods, while smiling again. "Tell him to open!"

"Open, mister!" The boy shouts, while banging on the door.

Suddenly the bright security lights all around the entrance activate, startling many people.

"AHHHHHH!!!!! Arrrrrr.....who disturbs my slumbeeeerrrrr? You gonna walk da plank, matey!" A pirate just jumped out of the guardhouse.

The boy was obviously startled, but he saw me smile and I gave him two thumbs up. "Tell him the magic words! You know them!" I shouted while still smiling.

"Em......trick or treaaat!" the boy shouts, and the pirate cries out in agony, faking his death.

"You beat him! Come here, you are the first to get a treat!"

He rushed over to me and opened his bag. Kids these days.....we used to open our hands back in the day....but he's smarter than I am.

I deposited a generous amount of candy in his bag, since he really was brave. Next are Kara and Nanako who reward the young man with even more candy.

When he rushes off to his parents, I shout to the others "heeeey kids! Don't you guys like candy? I have TONS of it!"

And suffice to say, we spent the next half hour ruining kids' teeth and laughing about it.



The fun was great.....while it lasted. At some point we noticed a security car approaching from behind us with flashing yellow lights on top. For a second the driver activated the sirens, to draw our attention.

I gave my bag of candy to Kara and walked over to the car, still smiling.

"Good evening. What's up?"

"Are you Sergeant Whitfield, ma'am?" His reply was serious.

And gone was my smile. "Yes, what happened?"

"Colonel Hayes wants you and your companions in his office, stat."

"Oh....can you drive us?"

"That was the idea."

Shit, he's really serious. I rushed over to Kara and Nanako.
"Something happened, we need to go to Hayes now. Give those bags to the soldiers."

We hand over the sweets to the Gatekeeper guards, but I still need to address the people. We had so much fun, I can't leave like that! This is a PR thing, yes, but also fun!
"Em, sorry, people.....we need to return to the evening!!!!" I shouted.

"Thank you!!!"   "Essie is the best!!"   Those kinds of really nice words reached my sensitive fluffy ears.

Within a few minutes, we rushed into Hayes' office, and he looked dead serious. He pointed at the seats, meaning we need to sit down and listen. This is not good.