Epilogue: these fluffy moments
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Almost two months have passed since we killed that Space-Queen creature, and lots has happened to Earth and her inhabitants in that time.

First, the global temperatures have stabilized, now resembling the weather on Negawa pretty closely. Periods of rain have mostly shifted to the night for the most part, and another 2 EM surges have swept across the planet as well.

Santa however will be pleased, since the North Pole's ice cap has increased in mass considerably. There are some reports that glaciers have stopped melting, and even countries like Australia and South Africa can see changes happening. It's snowing in Melbourne right now, while the temperatures there remain comparable to ours, baffling scientists.

It's almost like someone pushed the "reset" button on global warming, and the planet is still figuring out how the whole climate thing should even work.


During Earth's 2nd EM surge, many people who were previously injured or ill, were healed miraculously...just like that, overnight. Kara believes that our sky is now filled with ambient mana, enabling humans for the first time to utilize this new healing power.

Speaking of personal magic, both Kara's and my tail are now also capable of glowing in the dark, just like Nanako's. Nanako so far still doesn't have access to skills like my fox-fire or Kara's amazing mana flame, but she vowed to practice every night to catch up with us.

I visited my parents a few times in their new home in Purcellville, and it was great to finally be able to catch up with them without any unwelcome disruptions.



Today is December 24th, a special day. Not only because today is Christmas Eve, no, it also marks the date when Vanguard Base will cease to exist. Politicians in many countries have worked together to form an international committee tasked with sharing the portal's benefits with all of mankind.

Tonight the US Government will hand over control of the portal and the facility to the IPC, or International Portal Committee. I don't know who came up with this rather lame name, but it honestly beats other suggestions I've heard.


It's now 4.30 pm and I'm sitting at a bar in Purcellville, joined by Kara and Nanako to my right and Hayes to my left. Hayes just bought us a beer to celebrate our successful killing of the Space-Queen. Only Hayes is wearing a formal dress uniform, we Kitsune are wearing our Negawa dresses.

Hayes raises his glass in a toast "may our future be as bright as Essie's glowing tail!"

"Ha ha ha ha...hear hear." People around us said. And yes, the place is packed.

We let our glasses touch with a "cling" to celebrate our victory over three Queens.

Ahhhhh......now I understand why Hayes referred to my tail in his toast. When I look at it...it's glowing brightly even without me wanting to. And for some reason its color is changing from green to yellow and back, creating a pulsating kind of effect. It's pretty mesmerizing to be honest. "Well, whaddayaknow? My tail is apparently in party-mode. Let's see what beer does to it!"

Hayes however seemed lost in thought, ignoring my remark completely.
"Well...Essie. We killed three Queens. Life seems pretty dull after that, doesn't it?"

I take a sip from my beer and find it once more tasting better than I had hoped. A smile forms on my lips. "Yes, sir."

"Drop the military honorifics, Essie. Here in this bar, ranks don't exist."

"Right....I like that. So....I was wondering. You have never been to the real Negawa. Why don't you visit us once in a while?" I suggested.

"Of course I'll visit you one day, but whenever you're on Earth, and want to meet, just call me. The Air Force won't have any trouble finding me. After what you did, they'll probably fly you anywhere too."

"Sure, I'll be in touch. So where are they sending you now?"

"Sacramento, California. They want to start a joint operation between the Space Force and the Air Force regarding the A1 project. The Space Force will focus on the real world testing, and the Air Force will help streamline their command structure and facilities in preparation for real-world deployment."

"Wow...that's quite the honor. Or do you hate it?"

"Hate is not the right word. It just means that me and my family will have to move...again."

"Oh, like that. Yeah, that sucks. Or maybe you should let them stay there, where they have their friends, and visit them on the weekends? I can't imagine leaving it all behind."

"But you already have, Essie. You're even moving to another world. No, the three of us are sticking together."

"Maybe so, but....on the bright side, it's California....I mean...could have been worse, right?"

"Ha ha ha, that's what I told the family. And I think it helped."

"May I ask for their names? Your kids, I mean."

"Sure... Diane, 26, is the eldest and she left our home when she got married last year. And my youngest is 24. She's still living with us and her name is.....Essie."

"Whaaaaaaa? No way! So that's why you were so surprised when I first introduced myself!"

"Yep, you got me there. Each time when I heard your voice on the radio, I was reminded about my girls. What you have done, Essie, is exceptional. A year ago, I would have never allowed my girls to take the risks you took. But seeing you in action.....I think I should have given them more room to spread their wings."

"Well...I don't know about exceptional, I just did what I had to. And it's never too late to show them what a great dad you are. Just tell them the same. They'll appreciate it."

"Maybe, we'll see. Essie doesn't want to leave.....so maybe I should just trust her. Anyway, enough about me. How does it feel to lose your spot on Vanguard Base?" Hayes asked me.

"It kinda feels.....empty? But also exciting, since I have lots to look forward to. My job isn't done for a long time. Imagine me, helping humans take the first steps on Negawa. It's probably going to be lots of fun, especially the cultural differences. Can't wait to see them grimace at our sleepers...it's an acquired taste."

"True. And you two? Kara, Nanako. Won't you miss Earth?"

Kara then replied "I'll be on Earth with Essie many times, so my adventure is only beginning. Essie is right, come and visit us soon and take your family along. While our cottage isn't equipped to receive guests, you're still welcome there. And if you find it too cozy for your taste, we'll make sure to find the best tavern for you to stay at."

Hayes seems to be getting a bit emotional and is avoiding eye contact. Perhaps he doesn't really want to move either?

"Thank you, Kara. That means a lot to me. One day, I promise. And you, Nanako? Any last insults you wish to exchange?" He grinned at her.

Nanako stands up from her spot at the bar and walks over to Hayes. I move backwards a bit to give them some room.

"Hayes, we may not always see eye-to-eye, but you are a good man. Don't tell my father, but it's his mistake to only offer a compact cottage to these two. While they truly don't have much room to entertain guests, know that the Palace has plenty of rooms available. There is no need for you or your family to stay at a tavern. I hope this clears up the last bit of misunderstanding between us. The King knows who Hayes is, and how much humanity has done to protect us from that attack. You will find that we Kitsune don't take these matters lightly. Whenever you decide to visit us, you will be guests of the Royal Family."

Hayes looks at Nanako with disbelief, then smiles. "Hearing these words from you means very much to me. Yes, it was difficult in the beginning, but I'd like to believe that we're friends now."

"Of that, I have no doubts whatsoever. Just don't wait too long." Nanako said.

"Alright, it is a promise...Princess." 

"Nanako. Call me Nanako."

"Alright, Nanako."  He takes a deep breath. "Guys, it's time for us to go. The festivities will start soon, and I know for a fact that a few surprises are waiting. What do you say? Ready to go?"

"Hell, yes, Hayes." Nanako said with a grin.

"Yes, sir!" Kara saluted. 

"Of course, General Hayes. Yes...that has a nice ring to it. Make sure you get that rank, Hayes!" My turn to grin and salute.

"Of course, my Queen." Hayes saluted me as well.

People all around us must have been listening in on our conversation, and they are laughing as much as we do.

"Essie, tell them what we agreed on. For old time's sake." Hayes said, after which I nodded.

"Everyone, may I have your attention, please? Thank you very much. I don't know about you, but I loved the beer. So.....just saying...if you would kindly join us for the festivities at Franklin Park, the Air Force will cover your current orders."

"Yeeeeeeah!!!!"  "When, now?" "What festivities?" People said.

"C'mon...really? Today is the last day the military will be keeping an eye on the portal. The ceremony will be held in an hour or so. Food and drinks for all. And guess who's in charge of that? Right, Miss Rosie of this fine establishment!" I said, after which I pointed at the bar's owner.


"And don't forget....it's Christmas. Take your holiday spirits with you......the real one, not the alcohol......and show the whole wide world what it means to party in Purcellville!"

"Yee-haw!!!" A few people seem to be uttering phrases favored by cowboys in the old days.


Half an hour later a rather large crowd is forming in Franklin Park, where the security barrier is open to welcome all. The portal room however is the only place that's still off-limits to the public.

It's dark outside and the colored lights all around us put me in a real holiday feeling. Christmas songs are playing loudly through the base's speakers, and one heck of a huge Christmas tree is standing proudly near the entrance.


After a few more minutes, the crowd is following Hayes towards the buildings, while we're still admiring the tree. The temperature is nice and warm now, not like any Christmas I remember.

"Essie, why is that tree decorated? Does it have a special meaning?"

"It does, actually, Nanako, but Christmas isn't about trees, but about being together. About having fun and seeing family. To be in a good mood and give gifts to people you care for. For some it's even the perfect romantic moment. So....yeah...it's still even more than that, but just accept for now that it's a very special time of the year, when often the best of humanity can be witnessed."

"I see, and that certainly explains why many of them are in such a good mood. And nobody even cares about us being Kitsune. I hope this means that people back home will also learn to accept humans. Maybe we will even adopt a few of your festivals? I mean, I liked the Halloween one." Nanako said with a smile.

"Yes, that was lots of fun!" Kara agreed.

"And I'm happy that the both of you could finally see more of the real Earth today. Not staying at the base, but drinking a beer in one of our...well..taverns, I guess. Tell me, what do you think of Earth so far?"

"I think there's still a lot more for us to see, Essie. But I like what I saw. There's still hope for humans, especially now the portal won't be guarded by soldiers anymore." Nanako said while carefully touching one of the tree's many colorful lights.

"Yes, things change as they say here. Well...let's hope that we can visit Earth many times together."

The music stopped playing for a moment, when we heard a message. "Ladies and gentlemen, the control of the portal has now officially been transferred to the IPC. Everyone is invited to the briefing room for drinks and snacks, while the last of the military equipment will be removed in a symbolic way." The Christmas songs then continued playing through the speakers.

"Oh my god, we missed it! We missed the ceremony! Hayes is gonna kill me!" I said, wanting to rush towards the buildings, but Kara grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

She didn't say a word, but simply embraced me....and kissed me...just like that. 

"Nobody is going to kill you, Essie, or I'll punish Hayes myself." Nanako said, grinning. "Oh, you two are...okay, whatever. I'll be inside, grabbing a bite. Whatever, you aren't even listening anyway."


"Feeling better?" Kara said, after slowly releasing her lips from mine.

"Em....yeah. Can we do that again?" I can feel the tension ebbing away, when I alternatingly focus on her eyes and lips.

Kara whispers into my right ear "I think I understand why you said that Christmas is the perfect time for a romantic moment. I'm liking this moment very much." And she pulled me in for another kiss.


After taking our sweet time kissing next to the world's most beautifully decorated Christmas tree, we walked towards the buildings, where a Chinook helicopter was taking away the last tank, accompanied by a loud cheering crowd.

We noticed that our VIP room had already vanished. I wonder what they did with the sleeper? Something tells me it will find its way to Negawa one way or another.

I'm already dressed Negawa-style, in my boring-brown colored dress. And yes, I'm sooooo gonna shop for a brighter, more lively color soon. It's time to start a new fashion trend on the other side!


Lots of people are already walking towards the park's entrance, heading for home. But to say that the briefing room is empty, would be a lie....it's absolutely packed inside. But people are also walking everywhere in the park, finally feeling safe again. Many of them are eating and drinking from disposable plates and cups. All of them with a big smile on their faces. Yes, this is as it should be. The park is back to how it used to be, except for a few missing trees perhaps.



While we're reminiscing outside the briefing room, Hayes and Nanako join us.

"Where were you?" He simply asked.

"Em....sorry, I was detained?" I'm definitely blushing, avoiding his eyes.

"Ah....I see...nevermind. You didn't miss a lot. Just your average speech....politicians. But you did miss the revealing of a few interesting facts though."

"We...we did?" I replied.

"Uh-huh. Last month our forensic specialists analyzed the Kitsune DNA. And guess what?"

"We're aliens after all?" I put my right hand on my mouth, faking a surprised expression.

"Har dee har har, Essie. No, it seems that our worlds have been linked since ancient times. Only when our ancestors decided to put a cover stone over the portal, our exchange of culture came to an end. People loved each other, like they always do. Humans and Kitsune found each other and...well...had kids together. This is why both our races share a few genetic markers. It probably also explains the similarity in our appearances, but they admit that's only speculation at this point."

"So....no lazy gods?" Kara asked.

Hayes shakes his head, while laughing. "Ha ha ha, no, it doesn't look like that. Many concepts must have been exchanged for our cultures to show so many similarities. Sure, we didn't develop along the same path, but the similarities in our customs are undeniable."

"Amazing. So....that reminds me about the science tests I underwent recently. You know, the one where they tested my mind-space skills properly this time?" I asked Hayes.

"Yes, what about it?"

"Well....did they tell you anything about that?"

"No, Essie, and I think it will take them a looong time to present their results. But don't worry, I will find a way to tell you."


"But on that note.....they also asked me to have an MRI as well. Which means, I was ordered. Guess what?"

"You have brains after all? Ha ha ha...sorry."

"Sooo funny, Essie. Yes, I really do seem to have brains. But they said that just like you, parts of my brain have an increased blood flow compared to normal. If there even is such a thing as a normal brain anymore."

"Oh....I'm sorry, Hayes. I must be responsible for that."

"Yes, it looks like it. The theory right now is that everyone who has joined you in your mind-space will eventually develop the same symptoms. We haven't tested the general public yet, but it may very well be a permanent boost in humanity's evolution."

"Woooow.....so.....we could maybe set-up a mindspace of our own? Just to speed up evolution? You know, link Earth and Negawa? You and me first?"

"Ho ho...easy now. Do NOT let the scientists hear that. I'm not interested in that at all."

"Ha ha ha....I don't think they'll let you off the hook that easily, Hayes. But don't worry, I won't haunt you. Just like Oscar, I will respect your privacy."

"That's very reassuring. Perhaps you could visit the scientists once more? They have been begging me to ask you, so consider this their request."

"Em...sure. Everything to help humanity. I think they should give Kara an MRI during fluffing too. I would be interested to learn what impact fluffing exactly has on our bodies."

"You and your fluffing. I deliberately withheld that information from them, so if you want to tell them...be my guest. Just don't blame me if they won't let you go."

"Eh he he....okay....it will be our secret, Hayes."

"Glad to see that your common sense is still intact." 

"Thanks, Hayes. For everything." I said, now in a serious tone of voice.

"You're welcome, Essie. And....Essie? The package has been secured."

"Oooh....that's good news. Thanks, Colonel." I gave him a thumbs up.

He winked at me, then said "my pleasure. I still need to take care of a few loose ends around here, so we won't be able to say goodbye later on. Let me...."  And he simply pulled me in a strong hug. "Thank you, Essie. For your perseverance. For giving my daughters a future."

When he stepped back, I could see that he's struggling with his emotions.

"It was teamwork, Colonel. It has been a great honor to work with the best of the best. You gave me an adventure and a future. You saw what I was capable of, like nobody else did. Thank you for believing in me." I said, while swallowing a few times.

He simply gives me a thumbs up, then embraces Kara. "Kara, thank you too for your contributions. It's easy to overlook what you did, but you two make one hell of a great team. Stay together."

"Yes, Hayes. Thank you. I will really miss you." Kara said, with tears in her eyes, just like me.

"Nanako." Hayes said. "No, make that lady Nanako," he said grinning. Then he bowed to her. But to his surprise, Nanako pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, Hayes, for keeping your promise to show me the real Earth. There are many paths in life. While some will take you away, others will bring us closer.....may our paths cross soon."

Hayes is pretending to keep his emotions in check, but I noticed him swallowing many times. He pats her back and says "Nanako, let me borrow a phrase from my daughter, Essie. I'll be back!"

Nanako blinked a few times, because she didn't understand the quote, so I quickly added "it's something a very famous person on Earth once said. It means no matter what will happen, Hayes will visit you one day."

"Ooohhh.....I see. In that case...I will await your visit. Goodbye, Hayes."

"Stay healthy everyone, and I promise to visit you as soon as I can."

He bows one more time and then leaves us. 

"Goodbye!" I shout, and he simply waves his hand, without looking back at us.


A few tears are leaving my eyes, but I'm not the only one. I guess we grew beyond being colleagues....and formed a real friendship. Even Nanako is having a difficult time.

"Alright....this is it, let's go home." I said while offering both my hands to my friends.

But right before we enter the portal room, it starts to snow. I let go of their hands and let a few snowflakes land on my palm, and the others are doing the same.

Of course I needed to explain what "snowflakes" are, but telling them it's basically frozen rain, somehow didn't feel right. So I said "when I was a kid, my mom always said that they are winter's butterflies. When they appear, it's usually very quiet outside, bringing peace and calm to a usually hectic world."

But of course they don't even know what butterflies are, so I simply said "okay....then this....they are tears from the gods when they see that human hearts are filled with lots of love." That did the trick, thank god.


Inside the portal room we see another beautifully decorated Christmas tree. It's not as tall as the one near the entrance, but still, it's very pretty.

"Nanako, Kara, please wait a moment. We'll go through the portal in a minute. See those things lying under the tree?"

"Yes?" Nanako said, not understanding at all. 

"Uh-huh, they look nice." Kara too doesn't get that they are presents.

"Okay, let me explain. One of our Christmas traditions is to give each other gifts. That one's for you, Nanako. Go ahead and open it. It's only a small gift." 

She leans forward and takes the green present with the pink ribbon, after which I motioned her to open it. 

"For me?" She sounded very surprised.

"Yes, now open it." My oh my, it isn't that difficult, is it?

She carefully opens the present, but doesn't know what to do with the wrapping, until I explain it to her. "Simply put it back underneath the tree....people will recycle it....I hope."

When she studies the present, she smiles. "Thank you. But...what is it?"

"They are called chocolates, Nanako. Good ones too. They are really sweet and taste best when shared. Maybe eat them with your parents? They are sensitive to heat, so don't store them in sunlight."

"Ah....okay. Thank you so much! But I don't have anything for you!"

"I know, and that's perfectly fine. Besides, this is just a small present, just accept it."

"I do!" She bowed to me once while smiling.

"Now it's your turn, Kara. That one."  It's a red present with a white ribbon.

She takes the present in her hands and carefully unwraps it, her smile is worth every dollar it had cost me. Yep, I paid for this, with my own credit card. I agreed with Hayes that my parents would keep an eye on my account, since I probably won't be needing the money for a while. But you never know...it's always nice to have some cash stashed away. I will still be on the Air Force's payroll, so it might end up being quite the amount.

When Kara opens the present, she blinks and gasps for air. "A necklace? By the gods, Essie! It looks very expensive!"

It's a golden pendant with a heart-shaped pink crystal, hanging from a golden chain, and it was actually quite expensive.

"It was, and my name is engraved on it, but that's beside the point. It's a special present...one with a hidden message. It means.....will you marry me?" I take her hand into mine.

"Ma....what is that?" And once more I'm treated to that weird, but cute looking Kitsune head-tilting thing.

"God, that ruins the mood. Em....will you stay with me forever? Bond with me? Be linked with me? Form a pair? Be in my Swarm? Be my wife?...." But before I could continue, she kissed me....and embraced me, after which I felt her hand reaching for my tail.

She then said, "yes, I will stay with you.....and will fluff your tail and nibble your ears forever. He he he..."

"Awwwwww..." Nanako said, but I'm focused on Kara right now.

"Bad maid." I said, after which our lips touched once more. "I love you so much, Kara."

"And I love you, Essie. Always have...always will. But I also have a gift for you." She pointed at the Christmas tree.

"Huh? Wha? How?" Is all I could say, with a surprised expression.

"Hayes accidentally told me you were up to something, so he bought a present on my behalf. Don't worry, I paid for it by agreeing to a...blood test?"

"They took a sample of your blood? They let you go through that? When did that happen?"

"Uh-huh, when you were recovering after fighting with that Space-Queen. They said they needed to compare emm.... blood work?"

"Yeah, I think I got it. Gosh....even that....thank you so much." 

"You haven't even opened it! It's the blue one!"

Now it's my turn to lean forward and reach for a present, which was pretty well hidden. It's a light blue one with a white ribbon. When I open it...I find a similar golden chain, but this time the heart-shaped pink crystal itself is the pendant. On the backside, the crystal has her name engraved in it, with golden letters..."Kara."

"Awwww.....it's beautiful, Kara! But the best thing is that your name is on it. Now you will always be with me!"

We both put our necklaces on their rightful places and kissed once more, but then my other necklace made its presence known. A very bright blue light started to shine right then.

"What the heck? Why is it glowing now, after all that happened?" I said.

"Maybe the gem truly is broken, and can't detect Phantoms, or magic." Nanako said. "Perhaps Shin made this one as well, who knows? But it seems to me that it only glows when you two are close. It might simply react to... true love."

"Awww......" We pulled Nanako in a group hug, until she said "careful! The chocolate!"

"Ha ha ha....alright time to go." I said.

"Wait...there's still a package there." Kara said, pointing at it.

"Oh that present? You should already know about it. It's the beer glass those craftsmen made, remember?" It's a true work of art, imported from Negawa. It took me a while to gather the necessary coins for that thing.

"Ahh....so it's the one for Hayes?"

"Yep, only put in a gift wrapped box to make it look like a real Christmas present. See? His name Colonel Hayes is right there, people will give it to him soon."

"Alright, then I guess this is it? Time for us to leave?" Nanako asked.

"Yes, after you, your highness."

She smiled and simply stepped through the portal. Kara was next, and I took one moment to look around, then joined the others on the other side.



There's no Sentry anymore. No tanks, only a devastated forest....but like everything else lately...it will heal.

It's really dark in these woods, so our tails are lighting up the place splendidly. When I was about to leave for home, Kara tugged at my sleeve. "Essie, look!"

I turned around and saw Hayes standing there, still on Earth, while using a flashlight to get our attention. He stands at attention and salutes.

The three of us do the same, standing straight, and then salute as well. We see him nod, and he then simply walks away.....until we meet again.....someday.

"That was very emotional." Nanako said when we resumed our walk home.

"Yes, it was, but I know just the thing for that." I said.

I started to sing, really loudly, and the others joined me:

"So they put a rifle in my haaand
Sent me off to a foreign laaaand
To go and kill three Que-heee-heeens
Boooooorn in the U.S.A. ......I was... boooooorn in the U.S.A. 
I was booooooorn in the U.S.A. .......I was.... boooooorn in the U.S.A.........."



The end.