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After the Empires of Demons and the Heavens battled fierce, boiling clashes over the past several centuries and elden technology ravished the once rich meadows, the world had been slashed in half by the Hell's weapons and the Heavens' gentle hands in order to solve the conflict. Ever since then, a thin line was drawn between the Heavens' and Hell: the Mortal Realm. The humanity which grew in those lands consisted of fallen angels who betrayed their oath and were exiled to pursue a limited lifespan on the lands where the war took place.

Lucifer's worshippers were upset of this outcome and began to meddle around mortals in hopes to steal ripen youth, bringing them into the Devil's Empire where ordinary demons live, and savor their innocent skin. They were fueled with rage, clots of anger strangled their veins. That land should've been theirs!
Those demons took the form of ghosts and haunted their prey, and their daily labor was ascending to the Mortal Realm in order to nourish themselves. As years went by, it became more and more difficult to hunt humans as their intelligence evolved and technology began flourishing in their world as well.

However, common demons often lingered all over the Empire's palace since they were selfish enough to beg and demand sacred blood to drink from their Lord. Emperor had a selection of soldiers and guards, the devil angels, to fend them off as they enraged him with their foolishness and told them to carol the Mortal Realm.

The devil angels were akin to the Heavens' messengers, who wandered around Lucifer's palace and worshipped him unlike his unfaithful followers, the common demons. The difference between devil angels and death angels minimalized to their prowess. The death angels cursed mortals with cruel suffering which buried them into coffins, and the devil angels were once mortals who were blasphemed with this curse and reincarnated into vampires. For some reason, upon their rebirth, they were devoted to their Lord, Lucifer, who offered his unholy blood to strengthen their mortified bodies. Thus, they wore the same faces from their past lives, except their skin was white as marble and their pulse ran cold.

These humanoid looking beings fed upon the flesh and blood of mortals and often consumed the people who were banished from the Heavens, as they had no value in Hell.

They could be described as crude, merciless creatures. But their ambitions for destructions surpassed any other. They were maddened by the fact that they were once humans and now they had to eat upon them.

Since humans now had gunnery and sabers to protect themselves, only the powerful demons dared to go to the Mortal Realm and hunt a handful of corpses to share with his kin for a suspicious price.

But there was once a devil angel who was weak in combat strength and yet he managed to sneak in the Mortal Realm. He was a nameless vampire who's been fighting hunger for he past 600 years by stealing the food of other demons. And now, as he ascended to the human world, he shrouded himself in a new name and identity.

Upon arriving, he walked up the stairs in slow strides and careful swings of his black robes. Unlike other demons who only occupied their time hunting, he forged bibelots and vestments from handmade silks. He cared much about looks and thus he was most liked by other demons for his groomed appearance. Many even offered blood for him in order to seduce him, yet he always politely refused with a bitter tone.