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Disturbing imagery.

—Reader discretion is advised—


— — —

Teller: active.

— — —


Am I on? (Mumbles) damn dangit.

(Breathes in)

(Breaths out) Ok...

Testing testing (Ahem) testing testing...


One two three, one two three (Drink).

(Sound of relief)

(Ahem) Ah, that felt better in my throat.

A one and a two and a three!


My companions, the set is ready and the exposure's done!

Ready for the story to unfold?

I'll tell you the significance, however, precisely don't put a complaint about me, I got kids to feed.

So, how have you guys been doing lately?

[1st Eye] "Shit."

[2nd Eye] "Horrendous."

[3rd Eye] "Your puns suck ass."

[1st Eye] "I hope that guy dies."

[2nd Eye] "I'd hope all of you perish before my end."

[4th Eye] "Serve feces on a plate."

[3rd Eye] "Suck my ass."

[1st Eye] "Kill yourself."

[2nd Eye] "Go perish in a ditch like some canine."

Real classic and original guys, can you at least control your cussing and impractical behaviors?

Don't want to get stale—

[4th Eye] "Do a middle finger."

[3rd Eye] "Fuck off you jerk-off. Your storytelling skill sucks."

[1st Eye] "Tell this nuts to your face!"

[5th Eye] "Boring, I'll go to sleep."

[3rd Eye] "There's a vacant job outta there and one of them is sellouts."

[2nd Eye] "Your telling is unironically inadequate."

[1st Eye] "I prefer Desc, give me Desc you jerk-off."

Ok ok, calm down!


And fuck all of ya, don't denigrate me.

I am currently waiting for civilized responses.


[5th Eye] "I'm sorry but you're a narrator wannabe—"


(Sound of relief) Piece and quiet.

I should have uninstalled that feature, not worth having arguments about my passion and interest.

So where were we?

That grunting figure? his origin? how's it come to this?

(Cough) Here goes.


In the beginning.

In a windowless room — a wall with the pasty texture of pure white — an unconscious teen lies on the floor complete with glitter—


I'm not doing that shit where you're supposed to comprehend how it goes from there to currently here.

That's just cockblock, an agonizing slow-burn pace.

Instead, I'll continue his current progress.

I'm more of a straightforward-kind kinda guy if ya can't tell

— — —

Teller: inactive. | Desc: active.

— — —



- [Other side of the room: COMM room]


On the other side, multiple wiring and network devices — breaking apart yet operational — align side to side and are air-conditioned to preserve communication control throughout the company.

[Grunt] "(Grunting)."

The Grunt drags his bringing blade inside the server room.

He soon swings it and greatly throws himself along with the blade across the blockage of the computer server and cluttered wires.

He repeated these steps until he reached the end of the server room.


Once he finally shifts through the obstacles, he tries to open the closed door.

As soon as he opens it, an amount of foam surges in, pushing him back inside and filling the spaces.

[Grunt] "Growl..."

The Grunt staggered and used the arm blade to pierce the floor for him to withstand the pressure.

He is holding onto the blade like a pole while being pushed by the excessive foam.

Subsequently, he readies himself for what is to come as the room is flooded.


Registering activity...

Caution Savior

Another subject appears


9th Subject:


Label: Peroxide

Ability: Capacity

Grade: Intermediate

Position: #987

Current objective: Break free from the facility.

New objective: Kill the nuisance.


When it comes to his system notification, his <Analyzation> ability comes in handy.

Focus on the source of the mass, it was a serpentine creature — the appearance of a fish with irritated skins and a skull for its head carapace — it faced the Grunt with an emotionless gaze and bracing to slither toward him.


[Peroxide] "(ROAR)!!!"

It abruptly lunges to his position by erratically crawling with its slender elongated arms.

Widely open its jaws.

The Grunt reacts and kicks its head with force, it is flung into the server machinery, causing destruction.

The electrical parts and circuitry are exposed.


- (The event below)


A chain reaction happens, consequently, the flood of foams is electrified.

Both Grunt and Peroxide are paralyzed after the shocking occurrence.

The Grunt manages to wake up completely fine with a drenched appearance.

However, his blade is in a shocking state cause of the metallic material and burning away its fleshy design.

As he peeks around, the room is ravaged with fried technology and even more clusters of wiring.

Cloudy steams are in every direction.


There is a boiling in certain areas.

[Peroxide] "(Bubbling)..."

A big splash occurs, and Peroxide wakes up heavily injured.

Its skull is damaged and shows its few innards, pulsating.

It attempts to vomit a beam of foam at him but gets blocked every time.

The sequence is repeated until the Grunt gets closer.

Peroxide's head gets grabbed and slams to the floor, causing a fracture to its skull and the surface.

A lot of its pulsating 'pieces' are stripped from its head including its eyeball, violently by the Grunt.

The Grunt decides to penetrate it but it refuses to surrender easily.

It grasps a near scattering of wires and charges him, he soon falls back and steps away in the distance.

[Grunt] "(Grunts in pain)."

His vision is blurred because the jolt that got into his neck reached his brain.



Registering activity...

Warning Savior

Great damages received


Chosen subject:


Label: Grunt

Abilities: Vigor, Analyzation

Grade: None

Position: #988

! —> HP: 33/80 <— !

Recovery is recommended


His vision is recovering while steadying his blade, but the Peroxide is gone.

He was dizzy and looking around for it.

[Grunt] "!!!"

Until it attacks him from the ceiling, coiling around his body and forcing him to drop his weapon.

Constricting him gradually, tighten until the bones are cracking.

However, it slithers around while Grunt is constricted within its hold, flailing him around the space.

Splashing and smashing at every possible object and obstacle.

Giving the Grunt the blunt trauma at each impact.


Registering activity...

Warning Savior

Your HP is in imminent danger

! —> HP: 20/80 <— !

Recovery is recommended


Afterward, he simply weakens.

[Peroxide] "(ROARING)!!!"

Peroxide swallows his head — deeper in the odorous gullet — in an attempt to digest him.

Before digestion, it uses <Capacity> to fill within its inside proportion to drown the Grunt.

Bloating like a balloon full of foams, in the within, it slowly excoriates the Grunt.

Peroxide is getting drowsy while he is struggling and dying.


Registering activity...

Warning Savior

Your HP is in imminent danger

! —> HP: 9/80 <— !

Recovery is recommended



It gradually attempted to crawl using its arms since it weighed overly heavy to locomote to other places.

Later, it sees the 'sword' that the Grunt used, so it takes it for better defense.

It grasps the metal part.

Unknowingly, it is still conducting electricity, resulting in an electrocution to Peroxide.

The shocks give the Grunt an awakening, a shock therapy.

He uses <Vigor> to burst.


- (Grunt burst out Peroxide)


Registering activity...

Congratulation Savior

You killed a subject

You gain 40 EXP

EXP: 20/20

LVL 2 —> LVL 3

EXP: 20/80

HP: 80/80

HP has recovered

Grade: None

Position: #988 —> #987

Reward: <Capacity>

Ability slots: 2/4 —> 3/4

Abilities: Vigor, Analyzation, Capacity

Current objective: Kill the nuisance.

Current objective: Break free from the facility.


He was then stood there, motionless and bathed in blood and liquid.

The floods stream red and guts of the Peroxide.

He abandons the blade and leaves its gory remains.

He walks for longer durations until he reaches the gate— scratches and blood on its textured surface — a lockdown emergency, blocking the Grunt from proceeding to his next path, an escape out of the establishment.


— — —

Desc: inactive.

— — —



Hey guys, sorry to inform but this story is discontinued or cancelled. My apology, I lost motivation on this one.

I'll make a new story that stimulate my interest more. At the moment, this The Grunt last chapter (for now?).