Ch. 15: The Reborn and the Reanimated
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Somehow, I'm meeting my grandfather. Frankly, I wasn't expecting to see him at all this life, but I suppose things were meant to be this way, for I am face to face with him. Right now. At his house. And Billiam is here too for some reason.

After my reckless game of speed boost tag in Hitherbliss, my father was, unsurprisingly, not happy. Apparently, the boy was a known street thief, and as a result his magic was well known by the residents of the town. Making a whole show of chasing him got me in the newspaper alongside him. Considering it was the same day I limped in front of a sizable crowd, I'm sure that newspaper was filled with nonsensical speculation. I had heard my father murmuring about some of the rumors to himself. 

Some sources said I was physically and mentally abused by him, considering the stark difference in my ability to handle myself. Other speculation blamed the Church for some sort of incompetence, and there was thoughts circulating around that my father's duchy and the Church might be at odds with each other.

All of that could have been avoided if I didn't chase the boy, but Scipio is frankly more important than all of that nonsense. Plus, my father was the one who shouted my whole name to the entirety of Hitherbliss in his anger. No one would have known it was me if he kept his cool. And while I was able to subdue a very pouty Winona by making my father buy that same paperboy outfit again, the Duke himself did not let his anger subside so quickly. A drunken Alarick laughing at the whole situation didn't help my case either.

So I've been grounded and forced to spend time with my grandfather. A terrible decision really. But yet, at the same time, one entirely beneficial for me. Gerald Sincavage. My father's father. He's a well-built and sturdy man who, even in his older age, works hard as a blacksmith. A man of wise words, and one I can't help but find comfort in, even as I am now.

In all of the lives in which we met, no matter what I did, or how slimy I acted, this man found a way to support me through it. He's someone who didn't grow up as a noble, marrying my grandmother out of love to become one, and so he has a perspective I can better work with.

People are accountable for their own actions, but likewise, working hard will give you the results you need. And he believes anyone who stoops low has a chance to soar high again. Some call him soft. I call him merciful. As someone who has seen him in battle, he has the leverage to kill anyone who poses a threat. Overall, it's a simple and straightforward view of things, but even that has helped me a lot. 

Now, all of that previous context aside, this man, as of now, knows nothing about me or how I act. My grandfather is number one on my current rankings, even past Scipio. As much as I want to go and hug him, I know that'll have to wait. Or possibly never happen this life. Perhaps that is the strongest loss of distancing myself from everyone this time around.

“He punished you, huh?"

Yeah. He did. I nod.

“I wish we would have met in better circumstances, but let's ignore that for now. I'm your grandfather, Aella.”

I nod again.

“That'll work for now."

There's a silence that stretches thin. He's sizing me up. Likewise, I'm refamiliarizing myself with his mana channels. It's been a fair while since I've seen them.

“What's the stick's name?”

…He's very perceptive as usual. It seems I was gripping Scipio again.

“That's why we have this guy over here, by the way. He'll help us out. Speak with your mana. You can probably manage that much, I reckon.”

Ah, so Billiam was useful like that then? It seems my theories had some validity then. Though, if that's the case, why hasn't he been more prevalent in my house life?

“Bill, he's a good friend of mine, and sometimes he helps out Leander, uh, your father. He's got a keen sense of what people like you try to say, so feel free to speak if you want. Think of him as a link between you and me. I can read your mana much better because his magic has us linked together right now.”

Hm. So Billiam’s magic involves a link between parties. I guess that's why he can speak with animals so successfully. I think I'll try it, if only out of curiosity first. I'll move my mana around and try to convey something, but I'm not sure how this works yet.


“Ah, you're getting there. Try not to focus on the actual thing you're trying to say, but the *intention* of saying it instead, alright? If you focus too much on your mana, it won't naturally fall into place.”


“There you go. Keep trying.”


“Mhm, mhm. Now try and say the whole thing as one.”


My voice sounds small and frail. With Billiam's magic, it has a reverb to it, echoing in my own mind. I'm assuming that sound hits the minds of the other two as well.

“Perfect! Is that the stick's name then? Scipio?”

I nod.

“Nice name. I like that name. See, it's not so bad, isn't it? Don't worry, I can tell you're reluctant to talk, and something tells me if you wanted to, you could use your mouth instead, but I'm not going to push you. And, under my name, whatever we talk about here will stay between us and Bill. Your father will have to figure out his own way to talk with you, hahaha!”

Again, he's very perceptive. I do like that about him. Grandfather's deep and booming laughter is comforting me somehow. This is dangerous. I'm going to end up becoming a lot looser than usual. …But if it's with him, perhaps I won't mind.

“So, Aella, you're stuck with me right now, allllll the way out here in my little place, and I bet you'd prefer to do something productive, rather than listen to me scold you. Frankly, I'd rather not leave a bad first impression on my granddaughter, so I've got an idea. That stick you have there, Scipio, I've heard you treasure it a lot. What if I could make Scipio even better?”


“I've got your attention, right? I'm not sure if your father ever told you, but I'm a blacksmith. Particularly, I'm someone who makes… unconventional weaponry. On a per order basis. Uh, how do I say this… Scipio, your stick, what if I could make him into a weapon? I hear you like to fight, and an upgrade like that would give you a better excuse to carry Scipio around.”

[Scipio… he is a stick]

“Gyahaha! I know that already, Aella, but what if he was more than that? Most of the new Scipio would be from me, I'll admit, but I can use that wood for just a couple of the parts. It'd still be Scipio, just… a little different. Actually, Scipio might just be the handle to the weapon. But, uh, is that fine with you?”

I grip the two halves of Scipio in my hands. Perhaps this will be better for us. Though, what type of weapon would I even use? I've been vaguely developing a style with polearms, but is that something that would fit me well?

I know Grandfather's weapons. They're very weird, but they're built to suit the individual. What is a weapon that could support me and at the same time be portable enough to carry everywhere? Maybe I should just trust him. He knows what he's doing.

“Are you up for it, Aella? I'll let you in on the design process, you can consider it a birthday present, so we'll make sure you like it. Ah, wait, do we even know your birthday?”

The Duke has been dodgy about the subject for some reason, probably because it might remind him of my mother, but I won't mind telling Grandfather.

[12th Month, 21st Day, year 949]

“Ahh a shivering winter baby is it? Nice! Nice! Seven years old, huh? You're so well spoken for just a little one, looks like the Sincavage blood is strong in you.”

[...I will let you work on Scipio]

“There we go! Come then, Aella. Let's give Scipio a makeover.”

It takes two straight days of work for Scipio to upgrade. Lots of the first day was spent designing and picking out materials. It seems I impressed Grandfather with how I was able to read and walk and adapt to things with my mana. Though I did take the opportunity to intermittently walk without my brace when I could.

Billiam served well when I had to talk, but I deliberately chose to limit my mana speech. It felt uncomfortable to be speaking now, somehow, even if it was for Grandfather. Everything after that was the creation. Grandfather allowed me to be a part of the whole process, and carefully watched me make Scipio with my own hands… though of course, he did most of the blacksmithing. I was just an assistant.

Scipio has now been formed into something resembling a medical blind cane, coated with a sturdy blackened metal that's both light and flexible. I wasn't aware the concept of a medical blind cane even existed in this world, but apparently Grandfather met a foreign noble who pioneered the concept in their country.

And I am thankful for that random noble, because Scipio now is a multi-purpose tool. Initially, he takes the form of that cane as mentioned, and is… the full length of my body. Yeah, I'm still… a bit petite, and we built Scipio with the intention that I grow into it. Scipio is about 49 inches, or around 125 centimeters. Thinking about it, I may even be a little shorter than that, actually. I'm not even the length of a full pace yet. Regardless, I should be able to hold Scipio out at a diagonal position towards the floor so that I can move him in light sweeping motions to feel the things around me. This will be remarkably helpful at the estate and the eventual Church raid.

Because Scipio was built with portability in mind, he can also fold into himself, unlatching his segmented body and lining the segments together so that he can be stored in a pocket or bag. The wooden parts of Scipio have been repurposed to the handle and the nub, and are smooth to the touch, but sturdy.

Scipio has a simple rope loop near the handle that helps me keep him close, and he's very susceptible to my magic, meaning I can channel my mana into him and go wild if need be. I can easily use him as a baton, and according to Grandfather, if I channel raw mana through the segmented parts of Scipio, he can become more like a whip, with the mana itself acting as the looser and more flexible contortions of the weapon type.

Scipio also responds to my mana for slight modifications beyond that. I can make Scipio grow shorter by compounding his segments, and the bottom of the nub, usually rounded out to not damage any floors, can instead open its base and reveal a pointed spearhead for piercing. Likewise, the segments have hidden blades on their sides that can pop up by the will of my mana, if I need to go from a blunt baton to a blade. And even past that, the segment in the middle can produce a grip that allows me to wield Scipio like a quarterstaff. Grandfather has very slight hammerspace magic, which allows him to imbue weapons with hidden features and transformations like this. My new tool is incredibly intricate because of that.

Scipio has been reborn, and I couldn't be happier. He's grateful too, I think. I can finally use my favorite comrade again in battle, and always keep him close under the guise that he's a medical tool for my blindness. In my hands, he's longer, and a bit weightier, but the comfortable feeling of familiarity is still as strong as it once was. The wooden handle still speaks to me just as the stick once did.

“I'm happy I have the chance to see my granddaughter smile.”

Ah, I must really be happy then, if I let my guard down like that. But I don't really care this time. This is a joyous occasion. I can't really express my feelings fully since Billiam had to leave yesterday, but I know Grandfather is smart enough to understand what I would say anyways.

Clearly, the next thing to do is to test Scipio out. Sebas would make a great victim, or, uh, duel partner, but I suppose I can go and kill some weaker beasts instead.

“You're thinking about testing Scipio out, huh? I can see it in your eyes. Let's rest first though. We were working hard for two days.”

…Fine. If it was anyone else I would have ignored that advice, but if Grandfather isn't my weakness then I don't know who is.

It's not long before we have dinner… at the earliest hours of the morning. It's a meal involving a popular grain with beans, and some seared bread. The type of meal that instantly feels homely and nostalgic. Somehow, Grandfather's cooking is always like that, even when it's simple, especially compared to the food at the estate. I think I will always prefer food like this.

It's moments like these that make me wish I could live a normal life, for once. Again, the inklings of thoughts come to my mind. Maybe I should stay with my family and grow up with them as I develop my magic. Perhaps I should move in with Grandfather and have a simple life, and grow an appreciation for blacksmithing. Maybe I should go to the Academy and make friends and live my life with them.

But then I realize that I'll die before any of the people I might even think of spending time with, lose everything, and get thrown back into starting all over again and again and again.

For my sake and theirs, I'll vanish soon enough.

Ugh. Enough of these thoughts. I'll allow myself to enjoy the good food for now.

“Doesn't it feel good to eat well after some hard work, Aella? Enjoy your food. Don't worry about anything and just revel in the bliss period after some working to the bone like that, alright? After this we'll get some sleep.”


We both woke up later that afternoon. I slept well, with Scipio by my side. Grandfather snores loudly. I can tune it out thankfully, but it does make me wonder if my father will snore like that when he gets older. For the sake of Grandfather's health, I chose not to sleep under the bed provided to me. I don't need to be spawning from the depths of darkness and giving him a heart attack.

“Have you hunted before, Aella? Actually, no, that's a stupid question. You most certainly have. Hmm, rather are you alright with hunting again?”

Does he need a certain meat or material? I nod. It's only right to repay him in some way.

“Nice, nice. Now, it's a bit of a dangerous creature, but I think you should be able to handle it. It's called a Pallid Crystal Vulture. It's a subspecies of Crystal Vulture that cursed itself upon death and reanimated its body. They don't usually appear around here, but one has taken up residence a few miles from this house. Now, these things typically don't move unless provoked, so it's best to be careful with your first move, alright?"

I nod. This is an enemy I haven't fought yet, but I do know that Crystal Vultures are valued in more Southern regions due to their multicolored crystals, which grow on their wings and back. According to my Grandfather, these things don't have much physical strength, but rely heavily on magic, sourced from their crystals. It's clear that I am hunting this thing for the crystals, and not the reanimated meat it now moves in.

I'm pleasantly surprised that Grandfather is encouraging my hunting like this. What a stark contrast from my father. Grandfather must understand that it's important to let people flourish in their young age. Truly, Grandfather is worth showing respect to.

In terms of my hunt, I think I have a small suspicion as to why this Pallid variant traveled all the way North as well. That magic cave that I discovered all those months ago, the day I fought the Cerberus Griffin, I believe it may have attracted it. If this thing is aiming to become bejeweled, and trade its old dead body for a much sparklier one, then it's probably best that we take care of it now.

As I head towards the Vulture's domain, I start to mentally prepare myself. Watch out for magic and curses, and be mindful of its swiping body as the crystals can damage me on impact. It should be about twice Grandfather's size, so distance yourself a fair bit and scope out how it lumbers around. According to Grandfather, the beast rests at a big, hollowing tree, using the bare branches of the dead oak to scour for prey. I'll have no advantage approaching it, so I ready myself by lending Scipio some of my mana.

As I fall within range of its territory, the first thing that assaults my senses is the unfortunate stench of the thing. It's to be expected, but the rotting smell isn't exactly pleasant. As much as I would like to plug up my nose with mana, the strong smell will be a benefit to me, allowing for easier identification of its location. I can hear broken, scratchy, almost pained screeching from above and afar.

I'll start this with a mana blast. Holding Scipio out, I point his bottom nub towards the vague sense I feel in the distance. The mana channels of the Vulture are active, but not attentive. Having already sent out a mana pulse into the dying tree and Vulture, I'm easily able to throw out a blast through the nub and straight at the reanimated bird.

The shaking of the tree and loud yells of the Vulture confirm that it was a direct hit, but I have to immediately roll away and start running because the Vulture has started shooting out lightning in retaliation. Because of the flapping of its wings, the shots are haphazard and hard to predict, but even through all that the Vulture doesn't move from the tree. Does it not consider me enough of a threat to become mobile? I'll take advantage of that.

I quickly shoot another mana blast through Scipio and destroy the branch the Vulture was roosting on. I hear panicked flying and landing from the creature as it faces me on the ground. Something tells me the heavy crystals of the wings and back can't be properly carried by a body that isn't supposed to be moving. This’ll be a clash between crystallized wings and Scipio then. Fine by me.

The Pallid bird sweeps its wings and spins around almost in some sort of weird, ritualistic dance. The wings are charged with mana threatening to slice me, while the back, coated with crystals, shoots off various attacks of lighting and fire. By doing this dance, the Vulture is constantly changing its attack pattern, pushing me back by making me dodge the crystal bursts and parry the wing sweeps with Scipio.

A fine strategy, but one that leaves it wide open mid spin. I use Scipio to bash the curve of its wing during one of its rotations, and I hear a loud crack. It won't be flying again, and I'm sure that the sweeps will also suffer in quality as a result. This process continues, with me bonking the thing over and over until it gets fed up and pecks right at my face. I'm able to block it with a quickly thrown up mana barrier but because of my negligence I start to bleed from my nose. Alright, that's fair enough.

I stack a couple of barriers on myself and change my tactic, instead starting to aim for the Vulture's legs. If I can snap them, then I can force it to stop with this incessant spinning. I aim for the knees, and I'm almost like a delinquent in my follow up attacks, using Scipio as a bat and just knocking the bird around, aiming for every spot I can find. A beheading from a bladed Scipio finishes the miserable thing off.

A simple enough hunt. I suppose I can extract the crystals and-

I can't even finish my thoughts before I'm pierced in the arm by a crystal. What the heck? I hear the whizzing of the crystals ejecting themselves from the body of the Vulture. Does the body have a built in attack upon death? This thing really wanted the last laugh huh?

I remove the crystal from my arm, ignoring the bleeding and start to take cover behind the big hollow tree that the Vulture resided in. I think things are finally starting to settle down, but then I hear the rancid squelching of the Vulture's rotting body, as I sense with my mana the head of the Vulture reattaching itself to the neck. The dried blood, defunct organs, and teared muscles all twist and merge back to where they need to go. Dammit, this thing seriously did curse itself. And now, it's probably more mobile without the crystals weighing it down.

The Pallid bird screeches once more, and uses the adjacent crystals, now embedded into the ground, trees, and rocks around us, and coats its wings and talons with lightning and fire. That ritualistic dance is cued once more, and I'm soon forced to step farther away because the sweeps of the motions are faster. The Vulture has replaced the crystal shots with beams of magic energy from its mouth, and the damn thing has even circled a ring of fire around us so I can't easily escape. What sort of messed up Phase 2 is this?

In theory, I can dodge all these attacks fine enough, but now my question is the method of killing the bird. Grandfather obviously wants the crystals, which means they're not the solution. Is there a way to cut off the curse or disrupt this thing’s mana?

Hm. Wait. I get it now. Grandfather could have easily destroyed this thing with his own skill, but he deliberately sent me with my new weapon to take care of it. He must've known that I would have hunted it as normal initially, leading to this. Which also means that Scipio is the key to ending this thing for good.

And luckily for me, I'm smart enough to figure out Grandfather's hints.

Scipio may act as a channeler of my mana, but he is also able to absorb other mana and shoot it back. Think of him as a sort of magic lightning rod. Grandfather sending me to fight something that shoots lightning out of its mouth is a little on the nose, but I'll happily fry this bird way past post-mortem.

When the Pallid Crystal Vulture shoots its next beam out, I simply lift Scipio up and point him at the creature. Immediately, the full force of the lightning is internalized within him. My hand feels a bit heated and tingly from the transaction, but I use the opportunity of the recovering bird to stick Scipio right in its ugly, squelching mouth. Enjoy your shocking final dinner, you damn bird.

Parts of the Vulture erupt during the electrocution, and I can sense the mana channels burst as the foul odor in the area clears immediately. The last burst of the body throws me onto the snowy and muddy ground, with Scipio landing at my side. I make a victorious snow angel, of course. A mere reanimated bird could stand no chance against me, this girl who has been reborn countless times, nor Scipio, who has broken through death into a rebirth of his own.

…Grandstanding aside, I'd consider that a successful hunt, and I take the rest and crisp air as my reward. After laying down for a few minutes I pick Scipio up and start to collect all the scattered crystals for Grandfather. Admittedly it makes me a little happy that I was able to do something for him, even if he technically didn't need help.

I get another whiff of the air and instead of a fresh breeze, I smell myself still covered in the horrid grime of the Pallid-But-Now-Actually-Dead-Crystal-Vulture. Ugh. I'll need to wash that off. And Scipio too, of course. His reborn, suave self needs to stay clean and maintained. How else will he stand by my side as a faithful tool?

I mean, he probably needs to look at least a little cool, right?