01 Horned man
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We arrive in a small village close to the border. In the center is a crowd which seems to be trouble. As we approach it, i see a large, horned man with big bat-like wings. He wears a leather-reinforced linen coat in dark blue. I get closer to look at what's happening in the center. Nicoles hand tries to hold me back before I squeeze my way forward. In front of the horned man stands an angry old man with an axe in his hand, shivering. Behind the angry man stands a woman who is holding the eyes closed of her two children.
„Why do they send an abomination to help us?", he yells at the horned man.
The horned man sighs: „ I'm a drakekin. They send me as I was the only one willingly to accept this quest."
„Foolish to let such abominations into this nation. Cause trouble and get in trouble.", the angry man leaves and the crowd disperses.
The horned man turns around and sees me.
„Lets go we have a long travel.", Nicole takes my hand.
„No, I think this man needs help.", I stare at him as i had never seen someone like him. She lets go of my hand and I walk closer to the man.
„My name is Rose Wildheart, I am a priestess of Dandelion and also her champion.", I bow in a formal manner.
„Hello, I'm Zelgius and magus of no one and neither a champion.", he looks confused.
„And this is Nicole, she is my protector.", I look at Nicole who stands behind me: „ Do you need someone to help you on your quest?"
„I don't mind help but why bother helping me?" , he says.
„I have seen you have trouble with the angry man so i thought he wasn't satisfied.", I jump to conclusions.
He pauses: „He doesn't like me. You can help me. East of this village is a small camp of trolls. They are taking the livestock of those villagers. So we need to get rid off them."
„When will we get rid of them?", I ask eagerly.
„We can go to the tavern and talk about my plan.", he starts walking towards a big wooden building. Nicole and I join him.
There he explains how we will taking advantage of a surprise attack. We set off to the camp at dusk to reach it at night. He suggests for us to take a rest in the tavern before leaving, he will knock on our door when we need to go.

The camp of the trolls is located in a glade behind the forest. A campfire illuminates the whole camp well enough, Zelgius counts 4 trolls with bows and axes. His suggestion is to take on 2 of them and the other 2 will be for me and Nicole if they start going after us. Two trolls are sleeping while the other two are talking at the campfire. Zelgius casts a spell which confuses one of the talking trolls. As we take a look to see whats happening all i could stare at is the head from one of the trolls rolling. The other troll goes to the dead troll to take his sword and quickly finishes the sleeping trolls before cutting his own throat. I feel sick from watching and throw up right there. Nicole quickly holds on to me.
„Was it necessary?", Nicole angrily asks Zelgius.
„It was the easiest way.", Zelgius searches through the camp.
„Why did you have to kill them?", I gasp for air.
„I am being paid for killing them. They have killed everyone who defended their livestock.", he explains while collecting the trollhead.
„A head?", Nicole shrugs: „Why would you need that?"
„As a proof.", he has put the head into his sack.
„For the villagers?", I get up.
While nodding he starts walking towards the village: „You should go back to the village too."

While we walk back to the village, Zelgius asks why we are even here. I tell him about my mission to bring the champions together, as i had a vision years ago of an evil being destroying everything. He has a confused expression but he doesn't question me. I wonder if he just doesn't seem to care. We arrive at the village again. Zelgius asks us where we are headed to.
„Lions Heart.", I answer.
„We can travel together. I will go there aswell.", Zelgius offers his company to us.
„With pleasure.", I smile and see Nicole nodding.
„Good. Lets meet up at dawn then.", Zelgius waves and heads to a smaller house at the end of the village.
I take Nicoles hand and we go to our room in the tavern.
„I thought you dislike men.", I comment on Nicoles weird behaviour towards Zelgius.
„I don't like men. But as long as they won't touch you and help us in our travel, I dont mind accompanying one.", she looks annoyed.
„You used to straight up hit them when they talked to me.", I giggle a bit.
Nicole's face turns from annoyed to irritated and starts tickling me.
„Stop! Stop! I am sorry!!!", I laugh too much.
She stops tickling me: „I hold back myself for your sake.", she covers me.
„Lets sleep.", she smiles.
„Good night, Nicole.", I fall alseep.