Character images
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Hello. I am Blood Mage, your author. 

Due to a delay in generating images that resemble the characteristics I thought of for the characters, we will not have a chapter today.  Just today I generated more than 900 photos, exhausting my entire VIP plan for the day, most of them did not meet my requirements.  Although the result still doesn't bring me sanctification, I will share with you today 3 characters from this work, so as not to be left in limbo. 

The first is Bart, our protagonist. 

Collection: Bart

The second is Bart's mother, Isabelle, her name only appears in the 3rd chapter. 

Collection: Isabelle

The third is another woman, this one has not yet been mentioned in the story, but her husband was.  Yes, she is Stultus' wife, her name is Celina and she is Isabelle's friend.

Collection: Celina

The other characters will be introduced as the story progresses. 

And finally we have two images that represent the proximity of the mountain where the camp of this small human tribe is located.  @

Collection: Mountain camping

Anyway, I hope you like this story, see you in chapter 3 which will be out tomorrow, flw!