Parker Luck
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Before the alarm could make that annoying sound a third time, my hand threw itself on the snooze button.

Since I'm still half asleep, I don't realize the strength I put into that gesture.

So, taken by the annoyance caused by that sound that marked the end of my short sleep, I end up breaking the alarm clock in many small pieces, most of which remain attached to my hand.

As soon as I realize what I did, I turn my head, which was against the pillow towards that hand and I snort annoyed.

'Damn, the last time that happened I barely managed to fix it, now it's impossible to get it back to work... Aunt May has already given me a nice lecture last time I bought a new one and I doubt she can believe yet another lie about it, especially if she see the alarm reduced in this state'

As I sit on the side of the bed, I rub my cheek with one hand as I shake the other in the first drawer of my bedside table to get rid of the pieces that are attached to it.

When I'm about to collect even the last remnants that are on the ground or on the surface of the bedside table, I hear someone knocking on the door of my room.

"Peter? Are you awake?" Aunt May asks me.

Hearing the voice of the woman, I hurry to put everything in place and, in doing so, I see the mask on the ground in front of the door.

Only now that I got up to pick it up, I realize that last night, when I came home, I didn't even take off my suit.

'Fuck', fuck, fuck', I think in panic while I see the costume I'm wearing blackened because of the fire yesterday

As soon as I sense that Aunt May is about to open the door, with a web I attach the mask to my side of the door, then I rush over it before she can open it completely.

"Yes, Yes, May, I'm awake, don't worry," I say to May, only letting my head out of that crack when I stopped the door opening.

Having taken her by surprise, the woman in front of me, whose short brown hair is starting to turn gray, makes a sudden leap, which almost makes her drop some clothing she is carrying in a basket.

"Wow Peter, you scared me! Was that necessary?" Aunt May comments after sighing for

"Excuse me, aunt, I'm just not presentable yet..." I say sorry.

"Not yet? Peter, you should be ready to go out by now! Didn't your alarm go off? Don't tell me you were up late at the computer again!"

"Guilty, but don't worry, two minutes and I'll be down."

"What should I do with you. This is your senior year of high school, don't take it lightly like your other peers. This is the moment you have to commit, more than the past years Peter. A marathon-"

"Yes, Aunt May, I know, a marathon only ends when you cross the finish line, not near it. I don't forget any of my favorite auntie's lessons."

"Flattery doesn't get you to school faster, hurry up. You know I'm busy this morning at the F.e.a.s.t. and I can't give you a ride."

"I know, I know, I'll take the subway. Don't let them take advantage of your golden heart, or else between the F.e.a.s.t. and the hospital shift, you'll always come home broken like you did yesterday."

"It's okay, Peter, I just need to get used to this new routine. I work harder, I do, but you have no idea how much volunteering pays you back. Sometimes when you don't have to study, you could come with me maybe."

"Yes, May, no problem."

"Now get changed, or you'll be really late. See you tonight, Peter." Aunt May says as she walks to the right, probably to take the basket to the laundry area of the house.

"Yes, Sergeant!" I exclaim and we both laugh at my exclamation.


It's been two years and a few months since the day when the spider bite completely turned my life upside down, dividing it in two and, still now, it's hard to make them live together.

Despite the dangers I face and the threat that this duality of mine will be discovered and endanger the people I care about, it's not that bad.

Just like May with her volunteer work, I'm proud of my neighborhood vigilante activities.

I don't save the world like the Avengers, The Fantastic 4 or the X-Force do, but seeing the relief in the eyes of the people I rescue and the smiles of the children is a priceless reward.

Also, thanks to this double life of mine, I found a job to scrape together some money with ease, so I can help Aunt May with her daily expenses.

I've been working for the Daily bugle, an online news site created by the creator of the podcast "Just the facts", J. Jonah Jameson.

My job is to provide them with exclusive 'Wall-Crawler' shots, which are then used for articles or videos about it and in almost all cases they strive to make my second identity look bad no matter what I do.

Yeah, I kind of get funded by my number one hater.

I mean, just like I'm swinging from buildings, I'm swinging between the ordinary, quiet life of a Queens student, who's aiming to go to college without weighing on his poor aunt's shoulders, and the neighborhood vigilante life, who's trying to help and protect the citizens of New York and its surroundings.

 Although with some difficulty, like the many nights without sleep, everything is great.

Yeah, everything is great.

Everything... is... great...

Seeing an old lady getting on my subway car, I instinctively take the two backpacks that I have on the ground between my legs, and I give her my place since the next would be my stop.

Arrived at my stage I put my wireless headphones in my ears and get off the subway, crushed between a group of commuters of various types.

Once I go up to the surface, where I find a little more space around me, I sigh and then I walk towards my school with a backpack on each of my shoulders, while listening to some music.

Out of the corner of my eye I look for a moment at the imposing building that I see in the distance on my right to read the name marked on its facade vertically.

Out of the corner of my eye I look for a moment at the imposing building that I see in the distance on my right to read the name marked on its facade vertically

The Oscorp tower.

That's where my father worked before he died with my mother, and that's where that radiative spider, the result of his research and experiments, bit me.

Since that day, I've had a lot of amazing things going beyond superpowers.

Nevertheless, I also lost many, important enough to make me doubt many times whether to continue my path as a hero or not.

I lost two figures who were mentors to me.

Dr. Octavius who, after our last fight, is in one of the maximum security prisons created by S.H.I.E.L.D. or Mr Osborn, who has completely lost his mind because of the Goblin formula. His and Dr Stormm's attempt to recreate the serum Captain America took.

The man who taught me a lot in science died because of his own glider trying to kill me.

I even watched his son, my only true friend, Harry, die in my arms.

Norman Osborn, or rather, the Green Goblin, has subtly induced him to also take the Goblin formula, making him believe wrongly that it could heal him completely from his degenerative disease.

He used him as a puppet in his plans and as a shield to use in case someone was about to figure out who was behind the Green Goblin mask.

I was forced to fight Harry several times because of the brainwashing that was done to him by the Green Goblin, and just when we were finally reconciled, he died while helping me try to stop his father.

And finally, Uncle Ben.

The disappearance of the man who was a father for me has left an unbridgeable void, not only in my heart but also in that of Aunt May.

Although it's been years since he died, we both miss him.

Sometimes I find Aunt May at night in the living room crying with a picture of the three of us in her arms, and it's obvious that, besides doing good to others, May has started volunteering at the F.E.A.S.T. to keep her mind occupied and not think about him.

I, on the other hand, am learning to live with the burden of his death on my shoulders, despite the constant remorse that he might still be here with us if I intervened before he met that robber.

Not being able to talk to anyone about it makes it all the more fiery, yet it is a boulder that only I can carry, and it is that same burden that reminds me of my responsibilities since I received these powers of mine.

Basically these years have not been a nice walk in which I jumped between the flowers, if I said that now everything is great that would be a lie, however things are going slowly well.

As Aunt May tells me, if you smile even during the hardest of times, luck will reward you sooner or later.

The moment I think back to his sentence that he often repeats to me with a smile on my face, the song I was listening to stops suddenly and, in its place, I hear the voice of a man.

-All agents in the area, 10-30 B progress on 29 W 47th St, they have a hostage, so be careful when you surround the perimeter. -

"Heck, Parker Luck strikes again... Reward me? Probably the more the blindfolded goddess sees me smiling, the more she gets in my way." I whisper as I make my way to a deserted alley.