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The main topics of today that everyone was talking about at school, and probably even in other schools in New York, are obviously what happened yesterday at the auction and to Liz and the sighting of an alleged alligator monster in a park.

Although Liz did not come to school, during the break she still called her friends to inform them that yesterday she just broke her ankle but she is fine. Apparently she won't come to school for a while because she rightly wants to rest after everything that happened yesterday with her parents.

Since she has broken her ankle, she will not even be able to actively continue her activities as captain of the cheerleading team when she returns and she seems to be enormously saddened by this. Knowing how she feels now, all her friends, but also students who don't appreciate her very much, showed their support for her as they could.

Even I have decided to write her a message and I have opted for an ironic message, in which I wish her to recover soon, so she can return to show us how much we are inferior to her as soon as possible.

When I send it to her, I immediately receive her answer, in which she also seems angry with me for some reason.

I did not expect in the slightest to receive a response from her, and especially I did not expect in her reply, instead of complaining about the message I sent her, she started talking about the fact that she saw the Daily Bugle article about what happened yesterday and she complained about how I was an irresponsible idiot for risking my life to take four pictures.

Not understanding why the conversation was taking that turn, I try to explain to her that, since it's my job, I'm used to doing things like that and that I'm always careful to not risk my safety. In response to that, she just writes me that she hopes that the next time I do something like this, they find me and they make me regret doing that stupid job.

Immediately afterwards, before I can answer her, she adds that by that she does not mean that she hopes that someone will kill me, which she says is what I seem to want, since I have no problem doing such a job, And then she ends the conversation by saying she has to go and rest now since she hasn't slept since last night.

Weirded out by this brief conversation I had with her, I set off to go work at the labs as soon as school ends and, instead of wearing the costume and going there swinging, I decide to take the subway this time to get there.

Once I sat down, I take the phone with the intention of listening to some music but I remember that Black cat still has one of my earbuds, so I just have to listen to it through the only earbud I have left and hear the surrounding noise from the other ear.

After starting my playlist, I start looking for other news on the internet about the second rumor of last night, which, unlike others who believe that it may be a fake news, I know for sure that it is real.

When I came home last night, while I was taking care of myself, I was able to retrieve the videos from the two cops' bodycams from the police servers, and even if it's not clearly visible and only for a few moments, I saw that humanoid reptile that kept most of the New York cops occupied.

After making a mess for a while it seems that it has retreated into the sewer system and even after the authorities have searched for him through all the sewers of New York, they have not been able to find even a trace of his passage, as if that being never existed.

It looks like some of those frames have already leaked onto the Internet, but there's no new information about it, not even in the police communication channels.

'As soon as I can, I have to look around, maybe that thing is just another person who ingested the serum.'

Speaking of people ingesting the serum, other than Oliver, who had been taken away by Typhoid, Liam also disappeared after he was arrested by the police and the other simple criminals who were captured did not reveal any useful information about the serum or organization to which they belong during their interrogation. 

They simply confirmed the story that what happened was an act to prove the superiority of the mutants, who they support, and as soon as their words were made public, the group of people who are harbouring this new form of racism against the mutant race has become even more fervent.

The only good news is that I tracked down in the police database some people with the same tattoo I saw on those nuns' bodies, yet none of those women I found were the woman who was called Typhoid, And they don't even have a connection to her.

'While I wait for Black Cat to get in touch with me, I could try to find out where their hideout is. It's the only track I have at the moment after all... I hope Cat is safe.'

After arriving at my stop and taking a few minutes of walking, I arrive at my destination and, after putting on my lab coat before arriving at the lab area, I see a group of people at the entrance of the floor.

The moment I realize that the group of people consists mainly of scientists with whom I have collaborated so far, I see that at the heart of that group there is Dr Connors and, alongside him, there is his wife.

When I join that group to understand what is happening this time, Dr Connors, the first to notice my arrival, takes a step forward and, after greeting me, He compliments me because Dr Bennet told him how helpful I was to him in his research on that alien life form.

As soon as he reaches out his hand, I shake it without thinking and I respond to those compliments saying that there is no need for him to say such words for me, in the end I have only done what I was hired for.

In the meantime Dr Connors complains that I am too humble, I hear the scientists around me, including Dr Bennet, chuckling, and in the face of their strange reaction, I understand that something is wrong.

I think initially that the reason is something that concerns me, so I look down to check and it is at that moment when I look at my hands, that I notice a detail that I didn't realize before.

"Dr Connors... I'm shaking your hand... your right hand..." I say shocked and that makes the scientists around me laugh again, this time more clearly.

"Yeah, Peter. You're holding onto the fruit of the research that you helped me carry out. The formula worked on me, and soon it will also help many other people and you contributed to that. "He says happy as he lays his left hand on my right shoulder.


After we moved to a room to eat pastries brought by Dr Connors and his wife, Dr Connors recounts that following some changes made to the formula while working from home, he did some tests that gave all the positive and promising results, so he decided to try on himself the result of his work.

His wife obviously points out how crazy it was that he did this, however Dr Connors, although he admits that it was reckless, he tells her that it is thanks to recklessness like this that there have been certain scientific discoveries.

"Also I can now finally hug Billy and do things like this again" He says and then he does a twirl after he gets his wife up in the air.

Following a kiss full of love that calms the nervousness of his wife, due to the dangerous gesture that he had made, we finish that short celebration and all of us return to our duties.

I'll follow Dr Connors to his lab, and we'll get together and update the records with the new results. After that, we administer a serum with the new formula on other lab rats, so we can get more data about it, and at some point, I hear Dr Connors making a sound of pain.

When I turn in his direction, I see him with both hands on his head.

I approach him to ask him how he is and if that could be a side effect of the serum he has taken, but he only responds that what he is experiencing is pain due to a severe migraine, the reason why he had not come here in recent days.

He then admits that, because of the excitement of what happened, he decided to return immediately to show everyone the obvious proof that his search had been successful, Although he needed to stay home to rest a little longer to be back at full strength.

I ask him if I can help him in any way or if I should warn his wife, but he orders me not to say anything to her, to avoid making her worry about simple headaches.

"Since I feel that way, continuing to work is not the right choice. I think I'm gonna rest here while I wait for Martha to finish work so we can go home together. If you feel like it, you can go help with Dr Bennett's research on that slimy alien, or you can go home, Peter."

"All right, Dr Connors, are you sure you don't want me to stay? That way, someone can help you if you feel worse."

"No, Peter, don't worry. I shouldn't, but I invite you to choose the second option, which is to go home and rest. You told me you didn't get much sleep because you had to study yesterday, and you're obviously tired. I am sure that after we have a good night's sleep, tomorrow we will be able to work much better", he says while he holds with his left hand his new right arm, which I think has had an almost imperceptible spasm.

"All right, Dr. Connors, I'll let you rest, if you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me."

After we said good-bye, I decided to go to Dr Bennett, seeing as I was about to finish my shift anyway, and while I started helping him with the tasks he entrusted me with, Dr Bennett expresses his gratitude to me for coming to help him.

"You don't have to thank me, it's an honor for me to work alongside you. Being able to collaborate in your research on this possible alien life form is very interesting and this is an opportunity that not everyone can have. I should be the one to thank you for giving me a chance to help you." I say to him.

"Let's do this, neither of us has to thank the other then, since ours is a relationship of "Do ut des". But I admit that I feel a little indebted to you. When you're around, this being is much more responsive than usual, you know? Perhaps the presence of more people stimulates it, so you can come whenever you want in my laboratory, even for just a visit. In return, if in the future you need someone to write a letter of recommendation for college, don't hesitate to contact me because I can write it if you want. Now, before we start thanking each other again, let's get back to work, okay?"

"All right, Dr. Bennett."


The moment I enter the elevator to go to the ground floor, I hear my phone ring and when I take it, I see a message from MJ asking me if I'm still working.

When I tell her that I am about to leave the building to return home, she asks me if I have any plans for the rest of the afternoon and for dinner and, after I write to her that I have no plans, she answers me with a message where there is only written: "See you soon then".

Before I can ask her why she asked those questions, her status on the app goes from online to offline. Assuming she probably can't continue the conversation because she's busy right now, I put my phone back in my pocket and I get out of the elevator, which got to the ground floor.

As soon as I leave the building, I see MJ, who has her back against the wall to my right, looking at me with a smile on her face, and the reason for that smile is almost certainly my expression of amazement after recognizing her.

"Hey little tiger, why that face? I told you we'll be seeing each other soon, right?" She says after pressing a button on her right earbud, probably to pause the song she was hearing.

"I didn't expect it so soon, if you were waiting for me you could tell me. I'm sorry if I kept you waiting."

"I didn't wait long, besides if I told you in advance it wouldn't be a surprise. Since I got paid at the bar where I work today and I don't have rehearsals with the theater company, I thought I'd pick you up and go shopping to renew your wardrobe. Then I'd like to buy you dinner, since you paid for it last time."

"MJ, I already told you, you don't have to return the favor. I'd rather you keep that money since you still have to repay those guys."

"Don't worry, I already had some money saved, so I just need a cut of today's salary to get all the money I need to pay off the debt, The rest of the salary can be used without problems and I would like to offer you dinner with a part of that money.

Of course, we're not gonna eat in one of those fancy restaurants with a lot of cutlery on the table, maybe we'll go there in the future, but I was thinking about going to a Chinese restaurant. Besides, I already warned my grandmother and May that we're probably coming back late tonight, so you just need to call your aunt to confirm that you're coming with me.

So, you in, little tiger?" She tells me as she shortens the distance between us, enough that there's a few inches between our faces.

When I realize my gaze was staring at her lips, I accept her proposal, then I immediately take the phone to call Aunt May and, thanks to that, I have the opportunity to be able to get away from her and from that strange tension that was born between us.

The moment Aunt May answers my call, she doesn't even give me time to say something that she informs me that, if I were reluctant to leave her home alone, she would eat at MJ's grandmother's house tonight.

Afterwards, she tells me, or rather, she threatens me not to even try to show up at home if I won't even buy a piece of clothing, since I haven't bought clothes for myself in a long time.

Usually when May tried to ask me to go buy something new, since everything in my closet is worn, I would make excuses to postpone it, because I didn't find it right to have to spend money on those things when we were going through a bad economic period.

Now, fortunately, we don't have a lot of money problems anymore, and today's the perfect opportunity for Aunt May to force me to go shopping.

Thereafter, as if she had not just threatened me, she wishes me to spend a nice evening with Mary Jane and she reminds me not to come home too late, since tomorrow we have to go to school, and after these recommendations, she just hang up the phone.

Seeing my reaction to that brief phone call that leaves me stunned, MJ chuckles, then, after she got my confirmation that it's all settled, she leads me to the place where she parked her car.

When I see her taking off her earbuds, I ask her curious what she was listening to while she was waiting for me. Instead of giving me an answer, she hands me one of those earbuds and, meanwhile she puts her in her right ear, MJ beckons me to do the same thing.

The moment I put it in my left ear, she picks up her phone and she plays a song that we listen to in silence as we walk.

The song that she makes me listen is a bit distant from my musical tastes, however the singer's voice is the first thing that immediately captures my attention. It is something exceptional, I don't think I have ever heard such a beautiful voice until now. Moreover, as I listen to the song, I am also amazed by the lyrics of the song, which expresses very deep concepts that you usually don't find in pop songs like this one.

"So what do you think?" Mj asks me as soon as the song ends.

"I'm amazed. Whoever this singer is, they're really good. It seems strange to me that I have not heard of a person with these abilities before."

"She is an upcoming singer. Until a few months ago, she only released covers or her songs on the internet and only recently she has attracted the attention of a label that has signed her. Her first official album should be out soon and she should do her first tour during the Christmas period. I look forward to them. She not only has a divine voice, which she uses very well in many music genres and styles, but she also writes the lyrics all by herself."

"What's her name? When I get some free time, I'd like to hear more of her songs."

"Her stage name is Dazzler, if you want, while we're in the car, we can listen to some of her other songs and you can play me something from your playlist. I'm curious about what kind of music you listen to." She says as she goes to the driver's door of her car.

"All right, I'm in."

As we agreed, on that drive to the mall where she wants to take me, she and I take turns playing one song each. As I am amazed by the versatility and skill of Dazzler, Mj is amazed by the kind of songs I usually listen to.

After I made a commitment to ignore her comments, which only aimed to tease me, she and I enter the mall and, from that moment begins an ordeal that I did not expect to happen when I agreed to go shopping together.

Once we walk through the entrance to the building, she grabs my hand and together we visit every single store that has men's clothing, and our permanence in each of those who do not meet both our needs is so short that I barely realize whether or not I have entered them.

Although those visits are brief, since Mj can quickly figure out if it can have something worth buying or not, this first hour together is mentally and physically more tiring than everything I have done during the whole day before our meeting.

'Does she have any power over time or speed? I feel like I'm on a boat in the middle of a sea storm.'

 Nevertheless, this odyssey that she is making me live turns out to be paradoxically relaxing at the same time, because it somewhat distracts me from thoughts regarding what happened last night, but also because the tiredness that I am feeling now is obscuring in my mind the pain that I feel for the wounds that I have received.

In those stops we made in those shops with the speed worthy of an Olympic runner, I didn't even try a single piece of clothing. If there was something that caught MJ's attention, she would just look at the price and then she would place it next to me. She only needed those two actions to understand if it was worth trying or not.

Obviously MJ has no intention of deciding by himself what I have to buy.

After I decided on a budget, she asked me to point out something I might like every time we walked into a new store and she always asked me for my opinions in what she showed me, so that she could get an idea of my tastes in fashion. 

It's no use denying that I've never been interested in this sort of thing, I know I'm not very "fashionable" like Liz or Flash, but with my simple and by no means exhaustive "I like it" and "I don't like it" I tell her, MJ has gradually managed to understand what we should be looking for specifically.

After visiting almost all the shops inside the mall, MJ and I manage to find the store that meets all the requirements we were looking for, but even if this should make me breathe a sigh of relief, inside me, I know this is going to be even more tiring than what I've done so far.

I have the feeling that something similar to those montages that happen in the movies, where a character tries on a thousand outfits, will happen, but the quick changes of scene that make it seem that everything happens in a matter of seconds will not be here to save me. 

If Mj wasn't here with me, I doubt I'd ever do anything like that, maybe I would with Johnny, but it would be different. When I'm with her, even these boring things can be more carefree and pleasant.

She makes me feel good and, although she teases me many times, I enjoy trying to keep up with her exuberant character.

Even though we met a short time ago, only a fool would not understand what a great person MJ is, and the more time we spend together, the more I become attracted to her, but that's not good.

I can't afford to let my relationship with another person go beyond mere friendship, because I would end up putting that person in danger and the last thing I want is for MJ to be affected by my responsibilities.

Whatever emotion my heart is feeling, it must remain unknown to me, otherwise I would end up messing everything up. The only thing I can afford to do is settle for these moments together.

'The person she will fall in love with will surely be the luckiest person in this universe... I hope that person-'

The moment I begin to get lost in those thoughts, I feel someone pinching my nose and this brings me back to the present.

In front of me I see MJ, who is watching me with pursed lips and puffed cheeks.

"What's up little tiger? I was talking to you but you weren't listening to me, you just stood there looking at the shop window without saying a word. Do you happen to not like the clothes they have here? We can go look somewhere else in case."

"No, MJ, that's not the reason. I just got distracted for a second because I was thinking about some things that happened in the lab today. Don't worry." I answer after she lets go of my nose.

"What's up little tiger? I was talking to you but you weren't listening to me, you just stood there looking at the shop window without saying a word. Do you happen to not like the clothes they have here? We can go look somewhere else in case."

"No, MJ, that's not the reason. I just got distracted for a second because I was thinking about some things that happened in the lab today. Don't worry." I answer after she lets go of my nose.

"Are you sure? If I-"

"Miss Watson, you're not thinking that you're the problem, are you? Because if you did, you wouldn't just make a mistake, but you're also giving someone the perfect chance to get back at all your tease..."I interrupt her to tell her this, with a smile that makes her understand who that someone might be and with my right index finger poking her nose.

Seeing my sincerity hidden in that provocation of mine, MJ's slightly worried mood returns to be serene however, on Mj's face now there is also a mischievous smirk.

"You're right, maybe I carelessly let my guard down. I didn't think someone could start showing his claws now... However, if there is someone who wants revenge for my tease, they must also think about the consequences. Do you think that someone thought about this?"

"I admit that that someone may not have thought about any consequences, however, since nothing happened, everything is okay, right?" I ask slightly worried while I remove my finger from her nose.

"Maybe." she says as she approaches me, then she starts talking again, "Don't ever call me Miss Watson again, okay? I don't like my last name, it's not as good as yours, little tiger. Maybe in the future I could replace mine with yours, would you like that?"

Following those words, MJ stares me in the eyes to enjoy my reaction as soon as I realize the meaning of her words and, once she is satisfied, she chuckles.

"With that I'd say we're even now. Come on, dummy, we have clothes to buy and other things to do. We can't waste any more time." She says as she enters the store, leaving me stunned in front of the entrance.

I watch her walk inside that store for a few seconds, then I look up at the ceiling of the mall.

'She is and must be just a friend Peter, just a friend.'


Once we finish viewing all the clothes for sale there, MJ and I transport all those clothes she recommended to me in one of the dressing rooms, so I can try them on and see how they fit me.

Fortunately today I did not wear the costume under my clothes but I left it in my backpack, which I hung on a clothes hanger in the dressing room. Since I don't have to worry about it, I start to undress without problems, until my sixth sense tells me to stop when I have lifted the shirt at the level of my abdomen.

If I was in danger, my spider-sense would be activated, however instead of it, I just feel a strange feeling telling me that I shouldn't keep doing what I was doing. When I look at the mirror in front of me, I realize why I feel this way.

The door to the dressing room, which I thought I had closed, is actually slightly open and from the crack I see Mj, who obviously wants to spy on me while I'm undressing and, if I hadn't noticed in time, she probably would have seen the wounds that are on my body.

After I put the shirt back down, I suddenly turn to ask her what she was doing and instead of pretending to do something else and hoping that she wasn't discovered by me, she keeps staring at me, as if what she's doing isn't wrong.

"I already know you have a fit physique, you don't have to keep hiding it from me like you do with others. Come on, I'm curious what's under those clothes."

"MJ, that doesn't mean you can spy on me while I undress. If I did something like that to you, wouldn't it bother you?"

"If you want, we can go later to an underwear store and, after advising me which lingerie to buy, you can spy on me too, so we can even the score..."

In the same way as earlier, MJ enjoys my reaction to that shameless proposal of hers and later she closes the dressing room door, with the promise that she would never spy on me again.

While I'm getting undressed, Mj tells me that she's leaving the dressing room area for a minute to make a phone call and, when she comes back, that sort of private fashion show starts.


After trying the last outfit, I return to the dressing room to wear again the clothes I came with, however, before them, I decide to wear the costume that I have so far kept in my backpack, except gloves, web-shooters and of course the mask.

The reason for this choice is that MJ showed a lot of curiosity about the backpack since I decided to take it with me instead of leaving it in the car. Seeing what she does to satisfy her curiosity, I'd rather wear it under my clothes than risk she might find it in my backpack.

The other things are easy to hide in the backpack or to justify their presence inside it, for the costume is more difficult to do that. Sure, I could say it's a Halloween costume, which is coming up, but I don't want to lie to MJ and it would be weird that I want to take it with me.

In any case, if she saw it, it would leave a mark on the girl's memory and if she could figure out why I have the costume, that would be a problem, therefore better safe than sorry.

When I finish getting dressed, Mj and I go to the checkout area so that I can pay for what I've decided to take and, after finishing, we get back in the car.

Initially I thought we would have eaten here after leaving the bags in the car, however MJ tells me that we still have one thing to do and the place we are going is close to where we are going to eat once we finish.

After my question about what we should do next, she replies that it's a surprise, so she can't tell me, however it is something that will complete my makeover.

Unable to understand what it is, I decide to go along with her anyway and, following a short drive where we talked while listening to our favorite songs in the background, we arrive in that area of New York where MJ lived with his parents.

At one point, she parks the car and, on foot, she takes me to a store that looks like it's closed.

When I ask her if we arrived late, she replies that the call she had made was to confirm that we will be here and that her friend probably closed the salon to the public so that we can be alone.

Mj then presses the doorbell that is near the front door, and following that sound that it emits, the door opens immediately and behind it I see a girl with short blue hair and brown eyes that hugs MJ as soon as she sees her.

"MJ, honey, I'm so happy to see you," the girl says.

"Same goes for me, Lena. Thanks for agreeing to my request, girl." MJ responds, hugging her with the same affection as the girl named Lena.

"How could I ever say no to my favorite junior who has helped me enormously? You know it's a pleasure to be able to help you, and I also have the opportunity to meet the gentleman you told me about..." Lena says and as she gets away from MJ, I see that Lena starts studying me with her eyes.

"Oh right, I got caught up in the joy of meeting you that I forgot to introduce you two." Mj says as she looks first at me then back at her friend, who keeps staring at me, "Peter, this is Lena. She was a senior at my theater club and she was the person who helped me the most when I started high school and the club. Lena, this is Peter, the little tiger I told you about."

"Nice to meet you, Lena." I say as I extend my hand to her.

"Nice to meet you, too, Peter. Mary Jane has always had a good eye for people, so I admit that I had high expectations on you, but you still managed to surpass some of them. Let's go in before some party pooper comes."

Once we pass through that door that Lena opened for us, we enter the shop that turns out to be a hair salon. When we are inside, Lena gets behind one of those chairs that are each in front of a mirror and she invites me to sit there, while Mj sits in the seat to my left.

"So, Peter, did you have any idea how you want your new haircut?"

"Lena, actually Peter didn't know he was coming here to get your hair cut, it was a surprise." Mj explains while doing a spin on the swivel chair.

"Damn MJ, you haven't changed a bit since the last time we met... I understand that you're doing this in good faith, but you have to ask first what the other person thinks about it before organizing things like this. Sorry Peter, I didn't know my silly junior set you up, so don't feel guilty if you don't want to cut your hair." Lena says.

"It's not a problem, I promised her that I would allow her to help me renew my look and I admit that I have never given as much attention to my hair as others do. Since I have never found a hairstyle that suits me, I will rely on your hands and experience. As long as it's nothing extreme ahah."

"... Where did you say you found this boy, MJ?" Lena asks.

"He lives in the house next to the one where I went to live with my grandmother, who became friends with her aunt. Why?" MJ says with a mischievous voice and a sharp look at the girl behind me.

"Nothing, I'm thinking maybe I should pay my grandmother a visit and see what kind of neighbors she has ahah. Anyway, Peter, let's get back to the haircut thing. I understand that you don't give much attention to your hair, however, I suggest you be careful about who you have trusted in the past for things like this. I don't know who cut your hair so far, but I'd like to have a chat with that criminal to ask how they could do such a pitiful job."

"It's a little awkward, but you're talking to that criminal right now. I've been cutting it myself for years to save some money... Obviously not because I think it's a waste of money to go to a hairdresser or a barber, I want that to be clear. Cutting my hair on my own was one of my ways of saving my aunt some money and over time it has become a habit to do this. I even thought I'd gotten a little bit good, but it was a good thing that a professional gave me a more truthful opinion, ahah."

"Now that I know this, it all makes a little more sense. Don't worry though, leaving out the disproportionate way you cut them in some places, there is no other problem. For someone who says he pays little attention to his hair, they're well maintained, they don't have knots, and although there are some split-ends and dead hairs, it's negligible for men. So kudos for that, but not for your skills in cutting them ahah. I'm sure that when I'm done, no one will recognize you. Not even yourself. So shall we start?" Lena says after doing a quick examination of my hair.

After agreeing, Lena makes me sit in a shampoo basin near us and, after a quick hair wash, she makes me sit back where I was before. Once I'm back in that chair, she comes back with her tools and, after placing a cape on me to prevent me from getting dirty, she starts cutting my hair while the three of us talk.

When she hears us bickering because of the way MJ keeps teasing me, she says she has never seen Mj behave with this intensity. Faced with this strange behavior of MJ, Lena starts to tell some stories about the redhead to help me.

Unfortunately, the stories of the girl's shyness during her first year of high school did not scratch MJ at all but even if there had been some event worth mentioning, I doubt I could have taken advantage of it.

What happened before we walked into that store is proof that MJ is not an easy person to tease, however it is still a pleasure to hear these stories, as they shed light on the parts of MJ that are obscured by her sweeping character.

At some point, seeing that she is almost finished, Lena asks both of us to close our eyes to see our reactions and, when she gives us the green light, we open them in unison.

"So, what do you think? I admit that I didn't expect such a result either... Sorry MJ"

Hearing the way she talked, I start to worry a bit but when I open my eyes, I see nothing wrong. She cut my hair just like she told me to, so not knowing what the problem was. Unlike me, I have the impression that MJ saw something different from what I saw in my reflection from the mirror in front of me.

When we turn towards each other, Mj gives me a satisfied smile and it is at that moment that I realize that there is something strange in her eyes, but I cannot understand what it is specifically.

"You did a great job, Lena, as always. I knew I could count on you, but if you talk like this, my little tiger will think he doesn't look good with this new look."

"Really?!" Lena asks to me.

"Since you apologized to MJ, I thought something bad had happened, but it doesn't seem like it, does it? Because your reactions imply something but I don't understand what."

"Don't you see the difference from before?!" Lena exclaims.

"Yes, well, my hair is definitely better than before, and I thank you for that Lena, however it is only this, no?" I say and I see that Lena's expression becomes even more incredulous when I answer her.

"Let it go, Lena. Peter is a guy who always tries to hide his qualities for some reason, so much so that he doesn't realize what this little change has brought out. When he sees the reactions of other people around him, maybe he'll realize it.

Anyway, you don't have to apologize to me, Lena, I already knew it would happen and, in fact, I'm very happy about it. I'm not afraid of consequences like you think. If anything, the person you should apologize to is Peter, since you ended his beloved anonymous life that he was striving to carry on." MJ explains to Lena.

'Have I really changed as much as they say? It doesn't seem so to me, but if it's true, Johnny won't miss a chance to rub it in my face that he's always been right when he finds out.'