Beech’s Guide to Animus Academy – Students and Teachers
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Prof. Toad


Our teacher, does a variety of subjects from math and history to Animus Practice.

Squat and dark brown. Very bulky. Thin wire glasses.

Soul spell: A thick black cord he uses as a necklace.

Coach Sahara


Outdoor Exercise (O.E.) and Fast-thinking Animus Magic.

Short, very muscular, pale yellow scales.

Soul spell: Silver earring shaped like an elephant. 

Director Kraken


Principal (Though prefers "Director")

Tall, thin, dark blue

Soul spell: Huge, super-fancy necklace made of silver and sapphire.



I don't know her official title. Everyone just calls her Excellence. But she's our art teacher. We learn how to picture the result we want when using magic for art.

ALWAYS PINK. Super grumpy, but always pink! It's like her favorite color or something!

Soul spell: Skull tattoo on foot. I don't understand it, but she said something about enchanting the ink before it went on.

Prof. Fire Ant

HiveWing (The only Pantalan other than me.)

Our assistant teacher (apparently one isn't enough to handle us). 

Mostly black, but fiery orange and red stripes along sides and wings, with gold spots around her eyes like a panda.

Soul spell: A series of black bands on her horns. Subtle, which I can appreciate.


Prince Hippopotamus


Three sibs, two sisters and a brother. His sister Crocodile is the BigWings and heir to the throne. His other sister is Princess Pond, and his brother is Swamp.

Tall- Taller then any of us, even Professor Toad. Pale brown scales and golden brown wings.

Soul spell: The stone Circlet PRINCESS Crocodile makes him wear. Poor guy.



Maybe an orphan, maybe a noble, who knows? She tells so many lies it's impossible to tell what's true.

Short with scales more pale brown than anything. Maybe beige? 

Soul spell: Thick gold chain necklace.



Aristocrat. His mom is on the council.

Peach-orange scales, gold eyes that see straight to your soul. Small and athletic.

Soul spell: White collar (like on a cape) attached to a cord. I guess he thinks it makes him look regal and imposing? It mostly looks goofy, though.



He was in the hatchery. Shared a twin egg with his sister, Leopard. They were named that because when they hatched, Panther's scales were black and his twin's were gold.

He's a RainWing, so he can look however he wants. But his scales are always a bit dark-hued, and he's a bit- how do I say this nicely... round.

Soul spell: This weird red, black, and white cape he always wears. It's SO ugly, but nobody has the heart to tell him.

Polar Bear (Polar)


Lived in We-Remember-And-Venerate-Caribou. Got tested anyways, and I think he only lived with his mom, Blink.

Silver with darker gray patches on his wings. White on his snout.

Soul spell: Two matching sapphire Anklets.

Prince Comedy


Not even sure if he's technically a "Prince". He's a jester in the Queen's court- a terrible one, but he's allowed to stay on because he's distant royalty. Like the cousin of the son of the Queen's cousin? Something like that. 

Typical black scales that are kinda dull, REALLY short, strange pale blue eyes, one of which is higher than the other.

Soul spell: Small gold ring with the Queen's symbol, which he proudly flaunts to anyone who stands still for more then two seconds.

Me! (Beech)


Lived with my two hundred siblings (kidding, kidding. It's more like five) and my parents. None of them are worth mentioning.

Ugly pale green scales, brown horns and brown trailing down my neck like human hair, all the way to my shoulders. Gold flecks in my eyes, one of which is dark green and the other of which is brown. Small silver ball embedded above my right eye.

Soul spell: Vines with dappled leaves I weaved around my horns. They're also enchanted to never wither or be destroyed.