Chapter 12: The clean up
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Filled with a sense of triumph, Nexus ascended back to the heavenly realm, his heart swelling with satisfaction at the ease with which he had performed the sacred ritual. As he traversed the celestial plane, he indulged in a leisurely stroll, directing his steps towards the illustrious library of fate. This grand edifice housed an extensive collection of fated matches, encompassing thousands of years of intertwined destinies. Within its walls resided souls that had undergone numerous rebirths, as well as those rare souls that had halted at just one earthly existence.

Among the vast array of souls, it was the newcomers who required the intervention of fate. These individuals, yet untouched by the cyclical nature of existence, embarked on their inaugural journey through life. The thread of destiny wove itself delicately around these souls, guiding them towards a destined encounter with one another. With each subsequent rebirth, their love would blossom anew, each iteration presenting a unique story and a distinct set of life experiences. Never did a soul experience an identical life twice, for the tapestry of fate was woven with infinite variations. The presence of free will further diminished the likelihood of encountering even the slightest semblance to past lives.

Nexus, content with his accomplishments, roamed the expanse of the library, diligently attending to the tidiness of its sacred halls. He took pleasure in his meticulous efforts, silently acknowledging the commendable job he was doing. Knowing that several more days would pass before the need to dispatch assignments arose, he relished in the practice of sending them out in batches, ensuring the utmost precision in the orchestration of destinies.

He quickly grew bored of cleaning his archives, and decided to check up on some of his Angels. He went to a podium filled with a silver liquid like material and waved his hand over it, watching an Angel perform its duties, when he was bored of that, he swiped his hand over it and a new Angel appeared.
He seemed pleased to find them doing their jobs correctly, as if he expected them to mess up.

Nexus wanted to be lazy, he spent several days in the heavenly realm just watching over his Angels as they completed their missions. Some were over in a day, but he was watching one that lasted a week. When he finally saw that couple have the ritual performed on them, he decided it was time to send out more. He walked over to the beautiful adorned white bookcase with glass doors and opened it to bring out the large book of fate. He opened the book, and as he did the doors to the library flung open, and Duncan came running through them out of breath.
“You’re grace…”he said bowing before him, he held papers in his hands and they rustled as he quickly stood up. He had a terrifying look on his face.
“What is it Duncan?”
“Someone has made a mistake.” There was an eerie quiet in the room. “Someone has fated the wrong couple together.”
Nexus looked at him in shock, “That can’t be!” He said turning his gaze to the book, he went down the row of the names from the most recent missions, all had their appropriate red connectors, except for one. Tyler Shin. On his name was a gray line, something Nexus had never seen before.
He stared at the name. What had he done wrong? He thought back to his mission and how it started, realizing he never bothered to swipe his finger over Tyler's name to check on the details of his story. Morgan’s name was nowhere to be found in the list of names.
There wasn’t supposed to be someone other than Morgan at that location at that time.
“What are the chances?” He whispered to himself. A light bulb went off in his mind.
Nexus realized that what happened was the very thing he was there to prevent in the first place; correcting for unintended consequences. He sighed in disbelief, he had allowed his own laziness to cloud his very duty. Shock took him over, as Duncan handed him the papers.

“These are for you.” He said handing him a few papers. The papers were heavy and textured, hand written in a beautifully articulated handwriting.
He had never seen his hand writing, so he looked up at Duncan.
“It is orders from the Almighty.” Duncan was visibly shaken by this, and Nexus closed his eyes, considering what the letter could say.
Nexus brought the letter into his vision,

Dear Nexus,

I hope this letter finds you well. I must admit, it is with a heavy heart that I write to you today. As you know, I have always held great respect for your role as the god of fate, trusting in your ability to weave destinies and create meaningful connections. However, recent events have left me deeply disappointed, and I feel compelled to address the matter at hand.

It has come to my attention that fate seems to have taken an unexpected turn. The wrong people have been brought together, causing much fate to unravel. While I understand that unpredictability can sometimes be a part of the grand tapestry of life, this particular situation warrants immediate attention and correction.

Nexus, you possess immense power and wisdom, and I have always admired your creative approach to shaping destinies. However, it seems that a misstep has occurred, and it is crucial that you rectify this error promptly. The individuals involved deserve to find the paths they were truly meant to walk, and it is up to you to realign their destinies accordingly.

I implore you, dear Nexus, to revisit the intricate threads of fate and adjust them with the utmost care. Seek out those who have been entangled in the wrong circumstances and guide them towards the right direction. Remember that even the smallest change can have a profound impact on the lives of those we watch over.

I have faith in your ability to set things right, Nexus. Your creativity and insight are unparalleled, and I trust that you will approach this task with the diligence it deserves. Remember that our purpose is to bring joy, growth, and fulfillment to those who inhabit the mortal world.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, Nexus. I eagerly await the positive changes that will soon unfold under your capable hands.

With unwavering belief in your abilities,


Nexus placed the letter gently on the table, feeling the weight of his responsibility settling heavily upon his shoulders. The task at hand seemed insurmountable, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of frustration. How was he supposed to break the unyielding thread of fate between these two souls?

With a heavy heart, he leaned forward, resting his head in his hands as he contemplated the situation before him. The weight of his mistake bore down on him, his usually confident demeanor shattered by this colossal error. In all his centuries as the God of Fate, he had never encountered such a formidable challenge.

As he lifted his head, his eyes fell upon Tyler's name on the letter. He realized that Tyler was meant to encounter his true fated match just a few days after being matched with Morgan. However, the face of his true match now appeared blurry and unrecognizable, as if fate was playing its own cruel game.

Nexus's mind raced, desperately searching for a solution. The presence of Duncan, his loyal companion, offered a glimmer of hope. Duncan had always been a trusted confidant, and Nexus knew he could rely on his wisdom and support.

"I think I'll need your assistance, Duncan," Nexus admitted, his voice tinged with a rare vulnerability. "This is uncharted territory for me, and I can't face it alone."

Duncan nodded, a reassuring smile crossing his face. "I am here to accompany you, your Grace. We will find a way to navigate through this challenge together."

With great unease, Nexus and Duncan ventured into the mortal realm in search of Tyler and Morgan. They found the two of them working separately at the studio, each lost in their own creative world. Nexus observed them intently, trying to glean insights that could guide his next move.

His mind churned with ideas, and he realized that this was a rare opportunity to utilize the other facets of his godly powers. Nexus knew that simply sending one of them away would not be enough to break the unyielding thread of fate. They would find a way back to each other, their love surpassing any barriers he tried to impose.

"Duncan," Nexus began, his voice filled with a mix of determination and uncertainty, "what if I sent
Her away?”
Duncan looked at him, contemplating. “I can see where you're going with this thought. It’s simple, so worth a try at least.”

He let out a deep, exasperated sigh, feeling the weight of his unprecedented task pressing down on him. This was uncharted territory for Nexus, a challenge unlike anything he had ever faced before. He had never needed to intervene in this manner, and the uncertainty gnawed at him.

With a heavy heart, Nexus made the decision to alter Morgan's fate, manipulating the events that would unfold in her life. He orchestrated a situation where her label would sell her off to another, forcing her to leave the city and embark on a new chapter in her artistic journey. Nexus observed their lives for days, hoping to see the red thread of fate break, but to his dismay, it remained intact.

Realizing that his initial intervention was not enough, Nexus decided to alter Morgan's fate once again. This time, he made her incredibly busy with events, pulling her further away from Tyler. The couple experienced a great deal of heartache as their longing for each other grew stronger.

Feeling frustrated and desperate, Nexus shifted his focus to Tyler. He repeated the process, ensuring that Tyler's schedule was deliberately opposite to Morgan's. This meant that they had no time together at all, further fueling their longing and increasing their heartbreak.

Despite months of altering their fates, Nexus was disheartened to see that the red thread of fate still persisted. His efforts had only resulted in two deeply wounded souls who were more determined than ever to overcome the obstacles standing in their way.

The frustration and disappointment weighed heavily on Nexus. He had hoped that his interventions would bring about a resolution, but instead, they had only deepened the pain for Tyler and Morgan. They remained steadfast in their commitment to each other, willing to endure any hardship to be together.

Nexus couldn't help but question his abilities as the God of Fate. Had he overestimated his power? Was there something he had missed? Doubt crept into his mind, casting a shadow over his usually confident demeanor.

He sighed, the weight of disappointment settling upon him like a heavy cloak. Nexus had never imagined that altering fate could lead to such unintended consequences. As he observed Morgan and Tyler's lives unfold, he realized the depth of the heartache he had inadvertently caused them.

Nexus had hoped that by separating Morgan and Tyler, the red thread connecting their souls would weaken and eventually disappear. But this broken fate seemed to have a different plan, as if it were mocking his attempts to intervene. Despite all the obstacles he had placed between them, their love remained steadfast, unwavering in the face of adversity.

It pained Nexus to witness the anguish in their eyes, the longing for each other that transcended all the barriers he had set. He realized that he had underestimated the power of their connection, the resilience of their love. It was a humbling experience for a god who prided himself on his ability to shape destinies.

With a heavy heart weighing him down, Nexus turned to Duncan, his voice filled with resignation. "I don't have a choice," he declared, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Duncan's face contorted in pain as he understood the gravity of the situation. Concern etched his features as he questioned Nexus about the potential consequences of his actions.

"Do you realize the devastating impact it could have on them and their families?" Duncan's voice trembled with worry, gripping Nexus’ shoulder tightly.

Nexus met Duncan's gaze with a somber expression. "What choice do I have, Duncan? I've exhausted every power at my disposal to separate them. The thread must be cut," he replied, the weight of his decision evident in his voice.

Duncan's hand remained on Nexus' shoulder, his touch offering comfort amidst their shared anguish. "It could result in the death of one of them, ending their soul's rotation," Duncan said, his voice filled with a mix of fear and sorrow. Nexus shuddered at the magnitude of the reminder, his terror intensifying.

"I don't see any other options," Nexus admitted, his words heavy with dread. He knew what needed to be done, but he couldn't help but hope for an alternative, even if it seemed impossible. He took a few more days, desperately searching for any glimmer of hope before recalling the divine letter that had reminded him of his purpose of bringing joy to humanity. Nexus froze in his tracks, startling Duncan as he crumpled to the ground under the weight of his sorrowful decision.

"I don't want to do this," Nexus whispered, his hands clasped together in prayer, his eyes pleading toward the heavens. But no answer came, leaving Nexus resolute in his choice. Since it was Tyler's fate that he had inadvertently miss woven, Nexus made the agonizing decision to sever the thread from Tyler's side.

Duncan watched Nexus move with purpose, but his gaze was empty, and he trembled with fear of what he was about to witness. Never before had he seen the God of Fate so disheveled, so broken. He observed Nexus walking, his hands clenched into fists in a futile attempt to steady his trembling. Fear consumed Nexus's entire being, but he still pressed forward.

Finally, Nexus located Tyler in his studio, time frozen in its tracks. Nexus locked eyes with the young man, tears of regret welling up in his own eyes. Without uttering a word, Nexus mouthed a heartfelt apology to the motionless Tyler. The thread of fate materialized in Nexus' hands, and he took a moment to gather himself before summoning his godly strength and pulling at both ends of the thread. The moment the thread snapped under the tension, time resumed its course, and Nexus collapsed in anguish, his screams of pain filling the air. Clutching his chest, he writhed in agony, his body frozen in torment. He hadn’t even considered the physical pain it would cause him, thanks in part to another misstep in his past that ended with the consequence of feeling the severance and breaking of any thread.

In the background, Tyler received a phone call, he begged Morgan to not make this decision, but it was to no avail, and as soon as it ended, he crumpled to the ground, overcome by tears and sorrow. The weight of Nexus' decision struck Tyler with an overwhelming force, leaving him shattered and inconsolable.