Chapter 48
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No matter where he looked, Elysian could only see darkness. For what it’s worth, it brought him a modicum of comfort that he could at least see the area surrounding him. However, the further he looked, he encountered nothing but the oppressive twilight—the cold, desolate type, dwelling in the deepest recesses of the abyss. Despite his enhanced vision granted by the Eye of Sacraeon, it was odd that he couldn’t discern anything. He should have been able to perceive the dark as if it were day, yet here, there was only impenetrable darkness, as if this land were beyond the powers of men and gods alike. Frustrated, he immediately tried to channel his aura to heighten his senses, but to his dismay, not only did his aura elude him, but prana itself seemed to have slipped beyond his grasp, as if he had lost the ability to perceive it altogether.


‘Where in the blasted Creation am I? And why… Why can’t I use my aura? If there exists a realm of infernal torment, this should be it, since I can’t even feel any prana in this accursed place.’


Elysian’s expression suddenly grew serious as he stared straight ahead. “I know you’re there,” he declared, his voice firm and unwavering. “Stop playing games and come out!”


‘I’m certain there must be someone present here. If not, all this waiting will become quite tiring, akin to a fish left to be dried and salted.’


When no response came, the boy exhaled deeply, his frustration palpable in the quiet darkness. Closing his eyes, he muttered to the unseen presence, “If you won’t reveal yourself, I’ll just sleep. Wake me up when you decide to stop playing games.”

“What a hideous child you are,” the creature sneered, her voice carrying an alluring yet disdainful tone toward him. “I can’t believe you're the one who woke me up from my slumber. Well, it could be worse,” the voice said, dismissing him like a servant. “You’ll do.”


‘I was right. Someone’s watching me… Wait… 

Wait, wait!

Hideous? Me? Who does this b*tch think she is? I know I’m not a looker, but come on, I’m average at worst. I can admit that. It might sting a little, but what can I do? But hideous? How dare she…’


Elysian snapped his eyes open, the fury rising within him like a storm, ready to unleash a torrent of curses—a lashing she wouldn’t forget. “You damn…” he began, the venom on the tip of his tongue, but his intended tirade choked in his throat. He swallowed hard, and his rage was abruptly extinguished, forcibly replaced by dread and terror.

What Elysian witnessed was the true embodiment of horror. Before him floated a woman, her body suspended in the air, long and thick congealed blood trailing from her back like a twisted rope, tethered to two towering obsidian pillars adorned with intricate runes. The tops of the pillars resembled branches of trees, stretching outward into the void. But instead of leaves, they bore fruit—heads, each one contorted in a scream of terror, their expressions etched with chilling dread.

The woman wore a black flowing dress, a hue darker than the abyss surrounding them. It seemed to devour every trace of light that dared strike its surface, forever trapping it within its depths. Rather than hanging limply under the pull of gravity, the dress floated instead, as if imbued with a life and will of its own. Adoring it were crimson poppy flowers fashioned from fabric, each petal red as freshly harvested blood, pulsating with eerie vitality. Etched within the heart of these flowers were runes, ancient and primal, something he hadn’t seen before; it invoked a profound sense of dread that seemed to drain the very essence of life from his veins. Upon her chest, a small gold embroidery caught his gaze, standing out amidst the encroaching darkness—defying it. Yet, the longer he looked, it appeared as though the darkness itself was on its way to devour the last glimmer of golden light flickering in the void—hope.

As Elysian focused on her face, he could see a semblance of beauty, though shrouded by uncertainty. A shawl of midnight shade partially obscured her visage, masking her head and eyes from view. The lower half of her face revealed a striking contrast—a white porcelain skin gleaming like matted glass, with lips as red as crimson blood. Despite these features hinting at seductive allure, what truly instilled terror was the absence of her right lip and cheek, revealing an inhuman fang so sharp it could pierce him easily. Adding to that already terrifying image were the streams of blood coursing down her cheeks, akin to tears of crimson agony for those she had mercilessly slain.

Floating atop her head, Elysian beheld a crimson crown, pulsating with an aura of dread and torment. It seemed as though merely laying eyes on it would cause anyone to weep tears of blood. Despite his immediate instinct to look away, he found himself inexplicably drawn to it, unable to tear his gaze from its hypnotic allure. As he continued to stare, the visage of screaming phantoms materialized briefly before him, their hatred and anguish reverberating in his mind like a haunting melody. The crown exuded a power unlike anything he had ever encountered, instilling a fear so profound that it would drive anyone to soil themselves in terror. Luckily, he wasn’t just anyone.

“Nice meeting you,” Elysian said, breaking the silence. Though he felt afraid, he refused to show it. Instead, he gritted his teeth and forced a smile. “You look lovely today.”


‘...and scary.’


The creature suddenly erupted into laughter, her voice reverberating everywhere. What was odd, however, was that the laughter didn’t just emanate from her direction; it seemed to surround him, echoing from all directions at once, even in the darkness beyond. As her voice echoed as if she were everywhere, the sound intersected with Elysian as its center, creating a deafening cacophony that could have rendered a normal mortal unconscious. Bound and unable to move, the boy could only grit his teeth in frustration. 


‘Damn this b*tch! I bet she’s doing this on purpose.’


“Ah, thank you. How kind of you,” the woman responded, her seductive voice prickling his ears like needles yet strangely soothing, like the velvet touch of a seductress leading her prey to his inevitable demise. “But I’m sorry I couldn’t return the sentiment. You looked hideous. After a long slumber, I did not expect to be greeted by such a displeasing sight.”


‘This b*tch is really getting on my nerves. I’m just average, not hideous. There’s a big difference.’


“Sorry, I have caused discomfort to your eyes, ma’am,” Elysian responded, his smile never wavering despite the persistent jabs of that damnable creature. Well, what choice did he have? Tied to a f*cking tree with no one in sight to help him, he could only swallow his spite and force his sweetest smile. “Now, I understand why you consider me hideous. Being in the same room with you, I find myself lacking.”


‘Seriously? Must I stoop so low as to debase myself in this manner? 

But do I even have a choice?’


Gritting his teeth from frustration, Elysian sighed helplessly while maintaining his smile.


‘My face is killing me from all this smiling. By the time I make it back home, I might as well become a court jester from all this smiling. 

…If I even make it back. Damn this!

And now, my mouth is starting to feel parched from all this ass-kissing.’


“Well, well, well. It appears you have a redeeming quality after all,” the woman snickered, her voice dripping with a sadistic allure that seemed to momentarily soothe his pain and anger.


‘Yup, it’s confirmed. She has the power to affect the mind.

Damn, this creature!’


“Thank you for your understanding,” Elysian responded, biting his lips until they bled while glaring at her, though his grin remained plastered on his face. However, calling it a smile this time would be laughable; his expression was more of a contorted amalgamation of different emotions. Despite this, he managed to rein in his anger while his voice remained steady and polite as ever. “Your words have eased my troubled heart, my dear lady.”

“You are forgiven,” the woman replied, her tone dripping with condescension as she waved a dismissive hand. “You’re lucky I have a gracious heart.”

Swallowing hard, the boy’s eyes widened in fear when he saw her hand; her black fingers, lethal and as sharp as a blade, seemed to slice through the air with each movement. Were they even fingers? But then, what else could you expect? She was the living embodiment of BloodShade, after all.


‘Her fingers can easily slice me to pieces. 

Where the hell is that arrogant b*stard? Hey, Eye, hurry up and save me here!’


Taking a brief pause, Elysian’s gaze swept over his surroundings, his heart pounding with desperation as he awaited some miraculous intervention from the Eye of Sacraeon. As the seconds ticked by and nothing happened, a surge of frustration welled up within him. With narrowed eyes, he gritted his teeth in a mixture of disappointment and fury.


‘You damn b*stard! I trusted you when you insisted I needed to obtain this cursed knife, and now you’re leaving me alone to rut. I regret listening to you, you worthless piece of trash!’


“Why did you suddenly grow silent?” the woman inquired, her voice laced with curiosity as she studied him intently. “Is everything alright?”

“Huh? Of course,” Elysian responded, turning his attention back to her with a nervous laugh. “I’m fine; don’t worry.”

“Hmm… You know I don’t appreciate being ignored,” the creature remarked, her frown deepening as she stared at him. Letting out a sigh, she softened her expression into a smile. “But since you’ve been good to me until now,” she mused, her voice dripping with dangerous calm. “I’ll forgive you this one time, alright?”

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Elysian relaxed slightly and praised, “Not only are you beautiful, but you’re also kind and, now, merciful. What an extraordinary combination of virtues! The elegance and beauty you exude are beyond compare. Your smile…” 

“Shall we start?” the woman asked, cutting him off abruptly.

“Start?” Elysian asked, his brow arching in confusion as he blinked rapidly, attempting to process what she meant. 


When the creature did not explain further, the young noble pressed, asking once more, “What do you mean?”

“Like what you did with those men, of course,” the woman responded, her gaze piercing him as if he were stupid. “You seemed to have enjoyed what you’ve done to them. I wanted to try it out myself.”

“It seems you have a good sense of humor,” Elysian remarked, his smile growing strained. “Could you let me go now? My arms are starting to hurt.”

The creature suddenly burst into laughter, her eerie voice echoing from the void, signaling the horror that was about to come. When her laughter slowly subsided, she studied the boy with amusement in her eyes as a malevolent smile crept across her lips. “Shall we begin?”


‘F*ck! It seems it’s true what they said—karma is a b*tch!’





“For being so young, you seemed remarkably tough,” the woman remarked as she flicked the blood from his sharp fingers. “In fact, you’re the toughest I’ve ever encountered, regardless of age,” she admitted, studying him much more closely now. “I’m genuinely impressed.”

Staring into the creature’s eyes, Elysian’s mask fell, revealing his true face, no longer that of a boy but of hatred and spite. Deep within his eyes, where one might expect burning fury, lay an endless void, so chilling that it sent shivers down the spine of anyone who beheld it. The once innocent face of a child now bore the mark of the harbinger of doom and vengeance. Lips that were once filled with dread are now twisted into a sinister grin. He suddenly burst into laughter, yet his voice carried no trace of humor—only mockery and arrogance. Instead of fear, his eyes contained hatred—pure and unbridled, not directed at her but at the world. 

Elysian smirked and responded, “Thank you for the compliment. I’m constantly striving to impress.”



Hello, this is the author.  If you find any problems, feel free to let me know. Also, I’m open to suggestions.

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