33. I Am Rich.
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Aside from being one of the top three experienced artists, Amelia was also a professor at the world academy.

During her time as a hero, she had come across a few people with a similar curse, so she knew what became of those who possessed the same tattoo she saw on Zach's neck.

"I am also a friend of a rune expert who works in the academy and I would like to introduce her to you. Maybe she could find a way to rid you of your curse."

Noticing his silence, Amelia understood why he might feel reluctant to believe her words. 

She didn't want to delve too deep by asking how he got cursed in the first place. She knew it was definitely by a demon, hence why she wanted to help him.

So Amelia tried to clear up any doubts Zach might have in enrolling into the academy. "If you're worried about the enrollment test coming up in a few weeks, then I can personally recommend you to the academy with the aid of my friend as well. What do you think?" 

If Amelia recommended Zach to the academy, Zach would be exempted from taking part in the upcoming enrollment test and would instead be given a personal invitation from the academy.

This invitation was extremely rare and popular heroes who had attended the academy before were allowed to recommend just one person to the academy.

The slots available for recommended students weren't many so a serious consideration usually took place when choosing the few out of the large number of students recommended to the academy.

With this in mind, Zach replied to Amelia.

"I would like that."

"Good. I'll see what I can do from my end and update you about anything you need to know. until then, you should use this period to learn a thing or two about noble etiquette because if the auction goes well, I'll need you to attend a couple of future events and parties with me."

"Why do I feel like my role will be similar to that of a bodyguard?"

Amelia chuckled when she heard Zach's question. "True, with your physique, you could easily pass for my bodyguard. But do not worry, you'll be introduced to everyone as my apprentice."

"Well, I guess it's better than being seen as your personal bodyguard. Then again, you could introduce me as someone dear to you, you know?" Zach teased.

A smile spread on Amelia's face and she folded her arms underneath her breasts as she teased him back. "And risk allowing a sea of male nobles glaring at you with murderous intent?"

"I can handle the number of murderous glares aimed at me."

"And what of your girlfriend?"

"What about her?"

"What do you think would happen if word got out about you being my boyfriend?"

"Woah, slow down. All I said was that you could introduce me as someone dear to you, like a little brother or something. I didn't say anything about me being your boyfriend. Are you perhaps developing romantic feelings for your apprentice?"

A mischievous glint shimmered in Amelia's eyes. "And what if I am? Are you confident you can handle two women alone?"

"You'll be surprised by how many women I can handle at once."

Amelia chuckled softly "Interesting. You never cease to amaze me. Very well, I'll indulge in your little fantasy if everything goes well in the next couple of days. I'll give you a call as well when I need to see you again. Goodbye, Zach Darkmoor," Amelia said the last part seductively, as she turned around and swayed her hips on her way to the bathroom.

"Goodbye," Zach replied before leaving Amelia's bedroom with a smile on his face.

The moment he walked out of Amelia's room, his gaze fell on Amelia's secretary who was standing before him with the documents he had to sign and two keys to his new car and house placed on the silver tray she was holding.

He signed , then grabbed both keys and thanked her before leaving the mansion.

On his way out, Zach decided to board a train back home. Although he was interested in seeing what his new car and house would look like, his Aunt was returning home today, and Zach thought it would be better to see her first before coming back to check out his very own mansion.

He took a seat and relaxed his nerves as he recalled everything that happened in Amelia's mansion.

Not only was he able to sell all his paintings, but he was also able to get his very own car and mansion.

In a way, one could say everything went according to plan.

He had known that Amelia would be interested in buying all of his paintings because they were rare and it was something she'd been considering making for a while before she saw his paintings.

According to the novel's plot, Amelia should have been the one to come up with the idea of selling the portraits of popular nobles, but with the knowledge of the novel, Zach decided to take this approach and he could only hope the auction turned out to be a success.

While lost in his thoughts, Zach suddenly felt his phone vibrating, and to his surprise, he noticed his bank account had been credited with five hundred and eighty million gold coins.

'Woah, I am rich!!' Zach yelled out in his mind, not wanting to disturb others who were on the train with him. However, he couldn't control the broad smile on his face.

In this world, currency was measured in gold coins alone. There were no bronze, silver or platinum coins.

With this amount, Zach was now the richest rookie artist ever known. Also, he would be among the top fifty richest artists if he maintained a stable net worth of this amount or higher.

However, Zach wasn't interested in any of these. He had a lot of other things to think about.

For now, he had to see his Aunt and prepare for his date later today. He also had to play with Luna as well before the day ended.

Time was running out and Zach needed to complete his quests before the deadline.