They will see hell
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-Uncle ben POV-


I know that it wasn't completely peters fault and that may shouldn't have tried to get the last word in but i still want to ask peter a very important question.


I thought he would probably be in some convenience store or something so i headed to all the nearest ones and asked every cashier about my nephew but they all answered no so i left and went to the store i should have gone to first.


"Hey michey you seen peter around here?" Michey says "no, what happened?" peter used to work at michey's store for a couple of weeks, so i thought he'd be here "My wife said something and peter didn't like it" michey seemed to snort at that as he said "teenages am i right?" Ben was quick to correct him though "no he was pretty mature about the reason and was willing to be punished for it, it's just that may said something that didn't seem to sit right with him"


Michey nods and says "Then go out there and find him and take this beer on me, it'll keep you warm" i take the beer and walk off yelling "Bye michey" he yells back "that's no how you spell my name" i say "Even your mother doesn't know how to spell it" and shut the door.


As i was walking around wasting time, not looking for my nephew so that I can go home and tell my wife i tried, i know peter isn't mad enough to run away annnnd i also saw him on top of the building across our home so he should still be there when i get back as i was about to walk back home, i look up as i hear shout of help.


I see a bus stop by and an old guy getting off and i notice another guy pushing the black driver off of the vehicle, i get close and look inside to see that a group of kids laughing and standing around a girl stopping her from leaving so ben went inside the bus.


-peter POV-


I have to get there as fast as i can and i seem to have wasted 20 minutes just staying on this building before i remembered about the spiderman storyline and now i have to be quick about this. First I'll have to cover my head and i'm not gonna use some ski mask, i'll just web up my head completely and leave slits to breathe and see, i grabbed a random black and white hoodie drying on someones balcony and wear it over my t-shirt.


I go upto the edge of the building and just stop because the last time i did this i was working under pressure and adrenaline but now i am scared, really really scared of falling down and dying again and that fear stopped me from jumping and rushing to save uncle ben.


I can do this i got Spidey powers if i can't do this i can't do anything else in my life without fear, i try i stop, i try again and stop again 'FUCK' i knew it i can't do anything, just because i had a new life doesn't mean i actually FUCKING changed i still can't do anything.


Maybe i am destined to live like this, to live in fear, afraid to do anything as i watch the world die around me, heh and i thought i was gonna be spiderman the bravest hero of them all fuck fighting to death i can't even jump off of a building.


The panic of losing uncle ben to some robber just like the original made my vision go blank, i keep telling myself nothing changed nothing will change that fear is eternal and it will stop you from achieving anything in life it wants all and takes all, as i was spiralling closer and closer to a panic attack i feel a certain memory coming to the forefront of my mind.


Everything is blurry, someone is standing in front of me on the edge of a bridge and i hear peter yelling "listen whatever you are afraid of the more closer you are to it the less you fear it so please don't" i can hear the person reply "well i am afraid i'll die soon kid so i am getting closer to it..." Here he smiles and winks at me as he says "...just as you said" and then he jumped and all i could hear is peters yell of "NOOOOOO" as i approach the edge and look down just to come back to reality as the memory ends.


I look up towards the dimming lights of the city and the few cars that pass by and turn around before walking towards the stairs i stop infront of them and turn back before kneeling down on one leg and kick my feet back as i run towards the edge and step on the edge so hard that it breaks before flying up into the sky.


I pass by buildings at a speed i don't think is possible if i took a taxi i cross the small buildings and reach the taller ones before my momentum dies and i fire off a web towards a building before i swing downwards almost 10 stories down before i swing back up and don't leave the web until i am sure i can slingshot the hardest.


I go straight for michey's place because uncle ben would probably look for me around there, as i approach the area i see a bus and suddenly a window is broken as uncle ben falls out of it, i swing faster and land nearby and see a girl crying beside uncle ben trying to stop the bleeding from what looked like a stab wound.


I approach him and notice his nose bleeding and a cut on the left side of his forehead, i kneel down and take off the girls hand from the wound forcefully and ignore her pleas to save him and take off uncle ben's jacket and notice that the bleeding isn't too high as the cut wasn't that deep i still use a little webbing on it just in case.


I take uncle ben's phone out of his pocket and use the emergency service option to call 911 before i hold the phone out to the girl she looks at it and stops crying and asks "do you--want me to-tell them?" I nod and continue looking at uncle bens still form flaring my super senses to listen to his heart beat as his lungs took shallow breaths.


"Hello 911, yes i--was going home on a bus and--this group of guys hijacked it and--they--they sent everyone but myself out of the vehicle" i hear her pause as the 911 operator replies "are you safe now or are you in any relative danger?" the girl says "no, i am fine but the old man who tried to save me is bleeding from a cut and i don't know what to do" the operator talks again "what about the guys who were attacking you?" the girl pauses for a second and i can hear her heart skip for a second as she looks somewhere else before saying in a lower voice "they are--still in the bus".


My pupils dilate as i strain my senses to listen to the bus and it's movements, i don't take off my gaze from uncle bens lying form as i hear the guys in there groaning and grunting before one of them says "Let's kill the old geezer and book it" someone else replied to him "fuckers gonna die today" their words felt like stab wounds in my heart, their words would have come true if i had not been here right now and it would have all been because of me.


But now that i am here i would make sure their word stays false for the rest of my life, i get up and start walking towards the bus as i hear the 911 operator say "are you alone, is there anyone else there with you?" the girl replies "yes, the bus driver and some dude in a weird mask are here" she looks up when she mentioned me and notices that i am not there and looks around to find me hanging onto the top of the bus as i look into the broken window from where uncle ben was thrown out.


I looked at all of them and remembered all of their faces clearly, even though uncle ben is just unconscious and not in any immediate danger, their words have triggered something and now i gotta destroy every little bit of power they have right from the root.