18 | Only Light in the Darkness
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The moment he heard the news, Luther dashed out. Together with the knights, they sprinted their way. Panic took over his body. While his thoughts ran through in circles, he walked ahead of the knights. Luther followed a bell ringing in a distant. With every step he took to get closer, the bell echoed louder. His blessing as the luminary granted him the strength to protect those around him. Knights of White Valley were his people to protect. Yet, the curse lay its hand on one of them.

His men gathered outside the entrance of prison. Hartwin sat on a bench, holding on the side of his bandaged face. The younger ones were biting of their nails as they paced back and forth. Some argued with the Knights of Goldenrod, trying to make their way inside.

“Captain…” Hartwin was the first to notice him. He gave a deep bow. “I’m sorry for letting this happened.”

Luther’s gaze lingered on each of his knights. Vincent wasn’t there with them. He turned to the door. A room they kept the criminal inside.

“Fortunately, none of the residents suffered any harm. Sir Hartwin stopped Sir Vincent in time, though he got himself almost dying in his comrade’s hands.” Luther didn’t bother to look at the knight reporting him. He rushed inside by himself. Nobody held the luminary back.

The moment he stepped inside, the pitched black abyss was the first to greet him. Dimmed red crimson candlelight illuminated each soul imprisoned inside its home. Door shut closed behind him. Leaving the lone light in the blind darkness. Luther froze at the sight. Pupils quivered as he stared back at the abyss. Wails of the captives echoed the dark moist wall. Luther took a deep breath; taking a step deeper into the abyss.

He wasn’t familiar with the structure of this prison. It was an old tower aside from the prison Cael’s shown him. Luther let the ringing bell to called and guided him. Pairs of hands flailed through the bars, reaching out to the untainted light. Luther kept his sight forward.

Soon he reached the end of the hallway. There Vincent sat alone with only the crimson candle as his new companion. Both sides of his new home were empty. Limbs bounded in the iron fist of shackles. Vines of thorns painted his face. The devil had its arms wrapped around Vincent. It slithered around, antagonizing Luther of his failure to protect his own kin. Luther dropped before the wall separating him from his friend.

“How did you get the curse?” His voice connected to Vincent.

“I let my guard down.” Vincent rubbed his arm where the curse moved. His head hung low in shame. “I found a boy crying for help. Hartwin and the Knights of Goldenrod weren’t with me. Only one of our new recruits. I didn’t want to put him in danger, so I asked him to get help while I went to check out. When I arrived, the smell of roses overwhelmed me. His whole family died tangled up by its thorns. The boy was only a bait to lure me. It used his longing for his deceased family and told him to get sacrifices so he could bring his family back.”

Vincent gripped his arm. Fingers stabbed his flesh. Luther could tell he was fighting the urge to scratch his flesh away in front of his captain.

“The roses dragged me inside and held me. I was inside the house for only a few minutes, but I lost my conscious fast. Reinforcement came and pulled me out. The child died protecting the roses from the knights.” Vincent’s voice trembled. He quickly took a deep breath before continuing. “By the time I regained conscious, I felt this thirst I couldn’t resist. I tried to take a woman passing by against her own will. Hartwin tried to punch some senses to me, but I ended up returning more than just a punch.” Vincent chuckled to hide the crack in his voice.

Luther’s gaze fell on the candle. The crimson candle was protecting his own knight when it should have been his duty. Vincent moved closer to the candle. The curse slithered away and remained still.

“Now I’m here, I can understand the pain these people have to deal. The curse doesn’t pick its victim. It used the very thing we, mortal, held dear. Our own love. My duty is to protect these people and my comrades. Yet I have placed great harm on them. I apologize for tarnishing the White Valley’s image.”

Luther grabbed the bar. “No, you didn’t. You and everyone did nothing wrong. The one who should apologize for everything is the one behind this curse.”

“I failed my duty as your knight.” Vincent pulled his hair.

“The White Valley’s image isn’t my concern now. What matters you tried to help the child. Hartwin kept you from harming anyone or yourselves. Every one of the White Valley done their duty well. So stop blaming yourselves. Don’t let the curse get a hold of you.”

Soft sobs coming from Vincent joined the silence. First, the curse took his brother. Now it took his own knight and friend. He gripped on the bar when he couldn’t think of a way to help break this curse. The wind whistled from outside as it sneaked inside through the crack of the wall. Calm crimson candlelight waved back at him. The face of a certain sinner came into his thought. The fire belonged to the sinner of wrath.

Maybe the sinner can…Luther stopped his thought from going further. He can’t turn to the sinner for a solution. This whole mess started because of them. Still, he doesn’t know how much time does he has left before the curse took another turn. He could lose everyone tomorrow or he’ll lose himself first.

He loosened his grip on the bar and placed on his thighs. “Finding the wrath might be our only choice now.”

Vincent let out a harsh breath. “As someone who’s not in the right mind, I have no right to judge your decision, nor can I assist you outside.” Vincent raised his gaze to meet Luther’s. “You mustn’t go through theses burden by yourselves. Find someone you trust to share some of those burdens. Someone like Hartwin.”

Luther shook his head. Hartwin was the last soul who would assist the sinner. “No, he won’t agree to the plan. He’ll kill us both if he ever finds out about the red letter.”

“Hartwin suspected us of hiding something ever since the blood moon. I tried to hold him back from chasing you while you went chasing the sinner. He only kept quiet. You should—”

“You’ve seen how he reacted when Cael explained their situation with the curse and the crimson flame. Despite being only a vessel borrowing the blessing, he didn’t hesitate to question a luminary’s loyalty to his oath,” Luther cut in.

Vincent sighed out. “Captain, put more trust in him. He’ll definitely questioned your motives. But it is better than leaving everything on your shoulders. If I’m not there by your side, who will? Before that happens, you’ll have to find someone to assist you.”

Luther hesitated. From how Vincent spoke out, it was as if he was prepared for the impending end. He can’t do anything to help. He was a light helplessly watched his comrades withering away. If only he was the light who could banish darkness with a swing of his blade or a light who healed. What can the luminary of voice do except listen to their last words?