Chapter 1: 16 Years Later and The Adventurers Academy of Magic
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Hello, Emily Clarke here. I have just turned 16 today, which means I am officially an adult and can go to the Adventurers Academy of Magic. However, before we go into detail about the academy and where the first arc will take place, let's go back to when I was born.

Sixteen years ago

"Tell me! Tell me if there is something wrong with my baby girl!" Klare demanded.

"Ah...No, no. I am sorry for worrying you, Ms. Klare. Emily is perfectly healthy. I was just astonished by her magic affinity results. It appears as though she can use all forms of magic, including divine magic. Your daughter may just be the child spoken of in the legends. I am sorry to say I will have to report these findings to the Board of Witches and Wizards. However, you and your daughter will be moved to a private wing of the hospital, and we will have security by your doors at all times. As a powerful witch and a teacher at a regarded magic academy, you should understand as well." The doctor said.

"Oh, I know, and I do understand. I just don't know if I should be happy that my baby was blessed or mad that she won't be able to live a normal life. Thank you for looking out for us, Doctor." Klare replied.

"So, as you can see, what the God of Magic said was true. Not only do I have super-duper magical powers, but I also have all the knowledge I learned in my previous life to use said magic. The only downside is that I have had to stay hidden and out of sight from the public due to my abilities, and my dear mother's life being in danger because of them. Now I have very little social skills and a very doting mother who will be my homeroom teacher at the academy. Yay! Don't get me wrong; I am so thankful I was able to save my mother this time with the knowledge from my past life. But, because I put my life at risk getting the ingredients to make the medicine for her, she is very over-protective of me."

"Emily-dear! It's time to leave. The carriage is here. Do you need help with your bag? You're quite tiny for your age." Mother Klare said.

"Ah...Mother! I am not tiny...hmph.. I can get my bag." Emily replied.

"I guess I should explain what I look like to those who are interested. I have long blue hair and light blue eyes. My eyes glow gold when I use divine magic and red when I use dark magic, which is not evil magic. I am 5'2 with a petite frame and bust, not tiny!"

"Are you nervous about giving your speech as the representative of the first years, Emily?" Mother Klare asked.

"I am, Mother. If I remember correctly, didn't you give the speech when you were a first year as well? Do you have any advice as a mother and a teacher?" Emily asked.

"Well, as a mother, I would tell you to imagine the audience in their undergarments. But as a teacher, I probably shouldn't do so. Hahaha..." Mother Klare replied.

"Ehehe...Mother...I'm serious. I am quite nervous. I don't have much experience talking to others." Emily said.

"In this life or the last for that matter."

"Fufufu...fine. Here is my advice and what I did. I walked in as if I owned the room as the top student. However, when I spoke, I treated everyone - students, staff, and teachers - with the same level of respect, no matter who they were or where they came from. I believe this will work, especially given your special circumstances. Oh, it seems we have arrived. I will sneak out first before the commotion happens, so you won't be seen arriving with your mother. Good luck, and you might want to use a protection spell when you get out, see you soon, my sweet daughter. Mother Klare stated before leaving the carriage.

"Thank you, Mother." Emily said as she listened to her mother's advice. She felt nervous but also excited about starting her new life at the academy. After her mother left, Emily took a deep breath and stepped out of the carriage.

As she walked towards the academy, she saw a group of students running towards her carriage. Emily felt intimidated and scared, but she remembered her mother's advice and chanted a personal space spell to protect herself.

"Protection space," I whispered under my breath, casting the spell. A wall of wind instantly formed around me, effectively keeping the approaching students at a safe distance.

"Wow, did you see that?" one of the students exclaimed, clearly impressed by my magic.

"That was a medium-level wind protection spell," another student noted, recognizing the complexity of my spell.

Amidst the crowd, I saw a familiar face - May. She had been my childhood friend in both this life and my previous one. Recently, we had become more than friends; we were girlfriends, though we had to keep our relationship a secret due to our positions.

"Good day, Lady Emily. You are amazing as always," May greeted me with her usual warmth.

I smiled at her fondly. "Ah, good day to you too, May. Please, just call me Emily. We have been friends since childhood, remember?" I said, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy between us.

"I know, but we have to be careful in public. I don't want to cause any trouble for you," May replied, her expression tinged with worry.

Understanding her concern, I nodded. "I know, but we can be ourselves when we are alone, right?" I reassured her, hoping to alleviate her fears.

May blushed slightly and nodded in agreement. "Yes, of course, Emily."

Seeing May again filled me with a sense of comfort, but I knew I had to focus on the tasks ahead. As the legendary witch, I had responsibilities that couldn't be ignored. Taking a deep breath, I braced myself to face one of my fears – public speaking.

"Well, I guess it's time to face one of my fears," I said to myself, feeling a mix of nerves and determination.

As I walked towards the academy, a sense of anticipation and excitement surged within me.