Chapter 1
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October 1st, 2018 started off as a typical day for Demetrius Black, as he embarked on his usual trucking route to deliver goods. 

However, unforeseen circumstances caused him to experience delays along the way, dampening his spirit. Exhausted from the journey, he finally reached a resting point.

Demetrius, a 24-year-old trucker employed by Acme Truck Line on the Louisiana west bank, was far from an ordinary individual. 

Despite his challenging upbringing, he managed to rise above his circumstances and find a measure of success in life. 

Surrounded by adversity, with an abusive father who spent most of his life in jail than at home and a mother who struggled with addiction, Demetrius persevered.

He had come to realize that he was an unwanted child from an early age.

Growing up in such a hostile environment, Demetrius witnessed countless activities that a child wasn’t meant to witness, enduring abuse and neglect from those who were meant to care for him. 

Over time, he developed a detachment and desensitization to the chaos around him, numbing his emotions to protect himself.

When Demetrius turned 12, tragedy struck his home. Returning from school, he noticed a fresh set of bullet holes in the wall. 

Upon entering, he discovered his father's lifeless body, riddled with bullets, and then went upstairs to find his mother in the same state. 

Despite the loss, Demetrius felt no sorrow or anger; it was just another ordinary day in his tumultuous life. 

The cycle of violence, usually inflicted by his father on others, had finally caught up to him.

The years following his parent's death were marked by stays in various orphanages, but Demetrius struggled to find anyone willing to adopt him due to the baggage he carried. 

In spite of his traumatic past, Demetrius managed to present himself as a seemingly normal individual, leading some mental health professionals to speculate about the existence of a subconscious defense mechanism that shielded him from the negative influence of his upbringing.

As Demetrius grew older, he sought solace in the world of manga and anime, finding comfort and escape within their pages and screens. 

Isolated and distrusting of others, he avoided forming meaningful connections, convinced that everyone hid a dark side beneath their façades.

As more years went by, Demetrius found himself working as a trucker. He entered the industry due to its relative profitability and the lack of a college degree requirement, which suited his circumstances as a poor orphan. 

After passing the necessary tests and attending a training program, he pursued a career in trucking.


Demetrius Black was enjoying a rare moment of relaxation in his truck. He had converted the interior into a comfortable bed, complete with pillows and blankets, allowing him to unwind and escape into various manga series that he enjoyed. 

Scrolling through his phone, he had just began reading the final chapter of "Demon slayer" and planned to catch up on the latest "One Piece" manga.

As he reached the end of the epic battle between the protagonist and Muzan. “What a crappy end for Muzan” Demetrius muttered in disappointment. 

However, his immersion in the story was abruptly interrupted by a loud boom and the blaring sound of music. 

An obnoxious individual had pulled up in a parking lot nearby, seemingly without a care for the late hour.

Frustrated, Demetrius tried to ignore the disturbance and regain his focus. He reached for his noise-canceling headphones and put them on, hoping to block out the noise. 

With the headphones providing some semblance of tranquility, he was able to resume reading.

But his peace was short-lived. Within minutes, seven more cars pulled into the parking lot, each blaring music at maximum volume. 

Annoyed, Demetrius couldn't help but mutter aloud, questioning why these individuals had gathered here. 

His noise-canceling headphones were pushed to their limits, struggling to drown out the raucous noise.

Observing the group from afar, Demetrius noticed that they appeared to be having fun and socializing, a scene that felt foreign and unattainable to him. 

Although a hint of envy stirred within him at their ability to afford such expensive cars, he quickly dismissed any curiosity about their stories or circumstances. Returning his attention to his manga, he chose not to dwell on the situation any longer.

Around 10pm that same day, Demetrius decided to indulge in some YouTube shorts before taking a short nap and continuing his journey to deliver his goods. 

As the early morning hours approached, around 3am, he refreshed himself by washing his face and indulging in some leftover burgers he had stashed on the dashboard of his truck.

As he resumed driving, the road ahead seemed eerily empty. At first, everything appeared normal, but then the street lights ominously flickered and eventually went out, plunging the surroundings into darkness. 

Demetrius couldn't help but entertain a wild thought - that he had somehow become ‘Truck kun' the mysterious entity that reaps lives and transports people to a different world. Chuckling to himself, he dismissed the notion as mere imagination.

Undeterred by the lack of street lights, Demetrius remained confident in his ability to navigate the road. After all, he believed he would be able to spot any vehicles approaching from their headlights and avoid any potential collision.

However, in a split second that defied all logic, another truck materialized out of thin air, hurtling toward Demetrius' truck. In a panic, he yelled and cursed the other driver, swerving desperately to avoid the impending disaster. 

His mind struggled to comprehend how he had failed to notice such a massive truck, but one thought lingered - the driver of the oncoming truck seemed intent on causing harm.

As Demetrius braced himself for the unavoidable collision, he witnessed something that shattered his understanding of reality. 

There was no one behind the wheel of the other truck. Shock and terror gripped him as the inevitable impact drew nearer.

His last words, uttered in disbelief and resignation, echoed through the darkness. "It can’t be !!,Truck-Sama !!." And then, in an instant, Demetrius Black was reduced to nothing but a grisly mess.

Demetrius Black lay motionless in his truck, the once cozy bed now deformed and stained with his own blood and viscera. The world around him faded to black as his life force was extinguished in an instant. 

The sound of the collision echoed through the deserted road, but there was no one to witness the tragic end to his story.

The darkness enveloped the scene, swallowing any remnants of Demetrius' existence. No one would ever know the true nature of the mysterious encounter that had claimed his life. 

It remained a haunting mystery, leaving those who stumbled upon his lifeless body with unanswered questions. 

(And that’s how a truck driver, driving a truck, gets isekaid by a truck.).