2. My Three Siblings part 2
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"He needs you to help me make a good impression, I need to impress Baron Jaxson—"

"No," I said as I tried to walk away.

"Hear me out," Barf pulls me by the shoulder, "You see, Baron Jaxson's daughter is of betrothing age, do you feel me?"

I look straight into his eyes. No, I don't feel you, pathetic schemer!

"I'm thinking, maybe we can pair her up with our bachelor of a brother, huh?" Barf winks at me obnoxiously, "Since Mom and Dad had an unofficial title of Barony, with Garth inheriting the title, why not make it official by marrying into real nobility?"

This conversation bores me, it is disgusting how Barf is thinking about elevating our status on a day like this.

"Does Garth even know about this plan of yours?"


"Then I'm out." I try to run but he pulls me beside him once more.

"Listen, if we pull this off, those who've been sniffing us out of our fortune won't stop bothering us. Look around you,"

I stopped for a moment. I realize he's right; these guests wouldn't just attend an elderly couple's funeral out of sympathy, most of them are here to get us out of the fortune that our parents made.

"Ever wonder who gave Mom and Dad those gold all these years ago? I bet some stinking highborn around here are thinking the same thing. They're gone, so now we have it. A couple of stupid lowborn orphans with coffers that can fill the Grand Bank, we got it and they want it. Think."

Sometimes, I have to give Barth credit, "I guess you're right."

"I know I'm right," he said while leaning closer, "So what about it? You take care of Garth and I'll smoothen things up with the Baron?"

You bastard! I can't know for sure if Garth will be happy about this, "Why don't you talk with Garth?"

"Because I'm scared of the guy,"

"I knew it," I release myself from him, "You've been lying to make me talk with him?"

Barth looks at me, "What I said about some guests wasn't a lie,"

Looking around, I realized some eyes were gazing. I wonder how long they've been watching us?

"Look," he said, "Baron Jaxson is an old man who just wants to see his only daughter taken care of, it's going to be easy."

"How sure are you with this Jaxson guy?"

"They own a gold mine up north and we own a measly farmland. I doubt they are interested in our estate. They are already rich, so why would they try to suck us up?"

I squint at the logic behind it, "That's kind of a naïve thing to say…"

Barth glances with disapproval, "What do you know about social affairs?"

"I should be asking the same."

"You're only eight!" his voice slightly raised.

"You're two years older than me!" I loudly blurted. The guests must've thought we were bickering about our inheritance or something. There's a pause between our talk.

Barth clears his throat, "Why are you worried?"

"Well, isn't obvious? They might undermine us. No pun intended."

"They won't. Trust me. The man was friends with Dad."

My interest was piqued, "Really?"

"Yes really," he looks around and gets near me once more, "They were writing letters to each other!"

"Dad? Writing letters?!"

"I know, right? So, this Jaxson guy must be really close with the family. I saw him talking with Sis like they knew each other."

"Well, I guess this plan of yours doesn't sound so bad after all…" I scratch my head, thinking. Barth's plan was to secure our position, if it's for the safety of this family, I'm all in.

"So, you tell Garth about Baron Jaxson's daughter- "

"And you butter it up with the Baron," I smirk while looking at him.

"Right," he said, "Although, I wouldn't use the word 'butter'," he added.

Barth turns around and walks into a group of old guests in highborn attire, he talks to them as if he has been part of the conversation all along. Sometimes, I worry about his shrewdness but I should give credit when it's due.

I look away and take another sip of my orange juice. I noticed this glass automatically refills my juice, Hearth must've cast magic. I'm so jealous that she can use magic, what can I do anyway? Garth has his strength, Hearth has magic, and Barth is a swindler. What specialty do I have?

Even in the real world, I am nothing special. If somehow, my real father is a legendary hero here and I turn out to be nothing then I am a bona fide loser. I didn't do anything special in my previous life and now it seems like I am on track to be a freeloader once more.

I am thinking too much. I have yet to find out why and who sent me here. I should study every textbook available in this world and find out how my father even escaped this place. But what will happen if I die here, what if time runs out?

"What bothers you, brother?" a stern voice disturbs my train of thought. Before me is a perfect specimen of a man, he is tall and muscular, and his muscles are a sight even with his suit covering almost all of his body. This icon of masculine peak is my older brother, Garth.

"N-nothing, Garth… How are you?" I don't even know why I am so anxious talking to him.

"Fine," his deep monotone voice commands respect. He is only fourteen years old; how could he possibly carry a body like that?

"By the way, how's your application going?"

"The headmaster of the academy is here," Garth takes out a scroll from his jacket, "He came to pay his respects and gave me my admission letter. He welcomes me to the academy, he's that bearded old man wearing a robe over there." He points far, I didn't even look.

"No need to point…" I unroll the piece of paper; its contents are hard to read but it has the logo of the Grand Servant Academy and the official stamp of the headmaster. "Congratulations!"

The Grand Servant Academy is a highborn school for children of nobility and money. It is composed of only five different faculties that offer courses for different careers such as military, mercantile, administrative, culture, and magic. I don't know much but I do know that once you turn fifteen years old, you must attend, because if you don't… well, I don't know the consequence either.

"Thank you," he said as he put the scroll inside his jacket, "Two years from now, Hearth will be next. After that, Barth. Then it shall be your turn. By the time Barth attends the academy I will be back here. Convenient isn't it?"

"It is," I said, "The estate shouldn't be left unattended."

"Yes. It is what father wanted,"

"By the way, have you committed to a study yet?"

He smiled, "I have," he answered, "A military career is the way. We are enjoying an unprecedented time of peace. Father said that it breeds weak men which creates difficult days and those days shall require men to prepare for battle. Don't you agree?"

Have I heard that one before… "Y-yes, of course. Father's wisdom stands strong."

Garth puts his hand on my shoulder, "When I return, I shall bring a wife, and make the family proud."

I nervously chuckle, "You're already making us proud, brother," I clear my throat, "By the way, speaking of wives, have you heard Barth's proposal?"

He nodded, "I heard,"

You did?

"Do you think it is a wise proposition?"

I pause for a bit, it is for the family, even if Garth doesn't find real love, I know he will understand the duty, "Yes."

He nodded again, "I shall give my blessing," he continues, "A betrothal is wise,"


"Baron Jaxson will be delighted to know that his only child, Amelia, will marry someone from our family." He gives my shoulder some light taps before putting his hand down.

"Y-yes. I am sure she will be happy with you…" I have no idea what's happening.

"Me?" his face frowns confusingly, "Oh yes. Barth, Hearth, and I shall treat your betrothed as part of our family, you have my word."

"Wait, brother, I—"

His expression changes, "But you shall attend the academy first, finish your studies, and proceed with marriage. For now, I think it is appropriate for you to get to know her first." Garth's stern voice prevails.

I am lost for words. It suddenly made sense to me now. I still don't know the specifics but I do know that Barth is behind this, that scheming weasel, I shall beat him to a pulp when I see him! I found myself smiling with anticipation of hurting him.

"Do you understand?"

Marriage? My dumb face just now must've made Garth think I am a pervert, "Y-yes!"

"Very well," he gives me another tap on the shoulder, "I shall take my leave. The ritual will begin shortly, go be with our siblings." He walks towards the podium in the next room where the local clergymen are standing.

Here I stand alone. The guests follow Garth to the next room as they must've noticed that the funeral rites will begin any moment now. As they pass me by, I lower my head to appear thankful. But my face is turning red and I am fuming.

I shall get you for this, Barth-tard!