Chapter 29: Carapace
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- Three Weeks Later -

"I have a secret ability that I have yet to fully explain to anyone. You might not believe this Peter, but I'm able to take on physical traits from different species I kill. It's the type of ability you'd expect a super-villain to have, and honestly to some I might just be that." I tell my companion as I walk away from the clan's new camp just outside of a city called Soba. I was on break and told to wait outside the city this time as Farah wanted me to continue to rest, despite my assurances that I had already healed.

"I've killed members of three different species other than my own so far. The first was to stop the suffering of the animal, but with it I gained the ability to grow wings and fly, the ability to enhance my sight and the ability to increase my hearing to superhuman levels. It was an unintentional boon that has thus far served me well." I explained as I continued walking, pausing every once in a while, to check over my shoulder and make sure I wasn't being followed. I didn't want anyone, especially the kids, to see what I was about to do.

"I actually killed several of the second species. They were killed for food and as an offering to two people who I deeply care about after their passing. I must admit though, that a selfish desire to survive underwater was another underlying but undeniable reason I killed them. Until just two and a half weeks ago when I went to the river in search of my third prey, I hadn't even tested the abilities that came from them, which turned out to be a major mistake on my part." I said with a sigh.

"It was then that I learned their death gave me much more than just gills and better underwater sight. I found I could coat my entire body in scales, an ability that likely would have helped me survive my last fight completely unscathed. They are extremely durable and flexible, allowing me to be virtually immune to any blade I was able to get my hands on. Sadly, they were nowhere near as capable at dampening blunt attacks. I could only presume it was due to them integrating with my skin as opposed to forming separately as my wings had." I explain as I search for the best place to soon do some testing.

"It was also there, I learned an annoying flaw with my ability, exhibiting traits from more than one species at once gave me an overwhelming sense of vertigo. I could only find minor relief after receding each individual trait and even then, it was an agonizingly long time before the sensation finally subsided. After getting my bearings, I stood up thinking it had fully passed only for the slow movement to cause it to rush back to me, and I ended up subsequently falling exacerbating the injury I had on my leg at the time. All of which brings me back to the member of the third species I decided kill, Logan. To my dismay, I found him and his several dozen of his closest friends swimming in every direction along the shallow river floor when I lifted up a rock. I may have freaked out a bit and brought the rock I was holding back down on the poor little guy immediately after. Despite smashing him significantly, I found I couldn't use his abilities which meant he was still alive. It was as I was gathering all of his pieces out of the water to finish what I had started that I gave him his name. It took far longer than I would have liked, and I felt bad to have put Logan in that state, but it was far too late to turn back." I explained as I finally found what would be my companion's final resting spot.

"As cruel as it is, Logan's death is the reason I am able to stand here today. His healing ability allowed me to fix my fractured leg in a little over a week and a half. The black eye, of course, healed even faster taking less than a third of the time. That was even while I was under less-than-ideal conditions as we had to travel. Which brings us back to you and why I have brought you out here. While I admit I like the abilities I've gained, I've decided that enough was enough and tomorrow I'll stop my selfish killing for at quite a while... but, today I intend to fulfill my selfish desires once more and your traits includes some of my favorites." I pause setting down the small container I held trying to find the right words.

"Sorry Pete, but this is the end of the line. Many who live deserve death and many who die deserve to live. You, sadly, are one of the ones who didn't do anything to deserve this. Chalk it up to bad luck, just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Know that your death alone will haunt me far more than any of your kind that I've killed before. I promise I'll make it quick." I say as I stomp down on the spider that previously made my tent its residence. While Peter's death didn't make me feel as bad as Logan's did, but I really need to stop naming them first.

Looking around once more to make doubly sure I am still alone, I start stripping down, knowing my clothes would likely get shredded if I left them on. Taking a deep breath, I focused on the familiar warmth spreading across my entire body as a blue, chitinous carapace began to take shape. Thick armor plates extending out to sharp points formed over my skin, sunlight reflecting dully across the surface. I could see the palms of my hands and joints of my arms remained unchanged, the inner layers of the exoskeleton fusing and melding directly into the unaltered skin at each point the outer shell ended. My vision grew partially obscured from the changes and after a short test stretching, I could feel the range of motion at my neck, shoulders, spine, and hips had all been moderately limited from usual.

Walking over to a large boulder near where I rested my clothes, I took a few moments to psych myself up knowing the first test might hurt. I cocked my arm back and took a deep long breath before, releasing it out all at once my hips twisting hard as I put my entire body into punching the rock with all the force I could muster. All of my momentum came to an immediate stop as my fist made contact with the surface of the rock which showed no signs of change from my swing, but to my relief I experienced no pain either. Looking at the carapace that formed above my knuckles, I could see no signs of damage or change.

Excitement grew with my first test finished, as I readied myself to find out if I could replicate any my favorite superhero's actual powers. I first closed my eyes and focused on my wrists trying to imagine the organic web-shooters of Raimi's Spider-Man, the hope of swinging between the currently non-existent skyscrapers of New York filling my mind. Feeling the change occur I opened my eyes to see a horrifying bulge form at my wrist that looked like a spider's ass. Not wanting to immediately give up hope and following what felt natural I tried to shoot out a web. A thin wiry line dribbled out the end gently fluttering in the wind in response. I immediately willed those away, never to be seen again.

With now growing trepidation I began focusing on the new warmth washing over my skin and carapace. Blue hairs spout out coating the entirety of the surface of the chitin while shorter fuzzy hairs coated the previously unchanged areas of skin. It looked creepy, changing my armor from a something akin to a spined medieval full plate to full on eldritch horror. As the hairs shifted with the wind all of my nerves were suddenly on edge, my senses blaring from the change. I whipped around wondering what was attacking and if I this was what spidey sense was like, only to find everything I felt was pointing towards a bird that decided to land in its nest nearby. My senses continued blaring at each and every tiny thing, the overload of information a far cry from anything useful and nothing like the supernatural omniscience of Spider-Man's warnings. Giving the fur one last shot I touched the nearby rock to see if I could stick to it at the very least, only to learn sticking to things wasn't the problem it was pulling my hand away afterwards. Willing the hairs away and finding myself going oh-for-three with Spider-Man's abilities, I was happy my appearance would at least take a step back down from demonic entity to evil super-villain.

With expectations at an all-time low, I focused on the warmth spreading throughout my muscles as they grew denser, the armor plates shifting slightly to accommodate their newly increased size. Throwing another punch at the boulder with all my strength, I feel my bones slightly ache from the hit while a deep web-like fracture formed out along the rock's surface from the impact. A far cry from the strength I'd expect from the hero himself, but still a massive improvement. Squatting down and wrapping the boulder in a tight bear hug, I try lifting the stone I'd expect to see in the heavy end of a strongman competition. It wasn't easy to lift and without accurate weights it'd be hard to get an exact assessment of the changes, but considering there was no chance I'd even be able to move the boulder normally, I'd say my strength was now at least near peak human physique.

While most tests failed, with the armor and the strength alone my capabilities should have expanded to the point where normal humans won't be a problem until far after they leave the stone age. I let the chitin recede before moving to put my clothes back on. I was correct in thinking the sharp armor would absolutely shred my clothes if I had left them on, another reminder of the large amount of work the laid ahead.

On the mundane front, If I didn't want to be hobbling around with only shreds of cloth like the hulk did after transforming, I'll need to sew some better suited ones. If I haven't miscounted or otherwise lost track of time, there was between three to five more months of travel before we reach Wakanda, and I should make plans before then rather than just winging it. Learning the language from Farah was of course out, as it would be too big of an ask even if she wasn't as busy as she always was, but I should make some tools so I can extract vibranium ore just in case I have to mine it myself.

On the superpower front, I'll need to work towards increasing my energy manipulation likely focusing on fully mastering heat as a basis before expanding to other fields. Also, I'm not looking forward to it, but I should also try to find a way of getting accustomed to exhibiting traits from multiple species at once. Just the thought of once again experiencing that level of vertigo makes want to gag.

As I finish up by slipping on Taweret's amulet I still can't think of a way to make heads or tails of its powers. Barring any other leads, I'll have to leave its mysteries alone until I run into one of the Ennead again or until I can have Phastos analyze it.