Chapter 19
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Chapter 19


“Zayd, wake up!” 


Zayd slowly opened his eyes and looked up at several individuals standing before him. He was laying in a bed back at Lochart’s place. The likes of Milly, Ivory, Dexole and Lochart stood before him. “Wh-what?”


“We brought you something to eat,” Milly insisted. “You’ve been asleep since yesterday afternoon so we figured you could use it.”


“Wow I’ve been passed out that long, huh?” Zayd wondered. “Where’s Hiang?”


“Right here,” Hiang muttered from the bed next to him. 


“How ya holding up, pal?” Zayd asked him.


“I’m alive.” Hiang raised up his bandaged arm to reveal his severed limb. “Only one arm left.”


Zayd’s heart sank as he recalled the events that led to the demise of Hiang’s companions. “Look, Hiang…about your friends…”


“Don’t worry about it,” Hiang interrupted him. “We got into this knowing full well what dangers lie ahead. Gohvo, Tum, and I all started our adventure together with the intent of taking on the world and that’s what we did. They fought and died with honor and I will never forget them. But don’t you dare begin to blame yourself for what happened to them. It was our decision to join your fight. You didn’t force us into it.”


Zayd nodded in response. Milly broke the awkward silence by placing a warm meal by Zayd’s table. 


Ivory brought Hiang one as well. She offered him assistance as he struggled to eat with just one arm. 


Zayd, on the other hand, had no issues with scarfing his food down.


“I’m glad you three made it back out of there alive,” Dexole spoke up. “I must say what you all achieved out there was no easy feat. Your progress with this has brought us even closer to closing this case.”


“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that,” Zayd replied. “How are we so sure we’re fighting for the right side?”


The room went quiet and everyone’s expressions turned to surprise.


“Zayd, what are you saying?” Milly looked at him with confusion. “Of course we’re on the right side.”


“Sure, if we look at things from their point of view but what about the gnoll’s perspective of things?” Zayd pondered. “From the way they see it, the villagers are the aggressors here.”


“Zayd!” Dexole snapped. “How could you say something like that?”


“A lot of people were slain this week, kid…” Lochart shook his head. “Good people…”


“Look I know but all I’m trying to say is there’s killing happening on both sides,” Zayd explained. “I’m not justifying what the gnolls did, nor do I think they were in the right. But I do wonder if they weren’t provoked into doing what they did. Even Krok was implying that many of the villagers were not as innocent as they appeared.”


“You’d believe the words of that foul beast?” Lochart questioned. “Innocent blood was spilt by his claws. What sort of action could provoke such a heinous act?”


“The gnolls claim that the villagers are responsible for the degradation of the forest and its inhabitants, including the wildlife,” Zayd described. “If that was true then retaliation would be justified in their eyes as it directly impacts their survivability.”


“I can’t believe my ears!” Lochart said.


“Zayd’s right, I’m afraid,” Ivory added. “We’ve no longer got a reason to suspect that the villagers are completely innocent in this confrontation. Evidence was presented that suggested Byra was spreading a concoction throughout the forest that was causing the mutations of the wildlife. The entire reasoning for the gnoll invasion supposedly was to prove that the mayor was guilty.”


“Byra? This can’t be true…” Lochart shook his head. “She was just a sweet little lady. Why would you accuse her of such a thing?”


“Not us, the gnolls,” Ivory responded. “The bag that Krok produced yesterday looked very similar to the ones I saw in her wagon when we met her out in the forest that one day.”


“So Byra was working for the mayor?” Milly asked.


“It would seem so,” Zayd answered.


“The mayor?!” Lochart pried further. “What is happening?”


“So you’re convinced the locals are working with him?” Dexole questioned.


“Not all of them,” Ivory remarked. “But I wouldn’t be surprised if a good number of them turned out to at least be aware of his actions.”


“I wonder how many of them are aware of his dealings with the demon worshiper,” Zayd wondered. “I bet none of them know.”


“To think that Byra explained everything to us,” Milly clarified. “She told us all about how the mayor had the people convinced and how everything changed when he arrived. She knew everything because she was working with him. But why would she willingly give us that information if she was working for him?”


“Perhaps the mayor wanted her to get close to us,” Ivory explained. “Her approach came off as so friendly and informative that I would have never assumed she had any ill intentions at all.”


“I cannot believe my ears,” Lochart informed them. “What’s happening to this town?”


“Regardless of whether it is true or not, one fact still remains,” Dexole interrupted them. 


“What is that?” Zayd asked.


“The gnolls still sent a war band our way with the intention of slaying the people within this village,” Dexole explained. “That simply cannot be allowed to continue.”


“But we stopped them,” Zayd replied.


“Sure, you’ve successfully thwarted one invasion attempt,” Dexole said. “But what makes you think they won’t launch another? What will the people here do then?”


“Yeah I suppose you’re right,” Zayd realized. “There’s still plenty of gnolls left in their hideout. They’ll probably be itching for revenge after they learn of Krok’s defeat.”


“But who would lead them?” Ivory wondered. 


“I’ve been doing some research for you all. There still exists a gnoll within their community that could take up that mantle,” Dexole suggested. “One that is far more dangerous than Krok, I’m afraid.”


“More than Krok?!” Zayd asked. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”


“I’m afraid not,” Dexole answered. “It turns out Krok was only the son of the one who leads the gnolls. The patriarchal figure that they all answer to is known as Votik the Savage.”


“So we’ve only managed to delay their plans rather than completely halt them?” Ivory inferred. 


“Exactly.” Dexole pushed the frame of his glasses back towards his face. “And that’s not all. As I stated before, Votik is far more dangerous than Krok. This is because not only is he responsible for teaching Krok how to fight but he’s also more experienced than Krok. So if you thought the fight with him was difficult, imagine battling a much more intelligent version of Krok. That’s what it will be like going against Votik.”


“Damn…” Zayd shook his head and reflected upon that for a moment.


“We barely survived the last fight,” Ivory pointed out.


“I know but you three are the best chances at stopping this thing once and for all,” Dexole said.


“What are you suggesting?” Ivory asked.


“Well there’s no doubt they’ll be coming back at some point. Why wait until then?” Dexole questioned. “Why give them the chance to recuperate for another assault when you could take the fight to them?”


“You’re suggesting we infiltrate their home?” Ivory inquired. 


“Normally, my aim is more of a diplomatic approach, as it should be for everyone.” Dexole lowered his gaze. “However, I’m afraid the situation has devolved past such luxuries and we are now forced to resort to more primitive methods to produce results. While I would prefer no more blood be shed, that sort of compromise is beyond my control. At the end of the day, it is our duty to bring peace back to this region and if that entails violent methods then so be it.”


Zayd nodded and looked to the others for their thoughts. “What do you all think?


“While I agree that the gnolls should be dealt with,” Ivory began, “I still think some sort of investigation should be opened into the mayor and the other villagers. We understand these gnolls are a threat to not only these villagers but other communities in the region also. We’ve beared witness to the gnoll’s destruction but we also recognize that their actions may have been pushed to the point it has become today.”


“The destruction of the forest certainly wasn’t done by the hands of the gnolls,” Milly clarified. “To blatantly desecrate nature in such a way, in itself is a crime against humanity. We all live in this world and should respect our environment lest we leave nothing behind for those who come after us.”


“You’re right,” Dexole said. “If the claims brought against the villagers are true then they should also be held accountable for their actions. Help me in dealing with those gnolls and I will ensure that every individual involved in the desecration of the forest will face punishment for the part they played.”


“Well if it’s a fight against those gnolls then I still have one more arm to lose,” Hiang implied.


“No, Hiang…” Zayd rebutted. “We can’t ask you to risk anymore than you already have…”


“Then don’t ask me,” Hiang replied. “And anyone who tries to stop me will have to fight me alongside that Volik fella.”


“Well then, it seems our death is assured yet again,” Ivory grumbled. “I do suppose these dangerous adventures are beginning to excite me though…”


“Can we reasonably expect to succeed at such a task?” Milly wondered. “We barely survived our last encounter and now we’re going to fight a tougher version of our previous foe…”


“The only way we can get stronger is to keep fighting stronger targets!” Zayd claimed. “After all, what kind of Fighter would I be if I turned down a fight?”


“You three wouldn’t be going at it alone, either,” Dexole explained. “You’ll have another round of adventurers to help you.”


“Another party?” Zayd questioned. “Who?”


“I think they’re actually right outside,” Lochart answered. “Let me go retrieve them!”


“Thanks, Lochart,” Dexole said. “Amazingly enough, this group of adventurers appeared right at the perfect moment during your fight. While the villagers were struggling to escape the gnolls that were hunting them, many of them were faced with possible death at their hands. That was until these adventurers showed up. They saved many lives out there while you guys dealt with Krok.” 


“That’s good to hear,” Ivory stated. “Hopefully their skills will come in handy for the upcoming battle.”


Lochart walked back in and stepped to the side. “Here they are!”


Zayd, Milly, and Ivory looked back and to their surprise, they had recognized the figures who walked in. It was Rosa the Fighter, Emiko the Duelist, and Aurelia the Acolyte.


“Hey there!” Rosa waved at them. “It’s good to see you all again!”


“You’re all back!” Zayd gleefully shouted. 


“Yep!” Rosa replied. “We made it back all in one piece. Told ya we’d be back through here!” 


“We’ve been meaning to speak with you about what we found out, too,” Emiko chimed in. “Remember that vial we took with us to be investigated?”


“Oh yeah…,” Zayd recalled.


“I certainly remember,” Ivory remarked. “What did you discover?”


“Well the Toxicologist didn’t know much about it but we managed to get in contact with someone who did,” Emiko explained. “It’s not a poison or a toxin, it’s a substance derived from the Underrealm, the home of demons.”


“Demons?!” Dexole pushed his glasses back towards his face. “You all know each other? What’s going on here?”


“We met them the other day in the forest,” Zayd explained. “We battle a mutated spider together and defeated it so they took a sample to have it inspected by someone in Darta Bessomar.”


“And now they’ve returned with answers,” Ivory added. “This solidifies it. The mayor must have received the concoction from the demon worshiper and gave it to the villagers to spread in the forest. He must have told them it would help get rid of the gnolls. The only thing we don’t know is why he did it.”


“Isn’t it obvious?” Lochart spoke up. “Look I haven’t been able to follow along with all the crazy things you all have been talking about but I know these villagers. Or at least I thought I did…” Lochart shook his head. “Anyways, my point is these villagers just want to live in peace and quiet. The mayor on the other hand has ulterior motives. That man has plans to expand this place. He wants us to transform this place into the next Bea Lardi within the next few decades.”


“What?” Zayd questioned. “What do you mean?”


“He shared them with us a few months back during the election. It was the entire message that he ran on,” Lochart explained.


“But if the villagers just want to live their lives out in peace and quiet then why vote for a person who wants to turn this place into the complete opposite of that?” Milly wondered.


“Your guess is as good as mine,” Lochart answered. “I used to say the same thing back when that silver tongue swine began spouting off his nonsense. No one would listen to me though. They all claimed it would somehow make their lives more enriched. He somehow convinced them all that they’d become the new nobles and the fruits of their labor would finally pay off. He’s a crooked man who has a way with words when it comes to these people.”


“All the more reason for you to look into him, Dexole,” Zayd insisted.


“You’re right and I will,” Dexole replied. “Just make sure those gnolls are dealt with! We’re relying on you all.”


“Right! You all mentioned something about fighting some gnolls?” Rosa inquired. “What’s that all about?”


“We’ve been dealing with some aggressive gnolls in the area for quite awhile now,” Zayd explained. “Things have only gotten worse since our arrival and it seems things are heating up for one final showdown against them.”


“A final showdown, you say?” Rosa pondered. “We’re definitely up for one of those!”


“I wouldn’t rush to say that just yet,” Ivory suggested. “We’re supposed to be infiltrating their lair. It could be filled with dozens of gnolls, not to mention they are being led by a ruthless and experienced savage known as Votik. His son nearly killed us all in our last encounter and now we aim to take on the one who made him into what he was.”


“Sounds like a honest to good adventure, if ya ask me!” Rosa suggested. “We’ve been itching for some action ever since we arrived back in Kortev. The darn forests are nearly all empty!”


“The wildlife just keeps getting more and more scarce out there,” Aurelia commented. “It’s a shame since these forests used to be brimming with life.”


Dexole glanced over at Zayd who was glaring at him. “I know, Zayd! I’m going to make sure the responsible individuals will be held accountable.”


Zayd allowed a grin to reveal itself. “Well I guess it’s settled then. When do we set off for our quest?”


“We should at least finish the day out resting and preparing for our journey,” Milly suggested.


“I agree,” Ivory noted. “This isn’t a fight we should just hurry into. Especially since we aren’t being rushed this time around. We can take the opportunity to properly scout out our opponents.”


“I can take care of the scouting,” Milly announced.


“I can help deal with any guards in the area that may hinder your ability to do that,” Emiko suggested. 


“She’s really good at doing that,” Rosa claimed. “This one time we had to infiltrate a goblin camp but she ended up nearly solo’ing the entire camp by herself!”


“Care to handle that for us with this one?” Zayd asked.


“It was a camp of seven goblins…” Emiko shook her head. “Not much of an achievement…”


“Eh, you sell yourself too short, girl,” Rosa insisted. “You’re darn good at what you do and I don’t care what anyone else says!”


“So it’s settled then,” Zayd declared. “We head out in the morning. The seven of us.”


“It’s not much but we’re all that stands in the way of the gnolls and these villagers,” Ivory claimed. “If it weren’t for the danger they posed to the other settlements then I might have suggested letting these two clash it out for themselves.”


“Yeah but then the innocent ones here in the village would be at risk,” Milly insisted. “While there are those here who may have fueled this confrontation, there are still those who honestly just seek to live out their lives in harmony. Those are the ones we should fight for…”


“Well spoken, Milly,” Dexole remarked. “You three have shown true courage thus far. Most individuals would have tucked tail and ran away by now but not you guys. You all stuck it out and kept fighting no matter what. I respect that!”


“Thanks Dexole,” Zayd said. “Let’s all enjoy this day together. Tonight might be the last chance we get to enjoy ourselves.”


“Unfortunately you’re right,” Ivory added. “You may all cherish the memories you have left. I will hone my magic in preparation for what is to come.”


“Can’t really blame her,” Milly commented as Ivory vacated the room. “She is dedicated.”


“What about you, Zayd?” Rosa asked. “You up for a sparring match?!”


The two of them burst into a cheerful laugh and the others began to join in. For the remainder of the day, the adventurers enjoyed each other’s company and shared stories and memories amongst each other. For a brief moment they let the worries of battle and war leave their minds as they embraced the comfort of each other’s presence.