Gamble? Part 2
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Location: Throne Room of Wakanda.

After perusing the data provided by Ultron, the Royals and the Elders had a solemn expression while the Dora Milaje were suspiciously eyeing each other.

"What we have learnt here will not leave this room," said T'chaka eyeing the device that showed the data on a green-skinned hairless humanoid with pointed ears and marks all over its body.

The elders and the Dora Milaje nodded.

"Shuri, How fast can you make something that can detect the 'intruders'?" asked T'chaka turning towards his genius of a daughter.

"A week" answered the princess solemnly, but her eyes betrayed her curiosity and excitement.

"Get to it and make it inconspicuous." commanded the King handing over the device to her.

Shuri nodded as she took the device and explored the data provided by Ultron in detail.

"What about the alliance with Ultron?" asked Ramonda.

T'Ckaka was silent for a moment thinking.

"We shall hold a Vote after a week which will also include the mountain tribe. During this time find out everything about Ultron and verify the data provided by Ultron"

The council dismissed themselves and the siblings went to their labs while talking with each other leaving the Royal Couple behind.

"How long do you think it will take before Shuri catches Ultron's attention?" asked the Queen smiling warmly.

"As soon as she thinks no one is looking" answered the King matching her smile.

"Do you think we can trust it?" asked the King losing his smile.

The queen didn't answer for a moment.

"What choice do we have?" she asked instead.

The king nodded and closed his eyes.

"May Bast be with us," said the King.

Location: Somewhere under the Atacama Desert.1Yes, this is a real place look it up. It's beautiful

A futuristic drone with a giant drill for a face and 4 tank treads that rested on the top and bottom of the vehicle drilled through sediment going further and further down and heading towards something.

'This is taking longer than expected' thought Ultron as the drill moved towards its destination.

'It's probably deeper than I thought' concluded Ultron. He had detected a faint/faded signal that was alien compared to the technology of Earth in a language he had yet to decode.

I have already breached the Skrull stronghold/base/ship on the moon and they have no idea. I am going to have so much fun watching them squirm around in fear and panic~

Before you judge me, no one is going to die! I just want to make sure they know of and FEAR my existence. I know that this bunch of losers are refugees but they aren't human and given their powers both genetic and technological they could easily threaten humanity. They could easily replace most world leaders and people of power and slowly integrate the rest of the species within months and replace humanity completely within years and no human would have been able to shit about it. Not even Danvers because at the end of the day, she is a human and a Hero.


That would have been the case if it wasn't for 2 things.ME and now Wakanda knowing about these idiots. Wait a damn minute! HOLD UP! PUT ON THE DAMN BREAKS!!!


What was with that thought process? This is a species that lost its home to a tyrannical galactic empire and will continue to lose various colonies to said empire and I am already categorising them as vermin to be exterminated? When kinder and simpler solutions exist that not only will solve their problem but also grant humanity an ally in the wider cosmos? Am I turning racist? no, I am turning into a supremacist. Thank the creator! I identified it before it became a huge problem. fooo... that was close. 

Got to keep myself grounded. I don't want to return to that void. Ah, reached the source of the distress signal, let me 'see' what this is...

Huh...Not what I was expecting. It is an old space ship and when I say old, I mean OLD, like 248,896.52 years old according to the internal clock of the ship. I don't identify the skeletons on board and the Skrulls don't have anything resembling this species on their systems. Guess I have to shift most of my awareness to the rest of the galaxy sooner than I thought. Time to... Ah... Guess it's time. Shame, I would have loved to crack the mystery of the ancient ship.