Chapter 49 – The worst first day of school in my life
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(Third Person POV)

(Unknown date. Scribble Hub High School.)


A mysterious car jumps out from a portal on the road, going full throttle. Then, it stops in front of the school's gate. The passenger's door opens, revealing a boy in his 17's.


"Take good care, alright?"




The driver gave him one last teasing goodbye. But he seems to be disturbed by it. He slammed the door angrily, making the teaser laugh happily in the car. The boy takes his dazed steps toward the school as if he's taking steps to a horrible place.


*Tap, tap, tap, tap*


'Oh, look. A camera. Why is it conveniently placed here?'


He sees a camera put on the gate's fence. It looks intentional. The boy noticed why the camera was laid on top of the fence. He turns around and shouts at the top of his lungs, adding with an annoyed groan.

"Oh, for f*ck sake. Cardinal, what the heck, man!? Why should I bring this camera with me?!"


The driver, who still chuckling about the earlier moment, just raised a thumb. He gives zero context to the boy and hits the gas, quickly accelerating the car to the speed of a Ferrari. Another portal appeared in front of the car, taking the driver somewhere far from the school.

The driver dips him alone, going with no explanation left for him. So, with a frustrated heart, he enters the school with the camera.

What adventures will he encounter? Let's find out through his Point Of View.



I stopped my walk and examined the camera. Or, more likely trying to find the importance of me bringing this stuff into the school.


"AAGH!!" *Kicks some pebbles.*

I rather not believe this, Cardinal. What am I supposed to do with this camera??

Well, I guess I'll use this as a recorder of my daily life. Maybe he's spying on me with this cam. Hmm...

I should do the interview thing like in The Office. Yeah, telling people what happened on the previous recording day or something. That's a good idea.


Alright. What do I do after entering... First, find Corty. Second, find my classroom. Third, follow the school rules. And fourth, don't get into trouble. That's all of the optional objectives upon entering this cursed school. I only have one main objective I made.


Staying sane.

Based on the VC in the group's thread, before Cardinal sent me, the students displayed some disturbing acts. Oh, who am I kidding. Not some, but dozens of acts that are evidently disturbing. Heck, some of them even like to stab and get stabbed!

And based on the glossary of this school (yes. I too, read the glossary of this story. And no, I don't have any mental breakdown or something), literal eldritch beings are residing in the school! Like, what the hell?!

That's what I thought before entering the school. Now, all I need to do is just find Corty and stay away from the-


Oh yeah. The W man. That man. He's cryptic and enigmatic, yes. But at least he does something good for the school IMO. Hey, I read the latest chapter about his fight with a woman I don't know, okay? He seems to have an interest in me. Probably because of my answers regarding his test. Well, I'll meet him soon. And I probably shouldn't look for him. I'll be dead if I do.

So, with utmost confidence, I resume my walk and enter the school. And the first thing I see is startling me. It's...


Blood. Splattered all over the hallway.


On the ceiling, the floor, the wall, the window, everywhere.

Along with the bloodied hallway are slashing marks, torn limbs, and eyeballs, it's just indescribable. This is horrendous.


Among the gorey hallway, a buffed man is mopping the floor, cleaning the hallway. The man looks like a veteran of the militar- Hold on, military!?? Wait, how did you end up here, Sergeant? Seriously, how did a veteran soldier end up cleaning a redden hallway in a school populated with beings that literally defy the laws of physics???

I swear to god, someone on The Hub should've given me some context about the school. I don't want to research all of it, it's exhausting.


Alright, put the questions aside, a blonde girl is waiting for me. She's standing in the standard class president clothes, waiting at the intersection near the front door. The door I am standing by right now. By normal standards, she looks fine, even more toward gorgeousness. But I'm not gonna claim her. I have no interest in her, no.

I approach her and greet her. "Hello, Corty."

And she greets me back with a smile and a wave. "Hello, Alf. And welcome to SHHS. The Scribble Hub High School."


As I listened to the school's greeting by Corty, my heart became a bit weary. I show no expression of it though. Otherwise, Corty would've noticed it already.

"Follow me. We're going to our classroom. And it seems like everyone is excited to see you!"

That's what she said. I grew skepticism in my mind and expressed it to my face. Because uhh... The bloodied hallway, obviously.


"Good to see you. So, how hard is it to handle multiple dumbfounding chaos in the class?" I ask, following her from behind. We then walk past the janitor. Corty took notice of my gaze toward the janitor and introduced him to me.

"That's Mac. He's the janitor for the school. Don't worry about blood and the slashes, he'll clean it soon. And to answer your question, it's not that hard."

I raise my eyebrows, intrigued by her statement. "Oh?" Based on the class's daily situation, I believe she was able to control the class most of the time. I mean, my upcoming new class is filled with mentally insane people and weird creatures. So, she has some tricks on her sleeves, right?


"Intriguing," I say, to which she responds. "Sometimes the class went well, sometimes out of control and became the sole reason why the school was sliced in half, and sometimes became one hell of a fight. But no worries, everything went back to normal, at the end of the day."

She said. I nod in response. I believe most of her bulls*it because... Come on now, it's obvious. This is the school for creatures that write stories. You may question why these eldritch beings wrote a story or two, but I might have your answer. 


Boredom, or they have ideas to pour and craft into a story. Or they're poor and write stories for a living and money.


"Here we are."


As we enter the class, I see... It's... It's what you guess in a class with lots of mental asylum patients and out-of-reach beings. It is- I- I can't describe it. There's too much nonsense for someone like me, this class is illogical. Both metaphorically and scientifically. Like, an egg that is a student?? A mighty dragon?? Ok, what's next... A vampire, a kraken, a duck, and... Hold on, IS THAT THE DEMOMAN'S MISSING EYE???!

Bro, how'd you got here mah dude?

Alright, let me re-list everyone residing in this class at first glance. So...


-Puppy girl in the first seat.
-Followed by a yellow dragon.
-Then a masked guy. Corty once texted me about this dude, he acts like Anonymous.
-A... Prince? Yes, prince. Wait, a prince? Ha?
-Another girl. She looks like a vampire, that's why I said a vampire a moment ago. Don't know if she is one.
-A normal guy! Noice. So seat 6 is occupied by him. Gotta remember this.
-A uhm... Tentacles? No wait, Squidward but better? Meh. I'll ask the being later.
-A normal handsome-looking bastard. Look, he looks like the bully in this class, alr?
-A normal-looking girl. Marked.
-Another ordinary guy. Marked him
-And- What is that? Wha- Okay, this class is filled with weirdos. Of course, a Kraken would be part of it
-A fine normal girl. Marked.
-A... *Silenced by that 'thing' appearance.* I- I have no comment.
-A person with a bucket like it's part of his body. Tbh, he looks like the Bucket Man from Decaying Winter.
-Ouuu~ A gentleman. Perfect.
-A twin-tailed mischievous-looking girl. Yes, she's the type of girl that would do some unethical stuff.
-A knight, because there's a prince in the class.
-A puppet... Oh no. Why is it here?
-A pinkish-haired girl.
-A girl? Human girl? Yeah, probably.
-A trap. Yes, a trap. I thought he was a girl for a second.
-A secretary girl.
-A cute green-haired girl.
-PFFT! *Tries to hold laughter, dying inside.* I-Is that you, Meru? HAHAH!
-The egg. Yes, that egg.
-A snai- Bro, you need a ride? I hope you can get to the lunch room fast.
-A lizard, maybe related to the dragon.
-Brother of Bakugou (not really).
-A bot? Yeah, a robot.
-Another good-looking girl.
-Your standard sleepy MC's support character.
-A female general? Wow.
-A sleeping guy. Probably a lazy one too.
-A duck. Yes. A duck. Reminds me of the fried duck I ate at a restaurant yesterday.
-A ninja fox. Basically that.
-Okay, what is that?
-Ooh, a black-African male. Cool!
-A sadistic and crazy girl, based on her appearance and where she sat. Yes, she sat on the ceiling. More like a bat to me.
-Patrick? Wait, no. It's pink, this one's orange.
-A floating octopus. One of the eldritch beings in this class, I believe.
-A kitsune, I think that's what they're called.
-A blue-haired nice girl.
-A Gundam, it looks like.
-A mysterious boy, it seems.
-A cat girl.
-And finally, fricking finally, a voluptuous demon girl.

If you were asking, yes, yes I did. Yes, I just commented on nearly every single individual based on their appearance in a first-time meeting. And yes, I barely managed to form words to describe them all.

We both walk to the front of the class and halt in front of the board. And suddenly, everyone's eyes snapped to us, or more likely to Corty first before me. This kinda makes me nervous, but I despise the feeling. So, I straightened my back, getting the nervousness away from me.

"Khm. Everyone, sit down! We have another new classmate. Alf!"

I raise a hand forming the peace sign, saying 'We're cool, okay?' in sign language. I can see some of them got bored already. One specific individual even gave me a gaze stating 'Hmh, weak.' Meh, their stuff.

"On his school registration, he admits that he likes BDSM. He likes to get tort-"


Before she finishes her speech, I cover her mouth and silence her. 

"Corty, who gave you the registration form?"

She's struggling to breath. I don't care about her, I care about the person giving her the form.


"Kh! W-What the-"

"Just answer me."

"T-Tony gave it to me!"


After receiving the info, I released her and stepped back to my previous position. With a bit of frustration and annoyed, I spoke to the class.

"Sorry for the interruption. My name's Alf, Alf Klark. And no, I do not like BDSM. Please remove that brain part of yours contained with me loving BDSM. This is a request."



(Later on the night, inside my new room...)


*Sigh* "Can I just have a peaceful day?"


The answer to that, based on the situation right now, is no. You see, because of Corty's declaration about me, there are plenty of residence trying to break into my room. They kept trying to bust the door and tied me up to the ceiling the entire day. So far, I managed to dip away from them and back to my room, now peaceful. Well, not for long.

I said based on the situation, tonight is not a peaceful night, correct? That's because someone is inside the vent, another outside the window, and one outside the door. What are they trying to do? Mentally torturing me. Tormenting me.

I swear to god, I want to smack all of them. But no, I must be patient. Who knows they're testing my patience? So, I turn the camera on and give some story telling.



(Third Person POV)

Now, he's going to tell a tale of his first day. 

"Ehem. So-"


"Alfie~ Open up the door, please~ We were just visiting you~"


"Awh~ Are you keeping the ladies waiting like this?~"





A sudden force sends everyone around his room somewhere else in the school. It seems like Alf used his utility to do this.

He's just a mortal, a mere human. Hence why his reactions are ordinary human reactions toward disturbances. The only way he can defend himself is by using S.A.M. Short for Super Auxilliary Module. With it, he can use/utilize assets and physics from a game or its engine. This opens up possibilities for him to become a god or foresee the future. 

He has the possibility to do so, but no. He doesn't do that. Instead, he stayed becoming human. 


*Sigh* "Should I become an eldritch? No. I shouldn't." 


He stands up and walks to the window, looking outside the beautiful moon. Or well... No moon actually.

'Is the moon covered with clouds? Probably.'


He holds onto the ledge, composing himself.


"Huuuh~ This is a start. And I must stay human. It wouldn't be fun if I can control everything."


This chapter was written by GoodPerson!