Chapter 52 – Our Vineyards that are in Bloom
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-The reality breaker detonated on 21/3/2024 or 3/21/2024, real time. 

-A phenomenon has spread throughout the school, resulting in every student losing a considerable amount of their power.

-Anon2024 breathed his last as of this date. Rest in peace.

-This was Anon's will. Technically, it was meant solely for his family, but Stealthy_Enigma retrieved it. It reads as follows:

-? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ? ???? ???? ??????? ? ????? ? ???? ????

-Anon2024's will has been rendered anonymous by an expensive machine that promptly self-destructed.

Corty was in the student council room, groaning in frustration with the series of disappearances that were happening in school. A power surge just blasted through the school, and everyone was left with a splitting headache. And yet… nothing else happened.

The suspense was killing everyone worse than what they feared the consequences would be.

Corty wasn't the only one in the room, however, because the council was having a meeting.

Ellie, the vice president, was running late, probably stealing someone's (Sola-sama's) lunch money again.

Regardless, the meeting had to be held with or without the vice president.

"Ugh, what's happening in this school." Corty held her head in frustration.

"What's there to be frustrated about~?" As ever, Azure didn't care what was happening in the school, she just wanted to stab.

*Sigh*… "Can you at least pretend you care?" Corty was exasperated. 

"Nope~" She smiled and went silent once more. 

*Sigh* "Leaving Azure aside, do you have anything you want to say, quagma?" Corty asked.

Quagma… fizzled, for lack of a better word, into quantum foam. Purple bubbles filled with mathematical constants waddled around in thought. They fritzed back.

"For the time being? No. However, our clones have started disappearing around the same time the kidnappings started." Corty became even more frustrated with this new information.

"However, we would note that, just now, something just electrocuted this me's tentacle," they apathetically said.

Corty frowned deeply.

The meeting continued on and on but went nowhere.

Just as the meeting was coming to a close, Enigma entered the room.


    ˝ //\==⁠/\\ ˝

˝ <(✿≖﹏≖;)>˝ *Scared*

"Enigma, what happened?" Corty got out of her seat in a hurry.

 As Corty was trying her best to calm Enigma down, while the other members were leaving the room only Onan was still on her seat until a shadow dragged her away.

As all that was happening, I slowly walked over to Enigma and put one of my wings on her back to calm her down while offering her my tail.

     ˝ //\==⁠/\\ ˝

˝ <(✿≖﹏≖;)>˝ *Awawawa!*

"Ms. Midnight, what are you doing?" Enigma was puzzled.

"Offering something fluffy to calm a fellow kitsune down?" I tilted my head.


✨️(✿⌒ᆺ⌒)✨️ Fluffy~ Fluffy~

She was happily hugging my tail for half an hour until Corty decided to interrupt her.

"Have you calmed down now? Can you tell us what happened?" Corty asked in a hurry, not minding Enigma's grumpy stare. She was extremely eager to obtain the information, willing to trample over Enigma's traumatized mind.


“(⁠⁠⁠✿๑>﹏<๑)” The floof!!!

Enigma was angry with Corty for interrupting her, but nonetheless, she answered.

I rubbed her back, reassuring her. Her holster, carrying her cult book of Floofiness, kept getting in the way. My hand kept bumping into it awkwardly. 

Ugh. The leather was so in the way of her soft fluff.

"I found Anon in the vent while I was going back to my den of fluff, but something wasn't right with him." Enigma was slowly beginning to panic again, but I calmed her down with my tail.

   ˝ //\==⁠/\\ ˝

˝ <(✿≖﹏≖;)>˝ *Awawawa!*

"Ms. Midnight, stop tempting me," Enigma became flustered, so I stopped teasing her for the time being.

"Is that a Rasengan?" quagma said, eyes glazed. Perhaps they were looking through one of their clones.

"Where was I? Right!" She exclaimed. "Anon wasn't breathing, and his heart had also stopped beating, so I went to the nurse's office only to find out he was already dead. I, uhm, checked in on him today. Thought he'd be alive… but he wasn't." Enigma started crying, frightened of what that entails.

Corty was enraged. It didn't show on her face, but her eyes said it clearly.

Quagma disappeared in a flash of anime sparkles.

They disappeared everywhere in a flash of anime sparkles.

This chapter was done by TheMonotonePuppet & MidnightFox!